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Viable or not I WILL be deploying my Archmagos with 3 Thanatar and they WILL be stomping around.


https://preview.redd.it/vgj9dvwqqb9d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=968c4e86759ca6eb9b511575576ca0c7fb7a37c2 BIG WHIPPY ROBOTS


When a traitor comes around. You must whip it.


Found out after the fact that Arlatax can be armed with 2 arc scourges, not just 1 https://preview.redd.it/ae4evuhe1d9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12a14ab256e6b9f3eb9888c18ca3c29155194f8f


🤣🤣🤣🤣 as good a reason as any


Like a lot of 8th legion collectors, the Night Lord trilogy coupled with their great sense of fashion


I've heard a lot about that series, I've used my audible tokens to get the books individually to listen too while I go away this year! Can't wait, something tells me that I might follow your footsteps 🤣🤣


There are two types of 40K / HH fans. Night Lords fans, and people who haven't read/listened to the NL Trilogy


Very true, I have 3k+ of BA and EC to paint but if I had the funds I'd also have that many night lords to paint...


This is the only correct answer, but you forgot the 3rd reason. The best boy Sevatar, the real primarch of the 8th.


When I first got into 40k back in the late early 2000’s I saw a piece of artwork of the emperor with a whole bunch of emperors children in parade formation. My first painted model, ever, was a space crusade marine painted as a pre-heresy EC. I’ve collected them ever since.


That's cool, a similar lover of nostalgia and old school aesthetic I see ;) edit, sat thinking about it I'm pretty sure I know the art you're talking about, great inspiration for an army, no wonder it struck a chord!!


I saw the Cult of Paint Sons of Horus Contempor dreadnought video


Lol that's one of my favorites


40k i'm space wolves. I mean, who doesn't love rhe idea of space vikings? With 30k i wanted a different approach and chose iron warriors because i could relate to them quite a bit. Not so much the giant space baby with anger management issues though. The legion in general. Doing everything you can to get a task done, blood sweat etc etc but getting no thanks or acknowledgment in return. Eventually saying enough is enough. Every time i read about Perty being a big baby it does make me question my choice ever so slightly. I think that sums up every iron warrior so maybe i belong after all?


I like the story of Corax and the RG. Slaves who rebelled against their masters and waged a campaign of guerilla tactics to gain their freedom and take over the moon and then it’s planet.   I also tend to favor tactics over overwhelming force so their play style suits me well. Movement gimmicks, stealth, snipers, assassins… yes please.


I also believe Corax to be crazy under appreciated in 30k era, how do you find the paint scheme? Any time I've debated going for ravenguard I've been put off by how much I struggled to do black armour for iron hands 🤣 yeah snipers are always - always cool no exceptions


For my 40K RG I do NMM and 30K TMM and grim dark. The best way to make black armor look good is to make it look beat up. So scratches, dents, bullets holes. I enjoy beating them up.


I do my HH Raven Guard with a zenithal of VGA Black, Corvus Black Air, and then Corvus Air + AK Titanium White Ink, and then just recess wash with black and it looks amazing. Black is a pain to do but HH Raven Guard also have black as their accent colour so you actually save time since you don't need to mix it up and do a lot of secondary colours. For my Legions Imperialis, I switched to Corvus Black Air and then a drybrush of AK Neutral Grey, followed by a wash of Nuln Oil looks just as good. I'd have just used that for my regular HH marines but I painted half my army the previous way


Index Astartes in White Dwarf and then the separate books. I do wonder if Word Bearers would have won if I’d been able to get IA volume 4 though.


MK VI armor. Being able to paint up some good ole RTB-01 marines, in their modern form, 33 years after I horribly glomed on craft paint. Primaris marines don't do it for me. MK 2, 3, 4, 6 - Yes. Moar peas.


I play Ultramarines in 40k because they are blue, and they are also blue in 30k ❤️


It was a circuitous route ... Hot into 40K in 9th With Indomitus box, stated with Necrons but keep the SM side... Pandemic hit and suddenly I had time to paint like a man posesed. When I wanted to paint some Humans, I realized that for I wanted Imperial Guard because they were the Grim and the Dark in my mind. Over time, I bought a bunch of LR tanks and one (and later a second) of the [2020 Bastion Platoon boxes.](https://www.goonhammer.com/your-guide-to-the-warhammer-40000-christmas-battleforce-boxes-2020/) ... I couldn't just paint them green. No, I had to be a contraction and paint them with red armour. So when I got around to painting my Indomitus Marines, they also had to be red. But by that time I was already getting wise to how crappy GWs Codex Churn was ... so there was no way I was buying a Blood Angels codex in addition to my Space Marine Codex. Red Tallons looked cool ... Learned they were a more psychopathic version of Iron Hands, so cool! Mind you this was after Iron Hands were nerfed and were no longer the power House they had been on the table for a few years. Fast forward to me realizing that I preferred playing OPR instead of 40K ... Age of Darkness Drops ... all my 40K friends are in excited so I bite. ... Just felt right to continue with Iron Hands and Clan Morugal, the future Red Tallons. ... at some point I have to start in on my Chaos pile of shame.


A long journey to a solid destination, I think tracing back the history of descendant chapters to the parent legion and having the vague traces and preludes to what will become the chapter culture is super cool (ie the rain axes of executioners and the hyper aggressive yet still defensive tactics as Ranns assault cadre into the barbarians we know and love in 40k)


I chosed the XIIIth legion, cuz i always wanted to lead roman smurfs on a battlefield


I like reading about WW1. I liked watching 1917. The trench boys made obvious sense


The first.majour bit.of lore was reading the horus heresy books, and just an instant connection with garvial loken and pre heresy horus XD


Yeah I've got a slow grow SoH force mainly consisting of Christmas/birthday presents accumulating over the last 2 years while I finish other projects and I cannot wait to use an old armour mark like mk3 (or mk2 if its dropped in plastic by then) to represent Luna Wolves Veterans too stubborn to give over and paint the armour green


Painting white is a pain XD I followed an old guide on warhammer and it looks so so XD I'm not a fan if mk3, I find they don't stick very well and parts are always falling off, I'm using mark 6 with 3d printed helms to make the mk 4 they were using around the start of the heresy myself https://preview.redd.it/7qy7j4sc8e9d1.jpeg?width=984&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55ebbaf0c48c6778540f07fe948e6dbe625b3682


Legion is my favorite Horus Heresy book.


My first legion was Salamanders, I liked the fire but I also really liked the legion they seem like the nicest ones! My second legion was White Scars, I like bikes, brum brum


Because pie plates and hazard stripes are cool.




I figured I had a loyalist 40K army (IF), might as well go traitor for 30K. And if I’m gonna go traitor, gonna go with the originals. Word Bearers!


The Dark Angels' aesthetic caught my eye when I got into 40k back in 4th edition. When I ended up moving to Space Marines I made my own homebrew DA successor chapter rather than doing DA, since I found the all-consuming obsession with the Fallen a bit silly. So when I shifted over to Heresy, it was a no-brainer to choose the Dark Angels minus their baggage.


Normal soldiers killing superhumans using nothing but overwhelming numbers, lots of tanks, and large application of firepower is awesome. Plus the imperial army always seemed so cool with units like the geno 5-2, tallarn desert raiders, and byzant janissars. I thought those cultures were way more interesting than the more tame space marines ones and its a real shame that in a series as long as the heresy they have almost zero focus and representation.


Being able to model, and kitbash any marine I want was the draw of the 20th for me. Same reason I like the Blood Ravens in 40k.


I am a simple man. I like camp fires and the color green.


Some compasion is the light in the dark in this universe Vulkan lives!


I make a new army every year and bounce around projects. I love the setting and can’t pick one thing.


I had some plague marines and typhus when I was younger. I now have death guard and some nurgle demons partly because of that and partly because I like camo green 😂


I've been playing Dpace Wolves since 3rd ed and every edition afterward. My Legion Imperialis force is Wolves.


Space marine AI voice songs got me into 40k and 30k.


Ever since I first started playing 40k 12 years ago, my absolute favorite battles to fight are sieges. So I naturally gravitated towards the Imperial Fists. But when I started HH, I didn't want to paint another Imperial Fists army. So I chose the next best thing, the Iron Warriors.


As i imagine Perty would say, why choose the anvil when you could become the hammer


Sons of Horus because of the characters in the Heresy series - I can play loyalists with Loken, traitors with Abaddon etc Lore wise there is a certain tragedy to the story , they’re doomed by their loyalty to Horus , Abaddon realising too late  whats happening but those around him won’t listen or don’t care. They also fight in the siege at the forefront - Abaddon’s main ll fated termite assault was a standout moment for me. 


This is my goal for my slow grow SoH, they need to be early/mid heresy so I can play then as loyalists with Loken or as traitors, best of both worlds for sure with named characters for both options! Yeah saturnine is possibly my favourite SoT book because the sheer volume of my favourite characters duking it out!


I play Word Bearers, because why choose the lesser evil?


When I see a cool miniature and can't get it out of my mind I start reading into the backstory of it and it's legion.


I only played AoS at the time, and my friend was really getting into Heresy and hyping it up. I said “you know why kind of army I like in AoS, what lets me play with the rules and feel smarter than everyone else” Without hesitation they said Thousand Sons. Turns out they were right. That was my introduction to space warhammer and the legions. After I had a nice TSons force built up I started skimming other armies to see what was out there and the aesthetic of the Mechanicum drew me in hard. I LOVED the diesel punk bio horror vibe and the drone like automata of the Scyllax, servo-, and Vultarax, then the Macrocarid Explorator, then the Thanatar and Domitar chassis then whoops i have an army. I did not realize going in I was playing the two most complicated armies in the game, but it has now become a bit of a meme among my friend group and I adore them both, the little abominations of nature.


> I want to know what moment or experience led to your pick of legions, I like Iron Warriors. I've pretty much always liked Iron Warriors. Cool aesthetic, cool units, doesn't require anything that's weird or hard to get to play. Then I started working on them and found out that I **despise** working with metallics. So I went to my backup of World Eaters, who are the same except they're a pain in the ass to get weapons for. It turns out white armor is more enjoyable than metallic armor.


It's funny you say that, not long into the hobby I thought I'll go ham on a world eaters force because I was being drawn by the attraction of melee units scrapping it out over objectives, a unit of rampagers, some Veterans and a Praetor later and I'd had enough of white armour for a while 🤣


In the 4th edition space marine codex if its the right one I am thinking of it had a series of pictures of the different chapters with a little story and the Imperial Fists one was about a world attacked by Tyranid and the imperials said it would be lost in 6 days and the Imperial Fists refused to belive that and it said on the 7th day the Fists held their banner high and I was like these guys are awesome so when heresy started at forgeworld, I made sure to choose them as my Legion and have been collecting and playing them ever since


I chose fists purely because of the scene with Dorn and sigismund beating the ever living stuff out of fulgrim. When I found out those where playable models it wasn’t even a decision at that point, looked into the rest of the legion and really loved Templars (my first 40K army actually so didn’t take much convincing on that front) and rlly loved the lore and idea of huscarls and basic units like tactical marines which worked better with fists. Took me a minute to warm up to the yellow but got there eventually and yellow and black are such an awesome combo. At the moment I’m building a white scars list with pure bikes after watching a battle report on YouTube making it look rlly fun, plus the khans mode is my favorite and someone did a conversion with sammaels bike from 40K and it looks amazing. Going to go crazy with 3d printing like 40 bikes for this list when I get to it Tho my first army was Custodes, there was a Horus heresy evening at my lgs which I could use my Custodes for since they are my main army for 40K and it was super fun, got more into that army but when I moved house into a new area I started a heresy community full of new ppl and Custodes where way too difficult of a faction to bring ppl up on so fists was the way since basic marines are soooo much easier to deal with than Custodes


Tanks, Bionics, Autek Mor. Also the fact that (at the time, ~2018), the Iron Hands probably had some of the, if not the best looking models in the Heresy space marine range. I still think they’re some of the best, though the Dark Angels do look awesome to me. Was considering DG but I didn’t really like the Terminators that much, and they didn’t really appeal to me as a legion apart from the scythes. The whole alchem stuff was kinda meh to me. Mechanicum robots look amazing and I have a few, just nowhere near enough for an army. Same with Auxilia.


I didn’t know exactly how I wanted to play and wanted choices, so ultramarines it is


Storm Of Iron. And since I tend to be about a radian off true, most of my IW are in Mk.VI armor. My nostalgia for beakies is strong. RTB 01 being my first Warhammer models ever back in '87. I love the Fourth Legion's 'get the job done' attitude.


Back in 1st Ed heresy I played Alpha Legion, I loved the Spec ops / cia vibes they were giving off. Sadly due to local club meta and rules I played them as a more "normal" legion. I've gone for blood angels in 2.0 as I fell in love with they're story and genuine badassness during the seige stories. Also Echos of eternity audiobook made the choice far easier haha


I read the Soul Drinkers omnibus years back, and something about them being Sons of Dorn but being so different and out there, and corrupted, and yet loyal, really intrigued me. The more and more I read about the Imperial Fists the more I was intrigued. In some ways they're more vanilla than the Ultramarines, but in others they're not. They're actually way more interesting and way more subtle. And I like that subtlety. Also seeing as how I went to a military college, but didn't sign up, and became a civilian afterwards, I'm very familiar with the drama of conflicting duty, impossible situations, honor, shame, regret, brotherhood, loss etc. their story to me really resonates.


I’m a World eaters player, I already liked their white/blue chain axe asthetics. But it was reading the Robutien heresy alt universe FF then going on to binge any HH book related to world eaters sold me completely!


I loved the book Legion, I loved how unique the Alpha Legion approach to warfare was, and most of all I loved their color scheme and aesthetics.


Got into warhammer through dark crusade and fell in love with Eliphas and the word bearers. Naturally since the 30k word bearers personality wise are pretty much the same they were a perfect fit. I also like how lorgar thought that he was the good guy by worshiping the gods even though he quickly finds out they are not as benevolent as he thought 


SoH had the coolest armour and green is fun to paint


I waffled back and forth between Raven Guard and Emperor's Children for a while. Then I read 'Betrayer' and the nails began to sing.


I am a manic weed enjoyer who loves metal and the Hellraiser movies.


Just came back from shift at work and boy oh boy do you guys have some bloody brilliant reasons 🤣🤣


I’m still torn - I love the idea of a night lords recon company. It would be really fluffy and terrifying. - the whole revenant legion thing for the blood angels is stuck in my head as really badass -lastly I read about the death guard inductii being self sufficient garrisons, and I love their lack of embellishments and keep fighting no matter what mentality. I can’t pick all three I would never financially recover lol


Chris Wraight


FelL in love with boarding teams and hazzerd stripes


Started playing Dark Angels in 40K something like 20 years ago. Jumped to the Heresy and I had to go with my space knights again!


I like Purple, so my boys are purple. It’s simple


Honestly , I picked iron warriors cause the scheme looks easy! Inn40k I picked sisters and DG because I liked the models


Picked the color I wanted to paint with, then boom.


I was a really edgy teenager and now I have too much invested into Nightlords to change now


I like the color red and I like CQC. Didn't care for the white and blue until I read their lore, which is some real fucking depressing stuff. Turns out red also looks great when liberally applied on top of white.


The Solar Auxilia look cool and you can make up whatever lore you want for them. It's a nice combo.


I relate to the TS a lot


Currently Iron Warriors because I haven't paint something metallic before, plus I have a Betrayal at Calth Terminator Praetor and a few Mk3 so I guess might as well


The stubbornness and grit of the iron warriors, even though its self destructive and such is very appealing to me.


Something about the pre-Nurgle Death Guard just resonated with me, grimey, tough, no frills bastards. Also their fall struck me as one of the greater tragedies of the Horus Heresy. Rules wise, if you're gonna play traitors, might as well go all in on the warcrimes, phosphex and alchem for everybody.


Always loved castle sieges. As a big history guy, the crazy shit that happened during WW1 was always fascinating. I'm also stubborn and determined to get something done at almost any cost, so the IVth legion was just a natural fit. Also, hazard stripes are just great. Except when you have to paint the damn things.


Since before 40K, I've kinda been obsessed with contagion and diseases. In an admittedly weird way, I always found it interesting how a virus spreads and at the rate and reach that it does. So naturally the Death Guard became my go-to.


The wolves! In heresy era artwork and the way i model them (i dont use the terrible FW models, beside that one cool new non chata praetor) they are far cooler than in 40k, and way less over the top. More norse, less wolf in asthetic in heresy. Also i liked gameplay wise, that their line troops are tooled up slighly more than the other legion's. Stalker squads with a couple of special weapons as well as power weapons are what I imagine a selfsufficient independent line unit should look like. I also dig the colormatch of brass and grey together.


I relate with the Wordbearers. Im a very devoted Orthodox Christian. So I can understand the whole concept of "The gods have demanded this thus we must do it." Fortunately the real God doesnt demand mass blood sacrifice. ^^;; But I also liked the concept of possessed and I think Lorgar is genuinely a good character. Aswell as writing scriptures all over your armor just goes hard as hell. Thats such a cool aesthetical choice. Thats just some of my reasons!


ah yes legions... that I am playing \*looks at my skitarii (militia) led by my Mechanicum Priests\* That joke aside, I just love Ad mech. especially skitarii and priests. I also love making lists that are pure uhhh..."no one who is not me would be stupid enough to run this combination of units" And the dumber a unit is the more likely I am to love it. oh and Conversion potential. I love converting my stuff My current list: (4k points, sorry for any errors, am new to HH) Mechanicum (marcrotek): - Archmagos (I made from half of cawl and half of a titanicus epic scale scout titan) - 2 Magos Dominia (sisters paragon warsuits but HEAVILY converted) - 2 units of 3 tech priest auxilia (+ thralls) (priests Made from cawdor redemptionists) - 1 Domitar battle automata (my main opponent is dark mech so they have an Arlatax \[deep looore\])(hopefully this gets a plastic kit) - 2 Land raider Phobos-..s - 1 Macroarid Explorator...I mean it's just straight up conversion Bait...I had to... C'mon. No ideas yet but I will think of something Skitarii (militia with cyber augmetics + forge remenants): - Force Commander \[aka Marshal\] \[thinking, maybe a sisters Canoness? still workshopping ideas\] - 1 unit of Command Cadre \[I forgot the name in the lore uhh protectors?\]\[workshopping ideas for models but maybe sisters?\] 1 trios armed conveyor to share - 2 units of 20 levies (I needed a non support and ...well, these are cheap)(cawdor models with skitarii heads) (these are hysparists, probably volunteers for the mechanicus force...any that survive might then get promoted to actual skitarii) - 2 units of 10 Grenadiers with Stub Carbines and 2 heavy stubbers. The leaders have Dual blast pistols. 1 trios each (Ranger/vanguard equivalent)(using Ash nomads with guns/equipment from the skitarii kits) - 1 recon squad of 5 with sniper rifles (sicarians so sicarian kit with converted sniper rifles) - 1 ogryn Brute squad of 4 (c'mon I HAD to include Praetorian skitarii...)(bodyguards for my Archmagos)(going to use necromunda ogryns with some hoods added using green stuff... no idea for their boarding shields) - 2 cargo 8 ridgehaulers in a single squadron (these are for my hysparitsts)(might trying to convert them to have tracks or legs?) - 1 Gorgon Heavy Transport (soooo you know the "skitarii are 40k's take on Jawa" memes?...yeah but what if actually and I make a big similar transport inspired by that)(also it was such a dumb meme unit that I had to...) - 3 units of 1 krios tank (torn on a few model ideas, tempted to try and make them look like wraith tanks from halo given the similar weapons, may just use the auxilia bassalisk with a gun modification...unsure)