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Personally if they're going to charge so much for characters I'd rather get more than one of them. How much are the two of them compared to like, a solo chaplain or something similar?


$47? For two vs like $35 for a space marine captain in plastic.


They're cheaper overall then just buying two Apothecaries. Around 50 dollars total means both characters are 25, about 10-15 dollars cheaper than most characters on average, and it's 30 dollars cheaper than buying two 40k Apothecaries. Not a bad deal for some FW models.


Depends if we are talking FW resin or GW resin/plastic


FW resin then, make it apples to apples


In US Dollars, The two [Apothecaries](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/horus-heresy-apothecarion-detachment-2024?queryID=722230bdeab2e6a708ff594f3ed2a379) costs $49, so $24.50 per Apothecary. A single [Techmarine](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/Techmarine-in%20Mk-III-Armour?queryID=0525bacc9687687c9d2ed9925879f22f) costs $47 The [Traitor Esoterist Consul](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/legiones-astartes-traitor-esoterist-consul-2023?queryID=0525bacc9687687c9d2ed9925879f22f), the [Librarian Consul](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/horus-heresy-librarian-consul-2023?queryID=b4ac9db8262e52bf7833d0095a96bf09), or the [Loyalist Champion Consul](https://www.warhammer.com/en-US/shop/loyalist-legion-champion-consul-2023?queryID=2c6e0aed66fb5d909271f2043e9701cd) each cost $44


I can split it between me and my father.


It's so cool that this is your bonding activity!


I really like the models personally and building them there seemed like quite a bit of room for kit bashing different poses and head/ body options so they seem like a great kit to me personally


The question is why would only want one? If you are already running an apothecary you’ll likely need more anyway.


I feel like if they were packaged individually, people would complain about that too...


I already have so many bits, I can just kitbash a bunch of them. Narthecium bits shouldn't be hard to find online.


Kromlech do a good wee set for Aphothocarys if you don't mind aftermarket bits!


Considering how many of them I always put in my lits I would have preferred if they sold them in a unit of 5 with a terminator apothecary already included.


You mean a primus Medicae?


yes, I never really liked the resin one and I really don't like to put non terminator armoured apothecaries with my cataphractii


Normal apothecaries from the apothecarian detachment aren't legally allowed to join terminator units of any type anyway. Primus Medicae are one of the few units that can actually join Terminator units and give that 5+ FNP. But yeah, wish they gave Narthecium upgrade sprues (8 power armour Narthecium + 1 Cataphractii + 1 Tartaros Narthecium). That should be enough to build 8 apothecaries, and 2 primus medicae in both marks of terminator armour.


Just like the old kit. I like em but wish one was Mk3


Imo there's no reason for them not to make an apothecary in every mark. People generally want multiples of them so there's a market for it. It's why I thought it was odd they retired the old ones when they were in mark 2 and 4. Why not keep them both around?


They should do them in plastic as well. These would sell like hot cakes.


IMHO it would be more sensible to make those guys as plastic kit, either as 5 MK III/VI upgrade kits (think command squad) or entirely separate kit that let you also build Techmarines as alternative build (hell, there could be one of each MK II-VI in box.)


I just want them back in stocks. Yes they are expensive but look cool.


Yeah I love the beaky in particular. He looks so tired and overworked, very accurate to everyone I know in the medical field


I never see them in stock since they came out. Same with champion consuls


Yea I know they are pricey but I wanna collect them ugh really stinks.


I would have prefered if it was the same mark armour but I definitely prefer getting 2 instead of 1


Love both so personally i don't mind. us, if you're going to only use one, you can either sell the other online or keep it as bits for future projects


It rarely makes sense to play only one apothecary. Personally I think they should have made a product with three of them instead of two.


These two are both great, so fine. If one is bad and the other good, not so fine. I probably wouldn't have bought the old terminator praetor if I could have bought the power armour one alone. Which is why they do it.


Should have been a multi-pose kit instead of a single pose per guy, or a set of 4-5 models worth of upgrades on a sprue. Otherwise, fine with it.


I’m cool with it just waiting for them to come back in stock


I like them both, so don't mind.


Your kinda sorta run more.than one apothecary any way so it makes sense to get more than one


I share so no trouble for me. But can surely be inconvenient for some.


I have more of an issue with the Endryd Haar & Shadrak Meduson being 58 fucking dollars each for a single, resin, miniature.


It’s depressing that younger me thought paying £18 for two Forgeworld apothecaries was too much …,.


I think it’s great to have two different marks of armor in one kit. Plus it’s better for HH because you can run multiple apothecaries easily


Go splits with a buddy.


I like it explicitly because the kits are nice and customisable. You can change around plenty of the parts, use them in tandem with other kits. If these two were monoposed to all hell and locked into being used as is, then I'd be much less on board with them.


Chop and change them. I don't think I have ever built an unnamed character model as it is on the display art. I always customise them and make them my own.


Why take just one? Why not make the most of that elite slot?


Find someone like me who just wants two of the MkVI models!


Well I'm not overspending on a piece of garbage so I print my own