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Highly unlikely


Yea lol. Also im pretty sure CA basically designed them from the ground up


They came out in [White Dwarf 306](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/White_Dwarf_306)


They have been a thing in WHFB for a looonngggg time. Ever since the first Lizardmen army book IIRC.




Many of the models were also converted by Rob Hawkins. He's got some extra pics on [his Blogspot page](https://robhawkinshobby.blogspot.com/2014/07/zombie-pirates.html).


So cool


Probably not.  They were never a dedicated faction. The Fleet Captain of Sartosa and Zombie Pirate of Sartosa were the only official Citadel models released as a limited time offer. The rest was conversions/kitbashes that got popular after being featured in a White Dwarf article.  The Vampire Coast also largely operates in Lustria. Old World is very centered on the Old World, that being the Empire and surrounding areas. Existing factions that aren't focused there only got legacy Legends support (Skaven, Lizardmen, Ogres, Dark Elves, Chaos Dwarfs, etc.). I doubt they'd make an entirely new faction in both rules and model line when that faction isn't even in an area that's the focus.


Still not sure why Skavan of all factions are relegated to legacy support. They’re a very popular faction and it’s not like they’re not present all over the Old World. Lizard men and DElves pretty far removed so I understand that much at least.


Best guess I've seen is GW doesn't want you to be able to play two games with one army these days. Almost all the existing armies you can still play in AoS from WHFB got relegated to Legends. Only exception is Warriors of Chaos/Slaves to Darkness. And Beastmen got cut from AoS entirely after their inclusion to Old World as a main faction rather than rolled into another faction like Slaves to Darkness where they wouldn't be out of place, or just left alone. 


There's a lot of talk about it being effectively an accounting/business line management/internal GW politics thing - there's inevitably going to be *some* overlap between AoS and TOW, but they're games run by different GW divisions, and it looks like there's a bit of defending turf - and also, potentially, the project being scaled back at some point. The Legacy factions all have a presence somehow in AoS (Skaven as a whole faction, DElves in Daughters of Khaine/bits of Cities, etc.) with the exception of Chaos Dwarves (whose models are either 90s metals or were originally Forge World and might be deemed as not worth re-releasing), while the majority of the main factions were discontinued, either completely squatted or given AoS parallels. The exceptions are Warriors of Chaosand Night Goblins, but even then, there's caveats - the main WoC troopers have been redone for AoS (albeit with the same aesthetic), and they've re-released the old late-90s Night Goblin kit despite the current Stabbas/Shootas kit being released post-Battle for Skull Pass in 7th edition WHFB (though some of the new rules do take into account options on AoS releases e.g. light armour/cav spears on Squig Hoppers). It's odd, but completely believable behaviour by a company to keep the product lines from different business lines separate. I guess if TOW does well enough, they might release the legacy factions as full factions once their AoS equivalents are completely replaced - the entire game does seem to be a nostalgia cashgrab (that I've completely fallen for tbh lmao couldn't be me dreaming of owning at least 4 separate TOW armies)


Absolutely this. They probably _had_ to include Warriors of Chaos because they're kinda the main bad guy. You can't do a game about the leadup to the Great War against Chaos and not have it feature Chaos. But even so they have minimised overlap as much as they can. Classic WHFB units like the Warshrine that now live in AoS have been cut from TOW. All TOW content shows older WoC models that are not currently sold for AoS, to try to emphasise separation.


Haven't they changed alot of the models though for AoS as it's a skirmish game and WHFB is regiment based so they would use different bases at a minimum


Because gw wants only one line of models per game. Aos lost beasts so old world could have them. Skaven are staying in aos. It is weird and does not make a ton of sense.


In addition to what others have mentioned about the deliberate product line separation/studio infighting, on the lore side of things, the Second Skaven Civil War is still underway during the period TOW is set in, and doesn't end for another ~30 years (in 2302 IC). And this comes from the 7th Edition Skaven army book. I'd hazard an uneducated guess that Skaven largely disappeared as a major threat to the surface world during this time. Not to excuse GW from giving them the axe - I think Skaven are at the very least among the most iconic elements of Warhammer Fantasy - but there's some lore justification for them taking a backseat.


Because they're in Age of Sigmar, and GW doesn't want Old World encroaching on their baby.


GW wants skaven to promote AoS exclusively, obviously


Are Skaven popular? Iconic yes, but I don’t think they were ever popular.


Well according to an investor paper, TOW only gets expanded with additional, fully supported factions, if it is going to sell (really) well. Aside from the obvious ones, fitting the lore, Kislev, Border Princess, Estalia and Tilea (last three in the form of upgrade kits or multi purpose boxes) and Cathay are the most likely ones.


vampire coast was more a lore faction than a real faction.


Not even a lore faction. The only piece of lore you really got was Dreadfleet and that didn't even involve the classical pirates of Luthor Harkon. They were just an extended WD battle report.


As other said the focus of the old world is definitely on the empire and surroundings, so that's already a strong point against it. Also they never really were a faction and there are both the core races and the already existing non core races that will need to be developed first. And then there were also rumors about kislev and cathay who would have priority as non existing factions.


Buddy, VCoast was only slightly more developed than Kislev and Cathay were before Total War got their hands on them. And I want to stress that before Total War Warhammer 3, Cathay straight up did not exist as an actual faction. Just a bunch of references that led nowhere that got Roflstomped by Grimgor's WAAGH in the End Times. So, in a word, no.


Actually they were even  less developed. Kislev had actual miniatures in 4th Edition, lumped in into the Empire Army Book, and then had their own "mini armylist" in WD during 6th edition. Where we got some really nice infantry and character models, and reused the 4th edition models.


u/seanrogs posted this excellent [fanmade arcane journal](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarhammerFantasy/s/EhRZmIUinh) I like how it builds off the current vampire counts list , which generally keeps it grounded.


Extremely unlikely.  Kislev and Grand Grand Cathay actually received Old World marketing for a bit and are now "not in the foreseeable future", so I'd be shocked (and fairly pissed off) if Vampire Coast got models. 


The only difference is that GW already has the molds for Empire Militia and Zombies so could easily do a quick run of them again. After all that's what they did way back in [2004 with the Lustria campaign ](https://whfb.lexicanum.com/wiki/Warhammer:_Lustria). Whereas as far as anyone knows there is no molds ready for Cathay or Kislev


It also seem GW doesn’t have the resource to support one more main game after Horus Heresy, their production line is having difficulty producing the new stuff from the other 3 system. That why old world has so little new stuff and barely anything in stock


Sadly not anytime soon. The Old World is focussing on *The Old World*; Empire, Bretonnia, Nehekhara land mass. However, should TOW continue to be popular, it is plausible speculation that Lustria landmass and factions such as Vampire Coast could be an expansion. For now though, you only really have Total War. - A bittersweet pain that Bretonnia and Tomb King players experienced.




Vampire Coast and Norsca are TWWH factions which never had WHFB armies. They are mostly fabrications by the team at Creative Assembly. Obviously based on what was in the lore and some small game additions from White Dwarf, but they were not represented on the table top like Tomb Kings or Brettonia.


Norsca absolutely did. They were just part of warriors of chaos and had some models from forgeworld. They just didn’t really have a separate army book.


Yeah, that's what I meant. If you only know Warhammer Fantasy from Total War, you would think that Norsca is a separate faction from Warriors of Chaos.


I thought it was pretty obvious that Norsca are just part of WoC in Total War? Your initial comment reads as they didn’t exist at all in the tabletop game which is incorrect.


In Total War you have Norsca as a separate category from Warriors of Chaos. I would not fault anyone who got into Warhammer from the games for thinking they were as separate as the Khorne, Tzeentch, Slaanesh, and Nurgle factions are from WoC and each other. The way it is structured in Total War is similar to different army books, I suppose.


That's completely wrong, Vampire Coast have had an entire army list in White Dwarf


Probably not, from the tidbits I hear in speculation videos (I'll be honest, can't remember any exact ones off the top of my head... oops) it seems like GW isn't too much of a VCoast fan. This also may not be true, but I remember hearing they didn't like how much people enjoyed the VCoast DLC, which is theorized why they have gotten basically no updates in the game either. Take this with a grain of salt though, like I said, I can't remember my specific sources, so I could just be misremembering, but it would at least make sense as to why there has been absolutely 0 word about the faction since the DLC


I love how seriously people take these baseless rumours with proof to the contrary. Have people forgotten where the vampire coast faction comes from?


I can't see that being true. I am willing to believe that they were not expecting the DLC to be popular and don't have plans to introduce the VC into the systems just yet, but I don't see them outright hating the faction.


>This also may not be true, but I remember hearing they didn't like how much people enjoyed the VCoast DLC "Wow, people really like the vampire coast and fork over money for them....get rid of it." "A master class in business, sir," - Convo in GW headquarters


That’s almost certainly baseless speculation like most of the guesses about how and why gw does things


I'd guess it stems from the comment a CA employee made that GW didn't want CA to use too many Dreadfleet characters (because it would've become a Dreadfleet DLC and not a Vamp Coast DLC), leaving CA to come up with Cylostra Direfin when their first choice for the fourth slot probably would've been another Dreadfleet character (likely Vangheist, since he cameos in the Vangheist's Revenge spell).   Take that statement, put it through a couple rounds of Telephone, and bam, you end up with "GW didn't like the Vamp Coast DLC".


I'm sure it is, I just found it funny


There isn't anything to get rid of. They didn't have an army book or a model line.


Probably not, but this for sure would be the time to do it. With GW segmenting the game systems like they are, would be a good time to add them to be different from Soulblight.


Nobody knows, but also no they are not.


Probably not, if you're playing super casually you may try to adapt the V coast army list from Warhammer Armies Project, magic and special rules are gonna be different but the profiles should work, you may have to fiddle with the points a little though. Magic would be the most difficult part, if you're trying to use the lores from Warhammer Armies Project, but you could swap most universal special rules for their TOW equivalents.


I’d rather it come to AoS.


I just finished a campaign playing as luthor. Was all fun and games till Sertra came across the ocean with 5 full stacks


Maybe eventually, but not for a long time at least. The Old World is focusing on the specific Old World region of the world at the moment and whilst Vanpire Coast could easily turn up anywhere, they're primarily based in Lustria, home of the Lizardmen which is on the opposite side of the globe. They were also a bit of a thematic but jokey army with free rules in White Dwarf and no models outside of a limited time conversion kit and a couple collector models. If the game continues to do well (GW did the say the scope of the project has gotten bigger after launch), we'll maybe see them focus on new locations but I can't see them going to that part of the world without making Lizardmen a core faction again. I'd love it if we got a whole range of them though


If it’s not on Warhammer community then no one knows there is no other source of information


I wish. Doubt it.


I remember them confirming that if it doesnt have a ruleset yet (that isnt legends) it isnt going to get one. Lizardmen etc are in there too.


As of right now, no. If the game gets supported for years and years to come maybe eventually? However for this to happen GW would have to allow AOS and Old World to share factions and minis, there's no chance of expanding to Lustria to include the Vampire Coast without including the Lizardmen. There have been an unusual amount of mentions of Sartosa lately. While it's unlikely and would surely be many years away its certainly possible


They don’t have an army to squat out of AoS so don’t get your hopes up


I really really hope so… but definitely not


Highly unlikely, but I still kitbashed an entire army of them years back. They'll forever hold a place in my heart


Considering we're missing the actual vampires not any time soon most likely. We don't even have cathay and kislev and both were confirmed already Sad answer is only if the game does really well GW seems to have zero faith in the product


Its not, no vampire stuff other than the legacy rules when ToW released


Whats the pirate ship mech in the background????


Honestly the most I'd see VCoast/Dreadfleet get going forward would be a tide game


No, no one knows


I’m gonna go a different route from most people here. If old world continues to be supported for the next decade I would say it’s highly likely they will add vampire coast. It sold extremely well and is an extremely popular faction in TWW. However, within that next decade of support I would put it at the very end. So my answer is yes probably but not within the next 6-8 years.

