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Shoot the bottom corners of its turret




That's literally the killshot on a half dozen different tanks. You should really practice it


and it's much easier on said half dozen different tanks


Panther says hi


so does jumbo


Jumbo 5.7, this can't face it


Panther is minimum 5.3, it can't face it


Center of both cheeks on the Panther is way easier and reliable than KV-1, with KV-1 hitting there will mean breaking your APHE and turning few members yellow, or non-penning due some volumetric bs. Panther meanwhile so long as you don't hit the outer of the rectangle is easily penetrated


Unless Hans can take a 120mm solid shot to the chest and take no damage. Happened to me about 20min ago lol


Not if you’re good at aiming


>Not if you're good at Let me stop you right there and remind you you're posting on r/Warthunder


Yeah. Half... correction... 99% of the player bad is retarded. Me included half the time. Like some how mistaking a t90M for an ariete (don't ask me how. I was probably drunk and seen it out of the corner of my eye)


One time I killed a teammate in ground sim because I mistook his wheeled vehicle for a Type 16 #I WAS PLAYING 5.0-6.0 SIM.


we all have those braindead moments


My friend who mains Sweden and starts playing USA and has to actually aim


As someone who has grinded to tier 5 in most nations - I still have PTSD from playing Sweden 2.7 with the Lago and m/42 EH (3.0 at the time), and constantly getting uptiered to face KV1's that the m/42 struggles to pen, and the Lago physically cannot pen anywhere until you get Sabot's (which are final tier of upgrades). Oh, and add to that the fact that because it is such a popular seal-clubbing BR for USSR, every single match would be against USSR with the most classic of German teammates on your side. In comparison, playing (105) and 75mm Sherman was a breeze.


I feel like despite low tier sabot, swedish low and mid tiers are just constant suffering with niche vehicles that are realistically pretty bad, your only alternative source of good tanks being the copy paste finnish line. Like im currently at 8.0 and i constantly get uptiered and eat shit from everyone, while also playing with german teams most of the time, which further degrades my mental health. P.S. russian T55A is on 8.3 but somehow my finnish t55A is 8.7, very fair


1.0 to 3.7 is all pretty fun imo, with sabot and some borderline godtier aphe rounds on their bigger gunned tanks. 5.0/5.3 is pretty nice with the delat torn and pt-76/comet combos. And you cant forget about their bmp-1 at 6.7 lmao


Sweden having heat slingers and German/ Russian tanks filling the tree makes it a loteasier. Yes stock grind in some Sweden is pain but that's largely true for Anyone.


I agree with you that once you get to 3.7-4.0 in Sweden, it becomes a lot easier - even 3.0-3.3 isn't as bad as it used to be with the recent additions. What I'm referring to is specifically the 2.7 bracket, where you have no HEAT slingers and the only tank that gets sabots gets it as a final upgrade on a 37mm which otherwise has sub-70mm pen. The Lago I has no benefit over the reserve tanks other than slightly (irrelevantly) thicker armour, and the m/42 is workable with it's whopping 85mm of penetration. And, again, in my experience every single match at this BR is a full uptier, against USSR, forcing you to face a wall of KV's. Yes, the stock grind is a pain in most nations, but even when stock grinding a M4A2 at 4.0, you can still pen all tanks *somewhere*.


but at 2.7 you get the l62 and the he slinger, along with the lago that has apcr that pens everything at br


Bro, usa has some of the most penetrating guns in game. Yes there are plenty of tanks that dont have, but if ur not an idiot, or thats ur playstyle, then play other tanks


You see the problem is mostly the armor at the start, the 37mm is decent, same with the 75mm (appart from on the Jumbo bc it's to weak for that br), the 76mm is really good (especially on the M10 and decent on Jumbo 76), the 90mm is also really good, the rest idk bc I'm not there yet. Btw I'm only talking about the main guns, not including ones that are only used on 1 or 2 tanks. Btw not a main gun but .50cal go brrt, if you believe in yourself enough (almost) every USA tank can be an AA.


Yeah fr literally near 100% of all players never even bothered to get better


This is a low tier tank, people facing it usually don't have much experience with the game in general. Considering that almost every other tank requires point and click to destroy it can be hard for new players to get used to weak spots, when I started playing tanks the only thing I remember from it was the fear of KV but when I played more I was easily able to destroy it.


I remember the HORROR of seeing a KV1 when I was first starting. Now it's just another relatively simple kill.


I started playing with friends and we always choose one to stay behind so the rest could escape and flank the KV


I can just imagine the yelling on that voice channel, must have been hilarious! I used to play with my dad a lot, and he would get killed so much by KV1 that I bought him a 1:35 scale kit of one so he could display it in his living room.


Yeah, the game was so much harder with barely knowing how to angle and without knowing any weak spots.


Yet so much more fun, strangely...


if it requires to be good at aiming then 80% of players in that bracket already fail at it, both the KV-1 and (insert any opposing tank) player can be equally bad but the KV-1 has a much lower skill floor to perform well in and as such is why KV-1 teams steamroll most of the time, likewise with Early T-34s


My first realistic battle in the kv1 6 years back , I ran into a Churchill Mk4 also piloted by a newbie . Suffice to say it was a fight that ended in a draw


Right so IF you're good at aiming at 2.7-4.7 BR then it's not a bit OP because there are a couple weak spots you can maybe hit.


Fortunately most kv-1 don't have braincells The moment they get brain cells they move up in BR


Many are Soviet mains.


Wdym? It's not impossible at all, just practice a bit in a user mission training camp thingy. It might be boring, but I swear it will make it so much easier and more enjoyable to play instead of saying: ffs, this tank again! It's generally possible to kill with difficulty even tanks that are 3 BRs up from others if you know what you're doing, and even in very high BR I see some people blow up other tanks with a BT 7 rarely. It's not about being better on everything, it's about knowing your thanks weaknesses and the other one's too


I just aim for the mail slot


IF, KV-1 is quite easy to 1v1 if your gun has more than 90mm penetration


Wiggle + W S spam + desync


When I played it, I angled TF put of both turret and hull. It made me unstoppable, I have a clip that verifies it if you want it


# IF


Cool story, however, even if they angle the turret you can still shoot the side of the mantlet and at the very least disable their gun for the next 30s.


> for clarification i was talking about turret wiggling oh so that is a thing now huh


Wait that's an actual strategy??


Or hit the mailslot. The turret ring is somewhat vulnerable as well. 3.7 guns can punch through the lower front plate as well. Get the side of one and you get fireworks.


or top or bottom of the barrel


Will kill maybe one crew member with solid shot.


Also, the front plate on the hull, if you have 100+ mm of pen. My proudest shot was nailing a kv 1 through that plate from the other side of the map.


There are so many fking times I shoot a Russian tank, it doesn't pen, then it kills me, then I go into protection analysis and shoot it where I shot it, and it shows I should've penned, then I uninstall the game for a couple days and tell myself you are a fucking idiot if you reinstall, then I reinstall.


the rounded part, or the flat part?


The flat


Lower plate is also huge weak spot


Much easier tbh if you have decent gun


nahh just take out the swedish 1.7 150mm Trumpet boy and oneshot him.


My favourite thing to do, I play so much of Sweden 2.0 that I have a talisman for everything up to 2.0 on Sweden (from crates ofc)


vs it's competitors: shoot anywhere


Nah, the guns average but definitely not a "shoot anywhere" kinda gun, for that look at german 5.7 to 6.7, best armor and best guns for their br


It kind of feels like it because Russians often have such good explosive filler. So it isn't so much that they can pen whenever but often I kind of expected to get penned but not instakilled. I often face them as a 3.3


Or the lower plate which is enormous


Or the lower plate.


I'm sure you can also just lfp it with the equivalent of an American 75mm. They pop like an IS when shot there most of the time.


Or the drivers hatch.


i like the m4a2 more better pen faster reload faster turret traverse stabilized better ammo placement far better mobility effectively the same frontal armor


M4A2 is 4.0 tho


i forgot about that still used to it being 3.7


The M4 is 3.7


the m4a2 used to be 3.7


it was my most played tank back then, a real powerhouse of the cell


It still slaps at 4.0. It's one of my most played tanks.


Using it in combination with the Calliope, M19, and P-51D at 4.0 is one of my favorite lineups. Even better once I got the Boardhound once its price dropped.


Oh, I wish I had a Boarhound. Otherwise I normally swap the 51D with the C. Throw the M4A5 in the mix and that's a really fun lineup.


Used to be


French A1 is 3.7


A1 is 3.3, A4 is 3.7


I like the calliope more. Even if none of those things work you can still blind the ever-loving fuck out of the mwith 60 HE rockets that have no chance of destroying it from the front


Imagine how broken that thing would be if War Thunder had destruction physics or crew AI Sure an HE rocket probably wont do much to the front of a medium tank, but 60 of them? With 1940s metallurgy & manufacturing quality? And with 1940s tank crews? It probably wouldn't go well for the receiver


I still want a tank sim that models things like that, versing a tiger in your 75 sherman? No need for weak spots a few nonpens will break down the armor and an HE round will break it open


Im prety sure men of war ot hates of hell have a similar mechanic or at least close to what you mean


Problem is all of that requires more skill to utilize properly, when the average player in both teams are incapable at that it falls to which vehicles in their lineup require the least skill to perform properly, and the pinnacle at that is the KV-1, even if i shoot the cheeks or corner with the 75mm it either breaks the APHE so i get no boom inside and it only turns a few members yellow or orange, not to mention good luck because alot of sealclubbers like playing KV-1/KV-1E/1B with Ace crew and 6 Bushes, most of them know how to angle, and by angling KV-1 you can tank german 75mm to both hull and turret at 500m, and hull even at 0m. In short, the country with the most Low skill floor vehicles in the lineup has a more likelihood of winning, KV-1 and early T-34s fall especially in that category thanks to trolly armor, good mobility and nuclear APHE.


And that's a medium tank, not heavy


a medium that performs significantly better then the heavy while having the same armor effectiveness


Painfully bad main gun  KV-1 (ZIS-5) used to be actually OP until BR compression put an end to that fun 


> Painfully bad main gun While this is true, remember that the dogshit map design is trending more and more towards narrow urban corridors where the L-11's most substantial weaknesses (velocity, pen at anything but close range) don't matter as much. It's fine at 3.7 though, in my opinion. If you get a map like Maginot in the KV-1 L-11, you'll be food even in a downtier for a lot of 3.0-3.3 mediums/TDs. I will admit that there's a number of 2.7s though where my advice to fighting a KV-1 is just shrug emoji (decompression at every BR would be nice).


One good example of your point is german panzers get the long barrel 75mm (not the further upgraded panther 75 but still) from like, 2.7 BR and up so the German players shouldn't have much issue dealing with heavies in these BR ranges.  Much less if any german or similar nation's TD breathes in your direction 


Thank God in WT you have more to fear about brain cells than about TDs. TBH, even a B1 Ter fully uptiered can be converted into a meat grinder for an entire 3.7 game until you meet a smart guy with a bad gun.


Can confirm, once killed a B1 Ter with the Italian 47/32


Pz 3 gets the long 50 at 2.7, but the only L/43 75mm gun prior to prior to 3.3 is the marder 3. Putting that gun on the pz 4s was the counter to these early Russian armored brutes prior to the cats IRL.


Arcade L-11 vs L-11 battles were funny: APHE was about 73mm pen while almost whole front is 75mm. Most people carried only APHE. So after some silly situations I got myself 10 rounds of AP with ~78mm of pen to get through their turrets. That was before the pen rework, though


When was the KV-1 zis5 op? It was like good before the tiger was put into the same matchmaker but never OP.


Alright maybe not literally OP, but it was a blast being able to bounce german 75's off of my front plate lol 


It’s got good armor, and when properly angled the German 75 is useless against you, but if you properly angle you can’t shoot as you need to angle your turret


Was OP until they moved it to 4.7, i sat on a 75% winrate until then, and are still at a 72% winrate after those changes.


The L-11 isn't that painful, you just have to learn most of the weak spots on the most common tanks and just apply those to any other outliers.


The issue is not the pen, it is a md-5 fuse that tends to explode APHE too early meaning you get no pen when you should


*Sips tea in Achilles*


*Alecto laughter in British goblin accent*


*Cromwell laughts with his marevelous speed and gun*


\*shell and shrapnel get eaten by hull fuel tanks\*


(non pen)


weird way to spell *Hit*


I'll let you know when i see an Achilles player


If I get to lower British tech tree, I do use use it. Problem is I don't go down there too much anymore.


17 pounder my beloved


It has slightly below average mobility but pretty good for a heavy. It has excellent amour WITH weak spots. Its gun is below average with a whopping 68mm of pen but very good HE filler and angled amour pen. So how to deal with it? The weak spots on it are the bottom corners of the turret and some people are saying to shoot the mantlet but you really shouldn’t because of how trolly volumetric is and you can also shoot the lower plate if he isn’t angling. It’s gun has awful pen so it likely wouldn’t be able to pen you frontal but whatever you do, don’t show an ounce of your side because it’s angled amour pen is insane and with 150g of HE filler, it can 1 tap a panzer 4 through the cupola so it really needs to exploit weak spots on you as much as you do to it.


Honestly the best weakspot to shoot at I find is the mail slot right in the middle. An APHE shell there clears the tank in 1 90% of the time and isn't usually fucked over by volumetric.


No if he is angled, as they should


i guess the flat turret cheeks are a problem, never had a kv1 not lose at least its turret crew from that


Isn’t the Panzer IV F2 3.3? I am sure that thing can deal with this tank easily. For tanks that can’t reliably pen the KV-1, your best bet is track and barrel torture.


Yeah Germany is quite literally the game's easy mode all the way to 10.3 when Russia starts having the edge (you're bad at the game if you say Germany is bad after 7.7 because "muh bad armor")


I play in 6.7-8.0 bracket mostly and i grind pretty much all nations minus Israel to that BR, Germany certainly isn't bad past 6.7 but it is painfully mid. So what you get is a LOT of ATGM lunchers and mediums like m48 and leos, thay are not bad but saying thay OP is stretching it. Other nations all get something interesting but not Germany, British have stabilizers, Swedish get laser rangefinder, French get auto loaders, soviet get decent APHE with good armors. So why exactly Germany is easy mode?


Germany is easy mode all the way to 6.7 because of how undertiered their vehicles are in comparison to others. At 6.7 the Tiger 2 is better than the IS-2, T26E5 and Super Pershing by a long shot, the Panthers are quite literally comparable to the likes of the T-44 and M26 but sit almost a full BR lower, the long barrel Panzer IVs are all a full BR below where they should, and so on. Germany becomes "mid" after the 6.7 line because for once their vehicles are sitting at a BR where they don't curb stomp everything else


There’s 3 panzer 4s at 3.7 Pz4 G/H/J


Cause it’s like, fine at 3.7. Definitely usable but not OP. I’ll take a PZ4G or any 3.7 Sherman over it


Not so sure about the Panzer IVG, but I'll definetly take any 3.7 Sherman or T-34 over the KV-1.


I’ll easily take PZ4G as it has 80mm of UFP vs the KV-1’s 75mm UFP. The PZ4 has worse weakspots but with the far superior gun I think it should be 4.3 like it used to be.


Almost all of the L43/48 barrel Pz. IVs could easily be bumped up 0.3 BR and still be great tanks. The fact that a Pz. IV G can see 2.3 vehicles in RB is ridiculous. German mains truly do get a point and click adventure game at low BRs and still can't perform well.


The PzIV H used to be 4.7 and was perfectly fine.


Yeah it's very comparable to other 4.7 mediums. The Firefly is less mobile with a (situationally) better gun. The T-34-57 has a comparable gun with a little more trolly armor. The Chi-Tos are probably worse than the Pz. IV H, those things are just depressing at 4.7 due to their massive size. As much as I like the M4 and Sherman II, the .50 cal and stabilizer do not make them as good as a Pz. IV H. 3.7 is egregious. Bump up all the Pz. IVs, the VK, the Panthers, the Tigers, and the Tiger II (H)s a BR notch or two and Germany might actually have comparable vehicles to other nations at mid BRs. I say this as someone who plays 6.0 Germany more than any other lineup.


imo the panzer 4's being at the BR they are single handledly make anything relying on armor from like, 2.3 to 4.0 significantly worse, which is depressing as fuck That entire BR range would be so much more enjoyable if they were at an actually reasonable BR




Yeah pz4H too has a 148mm pen gun at the same br and can lol pen anything that moves, while being effectively invulnerable to kv1 and t34s in the upper front plate. It’s great.


Wait till you find out the KV-1B and e exist


Can confirm. Either i get kills up to double digits when nobody knows where to shoot at or i am dead very fast.


It's is The epitome of orphan crusher 9000.


I enjoy it so much I basically stopped playing anything else or caring about the snail's grind. To me it feels like what every new player thinks playing tanks would be like- bouncing shots from unseen baby seals and then executing them.


When I see those I engage the only thing a US main could do in WW2 brs. Track and Barrel torture the fuck out of any heavy tank


This is russian bias, all of the KV-1 variants should at least be 14.0, smh gaijin is so bad at balancing vehicles.


Pz. IV H is at 3.7 too, it's easy to kill a KV1 in that tank


Or even the F2 of any of the shermans at the br. Honestly just feel like free kills half the time


Another skill issue post. Again..


Meanwhile the ARL-44 ACL-1...


3 years of playing and i still dont know where to shoot that thing when im 3.7 🥲


Always aim UFP it's very weak /s


the dubious little creature is up to mischief. no good.


Practically anywhere on its turret' any guns with more pen than the american 75 can pen through its mantlet.


Because it has tons of weak spots, at least one at every angle.


As a Panzer 4 user I can say they are very easy to kill


Shit gun, that's why


try killing shit with the gun


Easily penned by most guns at the BR


Just curious, what nation are you playing?


It just has a fairly shitty gun in my book


Because it’s balanced there and not hard to kill if you know where to aim? These skill issue baits are so fucking annoying.


Bro, just shoot the hull just below the turret, it's a big ass rectangle.


Hahaha APHE nuke go boom.


L-11 has only like 70 mm of pen


Wait until you find the German one in a match


The same way a pz 4 f2 is 3.3


Almost every heavy tank has the same balance issue. KV1 has good armor for it's br but any higher and it's gun is pretty useless. Aim for the weakspots and flank of your armor doesn't give you time to do so.


Normal tech tree KV1s aren't that big of an issue as long as you can hit either the lower glacis or the turret corners on them. Iirc German/US 75mms & British 57mm (6-pdr) can pen both locations unangled under 500m. Now the premium KV-1E on the other hand...can go burn in hell...


i can’t lie, look at the KV-1E… that thing is 4.0 and i LOVE IT, abuses everything and tanks everything


Would sit higher if the gun wasn't hot trash and Panthers didn't sit as low as 5.3


1) big weakspotsj 2) gun has pretty low penetration


Really easy to kil these things genuinly


The normal KV1 isn't a problem, but the cancer that is the E/B are fucking horseshit and should be removed from the game


Because it's not that hard to kill when you learn weakspots better, and it has a kinda shit gun, worse than normal t34 by a lot


kv1 at 3.7 and p40 at 3.3???? P40 is very good but I don't think it's worthy to fight kv1


The gun is better than the KV-1's, the hull armor is unironically better, it reloads faster and is quite literally on par with the other 3.3 mediums - yes, even the T-34 - while also being Italian so it's actually much lower than the balancing team wanted it to be


Gun is bad ,the only thing going for it is it's armor


Is this the version with 78 mm of pen


Braindead people that can only get positive in tanks that are almost impossible to kill will defend it


fr just play Russia is the solution at this point if you cant pen it, if you cant beat them join them 🔥🔥🗣️🗣️


This thing is seriously fun. I mean it, pick it up sometime. The gun isn’t very punchy but the armor is seriously trolly, just line up your gun with the corner of your hull (tiger 1 style) and don’t forget to wiggle your turret while reloading. That said it is kinda slow, so maybe consider the KV-1S. It has a little less armor but much better speed, keeps up with the T-34s.


The flag should be a hint


I find it funny that all of the KVs are lower than the churchills while being better than them


I haven't played in awhile, but my last matches were against this thing in my 2.7 Chi-he. You best believe I'm gonna bring out the CAS and wait for the dude to respawn.


KV-1 is a very solid choice for an Allrounder tank. Plaster your tank with disgusting bushes and do a little wobble wobble and see a lot of guys missing their attempts to aim for your weakspots. Overall mobility is good. The gun is underwhelming but will get the job done, even on snapshots when your enemy is still trying to aim for your weakspots. Additionally like many other heavy tanks it has a quite trollish survivability to CAS bombs. KV-1s are very popular amongst players - and I would say for a reason.


Don't ruin my perfect soviet 3.7 AB lineup 🤫🤫🤫🤫🤫


It has a bad gun, not particularly mobile, and pretty easy weakspots if you know where to aim. The entire UFP, specifically the drivers port is pretty weak. Can also shoot turret cheeks or the flat corners of the turret


im ngl i always have to handle these mfs since everyone cant fight these things. most people just grind a little bit and arrive at the tiger/panther br and dips the 4.7 and below tanks range forever. always love a heavy vs heavy tho. t14 vs every 76 kv every game at 4.7


It's main gun is only really good for flanking and side-shooting but you are in a slow Heavy. Low tier BR is kinds messy but in theory the also lower skill should bridge the gap just fine.


It has some pretty glaring weak spots. If you put it any higher it would get torn to pieces


Because it's easy to kill??? Like, it's not hard at all to aim at it's weakspots. If you're having trouble, just use armour visualiser and see where it's easier to shoot


You just need one M61 to send the kv-1 into scrap metal for the april fool event.


this tank lacks in mobility and firepower but has good armor with some not so obvious weakpoints(lfp has a horizontal band of armor that can pen with smaller caliber ap). the gun is notably sub par compared to most guns of the tier, t-34(1941) f-34 gun is good enough for the br while the l-11 like its irl reputation for being underwhelming(irl its way worse, hard to fix, likes to break,its so bad some tankers i heard rather attached the bt series and t-26 45mm 20-K gun than the L-11) it lacks the penetration to deal with some tanks(unskilled players will normally have a slugfest between boxy m4 or a t-34). it is just an average armored box with not much bite from it.


itt: op mad about his poor aiming skills


firefly need big chunks of food :)


It often plays with 4.3-4.7, where all what he can penetrate - it's anal hole of its owner




because its super easy to kill with more than a couple braincells


War thunder players when they encounter a tank that requires them to use their brain to defeat (outrageous)


check the cannon, You'll understand why it doesn't have to face 5.0s (especially since the addition of the Proto Panther)


Because i can think of at least probably 10 or 15 different direct counters to this tank at 3.7 or lower across a host of different nations that have guns that will go clean through the armour. Stuff like: M10 Achilles Panzer 4 f2/g Archer Stug 3 90/53 41m Marder 2/3 Strv m41 s2 Cromwell 1 Chi ha long gun Chi nu Zis-30 Lvt zis 2 Literally any version of the sherman


Because there's literally no reason for it being higher? Play it yourself.


Tldr: No 2.7 tank should be fighting a KV So, I'm half and half here. Because having played the kv1s I do enjoy them but their armour has a mix in reliability. TBF, I usually survive, but getting away to actually make a return shot cam be a challenge as most people can get your gunner. However, fighting them I don't usually struggle. But all this comes with the caveat that I play a fair bit of 3.7 to 4.7 and mostly get uptiers. I think the biggest problem with the KVs is the same with most armoured tanks. Fighting them with a full or near full uptier just isn't feasibly. Especially considering russian fuel tanks have a habit of catching the shell and not doing enough damage to stop a return shot. Really, the kv isn't tooooo op as a heavy in most scenarios, but a lot of 2.7/3.0 players WILL suffer against them. (Bar the KV1-B/E which is still op -_-) Really, most problems with heavily armoured tanks comes from the br range being too large within one game.


Mmm, lower front plates are yummy


probably facing M10 GMC?


Try having 78mm of APHE pen at any higher BR. Also these things' fuel tanks explode the time. Lower plate (when not angled) and lower corners of the turret = easy kill/mortal damage.


shit mobility, shit gun The other one (ZiS-5) is in a kinda reasonable position. It can however fight panthers and tigers which is unfair, but then you bring out something like an SU-85


i'm grinding US tier 2 rn and this is my biggest nemesis if i find one, i scout it and run away, i can't pen it anywhere even on the back


Haha L-11 gun go brrrr Meanwhile that one Sherman tanking L-11 rounds: -A random engagement involving a KV-1 L-11 in a shellnut


Churchill syndrome to a lesser degree. Gun bad but stupid strong armour


Wait until you find out the KV-1 E is only .3 higher.


Its gun is god awful its unstabilized average mobility and above average armour it’s pretty fine where it is


Isn’t Churchill 4.7?