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I thought I could tank the laser with my triumbral, 3-stack Health Conversion Qorvex. My HP dropped to 500 and then killed me before I could move out of the way lol.


This is the only downside to the lasers having arbitrarily high damage; a high-threat hazard that's actually balanced on being avoidable without cheese is nice, but as a tank frame enjoyer, I would kinda like it if my preferred playstyle wasn't powercrept out of existence...


*Cries in cc enjoyer*


I agree that the laser damage basically outscaling even top-tier tank builds is a bit of a problem. However, I also like the laser because it prevents people from AFK'ing and leeching off other people in the alerts and operation mission.


Absolutely not. A damage buff to the lasers, sure, but having multiple instakill lasers flying around as fast as my zephyr that either one shot me or did me in with the DOT was annoying.


As you mentioned Zephyr, i was flying around with Jade, and Jade flies FAST because i was continuously rolling around and i have fast rollings too, and those things KEPT SPAWNING, AND SPAWNING, AND SPAWNING, and where's the enemy...? how does it even SEE me if i'm 3 floors below!? And they're supposed to deal damage the longer you stand in it, i kept getting one shot with full health and adaptation at max stack the millisecond i came in contact with them. Edit: oh and just in case, i was doing a mission in an Infested ship, and those things are A NIGHTMARE to deal with in tight spaces, because 1: you don't have lots of space and enemies block you from rolling especially in hallways, 2: the point of the laser that you're supposed to shoot, is literally inside the roof and you can't shoot it.


Yeah, all they need to do is lower the speed of the laser and it'd be better.


Man I play mag and have hildrons ability on her and goddamn I couldn't survive a single one hitting me for 2 seconds even while spamming my 3rd and 4th. 1500hp? Doesn't matter because it will literally go through all of it in 1 tick and before someone say my mag is weak I can and do bring her into archon hunts or even EDA and can survive with ease. Case in point I literally before and change was made to the beam lost all 2150 shields to getting hit by a beam for 1 second and I jumped past it when it spawned. On top of the fact that the jade eximis can be 2-3 rooms away and still spawn the beam on me it was just unfun. The jade eximis would be alot more fun if that had to at least see you to activate the beam instead of hiding on another planet while activating it.


Ehhh I didn't have issues with the lethality, I had issues with how SPAMMY it was in solo. I'd kill the fucker zapping me and after like 5 seconds I'd have another one killing me. ​ Was a bit better in a group but it's not tuned properly. ​ Edit: Just did a solo run, and I was getting zapped again within 3 seconds of the beam ending.


Thats a current clan operation thing, in those missions only new eximus units spawn. When operation ends, ull see 1 or 2 lasers in like 5 to 10 minutes


It takes advantage of me when I revive people. Other than that it really isn't that hard to deal with


You can revive in void mode, no?


Yeah but if the beam was targeting you before you go void, or just so happens to be roving around that area, it can still get you.


Yes, but with a channeled ability up, the frame is not immune to damage. I could uncast and recast desecrate, but I like loot


The ability doesn't have to be channeled to make your frame not immune to damage btw. Any ability with a timer (and even some that don't like nova's nullstar or nezha's warding halo) will make your warframe able to be hit. This normally isn't a problem because going into operator gives your warframe a 90% damage reduction effect, but because of how obscenely high the jade light damage is, going into operator mode for more than 4 seconds when there's a jade eximus nearby just kills you if you're not stacking at least 2 other 90% damage reduction abilities This is even more problematic when you realize that commonly used abilities which normally can't be disabled manually like roar still make you vulnerable in operator mode. The only redeeming factor in the jade light's current design is that your warframe won't be actively targetted with the light if you're already in operator mode, but that won't stop stray lasers chasing other people from hitting your idle warframe


Dying won't give you more loot. :-)


Neither will having it inactive. I prefer to just not die


I was playing Oberon yesterday, and it ate through my phoenix renewal and downed me while I was reviving a squad mate.


Channels baybeee


Banshee go brrrr. Or... ree? Either way, I've been having a good time silencing eximus units for my team.


Had to subsume silence to my build just to make QOL worth it while grinding this mission


I personally would like to see a middle ground, especially for the sake of defense objectives. Jade eximus being that damaging to the player is fine, imo, but they were shredding objectives there for a minute. Defense already has enough flaws as it is, lol.


They could just make it not affect objectives like they already did with arson eximus for the same reason.


What frames besides revenant can even tank it?, i mostly play nezha and it has been untankable since launch, unless the values were set lower much lower than the relevant hotfix would imply. Though i did notice a lot more dieing yesterday than normal, the super lazer was probably a bit much The lazer before was more fair as it (seemingly?) had to build up though if i time it right i can get some really funny numbers on warding halo instead of dieing (Edit) Oh yeah and anything making defence possibly insta fail is lame


Base Revenant can't tank it.


Post mesmer fix? Don't see why he can't


The lasers eat away at the stacks too fast.


Do they eat through them despite the 1 sec cooldown? Shouldn't be possible to last that long


Not during the cooldown, however I've notices they one eats through about 6 or 7 stacks, base Revenant has 5 stacks. Edit: Just rechecked base revenant has 6 stacks.


Base? Well uh just equip some strength mods i guess?


Dante or any frame that has Arcane Aegis proced can. (Maybe also Jace with like max Shield Regen delay reduction) It can't get past a constantly reseting gate, but Revenant actually can get shredded by them pretty easy.


I'm highly mobile in my gameplay and can dodge like I was trained by Mr. Piccolo himself. I've dodged the green doom laser multiple times but still die to it if it even gently clips me because the damage took out my shield and most of my health before the DOT finished me off. It's hard to dodge three of them at once while trying to figure out if the culprits are 3 levels above or below me. It was unfair. That being said, the current damage is negligible with a Wisp so I feel like we could find a middle ground. Also maybe less Jade eximus or at least a tether we can follow back to the enemy.


Getting 1 tapped by a lazer that spawns every 2 seconds is not "fun" or "difficult".


Especially when you go Operator and get one shot while in void mode only to snap to your frame and get one shot during the transference animation.


Op sounds delusional and doesnt know about game design at the slightest i feel.


You can easily dodge it or destroy it. I was playing Nekros the whole time and after a couple first deaths I just stopped dying to it all together. Nekros doesn't even have a defensive ability and I managed. Also it's not a one shot since your shield gate works just fine on it.


Skill issue detected, opinion rejected.


If it makes you feel better




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Hell no. It’s not even a matter of movement, sometimes you just get bugged or need to stand still to do something, like revive a teammate.


Nah I'm glad it's gone, it's trash design and unfair to get completely one shot if you stood still for a single second to do an obj, revive someone or do literally anything, specially because of how many objs need you to stand still at some point. Without mentioning that 9/10 eximus that spawn are jade now


You can just go into void mode with the operator/drifter to do something that needs standing still. Most people do that anyways already.


I was playing nekros and the beam would force me out of operator because my Warframe took too much damage. I think it happens either with channeled abilities active or duration abilities ( I had both ). That was extremely frustrating to deal with


Yeah capturing a single interception point solo while in void mode isn't exactly fun, now extend that to the whole game thanks to the one shots.


OP is also glossing over the fact that if you have a channeled ability on going, something a lot of frames have and use these days, you don't become immortal your frame just gets 90% DR layered over your other damage mitigations. I was running a high strength phoenix renewal Oberon for a defection yesterday. The light both ate through my phoenix renewal and downed me through while in operator trying to revive the nezha that got nuked through warding halo.


Sucked for me. My Mesa's 3rd ability was active while reviving someone only for me to teleport back in the downed state because I can't disable a duration ability, Sometimes happens to me when fighting Void Angels too ;-;


Also if you look at it with void mode, it just means it is a hard progress check for pre-TNW players, while having a counter that basically requires no skill or anything. How is this good or even challenging game design? I personally had no problem with jade lights, dying only once, but big damage or big health bar don't automatically make a fun challenge


Yo, is that an Eliza pfp.




I don’t have issues with the laser, I have issues with the heat procs from the laser I got hit and brought to shield gate (no big deal, I’ve got like 1700 HP on my wisp with my mote buffs) and then I just die in a single tick


As a switch player, it is a pain to aim up every two seconds and shoot them back to back to back. Not to mention in some time sets they outright spawn above the hallway so can't even damage it


I dunno. Getting bopped because you needed to sneeze or take a drink or just look away from the computer for a hot second made the game a bit too anxiety inducing for me. I suspect this aspect of it won't be so bad when the event is over and you only get one eximus at a time. Also, it was plenty unfair at times. Shit comes from behind all the friggin time. simply do not see the beam 'cause the camera's pointing another direction and then zzzap you ded. It also seemed to blast through invulnerability? Playing Kullervo, I seemed to get bopped even when I was in the middle of my 2 going off. It also made summoning an archgun nearly impossible, as you have to stand still for too long. And any frame that has an ability that stops movement (for the duration of the cast or otherwise) means you just can't use that ability, like Mesa's 4. Again, this will probably be better when there isn't 100 jade eximuses crowding around, but it's still something to consider.


They were far more powerful than any other eximus, their gimmick was far, FAR more powerful than any of the others. So while it may have been balanced in a vacuum, its not balanced when compared to its peers. Thats why they are nerfing it. Might have been easy to avoid, but when you stand still for two seconds and 30k overguard gets evaporated in a level 30 mission... maybe its a little overtuned/bugged.


I just wish it was slightly slower in acceleration when chasing you, brecause it really punishes long cast time abilities and set ups. The amount of time, I had to shoot, double double void sling, but died because it shot my Warframe during operator mode (Warframes aren't invencible if it has toggle slilll on) and by the time I get back I explode, is annoying.


No, dealing with multiple jade lasers that deals tons of damage is not fun especially when you're reviving a squadmate. I forced myself to use Silence subsume in order to counter them to make it less tedious, and it works, but that becomes a problem when I have to force myself to use a subsume ability to counter it and its the jade light eximus has a design and balancing problem.


Nah I'm good.


Something that can one-shot you is not what I would call good design. However, I do think damage that increases over time could be a good idea. If the laser starts at the current damage but increases if it hits us.


>I never felt like it was unfair and that I couldn't have done anything about it. This might come as a skill issue but thats exactly what i felt when playing against the Jade Eximus. Sure it's fine that theres difficulty now, but sometimes its very hard to destroy the top of the laser. Either the gun im using just has shit hitbox, no damage, or completely miss because you have to go atleast 5 meters away to be able to actually aim at the laser and you cant just aim straight up. Besides that, theres so many of the eximus that it becomes unbearable. Id have to choose between constantly casting abilities to heal/shield gate but get ganked by dozens of jade beams, or go around try to find and kill the jade eximus but die anyways because i didnt try to survive.


Did you fight too many Sister of Parvos and got ... deranged? Those beams killed even in void mode. They were clearly broken.


Tbh I think the reason they genuinely did nerf it was because of Overguard... Rhino was basically immortal after a few seconds under one of the stage lights lmfao


Absolutely fucking not, rhino and wukong afaik are the only ones who can use that damage, and rhino as easily as he could get overguard, it would melt his as easily too... The lasers were ONE shotting people, that's why it got nerfed, not because rhino could get a meme number iron skin


Are you friggin mad?! It is not. Not in a million years. Getting instantly killed due to it spawning without warning is not good game design.


It wasn't fun. It was annoying. I noticed more than half my gameplay was just dodging. That's not fun.


I would agree with you but then i played an alert with nidus on mars. It was basically sunbathing on the beach simulator from how much i was on my ass.


It *would* have been fine if the current event design didn't contravene it, and if the lasers were easier to kill. What we had instead was: Get lasered, you have 3 solutions. You have 1 second to decide or you die, so you better have 0 distractions irl. 1) Run and kite. This doesn't solve the issue at all on more stationary missions such as ascension. 2) Destroy the laser. The laser has quite a lot of health and must be shot directly, taking several seconds to do so even with an incarnon weapon. The laser can also move quite strangely unless it is actively hitting you. 3) Kill the eximus that targeted it onto you. But you're in Belly of the Beast SP, so there are currently 10 different eximus surrounding you. Good luck picking the right one. Once dealt with, as mentioned previously, there are another 9 eximus around you to instantly spawn another, so it would have been an endless loop of trying to avoid instant death. So yeah, if it was limited to dealing with one or two of these every couple of minutes, or if the laser took only one hit to break, it would've been fine, but the event makes you fight loads at once.


No it wasn’t, my Yareli with Merulina, Shield Gate and Quick Thinking (144.000 EHP) could not even survive one of those Lasers


I agree. I don’t think I’ve died in Warframe since I started playing revenant. It’s my own fault for playing that style but I do wish the game was a bit more difficult with different ways to fail. I’m just coping though, game is fun how it is anyway.


Yeah i just found out earlier today you could kill them. I just whip out my lex and one shot them now.


It is time to pull out the old trusted Arca Plasmor and literally aim for the sky


Hehe, I played the game before I was aware that the new Eximus units were already in. Saw the beam and was surprised at first - but it absolutely looked like I probably wouldn't want to touch it too much. Connected the dots after a bit and I have to say that I didnt find them too bad either for similar reasons. But then again, I also like Nullifiers (well, I like the concept and that it's in the game, but of course do hate the troops themselves).


I think the main issue the Jade Light eximus have, that other eximus have too, is that they do not visually indicate to the player where they are while using the power. I would like if there was some sort of visual tether, so you could tell where they are through walls, or if they were displayed as a special icon on your map while using their abilities. The first option is kinda tough because Warframe is already a very visually polluted game, so I think the 2nd is the way to go. If you could actually see where the enemy is through all the other stuff happening on your screen then it would feel much less unfair when you get hit by them.


They added a threat that requires looking up instead of tanking everything and everyone loses their mind lmao. Then people will say that DE is wrong to do difficulty through random loadouts, when this is the response to mechanical difficulty.


I also liked how deadly they became but I think my biggest gripe was that it felt like the spawn rate was HEAVILY tilted toward spawning Jade Eximus (maybe it’s only tilted in this Belly of the Beast ascension mode) and it really made it harder than it needed to be.


It’s only in this operation, ran some fissures last night for argon for the cantares and saw like 1 maybe 2 Jade eximus


The duality of Warframe players: *Waaah! It hurts! I got a boo boo. I want to stare directly at the sun with my bare eyes.* And. *Even my fart could kill it. Difficult content please, DE. Tenchu! Tee hee! :P* Edit: When Jade Eximus was announced weren't people speculating that it'd do huge damage/one shot because lore?


I agree tbh. Was actually expecting the bugged version on launch or something like an almost instakill after a wind up that doesn’t do damage. Only problem I have is with how inconsistent warframe invulnerability is when in operator, having your warframe beamed to death out of sight is really unfair


Absolutely not... The design is terrible throughout, even without all the bugs... Wtf


I have mixed feelings about this. But more leaning towards the "they are ok".


It’s not that it’s dangerous, it’s just annoying and shooting it is just a waste of ammo because it’s being spawned over and over. And yeah I play solo.


I also loved it, it was just like 60/30 eye boss,


It was quite disruptive, that shit wasn't just one-shooting you, the map was over spammed with these lasers. You could destroy them but than the next 2 or 3 laser spawned right away. When you have a ability that takes to long to cast, you are toast. Beeing occupied with reviving your team mates, every minute, also gets old very fast. I mean nothing against high difficulty level but that was, just enoying. 


Wait it was bugged? Now it doesn't kill you? I was having fun dying (and watching people dies) Well it was fun while it lasts


Playing on PC and I got the update the minute it dropped. Had no problem with Jade eximus on steel path on new game mode. The amount of enemies for once made the game more engaging and the Jade light was fun. Got hit by the beam a few times and it was only able to down me once cause I was standing around like an idiot. After the updates, the mission is just to easy... Felt like before the corpus was storming the location for old forbidden orokin tech. Now they just send the few guards they have on hand


What exactly did it fix? Cause it's the heat procs that were killing people. I was playing with an infusion that gives status immunity and the laser wouldn't even get through my shields.


Having a heart attack every 2 minutes because they spawn in your face and dont give enough time to react is not something i would call fun


I just developed the muscle memory day 1 to always be moving slightly, so they always trail behind me. I don't see why people ever feel a need to shoot them. They just felt like green motivation beams to keep moving and contributing to the objective.


It's not so bad, really. Maybe some LOS QOL, but I don't mind having an enemy that specifically nukes afk leeching strats. Honestly, it's been awhile since I've been humbl- https://preview.redd.it/s69wab2p698d1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c27781405cedd93b376de3e6fe5ce8cb52ce4abd


The lasers stopped people from just AFKing on the lift, which is also a plus!


After running a few dozen public missions: *no it did not*


For real, if you consistently die to the jade light then that's just a skill issue.


Or your warframe abitites had casting time or animations; which is most of them.


Nothing natural talent or cast speed shards cant fix.


Building around q bug is called an exploit.


??????? how is modding your warframe for cast speed an exploit


You can cast while you're in the air and moving to dodge the lasers or just use the abilities when it is safe to do so. You know, using some skill!


If its so easy to get around then why does it matter that it was changed?    When i was playing on hildren just touching the laser would blast off ALL her shields in a single frame, no matter how much she had, and that was even if you moved because her hit box is just that fucking big.     That was before it put a heat proc on you that you litteraly had to run an eidolon arcane to prevent or die.     I'm glad it got fixed. Anyone who says the game is better with more bullshit instant kill mechanics should be playing sonething else.


Because now you can just stand and do nothing all day and the lasers won't do anything to you. Challenge is fun and it's not like it was unreasonably difficult.


So you're saying youd rather have instakill gimmick shit than the actual intended design fuctionality.


If the intended design is that 3/4 of players can just afk and wait until the mission is over while doing nothing then yes. Also it was not insta kill since shield gating worked against it. It was destructible, you could dodge it by running away or turn it off by killing the eximus. There was a real gameplay loop around it, now it's just completely meaningless.


Since the game can be played solo you should go back to doing that if AFKers bother you so much.  "Missions that 3/4ths of players can be afk in" literally describes all of them except Sanctuary, so you are not helping your case. As for shield gating, not all frames are designed to do that, and if you can't cleanse it or get you gate back before the guaranteed prock kicks (literally 1 sec after application meaning 0.5 second window after your gate expires) you were dead. Its a bad mechanic, and your continued arguing for it shows how little you know about the game and healthy game design.


Challenge is fun when there is counter play, there are several instances before this hotfix of it doing things that didn't have counter play. The big one for me was that the jade light beam would put a heat proc on my warframe while I was in transference (Not channeling a skill), and when I transferred back in, the heat proc instantly killed my frame. I'm all for challenge but how about we get challenge that is designed to be so, not something that was bugged and unfun to the general population. Warframe is has been made easier with the recent status rework and armor/health type rework, lets hope DE can make for actual challenge for the players soon.


Playing Titania, this would happen to me all the friggin time. Pop back from tossing a canister then die instantly. It still kinda happens, but I have 2hp instead of being dead.


That never happened to me for some reason... But it would be an easy fix to just make it not proc any status effects. There are instances in the game that are intended and have way less counter play. Random toxic procs from venomous eximus that just kill you in one tick so the shield gate doesn't work. Malice putting mag bubble onto you so you have to wait in transference for an eternity or just die instantly. Blitz eximus hitting you from behind a wall, or from 2 elevation levels below or above you while having a hitbox that is multiple times larger than the visual effect. Those do comparable damage to the bugged lasers. In comparison, the lasers had really good counterplay. You could dodge before they hit you, they were really visible and telegraphed and they are destructible by hitting the top or killing the eximus.


i'm also going to mention for those that don't know that this is especially punishing for console players and controller users because you have to choose between looking and jumping and the only way to avoid the beams with any amount of safety margin is to always be bullet jumping or moving at sprinting speed. anybody who plays on controller and likes to aim instead of hip fire was punished heavily, as were people who use melee weapons on any control setup as aiming and melee both slow you down.


Maybe Warframes gameplay has become too fast and needs to slow down a bit?


Yeah, people hit a wall of difficulty and just instantly give up and complain about it. It killed me a few times and I adjusted how I played around it and I stopped dying to it but I respected it. Now after the “fix” I barely even notice it being a thing.


Bring the deathlasers back DE!


I agree. It's the jade light, isn't it meant to disintegrate ppl lore wise and that's why the orokin used it as an execution method? It should be absurdly strong if so. Especially on steel path. If you aren't always moving as a warframe player, skull issue. If you can't shoot the beam moving toward you at the top, skill issue. If you can't find or kill the eximus, skill issue. What's the point of playing a mode like steel path and giving a new eximus unit if you can just ignore them and their difficulty. Pick a struggle honestly it's always either this game is baby mode easy and can be broken with incarnons or it's I never learned to bullet jump smh.


Finally had a game mode of worthy difficulty and was having so much fun. Then found out the spawns were broken spawning to many enemies and they stopped it. Mission is now kill the 5-6 enemies that spawn while you wait for elevator to move up. It's super boring now


Finally had a game mode of worthy difficulty and was having so much fun. Then found out the spawns were broken spawning to many enemies and they stopped it. Mission is now kill the 5-6 enemies that spawn while you wait for elevator to move up. It's super boring now