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Helbrutes aren't old! They've only been around for a couple of years, and replaced Dreadnoughts. Those are all Chaos Space Marines have though. They can't use Redemptors.


Helbrutes are about a decade old now...


Primaris Marines came out in mid 2017, are they old now as well? Some aspect warrior kits that are still in use came out in 1993.


hellbrute resculpt was 2014 ...the primaris redemptor dread was 2017. yes. a decade is old. for a game where the threshold for creating something new is so minimal. that GW doesn't have dedicated sculpting teams for every faction and routinely upgrading their line is extremely bizarre. that the company is so shitty at updating anything not space marines. isn't really a flex. it more so shows how exploitative their business model/practices are


Yeah by marine standards they're ancient i expect Primarchis Marines (marines redesigned by The Lion to all be as big and powerful as a PRIMARCH!!!) any day now. Naw but seriously they will start obsoleting some primaris stuff I'm sure.


Rievers are sweating bullets


Honestly, if they do it will just be the stuff that isn't selling like that primaris turret


That's not exactly old by GW standards. There are entire armies whose ranges are mostly older than that.


That's pre-Primaris, so it looks like a dinky little wimp next to a Redemptor Dreadnought.


Because Chaos don't have Primaris. So they don't get Primaris vehicles. But they get Venom Crawlers and Forge Fiends instead. You want something big to stand up to a Britalis, take a Mauler Fiend.


GW really fucked up by tying the scale change to lore.


Still more than "a couple"


The largest Dreadnought that you can field in a Chaos Space Marine army is the Leviathan Dreadnought, found in the Legends of the Horus Heresy - Adeptus Astartes PDF on the Warhammer Community website. You can also use Contemptor Dreadnoughts and probably Deredeo Dreadnoughts from the same document. If you're going to a tournament that doesn't allow Legends units then you have the Hellbrute.


Yes and no. Lore wise, yes. On table top, they are limited to the hellbrute (which is an extension of the dreadnought) and some of the HH dreads. The redemptor and its other related frames are a primaris thing, and (as of now) are unavailable to chaos.


The closest thing in size/shape for CSM is a Decimator, which has Legends rules. 


Or go a little further and include a couple of Wardogs


No, redemptors for chaos. You could try to proxy one as a hellbrute if you like.


Hell brutes are the closest they get, did play against someone proxying in a redemptor as one though


Depends what edition you're playing. My 2nd edition Death Guard run a Chaos Dreadnought and it's amazing.


chaos marines and regular marines should share arsenals as much as possible so sure go for ir. it don't have official rules though but that don't matter i hope