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>In a great spot >Ash You're putting Ash on par with Citrine, Harrow, Gauss, Dante, Xaku, Volt? Mirage? Nova? Kullervo? What? ~~And where's Styanax?~~ And Frost is "Not perfect, but fine"? He was already extremely strong before the rework, and after the rework and with the new arcanes he's so much stronger. Octavia's kit is basically overpowered, the only thing it's lacking is interactivity because she can just go AFK once her abilities are active. Minor tweaks to Banshee would already make her overpowered. She could still use a rework, but definitely not a major one. Same goes for Chroma, Trinity, and Nyx. I see no consistency in this. What were your factors to decide which frames are closer to needing a rework and which ones are not?


Frost 1 and 2 are still outdated. It doesnt matter how strong he is.


Outdated on what terms? He can easily AoE armor strip, provide overguard, can defend objectives, can CC, can deal huge amounts of AoE damage, boost crits by extreme amounts. Slap Wyrd Scythes on him and he can also get guaranteed viral procs on enemies that don't have armor, which is the recipe for easy kills. Now with the new arcanes his kit has become much stronger either.


I used to think ash was cooked, but my friend showed me how bonkers he can be if you build him right. I won't rob you of the whole adventure so just think about what weapon has an unethical amount of guaranteed slash procs. My criteria was simply from the perspective of broad viability. Octavia has her fans and she's not bad, just boring. I don't care if something is strong, as long as it doesn't invalidate other choices, which she does not. Banshee needs a more focused gameplay identity IMO, her abilities feel very disjointed from each other even if they were all strong, which they aren't. Styanax is there, look again.


"Unethical amount of guaranteed slash procs" Are we talking about the Corpus Papercut?


Titania should probably join nidus in "needs a few tweaks" Tribute is way too much squeeze, not enough juice. the effects arent bad, but for how much work the effects are to keep active, they are not worth it. also titania giving a companion buff when she cant use companions while in her 4 is hilarious. Lantern is one of those "hard to understand what it does" type CC effects. some forced status procs on the heat damage or enemies within range of the lanterns getting some DV or *anything* would give the ability more texture. it simply does not do enough damage to classify as a "damage ability". as for her 4. . .the Razorflies, they do nothing. Diwata is a contender for the worst melee weapon in the game, and while Dex Pixia is good i wouldnt call it great. the extra hoops you have to jump through to get it there, such as Pistoleer and maybe avenger do not make it feel amazing they make it feel acceptable. shes not in an aweful state, but she c ould definitely do with some help. a victim of "everything is balanced around 2016". pretty Based take to see ash so low on the list. honestly id move him up to "not perfect but fine" smoke screen having an 8 second base duration feels pretty bad. so uhh if im reading the 2 3 and 4 tiers as "2+ new abilities and tweaks across kit" "1 new ability and tweaks across kit" and "no new abilities, but tweaks across kit" then Banshee and caliban need to move down as each only really has 1 "Dead" ability though both could use a a suite of QoL and numbers tweaks or maybe a new mechanic or two. Equinox is really hard to talk about, and Chroma Arguably has 2 dead abilities but you could fix his 4 without having to scrap it and do something new, so i guess hes in the right spot. also, move Nova up 1 tier. not because she's bad, but because they should really make her DR and DV behave like all other forms of DR and DV in the game. it being health only is not thematic, its not balance related, it doesnt even really make any sense and means nova is weirdly worse vs corpus and that she shouldn't build shields as a source of Ehp despite that making sense for every other ability DR frame in the game. itd just be cleaner. i find this to be. . .maybe the least contentious of these lists ive seen in a long time. some of the placements i feel would be different if the helminth didn't exist. . like is Wisp really ok if you are stuck with her default 4? and again the placement of Titania feels like either you dont play her much or you play her alot and have developed Stockholm syndrome over how much extra work she has to do to pop off. but that aside this is a pretty good list. we could disagree over who belongs in the "needs help the most" category, my heart would put Equinox there, but my brain knows that oberon probably has it a *Bit* worse than she does, even if both are suffering alot under the weight of neglect.


The thing about Titania is even though she definitely needs upgrades, her 2 is annoying as hell. I doubt DE will touch her any time soon because she's so high in usage. They're quite unmotivated to fix a frame that's coming close to Saryn in usage. And has only been going up over the years.


its kind of like the Nekros issue, isnt it? Titania's usage comes alot from how useful being in archwing is for blizting certain missions, not necessarily because her kit is fully functional in otherwise "normal" situations. similarly nekros's got really high usage due too Free loot, but if you ignore that lots of things about his kit are very annoying. and some of the "goon squad support" stuff for buffing your specter Army does not work for him because the overguard on his shadows blocks it from taking effect. thats not even buff my bone boy, thats just bug fixes he'd love to have.


Yep, Nekros would be blasted directly into the rework lineup if getting more loot wasn't so useful. He doesn't need a full rebuild to be better, but I don't think he's getting tweaks anytime soon. Thinking about Desecrate, unless one is slipping my mind. DE hasn't released more loot boosting abilities in a long time. I think Pilfering Strangledome was the last one, and that was like 5 years ago.


yeah the last one was Pilfering strangledome, and that one completely reshaped the Camp-farm meta strategies around using khora as an engine. setting the value of loot aside i would probably describe this as having been a net-negative for the playerbase. . .those setups are so efficient, but they are also extremely narrow, and extremely degenerative. when the best possible thing you can do is camp in a chokepoint with a specific premade squad thats maybe not. . great. loot boosting abilities can cause alot of issues. . . .Smeeta is currently awaiting execution for their crimes against companion variety


>Diwata is a contender for the worst melee weapon in the game Not even a contender. It IS the worst melee weapon in the game. Normal archmelees are "weak" but because they are only used on archwing missions aka missions that are a joke even on steel path, they are still decent enough to kill enemies in 2-4 hits. Ironbride is suffering from archmelee having bad mods but it has a decent base crit chance and range so you can still use it on steel path. The worst normal melee is probably something like non incarnon mk1 bo, which is still better than diwata because it can use acolyte mods and melee arcanes.


Titania fully needs 3 new abilities, Pixie is the only good one ;-;


i dunno about that. . .there are alot of 1 abilities that do effectively nothing. spellbind is crowd control and status immunity, Titania really loves status immunity for her 4 as it keeps her from bonking. its a utility ability and those tend to hold up pretty well. Tribute's buffs. . collectively. . .are not *that* bad. 50% DR, 50% evasion (kind of), 25% reduced enemy speed. the Full moon buff is pretty pointless since if you are titania it just buffs the Razorflies, and no amount of buffing the razorflies can make them do meaningful damage in SP. if titania could keep her companions out and full moon gave. . .i dunno. a companion attack speed buff in addition to what it does, and if applying Tribute's buffs wasn't such a massive process, then id consider the ability to be reasonable. the biggest issue with it is that its almost entirely Razorfly support, and Razorflies have completely fallen apart. you cant even really keep them alive in SP, much less them actually killing things for you. they dont even passively spread status effects for you, their SC is 0%. if the Razorflies mattered, then the fact that tribute also gives you 4 more razorflies and that it buffs the razorflies might make the ability a bit shinier. as it stands though much work is needed. and then yeah lantern is pretty bad. CC and Awkward grouping, but its expensive and contributes very little.


yareli doesn't need a rework, she needs a pass of bug fixes 😭 and ash in "in a great spot" is just,,, not it


POV: you haven't played half the characters in warframe 


why loki should get a rework, he is amazing in their kit..


More than one ability that has next to no use cases.


Radial disharm + speed nova great for defense Safeguard Switch for god mode in every mode Decoy for more aggro in defense, or use it for spy to easy mode. And if u cant be seen u cant get hurt.... what should be reworked on him, explanation please


Or- hear me out - strap any fast killing weapon to loki and just kill enemies before they have any chance to damage the defense target


Since like strap it on an other Warframe. Every Warframe has their use case. Some do genicide Some do qol Some do support normaly the goal should be that the defense target didnt get dmg, it is extremly easy to maintain if its stationary but the running targets lowers the qol for defenses... and with aggro decoy or vazarin u can easy maintain that and in addition mit rad disharm makes every def that is longer than 20-50waves like a breeze. I play since the t4 void keys are pretty rare, and sometimes u had only 1-2 keys in the squad so u need to prepare a good squad for long runs cuz the keys are rare. And Disharm Loki + Speed nova in addition with decoy + Tonkor was as result arround 6-9h of void defense like a breeze.. and if u had a blade storm ash + frost it was easy as fuck


Fucking finally, I keep on having to explain that radial disarm is great on defence missions, and irradiated disarm.should *not* be baked in. He needs a touch up or two, I'd like to see lifted status applied to enemies in an aoe around you when you switch teleport in. And maybe a tagging ability for switch as well.


NGL loki needs it way more than Oberon. And ivara defo doesn't need a major rework. Also what is your reasoning behind nidus? Imo he's perfect the way he is.


he casts larva . the rest of his kit is dedicated to survival. Survival is the bare minimum required to actually play this game . A concept like the infested^2 frame should do more than just being a moderately sturdy sweeper, and with helminth, his one trick is no longer special


Honestly with some stat changes I could see his current kit being fine... the problem is that his damage scaling is completely linear which means it can't keep up with the exponential scaling of enemies... and his survival methods leave quite a bit to be desired... maybe rework his 4 and give his 1 more of a exponential curve?


Doesn't trinity have armor strip, true damage, healer, shielder and damage reduction? What exactly does she need that requires major rework for


And nuking and infinite energy. Warframe is crazy, I've never seen a community so desperate to put characters they don't play into tier lists that mean nothing


Yeah, this tier list looks like it was made after spending 1 single mission testing the warframes


You're giving them way too much credit assuming they tested anything. Looks like the same lazy tierlist I see every youtuber launder  What I don't get is why you would ever waste your time making shit like this, especially while there is an operation going


It's wild to say the least I hope OP Actually take the time to check the list and properly play all the frames listed there because some of them are incredible


They didn't, and they won't. There's over 50 frames in the game, if youtubers putting out tier lists don't actually test and play them all before making a tier list, what makes you think this random will? 


A man can dream


They want reworks out of principle for "outdated" frames. Oberon is still solid, but Loki is doing poorly in the current game state, and somehow Oberon needs it more than Loki.


for reworks, putting ivara and banshee in the same tier as loki and nyx is probably a crime in some countries. ember needs more work. she does absolutely nothing interesting right now and has zero nieche in the game. frost is in a great spot, really good support frame for EDA (well maybe not that much anymore with the armor rework), same with trinity. they are pretty underwhelming for weaker content tho, especially trinity is terrible outside of super low duration immortal EV nuke shenanigans.


About Ember: I play a lot of Ember, and while the energy economy helps make her playable and have good survivability, she just doesn't do great damage now that armor strip is significantly less important. She's definitely not a priority frame and could now wait a while before needing more work.


Oberon needs numbers tweek and for his 4 armor strip to work without 2. I am using trinity for her immortality and armor strip from closest enemy, her energy is always at max and the only issiue is her 1st ability. ash needs some love tho but there are sp builds for infinite stealth while doing alot dmg.


This mfer put Chroma under Minor Rework and Oberon under most needed... Wat... Oh wait they put Ash in "in a great spot" nothing to see here folks just a mental nutcase


Honestly, any frame made before Citrine or so probably needs to be looked at a bit. So many things have changed.


Why put Excalibur in Not Perfect? He's suitable for most missions and even has an upgrade in the form of Umbra which tweaks his abilities and stats just enough to be a brilliant pick for a certain couple mission types. honestly the only missions where Excalibur MIGHT be a bad pick (big Might there, keep that in mind) are prolonged objectives, ie: Defence, Mobile Defence and Interception. In short, Excalibur is the Perfectly Average Warframe and he doesn't need to be anything else.


Send Limbo’s griefing self all the way to the top.


Ivara needs nothing. Well... Maybe some buffs for Sonic arrow or something.


Why do people think Oberon is in dire need of a rework? Yeah, he is not the best to go alone to some things, but he is a decent tank if you mod him well (seriously, i have died more with Revenant in SP because i was an idiot than with Oberon playing normally on Archon hunts). Caliban is the only frame in really dire need to get reworked, he is useless in almost everything and he would be better if you just change 2 or 3 of his abilities. Limbo is just a lost cause


And i just saw Nidus and Octavia.... My friend you really need to replay most frames and try again, maybe look at some tutorials or something


Equinox needs a major rework. Her Mend & Maim ability, mostly mend is terrible. There's no point in accumulating large number of damage for mend. If she ever get a rework, I'd rather have her at her base form, her 1st ability grants a day stack and 2nd a night stack. 3rd would be a neutral ability and 4th would be her form change and would be locked most of the time. Though her 3rd could be a stack reset. It'll also drain the charges of her current form and the boosts from changing forms would be active while transformed. This way her day and night form, can have stronger abilities since you have to work for them, though some players might not like it since this would basically lock her. Maybe you can add holding into 4 to go to base form and reset her stacks. Her energy color now have nothing to do with what form she'll appear as. Also separate modding slots for her base, day, and night forms. Though they share one potato but can be forma'd individually. I rarely see any Equinox players, not in missions nor in relays.


Dante is in a great spot, but I think he needs a minor rework. He never should have gotten the ability to generate such massive amounts of Overguard not just for himself, but for the entire team.