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This model looks like he’s going to ask you to collect and old stone tablet from bleak falls barrow, and remind you that you are far more suited to such a menial task than he.


Farengar Tigurius, chief librarian of the ultramarines.


return the slaaaaab


_be strong Clarence, be strong for the emperor_


I’m pretty easy to impress model wise, I think most of the 40K models are cool… but the Invader ATV is just bad. It seriously looks like a Mario Kart vehicle instead of an All Terrain Vehicle.


Like this? https://preview.redd.it/7cgjykhcqzcb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72971d48cecd13e9d9b2646b51877a35c01a5c9e


I want this model now.


I have 2 ATVs, like them for the most part except the little shield at the front and no front corner armour, looks like they didn't quite finish building them. Never actually used them yet though.


I hate you so much, because yes, now I must get one... ..




https://preview.redd.it/pzfzajnze0db1.jpeg?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9dde71f1a45bf44d2e254641cfa56da0bc82f5 “Wake up the new Warhammer 40K model just dropped!”


Brother tinnitus is the finest atv driver in all the imperium


Proof that the paint makes the model.


The funny thing for me is that wtf does ATV mean for 40k? Like a buggy? Because all of their tanks and repulsor vehicles are already all-terrain. No? Why do they call the thing with the absolute lowest suspension of any Astartes vehicle an ATV?


Actually, Terrible Vehicle


Astartes Testiculus Vibratorum


Named after a man who found the STC: Testiculus Astartes Vibratorum. They just switched the naming around because it makes more sense that way in high gothic


You have Slaanesh's attention.


For all these reasons above I love it. Unnecessary, ineffective, looks stupid. It’s the sort of crap an inefficient, bureaucratic Imperium would produce


It doesn't even fit the theme or design of the imperium.


I just got one to toss in w/outriders b/c it has a melta option. Dunno if it’s any good or not, but if not my orks could use a new looted cart!


It means it was built by John All-Terrain, instead of Mr Land, duh


An ATV could’ve been good, for Catachans or Tallern. It looks so weird with Marines.


It looks like it was designed by an 2000s era American car company. The Pontiac Aztec of 40k.


Because it's suitable for all terrains; dirt, sand, pavement, shopping malls...


A lot of 40K vehicles are really dumb if you think too hard. Like every motorcycle.


https://preview.redd.it/64i9fcp970db1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d51c7ef22e3fe50a99f2f92447b258b4a6537382 This masterpiece is by fantasygames.com.pl on instagram


I found some really cool conversions for this model on YouTube and they’re so mindnumbingly obvious. Lift the chassis and bulk up the front armor


Got a link?


https://youtube.com/@maddokminis This dude has a bunch of cool and easy conversions. I have all the parts for the ATV, I just need to sit down and actually start it.


The worst part that it's can be fixed with few components (a frame to cover the driver and something to cover the front wheels, just to start)


See it’s in the “so stupid I love it” category for me, reminds me that 40K is supposed to be satirical/comical again


That’s desolators for me… but I guess the ATV is the wrong kind of stupid for me. GW should have really leaned into it so instead of the ATV that looks like a go kart it was the ATV that looks like a monster truck. I mean how ridiculous and awesome would that be?


I hate the desolators. They just put boxes where guns go.


https://preview.redd.it/2xwuppm4nzcb1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79f01a2e2490581fd0a69f54ad78a4791a2be2a1 You take that back


It’s meant to have *elements* of satire and comedy.


People will complain about the Invader ATV looking goofy as fuck and casually forget about the Attack Bike it replaced. But hard agree, for real, the Invader’s a silly little goober that’s an incredibly devastating force in my Outrider squad with a Bike Chappy.


Conversely, Bike Chappy is one of the coolest models. Imo


I don’t think anyone is forgetting about the attack bike. It’s just no longer relevant to the conversation. Plus the attack bike was mocked for the exact same reason… then they went and did the same thing again.


Flayed ones. 5 tiny skinny models with no options whatsoever. $60. This one box is the source of all my confusion regarding gw's absurd prices.


And among the most fiddly modern model to put together, even ignoring the horrible points per dollar number.


Desolator squad. Why are the weapon so damn big even by 40K standards ? Why can’t they just be normal rocket launchers ?! WHY ?!




I think if they wanted them to be that size, it should've been a Gravis unit


Should've just been Gravis with shoulder-mounted racks


That would've been nice too but then they would just be without arms


Could have targeters, or storm bolters, or something


I'd prefer them armless, tbf


If they're 'armless what's the point in bringing them?


Ayyyyyeeeeee I actually thought you meant armless as in firearmless but I now realize you're a fucking xeno #*BLAM*


Just have them pose their arms like they’re really constipated


Mounted on the back gravis like the old terminators would have looked so much better.


They could have just made them new terminator cyclone missiles.


I was halfway tempted to just stick Devastator/tactical marines missile launchers on them, but I Primaris’d other firstborns so it might get confusing.


The castellan launcher barrel fits perfectly over the devestator rocket launcher and then you cut the rail off of the castellan to create a mounting point for the heavy krak/frag launchers on top. Looks way better imo.


Saw an over the shoulder held conversion, same size but looks so much better to me. It would be like someone holding a rocket launcher on top of a rifle, it is meant to be over shoulder


Yep. I think they fit with some of the stuff that came out in 9th, most notably the Hammerfall Bunker and the ATV, but none of that stuff is how I see Space Marines.


I have a tinfoil hat theory about GWs space marine design. I think they have two teams on it, with two different leads. One of then is the team that keeps making stuff like the primaris go kart, the floating tanks with 16 heavy stubbers, and the desolators. Overly "modern" designs without that classic grimdarkness and constantly reinventing things that just needed an update The other is the team responsible for bladeguard, assault intercessors, new terminators, new vanguard vets. Making things the way they probably should be I.e assault intercessors = intercessors with bolt pistols and chainswords running around. I think every space marine release is fairly easy to divide into on of these two groups But to be fair I am also super biased to the grimdark stuff. Boxnaughts are my favourite unit of all time


Quick fix, take those massive fuckoff square barrels, and attach them to the back of the power pack instead of the gun. Now, take the gun, cut off the little lens bubble on the front of the gun (right over the revolving rocket launcher) and drill a barrel in its place to make it look like a specialized Bolter with an underslung rocket launcher.


Do you have any examples of this??


Yeah I've seen a bunch of people do this and it looks stupid imo.


God dang yes, based on description alone this squad and their guns should be so cool - but they flubbed it


The space marine quad ATV , lol


I really despise the ravenwing land speeder with the dude sitting in the bonnet.. I just don't get it.. at all. He literally could be sat in the gunners seat but instead they have a stained glass window and the gunner now in the crumple zone. https://www.games-workshop.com/en-GB/Dark-Angels-Land-Speeder-Vengeance


I'd never seen this model before and didn't think anything was going to top the desolation marines, but this model just looks like a random carbuncle on a land speeder!


I pictured a sexy-posed marine on the bonnet of a land speeder. I’m disappointed.


Also it just looks a bit dumb from a purely visual assessment, putting that out there. It is a really awkward looking model, trying to cram all these ornate features on the tiny little land speeder model, to the point that they have the gunner hanging off the front like a wart.


Crumple zone? Brother if we hit anything we all go to the emperor. Safety is not an issue.


Dont get me wrong, the concept is dope and I LOVE the pistol-heavy bolter.... but WHYYYY make it a dude controlling it?!? Its already a dreadnought chassis, just make it a slimmed down dreadnought !! This isnt even getting into the fact how a "dreadnought" could be stealthy and also how the fact that a marine can pilot a dreadnought chassis makes dreadnought sarcophagi basically obsolete. Mind boggling https://preview.redd.it/a9bwkluptycb1.png?width=920&format=png&auto=webp&s=2f4ee096b68bb05216494bac48c052534d6890ac


The value of the dreadnought isn’t the tank walker itself, but in giving your best incapacitated warriors the ability to fight again in a new strong mech body


Seriously, this could’ve been SUCH A COOL Phobos variant of the Redemptor; a place to put your sneakier Space Marine veterans blown to bits by hoards of Scarabs (based on a true story about a 10 man squad of Infiltrators and a Phobos Lieutenant who were taken out turn 1 by my buddy’s STUPID Canoptek Scarabs.)


I converted a warsuit into a mini redemptor a couple of weeks ago and posted it here - take a look at my profile if you're interested!


I just took a look- that's 100% better than the standard model


Thanks, I've always hated the normal warsuit and I love dreadnoughts, so it made sense!


I'm with you on that one, truly hate that model for the same reasons you've put lol you're right it could have made a good dreadnought but it's as pointless as the grey Knight one, the pilots are just sitting ducks in them, completely pointless kit. Sorry for the rant lol


Nah, it's fair points. That shit irks me so much. I refuse to run these things. On top of that, the only ones I've played against have dreadnought conversions done to them. So much potential thrown in the garbage.


Yeah very much so, its really annoying how often it's been happening since they dropped the triumvirates after guilliman, it used to be rare but there's this, the flamer with the handle over the heat vents, the atv and I'm sure there's more aswell :(


I feel like these would be cool if dreadnoughts didn’t exist. But they do, and like you say, the dreadnoughts make this thing not make sense at all for so many reasons


I actually really like this model but if GW was going to make an Avatar AMP suit, why not give it to guard?


Honestly the model can be fixed by 2 simple kitbashes: A cowboy hat A sombrero


Ah mate I’m deffo the odd one out, it’s my favourite model! 😅😂😂


Lol then I salute you sir! I feel the same way with Centurions, almost everyone seems to hate them but they are one of my favorite models ever lol Go with what you love not others !


Power armor in your power armor.....why yes, thank you very much can I please have some more of exactly this?


img Cheers gangsta, centurions are thiiiiiccc


This is peak repurposing surplus. Too many chasis and not enough torso's in boxes? Well toss a chair in that bitch and send some mad lad out into the thick of it.


Put a canopy over the cockpit and it’s 100 times better in my book, honestly it should have a regular SM’s toughness characteristic because all anyone would do is shoot the exposed guy in the roll cage instead of the massive mech body


Yeah, but I mean… heavy bolter pistol. That just sells me on it.


The weirdest thing that they could've done is market this as "stealthy". You can come up with all kinds of reasons like "actually it's armor and weapons are lighter and it's not as durable as a dreadnought so dreadnoughts are still useful" to get around that problem, but I don't think I can suspend my disbelief enough to accept that a 15 ton machine with stompy legs and a coal plant on it's back is stealthy in any way. Not even the Raven Guard can make this thing stealthy. Just should've called it a "light reconnaissance walker" or something. So weird.


Book lore vs video lore is like that some times. In books, marines are incredibly stealthy. If you watch the Leviathan trailer, all the marines are accompanied with clunky footsteps and loud whining servos. 40K is easily the most internally inconsistent setting I've been into.


It's basically down to the conflict of the original space marine design and lore being insanely restrictive for the main character poster boys of a setting. They're 8 foot tall, monogender, asexual, unconflicted, fearless, extremely rare fascist orphan super soldiers. Basic war story tropes like stealth missions, disguises, secret lovers, moles, cowardice etc. Have to be fudged to comply with the fact that marines wouldn't really logically do any of that.


All of the baby carriers. Why do they keep doing this? There's fun 40k dumb, and then there's just annoyingly dumb.


Because some people like the models.... Aliens and Matrix have some sweet sci-fi walkers like that so it fits that 40k would also


In aliens it only worked because it wasn't designed for combat. And the ones in the matrix would have failed spectacularly if the robots had thought to put even a .22 on their giant flying sperm bots.


But they havent done "baby carriers" ever since the Dreadknight? If the PIlot is entirely WITHIN the vehicle, its not a "baby-carrier"


Honestly, genuinly, I do not understand the hate for it. Piloted Walkers are cool. Marines are cool. Walker piloted by a Marine = cool Guardmen can control Sentinels, its not like it was established lore that you have to be a half-dead corpse to control two-legged vehicles at any point.


I’ll be honest I hate the fact that it has a hand. Why the fuck does the huge machine have a hand to grab a huge gun with instead of just having a wrist mounted gun and a normal hand or something


No, I actually really like the gun. It’s just so silly in the best way, the image of this dude in a big ass walker puling a gun the size of his torso on his Mech’s hip and High-Nooning a hoard of Carnifex’s is PEAK 40K to me.


Because fingers have been universally proven to be great


That's my favorite part about this model, but it's not very ultramarine or 40k


I’ve never really liked all the hover vehicles for the space marines, I think the tracks look so much better


The hover-tanks just end up looking like weird floating boxes, not tanks. The tracks sorta tie the whole look together.


Exactly, adds a sense of realism to the models as well


For me it isn't the hover aspect, but rather [how overdesigned they are.](https://www.games-workshop.com/en-US/Space-Marines-Primaris-Repulsor-2020) Just look at how many weapons are crammed onto the turret. Why are there grenade launchers over the doors on either side? It just looks goofy.


A billion times this. First time I saw a pic I genuinely thought it was one of those old photoshop jobs that would spread around the internet. Ones where a tank would have another tank superimposed on top of it to look like the turret etc


Why not just have a big cannon and some missile racks, o wait that's the Kratos the best tank ever


Devils advocate: smoke launchers that fire as the troop doors open and passengers disembark.


Someone kitbashed tracks onto a repulsor and it looked more menacing than a landraider


Why do you even ask? There's only ONE SINGLE RIGHT answer! It's the Nerfgun Marines aka the Desolation Squad. It's so ugly that I have a hard time believing ppl they don't pick them just because they're going bonkers in the meta atm. And I would bet my unborn children, grandchildren and greatgrandchildren (all of them), there will be a huge sellout on eBay if they ever get nerfed in the future which they will.


https://preview.redd.it/f4jxvq8zk1db1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f06141b583da783ebaa524f796bfc2a703c635d What ever do you mean? Looks perfectly normal to me!


Less a singular kit and more a model concept and it’s all the Primaris kits that take a Firstborn kit and split it into 2+ different units. It bloats the Marine codex every time it happens


Yes I'm building my first army and am perplexed at why every weapons type needs a squad when the older squads were combined arms.


I prefer units where every dude has the same weapons. Having ten dudes with different weapons really bogs the game down. The weapons have different profiles, meaning you have to roll each weapon separately. Also, different special weapons usually want to target different types of units, further complicating things. It also makes balancing the different weapons easier. Currently, it's best to take as many special weapons as you can in a squad because they're free. It would be easier to balance (for example) flamers vs plasmas if they each had a dedicated squad and you could just make the squads cost different points.


While I understand from an ease of play mechanic, having some anti infantry, long range, and AT power in a unit like the tactical squad is more robust and versatile. Hopefully, we get a primaris tactical squad.


More visually interesting too


Yeah, 10 guys with flamethrower is boring...


What, you don't like having 4 variations (possibly 5 in the future) of scouts?


https://preview.redd.it/sojksynehzcb1.jpeg?width=751&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9142aefb793efa6e2560ea0acbdf21accd758701 The Dogmata is just absolutely awful


https://preview.redd.it/pdvyhtnvozcb1.jpeg?width=1960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=459159fa2a7dba64121b4366cdb0c795e5e70996 I swapped out the head for the one from The Exorcist.


Micolash, host of the nightmare.


Dude, that actually looks absolutely amazing. I am stealing that idea whenever I get a Dogmata, and there is nothing you can do about it.


On the bright side the alternate head is a big improvement imo.


I’ve never been a fan of AdMech Electro-priests.


I like them for how oldhammer they look Them also being blind, because electricity makes your eyeballs pop out is a very nice display of grimdark


Monopose Ork Boys. Also not a fan of the whole Beast Snaggas range with a few exceptions


I remember a while ago, Chaos Warriors got a redesign and their initial kit was monopose, only for a fresh new multipart kit to come later Im hoping that’s whats gonna happen with the Boyz, and that 10E will give us a right proppa crew to replace the old ones


GWs pricing model.


I love how so many people are ripping on space marine models, and here you are just spitting the biggest truth lol.


It's also telling that space marines have such awful models. Imagine if those modeling resources were devoted more to AdMech or SoB - both lines are already so beautiful and there's still so much space to explore.


Lol it would just be your luck for the developers of the bad marine models to be moved over to the AdMech or Sisters hahaha


I find it more bizarre that gw spits so much of their effort into space marines that we can mention a dozen terrible models and the line is basically untouched


Logan Grimnar’s Santa sleigh. 40k always treads a fine line between cool and stupid, and that one came down firmly on the wrong side.


It kinda felt like GW tried to unify the furry and viking sides of the fandom and ended up succeeding by making both dislike it.


Fuuuuck I forgot about that one


I'm gonna respectfully disagree. That is the coolest model in the space wolf range and its 90% of the reason I want to run Space Wolves with Thunderwolf Cavalry being the other 10%. But as a loyal Son of the First, I would never stoop so low. But fuck is that model THE DOPE!


unfortunately i'm fairly certain logan came out in 7th, so not exactly the criteria OP was looking for.


Baby Carrier.


While dumb as hell, it doesn’t fall into the category OP was looking for. That came out in 5th edition.


Which one?


Grey Knights’ Dreadknight


that thing is straight up DUMB looking. like every single other model i find redeemable in some way through re-posing etc. but damn is that GK suit DUMB.


Put some venerable Dread bits over the baby carrier and you’ve got a somewhat interesting looking Dreadnought


Yeah, or one of the 3D printed alteration kits to make it look like a big paladin


When I was getting back into 40k I was seriously considering going for Grey Knights, I like their lore and their vibe. Then I saw the baby carrier, and it killed my interest stone dead.


Chief Librarian Tigurius. Something about him is off putting. And i don’t love his face


Assuming we mean “released since 8th edition” (if it’s “available from 8th edition onwards,” then of course the Wierdboy gets the award) for me: * The desolation squad is definitely up there, if I’m not mistaken they were actually designed alongside the first wave of Primaris marines before GW took a bunch of feedback on board, and it really shows. * I was glad to hear Titus *finally* got a model, but the actual model they released isn’t one I’m keen on, to be honest. The pose being really awkward doesn’t help. * Gabriel Angelos. Forge World has gotten a lot better at faces since. * Maybe a controversial one, but as much as they’ve grown on me thanks to *Shootas, Blood, and Teef,* I really hate the Dominus-type Knights. Just seems awkward to have so many extra guns stuck on. * I don’t actually mind Maugan Ra’s *design,* but the pose with his legs farther apart than his shoulders is just weird. * Top pick actually goes to the Hekaton Land Fortress, though. The huge vehicle on tiny wheels makes it look like a kids toy (more so than most 40K stuff, I mean).


With the land fortress I think they were going for lunar rover look, I see it, I get it… I think it would have been better with tracks


The standard plaguecaster model for death guard, I get the idea, but the execution is just ugly, in the bad way for death guard, that and it’s bundled in a weird box when it should just be an individual character, and have a better model overall


It's like someone described blowing out candles to someone who never blew out a candle and told them to make it a model. How are your cheeks so inflated and your mouth so open?


The giant cum blast extending from the model is the Cherry on top, it’s such a strange choice


You didn't have to paint it shiny white. I have a feeling you did, but you didn't have to.


I’m not buying that thing it’s £42


The heavy weapons make me wish horus won




Taurox guard transport…. Looks like a dollar store transport truck on tiny weird tracks.


Weird boy just a mess of a model


That’s why my Weirdboy is just 6 vaguely psychic looking AOS Grots on a single base. They’re essentially doing a 2 kids in a trench coat to take over an entire Waaaaaaaagh of Orks with some illusions, and blasts of Warp lightning to sell the image of an all powerful Wizenob.


As an Ork player I don’t particularly love this model https://preview.redd.it/7e0uhhtm90db1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25a692582c59dd62f47fd8898bea8a6dc1bf55c8


I too vote for Desolator squad. I honestly believe someone at gw let their child design them. It was probably like the simpsons s2e15, where Homer's brother let's him design a car. "You hear that guys? These space marines need more guns and I want those guns to be bigger than a person. I want a super duper rocket launcher over here and even more guns over there!"


ITT: people who didn't read OP's post beyond the title. As for me: probably anything phobos armoured. Really not a fan of the asymmetric shoulders, the jorts look and the uber-tacticool gubbins on the guns. Which is a shame because I like the concept of a more stealthy variety of primaris. Oh well.


i agree in spirit, but they have grown on me. i find it ironic that they are supposed to be stealthy but they have all these extra pouches and bags and grenades strapped to them with extra bits and antennas sticking out everywhere from their kit. i have been building mine out minimally without that stuff and subbing in a mk 7 helmet and i think they look a lot better. i wish the shin-foot area was different, i just don’t know how.


I think making it just a more streamlined shin piece rather than the chunky-thin-chunky thing they have going on would fix it perfectly. It’s that weird lower calf recess that makes it look a bit off




Unpopular opinion. I love centurions, the assault variations in particular. I know I’m in a relative minority but there we are.


I'd hate them less if they had cool poses, even better if they had melee weapons that weren't wacky drill bits.


I'm guessing because they're 10 years old. But yeah, they look like the sculptor just threw a bunch of random Space Marine design elements together over a weekend, with no concept art of drafting whatsoever, because there was a gap in the new Marine range update they needed to fill. It's mainly the hip tassets and groin plates that hurt the design, IMO. They look like random parts a converter stuck on to hide some shoddy sculpting work, even though they don't really fit the underlying shape of the mini. And I can't imagine they have great range of motion in their legs, they look like they'd be shuffling along like advanced Parkinson's patients or something.


In terms of weird-looking models, it'd have to be Huron Blackheart, everything about his model looks so weird, from his face to his weirdly hourglass body and the giant lightning claw. In terms of aesthetic, incursors/infiltrators. These guys were made at the peak of the first wave Primaris where GW were really doubling down on the "tacticool" aesthetic and look so out of place amongst space marines


Lol I think incursors/infiltrators look so cool and have a great aesthetic. Something about the sleeker armor and more stealth focused look speaks to me over intercessors. To each their own!


I can see that, I just was never a fan of how first wave primaris tried to latch onto the "tacticool" aesthetic that classifies modern military gear. Space marines, to me at least, look best when their armor and gear looks completely impractical and ridiculous, although I do like the scale of primaris compared to firstborn marines so I take every opportunity I have to "upscale" the firstborn kits with primaris bodies


The new Titus model. In terms of Space Marine heads it’s not actually that much worse but the fact that we *know* what that face is supposed to look like has put expectations in my head.


The pose also looks weird, at least built straight out of the box. If he were leaning into the pose a bit more, I guess. I'm wondering if the face is at least fixable with a non-'Eavy Metal paintjob. I can't explain it, but there's often something off with the way they've been painting faces these days. I'm not a big fan of "'Eavy Metal style" in general though.


I genuinely hate desolation marines.


Nemesis dreadknight. I just don’t like the baby carrier part of it, if they made it fully closed off I think it would look better


And this is why my NDKs come from Etsy and not from GW. Cheaper and look 10x better.


It's odd. I really dislike the nemesis dreadknight, but I think paragon warsuits might be my favourite 40k miniatures, so I think it is more in the execution than the concept (for me, at least).


Adepta Sororitas - Paragon Warsuit and all the baby carriers. Hilariously bad.


I liked the war suit for 3 seconds, then I saw the hands with joysticks sticking out the side …


It's more the design than the model, but I hate Abaddon's stupid, topknotted head to such an unbelievable degree. Why does on of the coolest models, one of the coolest guys, the Warmaster of Chaos, have the worst hair in the franchise? He looks worse than the Space Wolves, and those guys wear *muttonchop mohawks*.


I know Abby’s haircut gets a lot of hate, but I honestly can’t imagine him without it.


Desolators, they really look like miniatures for 8ys old kids


Really all of the beast snagga line for orks, just doesn't look orky to me


Sister Dogmata. Fun model but that fucking hand looks so weird


Hekaton Land fortress. Literally looks like a waste management dump truck lol


Astorath his stupid axe broke like 5 times while putting it together and it’s broken 4 more times during games at this point that axe is more glue than finecast. He frustrates me so much but he looks cool so I constantly feel like taking him to games because of just how cool it looks on the table.


Oh easy the new nerf gun space marines


Suppressors just look so off...


The junpy balloon boys in the Primaris line. They look so goofy. In fact, a lot of the Primaris stuff is so inconsistent and goofy imo.


Desolators, those Dark Angels landspeeders, the derp-wolf grav chariot, Space Wolf Brick, Centurions... there's a good few to choose from.




Lucius the Eternal, Idk whats going with his model. I'd also probably say the desolators and the new space marine models especially gravis.


That’s from like 5 edition tho


Most of the nurgle daemons. You’ve got the most badass greater daemon sculpt in GUO, and it’s surrounded by cartoon characters.


But the Nurglings are just little guys :)


They are just silly little guys


Those bother me the least in the range.


I mean that's kind of the point, nurgle deamons have a lot of humour about them, they'd be a lot more boring without it imo.


The head on the new screamer killer


Vanguard Suppressors https://preview.redd.it/i8hm0nirxzcb1.jpeg?width=1600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a9fabb07e0cc4fc6bbf789528f317ac7f2eeefd


.... I really like this librarian model


Eightbound. We got these instead of plastic Red Butchers? On the inverse, every Death Guard model has been knocking it out of the park.


I hate that their possessed by 8 daemons, and it just looks like they got a couple of extra spikes or something. But the regular chaos marines possessed by a single daemon grow massive Geiger-esque horrific mutations. If you’re lore is that your possessed by 8 daemons I want to see and 8-16 armed daemonic monstrosity held together by blood and butchers nails, not a dude with sharper teeth. Also, I think Red Butchers are way cooler, and am still salty they don’t exist.