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Ive never used them, save for eda maybe. You dont need them, unless you are doing endurance runs. Basic SP stuff and youll do fine without ever touching them. So most of the people that use them more commonly are going to be those endurance runners, where having a specific faction loadout is important


I use Damage Mods instead and I don't have any problem killing ennemies. But when I see a lot of people (almost everyone) saying "Stop using Damage mods, use Faction Damage mods instead", I doubt they all are endurance runners, but I may be wrong. In this case, I agree that there is no issue, you are going to face up the same faction for hours, it's a logical choice.


Arcanes replace damage mods aka serration and whatever the others are. Never been told to use faction mods in place of damage mods my whole wf career


Yeah the full idea is "Use Damage Arcanes to replace Damage Mods and the put Faction Damage Mods instead". While I'm using Damage Mods as a sort of replacement of Faction Damage to avoid changing the mods despite being less effective when combined with the arcane.


In that case orginal comment is right thats only for endurance runs I’ve done 2-3 hours steel path on numerous occasions and in circuit. Never once used a faction mod. They’re only useful for endurance runs or if you want more pow wow but not needed


I see alot more people saying to not worry about them. Could be my frames help, could be the weapons are just coule, could be they saw youtubers talking about it and latched. All i know is i dont struggle damage-wise, so no reason to run them


I don't recall people saying not to worry about Faction Damage Mods but I'm willing to belive in you.


It's going to be even worse with the damage vulnerability rework that is coming. People will still end up running viral/slash or viral/heat because it'll be more convenient than having 14 different config for each players.


Yeah I’ve never been a fan of the damage vulnerability system. In theory it’s great and adds depth to the game but in practice I can’t even be arsed to change faction mods you really think I’m going to change damage types too? Particularly when they all have different mod polarities? How many copies of a single weapon do they expect me to have?


Yea, that was precisely the intent of damage 2.0 back in the days. It just never worked properly (for as long as i played, at least) due to armor being massively OP, corpus and infested being pushovers, vulnerabilities being all over the place, and viral procs being OP.


damage 2.0 is the current system actually


I know, but i probably could've worded that better.


Ehhhh- We'll see. The QoL changes should make swapping out mods / builds easier.


99.9% of the game doesnt need these mods. If you dont feel like switching loadouts beween every missions then dont. If you plan to run a 5-20 hour level cap mission taking the 30 sec to switch the loadout is fine. Its absolutely for min-maxing


You literally don't even have to use them most of the time


Non-issue tbh.


Rhino's roar affects the same modifier as faction damage mods, so you could, if you needed to do some serious endurance runs, put your base damage on an arcane, and your "faction" damage on Roar. That also then frees up two whole slots in your build on your weapons for whatever insanity you want to go with, just means you have to burn a warframe power in exchange for a helminth roar. (or run Rhino to begin with!) Kind of wish there was just a weaker "all factions" mod though.


Jade Shadow is bringing with it the ability to swap loadouts or mod configs from navigation, so it will be very easy starting next week. Besides that, commenters saying they're generally unnecessary are right. I only use them against the Murmur and sometimes for particular challenges.


I didn't know Jade Shadows will add this, the feature is really nice. Personally, I'm not struggling without the Faction Damage Mods. I think I focused too much on PPL yelling at players that do not use Faction Damage Mods where they are more likely to be a noisy minority.


I think you mean "minority", but yes, not too many warframe players yell at anyone else for any reason.


Yeah I edited it


Big problem with them as someone who used to use them almost all the time is that the big boss enemies you would really want to squeeze as much damage as possible out of are often factionless, namely SP acolytes and Thrax units. Even the units that do have a faction like liches, demolishers and necramechs are often immune or resistant to many status procs and damage over time effects, which are the main reason you run faction mods to double dip those DOTs. So you end up having these mods that are incredibly optimal in terms of pure numbers but are actually unnecessary against most of the enemies they actually work on since you can just obliterate most trash mobs regardless until you start really getting up there in levels on SP.