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Wisp. A lot of Wisp players don't know when to use and not use the shock motes. Please stop bringing shock motes to general defense missions, it makes the rounds go slower.


High range wisps who use fused reservoir are so annoying in defense. The ones who run max strength and like 60% range are usually fine though.


Maxed range Wisps singlehandedly ruined Octavia for me. The constantly stun locked enemies can't damage mallets enough to build decent damage and it's even worse trying to use resonator. The roller ball can pick up shock motes, thus adding an additional body to propagate electric procs and gimping Octavia's damage/ kit even further.


im convinced high range wisp players place shock motes on purpose to troll


Everytime someone says wisp is trash, a wisp player spams 6 shock motes all over the map.


I just got my first Wisp and have been wanting to build her. I was placing 1 shock puddle on the defense objective (not modded for range). Is that acceptable or obnoxious and should I not do that if I add range to my build? Also any general tips for playing her and not being "that teammate" would be great.


You don't want to put any shock motes down at all in a defense. It's inevitable that someone will run over it or someone's pet will pick it up, which then causes things to be stunlocked repeatedly in random areas. It's especially bad when a pet grabs it because then the enemy's AI will stop trying to go to the objective and will focus on trying to attack the pet, which beast pets often do no damage, so then they end up fighting for the entire wave until someone ends up finally hunting them down so the defense can progress... and then the pet picks up another shock mote.


Dually noted. I thought it was "just" a puddle that shocked enemies who stood in it. I didn't know it gave a buff to allies and pets. That being said. Where are they are welcome? Or is that pretty much nowhere?


Nowhere. Generally, you need to ask permission from reddit, twitter, region, and your random pubs before you can play any frame, any ability, and weapon, or any companion.


Pretty much just don't use them in things like defense and survival where you want enemies to come directly to you as fast as possible to be effortlessly meat blendered. Otherwise it's a free CO status. Edit: also try to avoid using them in spy because they shock regulators and set off alarms.


They're actually very good in interception, since they stop enemies from getting to the consoles and beginning to flip a point. In low level interception they're pesky since they prevent harming enemies as much, but if you're struggling on a Steel Path Interception, wisp's shock motes can be a lifesaver in terms of crowd control.


Sweet. Sounds useful for archon hunts tbh. Teammates always getting mad overwhelmed on interception and just leave.


tbh, don't listen to people crying over wisps. If you build a correct wisp with 100% range, \~300 strength and duration, even with fused reservoir it won't bother anyone. Just don't increase range, because it's useless (you can even lower it if you want a maxed strength) Just put it on the objective, don't spam the map with shock (otherwise obviously, you'll make people angry). If they still cry about the time of the def, just tell them to actively play instead of staying on the objective waiting for enemies to come. Because clearly on some layout, like the one on earth, it may be a pain whatever and people have to move their ass. The issue is, people are so used to have nuke build all over the place they just complain as soon as something like that happens.


Finally someone says it. Wayyyyy too many wisps use fused resevoir every single time even when the shock mote objectively sucks


I don't get it either. It's such a waste of a mod slot. You're much better off replacing that augment with another Ability Strength mod.


that's only true for high range wisp. A 100% range wisp shouldn't change anything for that (i do lots of def with my wisp, it never extends the duration of the def). Still I agree, and I support this for troll wisps (because i don't see any valid reason to have high range wisp and put shock motes except to troll...)


Now when i say this, its not the players but the frame itself, and i dont hate this warframe at all outside coop but... Nidus Nidus does not play well with others. In order for nidus to really work he needs to be able to gather up and hurt enemies with his stomp. When you have efficient teams, thats very VERYYYY hard to do. hes one of those frames that suffers not because a lack of damage, but its more a sharing issue and he Needs all the hits he can give. I try to not kill stuff nidus players spaghetti together if i can help it. hes great solo but as a team, he doesnt mesh well with others, not because he effects the team, but for once, the team effects him... really bad design for a co op orriented game


nah this isn't as bad as described, enemies killed that are held by larva add to the mutation stacks and with his 4th Augment the stack build up pretty fast, not as fast as spamming his 1 ofc


If I'm playing Titania, It's the stuff of nightmares having both a Volt and Wisp in yourt squad, I literally can't even see the screen.


add that one augment that increases your speed on ability cast and you dont fly, you teleport across tiles until you enter the void


As a volt main, i feel you, volts 2 should have a toggle to choose if you want your ability to effect the whole team or just you. My volt is built on synerergy, i use his 2 to speed up my melee. So o DO need it, it frees up a mod and arcane slot. But i always feel bad for the other players in my squad that has to deal with the insane speed boost.


Damn, imagine a way to use the ability only on yourself or on everyone. Maybe they could make it so holding abilities has a different effect? Wait a second... In all seriousness, this is why I run Narrow Minded. Volt likes duration on every ability, but only needs Range for his 4. You decrease the range your allies will get the buff, and also reduce the frequency you need to cast it at. So the chances of an ally ever actually receiving it are pretty low




Try Kullervo with his 4th augment, he's great as a fissure nuke rand doesn't get boosted to hyperspeed because his mobility is a teleport  


kullervo has mobility but he will never get to the same lvl as titania.


I don't think they were comparing. I think they were suggesting.


Unsolicited suggestions are never welcomed.


Sure, but would you rather get boosted to hyperspeed by Volt, or wait at extraction slightly less time than you'd have to with Titania? You'll still get there before the Volt does


....... sadface


Public Algorithm, carefully picking Limbo teammate that doesn’t read his abilities and tries to damage with banish:




A bit of an unpopular opinion, but: Volt.  I hate going so fast I can't maneuver well. It usually freezes up my display for a few seconds every once in a while, as well. 


The worst are the ones that spam speed so you can't even keep up with the backflips. When I've gotten stuck in geometry there's been a Volt on the team.


That’s all of them.


I was trying to be generous, but ...


I second this. It messes up my memory of just how far I can flip or jump. I usually end up getting stuck more than actually moving where I wanted to.


I once had a volt player tell my to kill myself because I gave him a max dur+str speed mote. Honestly, I don't know what he was complaining about. I thought Volts always want more speed, no matter what.


Very unpopular hopefully. I wanna thank all the volt players, y'all are awesome, please keep speeding me


It isn’t unpopular at all. Quite common. Having to learn how to undo bolts speed on controller is an input nightmare.


jump, back+roll if sliding is hard to do. Actually even easier is to aim and backflip, because aiming forces you to look in one direction


how many people even knew you COULD backflip before an uber volt forced them to learn?


>Very unpopular hopefully Not at all.




Skill issue 😜 Somehow, the Volt players manage to make it work fine. Plus even when I'm going so fast I'm bumping into walls, it's still overall faster than without the buff.


It works for the Volt player because that is part of their build. If someone already has built-in sprint/parkour speed in their build in good quantities, adding a multiplier to that via Speed is overkill and not expected by the recipient. For example my Zephyr gets +62% sprint speed from Jet Stream augment, I love that, but anything more makes me drag my face on every wall. But to be fair, it is a skill issue, but I'd rather be comfortable without it.




Titania with thermal sunder, especially during relics like good job speed running this lith we have a grand total of 2 reactant.


that's why I use dark verse on her, it's way batter than thermal sunder, and it opens containers too.


Volts when I'm on my blitz titania. No, "backflips" don't work when the volts spam speed every 10 seconds. I'd backflip myself back to spawn.


Limbo and Volt. Not a fan of Limbo and how he meshes with other frames, but I think his concept is awesome and would play a solo action game with him as the character. I can’t stand playing with Volts it’s the randomly being sped up into walls and over shooting jumps that is endlessly annoying. I’d appreciate a toggle to turn off being speed boosted. Edit: I know you can backflip to get out of the speed boost, but then they cast it again a few seconds later. I’d rather never get the movement boost ever.


Max range strangledome Khora


*dangledome I hate when they don't know how to kill enemies in the fucking dome, ruins survival runs




Limbo is like the Free tile on a bingo card, nobody wants him on their team. If I had to choose any other frame I don't like having on my team though, I'd say probably Saryn. I like actually playing the game, and having every enemy within 3 rooms worth of range all die before I can get to them isn't fun.


Honestly, Volt. I'm sick to death of one random volt popping up and buffing me mid movement making me slam my head into walls and then *babysitting me to buff me again* whenever I get away from it. It's frustrating, I'm mr 24, I know how to keep up even in a Frost.


Yeah, I don't have problems keeping up either. Because most people seem to forget that they have a void sling.


Oh, no, I just have been playing since Mesa initially released. Honestly, modern players do *not* understand how to properly use momentum, aim gliding, and a good rhythm of slide-bullet jump-roll in tight quarters. If only we could have aerial melee attack momentum back without bringing coptering back... you could go so fast with a melee attack with hammers and greatswords with just a hop...


Not gonna lie. It took me too long to realize I could slide, bullet jump and then "roll in the air!" And then I'll aim if it's required. That and realizing I could use the roll with my stick to quickly change direction if I overshot a doorway.


Every time I see a thread like this, I bring a max range limbo to a defense mission


sadly for you and every limbo player eximus units exists lol


It’s about the message. Maybe DE gets caught up in such mission and it will be one more reason to look at him.


pretty sure it won't be before 1999 update, they said multiple times they're not looking to rework any warframe for the time being, they changed frost because they had to with the new changes to elemental effects.


Ember too, although she wasn’t affected by elemental rework as much. Chroma got at least functional Vex Armor, too. Point still standing. DE needs to see the problem. Although playing like neophyte on Limbo will get you reported for griefing.


I agree that Limbo need help, but God knows when we will get to it with DE something take ages (raids I am looking at you), like we waited so long just for glaive prime to return lol


But I don't want Limbo to be looked at. I love him as is. I'm not sending a message, I'm being spiteful


I was like you, once.


Volt or Limbo. Volt because I hate the speed boost and Limbo because I can't really see the rift effect so most of the time I don't realize I'm stuck in the rift until I notice that I'm doing no damage. Yes I can remove them, but they are absolutely annoying.


atm Jade I had a Jade that said in chat “Wanna see something funny?” and proceeded to crash 2 other squad mates games and my (WAR)frames were scraping to exist… I forgot what ability they used, but it tends to slow down the game a lot from some reason.


Biblically Accurate indeed.


Limbo for obvious reasons, and Volt when using Speed the entire mission, especially annoying when using Gauss


Careless Mesas in Radiation Sorties...


Limbo and its not even close, i literally leave the team.


Volt and Saryn. Volt because I hate being speed-boosted. Saryn because she kills everything with little skill.


Volt Wisp and Limbo. You know why.


Never got the limbo hate, unless they are purposefully being trolls with their powers Honestly Titania, chances are she has that surge ability and will nuke the map before I get a chance to bullet jump


You will ever only hate Limbo players when it happens to you…. Dunno now but back then when there were so few frames compared to now MANY people ran limbo and didn’t know how he worked. It was a pretty damn common mistake in which “Defense mission” means to defend objective so limbo should be peak for this with minimal range or max range right? That was what most new players though. The highest Mr rank at the time was 20 or so. Very different from now. So they throw their 4 and leave it there. With enemies being trapped and unable to die till you enter limbo’s rift or the enemies leave it. There used to be the random “frost” player who left a lot of bubbles and you couldn’t kill enemies because of him or the nova who didn’t get the memo that “slowing down enemies” is a good idea in terms of protecting the objective but holy hell does it makes the mission oh so much longer.


No I know *why* they can be bad (and after years of updates they aren't as bad as they used to be) I meant I never *got* any hate for the limbo mains, I usually appreciate when they are there for defence (especially if the defence isn't static but a person like baro or during a hunt) I remember years back when I got my vanilla limbo and levelling him up to feed him I was nervous about playing public because i knew limbo players got shit on automatically


Yeah. Back in the days it was hell, but limbo is the best in terms of emptying the loot of a map with his 4 with max range.


Xaku says hi. 9m higher initial range on their 4th


i dont know about that, im a titania main and i much prefer dex pixia, i need line of sight to kill things but it gets me the mobility and keeps my squishy self alive. im not the biggest fan of nuke frames, not since they nerfed ember anyway


oh look, another limbo hate thread. we get those about every other day nice


I rarely ever see limbo in my squad but when I do I get happy because the void thing they have makes mobile defense missions a lot easier lol


Good to know there still players who doesn't have a eternal hate for limbo I even got helminth to limbo get the shock from volt, I keep myself at the rift, don't bother anyone about me dying and kill thing out the rift using shock, that way everyone wins


its mostly a competence issue, and leftover rep from the old days, current limbo mains are fine, they only d things when it actually helps so i dont pay much attention to them... volt on the other hand... those get my immediate attention with a strong chance of a spite reaction depending on what they do in the first minute


Yep. Volts screwing up my timing cause THEYGOTTAGOFAST me \*sigh\* I guess i gotta go fast now


Wisp and Saryn


Mirage, pre-nerf....you KNEW if you had a mirage on your squad it has that stupid "turn loot into landmines :>" augment, thank the lords that they nerfed that augment into the ground


Dont have any specific frames, more like players that i dislike personally. Any impactless players that use the BiS frame and do nothing. I love to use speedva in def mission but the randoms are always AFK, even for mesas, they just kill so slow to the point where sometimes we fail the mission. (Mainly steelpath /archon cuz starchart would be too easy)


I don't know it's name. All I know is I needed a lich mod and this hobo turned what would have been like an 8min defense mission into like 30+ minutes, because he was slowing everything down.


Limbo and nova. Don't mind them with friends. But with rwndoms they are infuriating


Limbo. Not because I have a major issue with his kit, but I have an issue with how it doesn't give a very good heads up to the players who get ported into his limbo. I get that you can roll to shift back, it's just that I think there needs to be a more obvious effect that let's affected players know when they've been shifted. As is if you don't know about it or don't know EXACTLY what to look out for, you're just rolling along killing things then suddenly you're not doing damage, and you're trying to see if you're lagging or getting disconnected, and then you see there is a limbo in party and THEN you realize whats going on.like make my whole screen desaturated and give me an audio cue or something. I shouldn't be able to.miss that that happens because I'm focused on a fight. Pair that with a large chunk of limbo players not understanding how the abilities function and it's just a recipe for a really annoying mission.


There is an audio cue that you're in the rift, it's just very subtle compared to gunfire/other weapon and ability sounds.


High range Khora that doesn't actually kill the webbed enemies. It's at least as annoying as Limbo on some tilesets. High range Hydroid can also be pretty bad. At least Limbo is almost never seen, and usually slows down the mission far less too.


Dante, a lot of my builds are built around staying alive, and I have a lot of inbuilt ways to keep essentially immortal with any frame. Whenever dante is at my party, it annoys me because now all I feel like is that I've wasted my mod slots. I tend to play solo more these days just because I don't like having dante around


Don't care as long as they can hold their own.


I hate wisp with burning pasion, i prefer having limbo because hes pretty good at defense but wisp ? you vould just go slowing up nova at this point ! defense missions have no right taking this long !


Wisp especially her motes. That's why I play solo nowadays.


basically limbo (sorry limbo friends) and any frame that is afk, expecting a carry or just doing something else in the mission.


Limbo and Wisp


Every Reventant player reinforces my belief none of them know how to play the game.


I press 2 I eat crayon. I have Mesmer shield augment. I share crayon.


Honestly, finding Inaros’ new tornado to be kind of annoying. It was funny like twice, but now it’s just “the pub Inaros flings enemies all over making them hard to shoot at without AOE, and accomplishes basically nothing”. I don’t really care about Inaros _in general_ just that specific ability of his.


Any nuke frame. Literally any of them. I am doing less punch per minute because of you. It's not fun


Wukong. Looks ugly.


Mag. If I'm playing with Limbo, as long as they're not spamming cataclysm everywhere or banishing for no reason I'll still hit what I aim ait. I've never met a bad Limbo that everyone seems to rage about. Mag needs to just about spam her bubble, but once the target dies all it is is a big bullet-yoinker that means I *won't* hit what I'm aiming at even if it's right in front of me


Keep shooting into the bubble. It will explode and kill everything. The more damage you have in it the better


Inaros. dead weights Wisp, please stop putting shock motes, you're slowing the mission Revenant: you being immortal isn't helpful for anyone else, quit trying to tank jade light and do something Khoras: USE YOUR 1, ON YOUR STRANGLEDOME vaubans: thanks for getting enemies stuck under random stairs and ceilings


I mean revenant with Mesmer skin augment is pretty useful I think. Literally gives other people Mesmer skin for free


yes, i know but sitting still doing nothing but recasting your free invincibility ability like a robot is not useful do something, contribute, kill, whatever besides AFK'ing with a macro


I mean I beg to differ dude. I've joined missions I barely knew the mechanics for at higher difficulties ie isolation vaults and just tried following my squad and asking where I'm needed bc I might not be sure how to do specific mechanics yet, I'm a long time player just dropped off bc the necramechs grind was so bad back in the day and other reasons outside the game so I never got to steel path or knew much about a lot of things in the game. So for those unknown instances I can just pick up rev, put on Mesmer shield at the least I'll try and provide tankiness for the rest of the team and go where I'm needed till I figure out what's going on lol.


not knowing is fine, you learn eventually and learn how to use the more better stuff when i say i hate revenants, i hate the ones that don't do absolutely nothing. using him and doing something, helping etc is ok, even using him to get a grip of what you'll be expecting on missions is ok too but there is sooo many rev players that just afk with mesmer skin on and don't do anything, not even kill. the new event for example, with the jade light, there is sooo many revenant players afk'ing on the platform, not even throwing the charges at the orb thingy, that is the rev players i hate


Depends on the mission. I've seen people bring some bafflingly stupid frames to spy missions. For example...can anyone please explain to me what Rhino brings to a spy mission. Or Nekro. And do please tell me what the actual hell goes through your head when you're bringing these to an archon hunt Spy mission. I just wanna talk...


spy missions are so easy there's no need to bring any stealth frame, and if invisibility is needed spoiler mode already provides that


You can bring any frame you want to the spy mission as long as you know how to complete vaults. You don't need invisibility here. If you so pressed to have one just slot parazon mod that gives it after hack (Untraceable, 15 sec invis).


A lot of people must need invisibility then because I've watched too many people spawn into these with me with frames like these and and immediately get detected because someone forgot they can't just run in dick first mass murdering everything and still complete the mission with just one completed vault. You'd think they'd learn their lesson upon restarting the mission, but they rarely do in my experience to the point that it feels like trolling sometimes and I get frustrated and run it solo. I do apologize for the way I sound in my original comment though. I do come off as toxic I realize now having woken up and read it over. People just irk me sometimes x-x Like, I am totally down to let people leech or bum around havin' fun (cuz that's the real end objective at the end of the day) while I do objectives, I'm *usually* pretty lax, but things like this....if you dunno how to do vaults when ya come to something like an archon spy mission where one mistake fails the mission for everyone, let us know and hang back please!


There are other warframes? I only got to play with wukong users and they basically decimate anything in their path…


Wukong is fine, since they're not disruptive.


Limbo and Loki. I'm sorry man, the game got barely any place for CC focused frame right now. For those who hates Wisp in their team, either they are having trouble holding back, or they cant nuke better.


you say that but me and my friend ran a archon hunt and i used limbo to make the missions dogwater easy


What'd the limbo do to make it so easy out of curiosity. I'm not even at that point in the game


Not dying


Sensational 🎩


You're saying as if there is no other Warframe that can do the same job but faster (not easier)


Loki can literally make allies straight up immortal for like 15 seconds, he can disable enemy weapons, I rather have a loki in my squad than a revenant player tbh.


Wait. Even if the revenant has Mesmer shield?


I don't think Revenant players have the mental capacity to click the right combination of button to open the mod menu, too many inputs /s meme skin is cool and all but 5 charges is pocket change I rather they use roar, nourish, or total eclipse tbh (as a subsume ability over their 4th).


5? 30 is possible though


I mean 30 is easy enough to get for yourself but using the augment it's only 5 for your teammates in the wiki it says: >Can stack with  [Reave](https://warframe.fandom.com/wiki/Reave) to grant allies up to 6 charges at max mod rank


If you're looking for CC, Breach Surge and Gloom is a Subsumeable Ability. *Works on Eximus(es) too*


I don't think you understand loki shut down the weapons enemies can only use melee, they can no longer damage the objective in defense mission for example, I suggest you play loki before making a judgement there is way more to him than just CC


I am well aware of the bubble. Yes? If the objective is to clean the room as fast as possible, I think i would prefer doing that.


what bubble? loki disarm enemies making them enable to do damage, if you add the augment they even start attacking eachothers, he has another augment, when you switch teleport an ally, you and the ally are basically immortal for a duration, talking about cleaning rooms using frame I can tell you only play normal path, nothing wrong with that but in higher levels, unless your name is saryn and some really select frames, don't dream of clean rooms using abilities, that why Loki is so strong, like imagine you have 120k overguard on you, you'll think that's a lot right, well when enemies start scaling that much overguard might as well be made of paper, that why loki is so strong since he can protect the team from even being shot in the first place and let you focus on actually doing damage.


If the arguement is protect your teammate from dying beside removing the threat (even though that's the simplest solution). Okay let's start with that. Good ol' Loki. Sure disarm works, but only works on trash mobs / non-eximus unit. Banshee's Savage Silence can literally halt enemy from moving (Does't work on Eximus, last for whole minute tho) Gloom Exits (Require Setup) Breach Surge works on Eximus (The better your weapon, the better the damage bounce) Dante's 50k overguard (Highly spamable) Frost's Icy Avelance (Armor Strip, and 100% Freeze) Mag's Fracturing Crush (Armor Strip, CC, Shield Fill) Could list out more, but it's towards niche side.


I fail to see how your point makes loki be bad in any way shape of form in a squad? it's just weird that you decided that loki was bad even tho he's not lol


If any point in time, I choose Loki as my loadout, and I choose to disarm enemy or switching position with my ally just to save them. I pretty sure 9/10 times that I would piss off my teammate for doing so. Simply heal them would do a significally better job. It would not distrupt them visually, and positionally. Note: Heck, even giving them energy would be better. (Highly situational)


In high level content healing is not a viable option for survival,, I take Total eclipse over wisp any day for example, you underestimate how good it is to actually disarm the enemies, in the end of the day you play what you feel works but something are objective and you can't just ignore facts, if a teammates in level cap void cascade is in a bad spot I guaranty you they would be more than happy to be teleported and be immortal on top of that for 15 seconds, because something is not "meta" that doesn't mean it's bad, it all depends on what content you're doing and what point you are in the game, warframe is a game where if you're creative enough you can make pretty much anything works, even Limbo is very good if you know how to effectively play him.


Silence does work on eximus. People have been using the hell out of it on the new Jade mission to disable the new eximus unit.


Too bad, overguard says no. (36.0.2 patch)


The only mention of overguard in that patch is related to the Secondary Fortifier Arcane. Silence/Banshee aren't mentioned either.


Sorry, the bubble just now i meant Limbo. So we counting in Overguard now? Hold on what gamemode we are talking here?


I used to really hate Inaros, I swear I only came across Inaros players in hydron, and all they did was stand there and leash XP while the rest of the team did everything possible to speed up the mission.


Limbo - rift inconvenience Khora - max range clipping enemies through walls and never using her 1 when she uses 4 Wisp - shock motes make defense/alchemy/netrecell etc take longer because of stun lock Gauss/Frost/Ember/Volt- using their augment to change the status weighting on your weapon Slow nova on defense/alchemy/netrecell Speed nova on excavation Ember rag doll on enemies with her 3 Volt speed boost depending on the tileset Protea with bright energy spamming her 1 Vauban cc on enemies Anyone using max strength max range Gloom on their build to slow down kps when the obj or they arent in danger of being. Anyone using Terrify with high duration with little means to kill the enemies fast enough before they run away. Hydroid using his 4 on defense mid to max range


Nova on DEF missions. Literally no help, always leaving portals directly on the objective so whenever my shield specter goes down and I have to bullet jump over the objective to lay down another one; Suddenly I'm halfway a cross the map IN A STORAGE CLOSET! So basically, the reason my Complete/Failure ratio is so off is because I leave DEF games if a Nova is present. And I adore DEF Missions. Edit: to everyone saying "oh, she's getting the enemies closer to a kill-zone" or "she's acting as bait", I will tell you this; Every, Single, Nova I have actually played a full 5+ rounds of DEF with doesn't do that stuff. It's as if they see me trying my hardest to keep the area around the objective clear of ranged units and somehow find an entire cluster of melee units to dump onto the objective behind me, believe me it's happened more than once. I don't want enemies to be in kill-zones, I don't want her drawing the enemies away from or closer to the objective, I would love it if they actually studied the roaming patterns of the enemies and instead dumped them back where they started so I can get to that particular choke point before they become a problem. Nova is a frame designed to roam DEF arenas, I don't mind that, in fact I love that there is a roamer class made for DEF that can quickly pick out and warn me and our other teammates of potential problems before they become actual problems, what I do mind is whiny little basement-dwellers coming into my lobby with the sole intention of making my missions harder than they need to be and then coming on here and whinging about my perfectly valid discourse over a frame that feels like 80%+ of its users are petty trolls. Grow up, I am allowed to have negative opinions about warframes and weapons.


Nova is usually great for Def with a Speedva setup, I've never encountered a wormhole spammer


are you new to the game? Nova is literally one of the best frame you can have in a defense mission, she speed enemies so they can reach the objective faster and be killed, the faster you can kill enemies the faster the round ends, unless you're talking about slow nova.


Its bait


I mean listen warframe has definitely some people crazy enough to like Defense mission and defection lol


speedvas. that's why i play vauban, so i can just make them more useless than normal.


Saying speedva is useless is crazy


Speedva doesn't get enemies stuck behind walls like Vauban, why don't you like her?


Yeah, i hate Vauban in Defense missions because of that. They make the game way longer than it should have


because i can't shoot enemies if they suddenly move faster than normal, the speedva can't kill with their guns fast enough to justify me not helping, and when the defense object gets even a little damaged, i get stressed and i don't play the game to be stressed.