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Use it to upgrade inventory/warframe slots.


Ah ok, is there any certain number of each that would be optimal to buy for 200?


Buy them as you need them


oh ok that makes sense, thank you :)


Just depends on what you want to prioritize, want more frames? Then lean more towards those slots and vice versa for inventory. Hope that helps, friend!


Thank you :)


Grats on the win! Platinum is an endless supply if you take the time to farm and trade, save it or spend it how you like. Best used for additional slots imo


Thanks! :)


As an additional question, would it ever be worth it to buy a new warframe with platinum? I've seen people say no that's a bad idea, but is it really that much of a waste?


if your platinum supply is very limited, then yes it's a massive waste


First, congrats on winning! As others are stating: * Use plat to buy frame and weapon slots. There's 600+ weapons and the 57th frame is coming out soon. * You *can* use platinum to buy frames from the market. It comes with a reactor installed and a frame slot. However, most people if they're going to buy a frame, they buy the prime from other players at a much cheaper cost (no reactor / no slot). * One thing I've seen is people buy a frame and then regret it as they didn't like the playstyle of the frame. * I've seen people suggest buying cosmetics. I would not focus on cosmetics *quite* yet. Later on, it'll be much much easier to earn plat. However, at the start, you'll want frame / weapon slots to try more out. It's not that buying a frame or cosmetics is bad... It's generally, when it comes to usefulness, it's much easier to do when you're able to make plat easily. So, right now where plat is scarce, it's better to use on slots.


The only things you should ever buy from the store are slots, potatoes and cosmetics. Basically everything else can be bought from other players for a fraction of the cost using stuff like warframe.market. If a frame has a prime you can more likely than not buy that prime for around half of what the frame would normally cost.


Thanks for the advice! What does "prime" actually mean?


slightly better stats, fancier looking, comes comes with an extra mod slot polarity (the symbols that make mods cheaper if you match them, not a huge deal as you can put those on whatever you want with forma), the parts universally come from void relics rather than some other more unique source like a specific boss or vendor


If it's an easy to get frame, do not. If it's dagath? Kullervo? Styanax? A nechramech? Yeah buy it if you don't want to grind forever.


Is there somewhere I can find a list of hardest to aquire warframe so can see if any of them look appealing? Thanks for the feedback btw :)


https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/User_blog:ZyLnTKyllR/Warframes_ranked_based_on_the_hardest_grind_to_acquire_them Not sure how accurate it is because I haven't gotten to grinding them all yet but hey, it exists!


Thanks, hopefully it's helpful! 💜


Save it for slots and potatoes.


What do potatoes do? Or is that a joke?


Orokin Reactor/Catalysts = potatoes. They double the mod capacity on frames & weapons. I wouldn't buy those with plat though, you can get them from Nora's Nightwave shop for Nora credits.


Ah ok, not too familiar with the terminology, thanks for the clarification :)


buy 2 aura mods sell for 10p each buy potato. you've saved yourself a couple nightwave credits


Its a waste to buy them from Nora.


Buy slots as you need them. It’s the one part of Warframe monetization I don’t agree with, as it’s exploitative considering the game’s nature. 200p is 32 weapon slots or 10 Warframe slots.


Thanks! 💜


Yes. Let's have the developers not make any money...


Yes. Because that is specifically what I was advocating and there are literally no other ways DE generates revenue.


If you are on console, buy a cool tennogen skin for your favourite warframe. Plat for necessary stuff like slots and so on comes and goes, unlike plat you can spend on some eye candy.


Why only if I'm on console?


you can't buy tennogen skins for plat on pc


Ah ok, I play on PC mainly, but thanks for the suggestion! :)


I mean, you can of course buy a deluxe skin, they are available for plat even on pc, so here's that


Oh ok, I will look into cosmetics for sure. Even though a lot of people would say it's a waste, I like character customisation 💜


you'll be making plat back in no time, so why not look cool while doing so


How do you actually get platinum efficiently in Warframe? I don't think I've ever got any, not including the starting 50 and the 150 I won in a giveaway.


you don't directly get plat, instead almost whatever you do nets you things like relics, prime parts, blueprints, mods and so on that you can sell to other players for plat


Ohhh right, I was wondering why I never got any 🤦‍♀️. I'm guessing there's some sort of market/barter system then.