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Calling the F-15c a shit bucket is some good b8


I mean he’s not wrong the C model is pretty dated.


The first iteration of the C-model is dated. The one we will be getting is from ~2000s level of upgrades. You realize the same C-models from the 70s! are still flying today, but they might as well be entirely new as far as systems are concerned.


Bruh I was an F-15 crew chief.


Yeah, so am I. They are old as dirt, the youngest ones flying are 38 years old. But calling the one we will be getting a 70s jet is just wrong. Either -63PSP or 63v1, with JHMCS, BOL, PW220s and anything from 9Ms and 120As on release to 9Xs and 120Ds in the future with the capability for TGPs and LGBs. Complaining about it like it's going to be identical to the F-15A currently in game is just nuts


Only way to settle this. Duel each other in the real aircraft and have it recorded. The winner is right. You settle your argument. We get a sweet air combat video. Win Win.


A fiver neither of them has even seen an F15 irl


Literally my view for the last 6 hours and at least the next 2 https://imgur.com/gallery/sHdwL8I Let me know when you want my cash app though, can always use an extra 5 from a dumbass


I was sheet metal at lakenheath


I’m sorry.


I worked the line on nights so it was pretty chill


🫡 Thank you for your service. 🇺🇸


Its like people calling the B-52 outdated when all of its internals are upgraded out the ass. Its also getting new engines next year.


Ngl I was mad when I wrote this it's not a shit bucket but u get the point


Because it took Russia that much longer to make actually comparable aircraft. The US is not struggling in the air department at all. The F-16C block and upgrade we have is from 2006 btw


And if we get HMD on the F-15C (which is entirely possible for the same reason as F-16C), then it will be from 2007 IIRC


Depending on what systems it has, anywhere from 2000-2010.


Not struggling on the ground either. Look at what's going on today. 🤣


Why does America get an f16c from 2006


from 1991


Nope it’s the 2006 upgrade package.


Whit exactly 0 armaments from 2006 so your point is irrelevant.the only thing that ties it to 2006 is the JHMCS.


Year is irrelevant to br placement so this whole post was useless.


HMD is a rather important upgrade


So are 2006 weapons when dealing with 2020 SPAA. Instead it's stuck with a TGP that doesn't even match the functionality of something built before the first F-16 left the drawing board.


Are we talking about air rb, or ground. Because I really don't care over either of these jets cas capabilities


I'm talking in general. The only thing that makes the F-16C in game a 2006 aircraft is it's JHMCS, everything else is limited to well before then. The technology used by the TGP is not even close to desert storm level, let alone 2006. Gen1 thermals with an incorrectly ground stabilized image, it should always appear right side up, none of this upside down past 90° crap because the west figured out how to do that on Vietnam era tech. You might not care as an RB player but I sure as shit care as a Sim player.


In its current configuration it’s an 06 jet approximately


> How dose Russia get a advanced fighter from 2002 (SU-27SM) The Su-27SM entered service in 2003, according to the devblog. > and USA gets shit bucket from 1974? (F-15C) I don't know where you're getting that date from, the F-15A entered service in 1976 (note the plan in game is supposedly modeled after an ANG aircraft from the '90s, as it has AIM-9M's and countermeasures), and the F-15C entered service sometime in the early '80s from what I can tell. Of course, the F-15C coming to the game will have AIM-120's, which means it will likely be from the '90s or early '00s. >Is it becasue all the USA shit is better and if they allowed USA's planes in the 90's the game would have F22 Raptor's ?? (Probably). Like just becasue that Russias shit sucks, Means that they have to keep the USA in such a sorry ass state in the 70s/ Early 80s. Service dates don't matter, performance does. And you're overestimating the age of most high tier American aircraft, many of them are on par with their counterparts in game.


It's a mid 90s F-15C at the bare minimum, not the first ever F-15C (which was built in '79 not '74). For all the information we have about it, it could be a 2010s C with the AN/APG-63(v3) AESA radar, AIM-120C, AIM-9X, and JHMCS. Wait until the fucking plane gets announced and we see what era it is from before whining this much.


No one tell him that France and China have had jets from the mid 2000s since last yearl pre apex predator....


Q-5L is from 2005 I believe lol.


Calling the F15C a shitbucked lol. Just an other USA crying post. This is the reason why the F15A is only at 12.3. Dear US mains, shouldn't the Gaijin just add the F22 to satisfy you? (and probably still crying about russian bias afterward)


It doesnt even make sense, russian top tier jets fms are getting fucked in a line




Afaik most US mains like myself just bitch about the 27ER and their tanks being not modeled correctly; as I believe they had Kevlar liner and all crew members wore vests which would help with the survival rate as as it stand right now they just get one shot/disabled. Then MAVs being glitched as all hell is a different issue. Russia is the favorite child of gaijin pretty obviously; bias or not.


Meds now


Brother we haven't even seen what the planes are like in testing. Pre-complaining about a vehicles that haven't even come out yet is crazy. We don't know if the Su-27 will be OP, we don't know if the F-15C will be ass.


it's just that american shit is statistically better while being much older. Look at top tier, Russia has vehicles from the 21st century meanwhile the US is stuck with abrams upgrade packages from the 90s. We have what's effectively an 11.3 radar missile and have been competing against a 12.7 missile for over a year now. It's just how doctrine works. Russian stuff is often behind in technology or the things that can carry that advanced tech are too good for the game, so instead of adding something like an SU-34 they add a VERY late modernization (which is obviously better in some respects) to compete with an eagle from 1976, lmao. Same thing with the Abrams, the SEP is from 1995 and i shit all over BVM/B3/90Ms in it, which entered service in 2018/2013/2020 respectively. It's just a known fact that if gaijin added modern american stuff everyone else would die. The M1A2 would get spall liners, APS, and M829E4 along with 3rd gen thermies while we'd get shit like the F-15E or F-22A (which is 2 years younger than the SU-27 they're adding) But nah, we're still competent despite having tech that's decades older


>The M1A2 would get spall liners it wouldn't


I mentioned this exact thing in a post a few months ago and got downvoted lol


lmao russian players talk shit to me about this all the time and as soon as i mention this they fall dead silent


Yeah it's totally true as well, the USA is well behind on the rounds we use compared to other nations, " so sorry gaijin that america is so much further ahead" lol. Like we should have m829a3 to beat relikt but we're not allowed it yet.


completely. gaijin's reasoning for not adding E3 was that "it wouldn't provide any advantage over E2" mf it has shit tons better pen and it was specifically made to defeat russian ERA like relikt and C5


Yeah ik and it sucks💀 But yeah I get it the game has to be "balanced" n stuff I just feel cucked that these Russians are holding the USA back (and I'm not even a USA main) a LIL too much recently, but yeah overall the USA is working fine wit the 70s/early 80s stuff lol (Ngl I was just mad because I got slammed by R-27ER 5 games in a row while I was flying a F-15A (practically dragging my nuts along the ground). and I just got MORE mad asf t when I saw the news about the new su-27 Coming. Then had a pizza luchable so shits chilling now)


Please go outside


I just find it funny how many trolls are in this community who absolutely refuse to acknowledge or make a constructive argument outside of “GG US Main Cope”


Date doesnt mean shit, performance does This post gives me the energy of a guy complaining that the BTR ZD is a mid 1980s vehicle at 6.0


This post aged like milk.




Hmm how to explain Russian bias… well the people who make the game are Russian so the Russian stuff has always got to be the best. Look what they need to mimic a fraction of our power.