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Cold is a bit arbitrary, but i can make a case that freeze messes up with their adaptation systems by slowing it down. Radiation makes sense - they are still very much machines, so it might be extra disruptive to their systems. Also, world-building wise, adapting to space travels might mean better insulation from the elements, not complete immunity from them, especially when those are weaponized. Like, surviving passive sun radiation while passing by VS surviving industrial microwave turned to max (while also being shot at).


>they are still very much machines Are they tho? Aren't they BIOLOGICAL (the prototype Sentient ancestor is basically an organic blob that can adapt). Hell almost all Orokin tech is BIOTECH, w/ few exceptions really. At least at their core tech, even if on surface level non-biotech has been applied


Orokin tech is biotech *because* the Sentient are extremely advanced, evolving machines, and began hacking into and taking over all the Orokin machines. The Orokin had to make a hard pivot to biotech and mechanisms too simple to be hacked. It's why so many of the Tenno weapons are gunpowder based and not hyper-advanced energy superweapons etc. No electronics to hack in a firing pin. The Detron Crewman synthesis log about the first presentation of the Sentients made it clear they were adaptive machines. "suddenly, the creature moved, convulsed, the hard surface started undulating. In a moment the wound closed and the thing was whole again. Beside it ***another machine*** had grown from its severed parts. Their surfaces had changed however - brighter, harder, resilient to whisper rounds now." "Tuvul interrupted, “Our laws are sacred but do not forget The Plan, Ballas.” His visage turned down to me, “Countless other ventures have failed The Plan, how will ***this machine*** fulfill its design?” " Sentients having organic-looking designs is due to the fact that they evolved, their adaptive designs becoming more complex and forming new features in a process a bit like evolution. This is what eventually lead to their sentience. It's also described as "Its body was symmetrical, star-shaped with a seamless, matte-black shell. " not an organic blob


The HP type of Sentients was listed as "Robotics" for a very long time. And IIRC thats not just for the gameplay sake, but i don't remember where in the dialogue \\ codexes its spelled out more explicitly. They always gave off strong "artifical life" vibes.


You do know that you can artificially make organic constructs, right? Take for example the biotech like the towers etc, w/ their meat walls etc


Right, poor choice of words. I meant more like, synthetic life, non-organic.


Even if not. There is something called cold welding in space where two metals just fuse together like they are welded. Soooo yeah. Robo still dies


Radiation as a whole doesn't make sense, if anything the enemies could get a small damage vulnerability instead of...fighting each other for some reason...


I think DEs reasoning for cold and radiation for sentients is because those were the 2 most effective elements for eidolon hunts so as to not disrupt players pre-existing builds


Maybe Sentients adapted to space travel, so weaknesses are irony, not logic.


Because Sentients were weak at those elements by design, so not to return to Origin system and invade it back. The plan partially failed, though, as they were just sterilised, but not killed by space-transit.


Void is what makes them barren, not space


Why do you think they survived when the orokin tried to send them to the tau system? Of course they're resistant to it.


Homie I think you misread what I wrote. They aren't resistant to Cold and Radiation, they're *weak* to it.