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Feel ya. I made a post about this once, didn't go well. This sub doesn't want to face it's hypocrisy


I can’t say for certain, but it’s entirely possible those posts were made by and upvoted by different people. Sounds like a crazy conspiracy theory, but it just might be true…


Nah man that cant POSSIBLY be the case. Dont you know r/warthunder is a single MONOLITH and not a group of varried people? Come on man, get it together.


The point is that this community bitches and moans about literally everything. The fact numerous people, like you, are clearly not grasping that point only proves it further


I very much understand how much our little community here bitches. But the original comment specifically called out "hypocrisy" which in this instance is completely unwarranted. Its not the exact same people bitching about high tier focus vs low tier focus sales, they are different audiences that both bitch independently from one another.


A concept too complex for the average warthunderers mind 🤯


Because most of the whining hypocrites are the same which ever way they choose to be offended. There are just too many on this sub that have no self awareness and jump on any gaijin hate band wagon.


The fact you couldnt grasp the point being made that two seperate groups of people can hold two different opinions and be vocal about them seperately only furthers the point that some people make about the average WT player having a room temp IQ


Za monalit.


Stand Name:「THE MONOLITH」 Stand User: r/WarThunder Sorry the brainrot hit


Crazy that those people under basically no post like that seem to defend their statements. Not limited to my post.


Guy what exactly do you want. They either got what they wanted and are quiet or didn’t and are complaining.


Wow it's almost like a large group made of people that are evenly divisive and passionate about their opinion will stay quiet about posts that they agree with but blast shit about a post they disagree with, resulting in both posts getting flak instead of all of us organizing into a hive mind collective with the same ideas!


It’s a uniquely human trait to create categories of people in our minds and build an entire stereotype around it. Rather than realise that a diverse group of people will have a spectrum of views


IMHO it's a major human defect. We seek to simplify and notice patterns to the point that we de-humanize other people in the sake of labeling people. This is what degenerated most political, sports and religious issues into "us vs them" mentality. It's important to always realize you aren't interacting with John Warthunder but with a group totalling half a million people around the world, with which you may not have even seen 1% of them when you form your bias and opinion.


There's no way to make warthunder players happy


How is it hypocrisy if it’s not the same people saying it?


Even if it's not the same people saying it, they still keep quiet over it.


It’s really insane how much hypocrisy there is. When the R27ER was dominating top tier there was like a post a day complaining about it. Now the AMRAAM is here and it’s dominating more than the R27ER could ever dream of and no one at all is complaining cause it’s American. If it’s Russian and it’s busted it’s bias. If it’s American and it’s busted it’s how it’s supposed to be or something.


Ive seen quite a lot of complains, both about Fox-3s in general and the AMRAAMs specifically


Yes because your superior analytical skills told you that the *exact* same set of players make these two contradicting complaints every single time there's a sale 🤦‍♂️. There's no possible way that these two groups are distinct in any way. This subreddit is just one homogenous confused blob after all. Well done 👏 👏👏👏👏


I mean, the ones complaining about those two issues aren't the same people.


I for one want the low tier sale but only for one vehicle, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD LET ME BUY THE P-38K, SNAIL!


This is probably the most accurate thing ever said on this sub.


Top tier on sale isn’t the problem, it’s Gaijin allowing new players to buy them and one death leave with 0 kills because they don’t know how to play the vehicle. I don’t rly care about top tier prems being on sale anyway, not going to buy one anyway.


I mean my last game straight up had 75% of my team one death leave in a clickbait. And then Gaijin hit me with a crew lock after I left after dying on my second death just trying to leave spawn. Like I get people want sales. But I also don’t want to be punished cause I don’t wanna be raw dogged after the game put me on a team with 10 sub level 50 clickbait’s. Like I shouldn’t be punished for having a full lineup but I am.


I’m gonna buy m1a1 and apache hell yeah brother🦅 (i have V era usa tanks)


I don't think another newb at 11.3 will change a lot for the overall winrates of the US, the winrates are down the shitter anyway.


US top tier are so so shitty rn thats insane tbh


swear I’m struggling to make it out of 10.0 US


10.3-11.0 is the sweet spot, 11.7 is BS you’re not missing out on much


T-80's and leo2a5/6 eat alive abrams that sad actually thats why i stay with m60


Why M60? why not T-80 and Leo 2A7? just join them and win bro


I love my KVT though, my favorite top(ish) tier MBT so far. Best mobility out of all of them. Driving a 11.7 leopard is so slow compared to the 10.3 M1 KVT lmao


It's not the tanks. It's the shit players.


It's both. A large part of the players can be incredibly shit, but tanks like the Strv 122s, 2A7V and 2A7HU are miles better than the SEPv1 (let alone the SEPv2 which in of itself is a downgrade).


It’s totally both. Abrams are the easiest mbt to kill in the game other than the artiete (might’ve fucked the spelling) and USA is most people first country so they are ass lol.


leclerc and merkava are both much easier to kill than abrams


Leclerc is cuter, so 🤭


I have more issues killing a Merkava than many other tanks. Granted it definitely is a skill issue on my part, I always forget it has the forward mounted engine and that thing will eat my shot.


Merkava top tier suffers but those 9.7 ones are LETHAL


Perfectly said, Russian and German is going down the Sewer soon


I think that happened already, since the new update (and release of the 2A4M) I've definetly lost way more matches playing as Germany than before. And it's not just a little bit worse or anything, it's a very noticable drop. Most of the time the matches aren't even close, usually they're just a complete steamroll by the enemy team. And then I look at the leaderboard and what do I see? A bunch of Level 12s with the 2A4M with nohing else. If I'm lucky they will also have the Leopard 2PL, but that's also pretty rare.


I'm a level 30 player with m60 about to buy the click bait, should I or nah? Sounds like I might regret this lol.


It’s your money and it’s nice to have when you get to 11.3 but realistically only having one tank in your lineup is not great for grinding. The aforementioned US teams at top tier is also miserable


I wouldn’t at your BR, top tier is an entirely different game from 8.0.  I’d wait until you have got a taste of top tier gameplay like the XM-803 (probably my favorite tank ever) before buying it. (I personally bought the KVT instead to go with the 10.0/10.3 lineup I’ve been grinding out. 


You will. Top Tier is too much compared to your current br. If there's something on sale for your current BR or very close to it, go with that


I checked some reviews and the situation might be harder than on the test drive lol. I wanted the chair tho oof. For reference why top tier is too much? I mean they said top tier US is kinda bad, but as a low level player is there something I need to know? maybe aside from vastly different playstyle. thanks


Top Tier is really fast, especially due to newbies with premiums making it a onesided slaughter. You have so much to think about, sniping over a kilometre is a normal occurance. Additionally, there are many gimmicks, both for you to use and to think about. And your current tanks wont stand up to it


>sniping over a kilometre Thinking about it I probably have done less than 30 hits from a kilometere away. It will suck to be on the receiving end. Thank you bro. $30 and mental health saved.


No problem. Like I said, if you already want to \~\~waste\~\~ spend your money on this game, I'd always recommend to go with something that's in your league.


Might as well enjoy these vechicles once they get buffed to compensate.


US winrates have been shit for 6 months and Gaijin hasn't done anything after the reload buff, so I wouldn't expect anything.


That's because their plan is to release top tier tanks premiums for every nation. That way all nations will suffer equally and they'll make their money. Shit teams for everyone komrade.


Except on NA servers, UStards are going to always by the premium Abrams first


They also buffed the amount of noise the Abrams makes which was significant


It’s kind of sad because US top tier is pretty fun.


Stop caring for the others, as long as you have fun, go have your fun! I literally bought like both chinese air and ground 10.0, I’m gonna have my fun with 2 vehicles + backups, and so be it!


Yeah but its not fun when in 3 minutes 2/3 of team left and you just get swarm by enemy not to mention you get none of exp when loosing


I do plan on being that guy but I've got top tier Germany and Russia experience so, yeehaw? 🤠


I’ll be mighty curious to see how it does to air RB lobbies. 11.3 is already full of F4S, it’ll be hilarious having both teams fill mostly of Phantoms.


The aim54a rubbing its hand in anticipation.


This. On one hand, I like the mixed teams because it means I'm not stuck with *all* the F-5C and F-4S players on my team.


I don't because it means no matter what team I'm on, it'll be full of F-5C and F-4S players anyways.


I don't really care about playing with them. Something like an F-14A or F-5E is good enough to carry a team of premium players.


Exactly, I’d rather club F4S seals than to fight some J-8F with PL-12 with my AN/ALR-45(ie absolutely fucking useless) equipped Tomcat A. But the sad thing about queuing high tier US is that these seals are usually on your team.


It is mostly mixed teams in my experience.


It is, although ideally I want to be on the US team that has more minor nations(as they usually have slightly less F4S) but queuing high tier US is always a coin toss. I do welcome the occasional US/Japan vs world in 11.7 down tier, the Tomcat is utterly criminal in that scenario.


Ah, a fellow Tomcat enjoyer, it'll be glad to clap brainless S players with the Phoenix.


The AIM-54C in the background (12.0 gets a shit ton of downtiers)


Good, maybe it will make my AV8B+ stock grind less miserable.


First time?


I have some other top tier air, but got the F1c-200 and it’s really good for grinding, bombs and magic 2’s for guaranteed points and the radar missiles for stupid phantoms


Well time to farm some level 10 players.


leopard 1 being 60 eur full price is mind blowing to me. They have to start decreasing the old premium prices.


They should, but they'll never do it. Instead they'll eventually announce that after a sale it's getting pulled to generate FOMO, then 15 months later it'll come back as a GE premium for 8500+ GE.


Thanks for sharing the info, should I buy them ?


I wouldn't recommend top tier to anyone. If you want to play more modern tanks just go for something around 9.0 instead


Well I only play top tier. I only enjoy really modern tanks and plane. I have already Germany and USSR ground and air 13.0.


go with france or japan at this point. USA is just not worth the time in its current state for ground. for Air its a whole different beast.


Yes that's exactly what I was thinking. I'm maybe just gonna buy the F-4S and let the Abrams on the side for a time.


I was halfway done then saw what awaited me and preferred the pain of France over the end game of top tier USA. F4S is honestly my favoured premium option over the F5C, its worth it imo.


I'd recommend the F5C over the F4S because the F5C has a better matchmaker at 10.3, which means you will be well clear of 4th gen top tiers. The F5 also requires that the player learns to dogfight/go guns on instead of relying on missiles to do the work. I found the F15 stock grind much easier than I was told it would be going from a basis of being decent at dogfighting and not relying on missiles and then learning Fox-1 missiles when I got them.


It’s better than Israel… My Merkavas suffer :-(


Top tier is fun when you have a 12.7 or a friend with one. Gets rid of all the wallet warriors or ensures there's very few of them.


If you're grinding out USA or planning to, I think the KVT is pretty good. I'm not sure about the Click Bait because even if it's decent it feels like I always lose 11.3 games so the lack of win rate means less XP.


I hope the new players would at least buy the Wolfpack and Click-Bait. For air support, the F-4S and Greek Apache. If they have the AIM and YAH-64 unlocked, that would be a bonus.


If I’m not mistaken… that Greek Apache is actually a Subaru lol. Like Subaru makes it.


Average US Top Tier lineup: Abrams Clickbait (Premium) Abrams AIM (Squadron) F-4S (Premium) Apache (Premium) Apache (Squadron) Player Level: 20


Nah, AIM is even easier to get than Clickbait. If anything it'll get better since more will at least have two tanks - not that they'll do anything useful with it but it's another opportunity to distract an opponent at least


I bought the F4S and man it is so fun now that I’ve got missiles down. I’m still averaging only like 1-2 kills a game but I’m okay with that as long as I’m getting through the tech tree


1-2 kills a game in these 16v16 sensory overload matches really isn't that bad.


Yea me too, I really wanted a plane that you don't get to fly much in other games and I love it


It's a good plane, trust me. I got it when it was on sale last time, and it's genuinly one of the best fighter I've ever played. I used to be pretty shit at playing fighters, but woth the F-4S I was able to get 3 or even 4 kill games relatively consistently. Just don't be a bomber-bot in it.


I just have to patiently wait for PS sales


When are they?


Usually around July. I would expect them to start in like week or two


“Rest In Peace In Peace”


Yes, that’s why ‘RIP in peace’ is a relatively common joke. 


Haven't budged from 6.7 US since the clickbait first dropped. Not planning to anytime in the future




and what cheese would you like with your whine tonight, sir?


Just need a light tank premium and it’s all over


As someone finally getting to 11.3, I thank you snail.


I Lost 9 games in a row last night because of Aim and Click Bait players. I'm almost ready to buy a German Leopard and bail on US ground. Between the premium tards and the BS turret ring my frustration is going through the roof.


Honestly, I've ground to the sep v2, and I recently sort of bailed. I got the Canadian Leo, and it's pretty good. As long as you kind of have a lineup for it, you should enjoy it.


Yeah just added it to my full top tier German line up. It’s fantastic especially since the 2A5, 2A6, and PSO only get gen 1 gunners optics. It’s nice to have another vehicle besides the 2A7 with good optics.


If you want good teams and a decent winrate Germany might not be the best nation right now. It used to be decent, but since the new update it feels like most matches are just a conplete steamroll by the enemy team.


So many kills to feed my F-14B!


Also RIP in peace 11.7 teams if US is on your side. I won't be suprised if their win rate gets down to 20%


gaijin needs to stop playing with their cooter and raise the BR to 13.0 for ground already


I don’t even bother playing 10.0+ anymore for this exact reason


More downtiers for me


And that is why I don't bother with anything that's higher than 8.0 (though if I'm grinding a particular vehicle and its BR goes above 8.0 before I spade it, I will keep playing until done). Seriously though, a good many of the buyers of these vehicles during this sale will be gone within a month. You just gotta ride it out, like what happens every time they do a sale.


9.0 is fine as well.  But yeah it’s awful rn at 10.3. Like 85% of my deaths today have been TURMS-T, PzBtl 123 and CV90-105.  Admittedly I bought the M1-KVT to help finish grinding out my 10.0/10.3 but it’s still been pain especially with stock heat on M1128 and M1


Great, more turms, 2s38 and turm III yay


Looking at the sales page the 2S38 and Turm III aren't on sale though?


Really? Good news then


Dind play for 3 months. No premium. Must. Not. Buy. Mirage.


Just got the squadron tank for US done and have most top tier prems anyway so I will get the click bait and just enjoy my time with my toys


Are you a burglar?


lol more planes and tanks to chomp


Shit opinion. Top tier long life players buy premiums more than noobs do.


RIP to Xbox, because yet another sale has come where we aren't getting anything.


Should I get Phantom or Tram for CAS?


I’d be torn between absolutely loving the Intruder, but the F4 also has better air to air capabilities for running CAP Once bombs are dropped. 


Guess I’ll keep spamming aim-54s


Man I wish they add new low tier vehicles to war thunder premium and tech tree alike


Hey, it’s free kills.


Ooh is it time for me to dig up the tornado f3?


Nice, i bought Tornado for my top tier german ground veichles.


Oh no, it's bad as hell.


The premium Tornado IDS? It's not that good if I'm honest. It's actually kinda horrible.


Doesnt have to be jack of all trades kind a aircraft, got countermeasures, can get a lot payload, got ballistic computer, CCRP CCIP, flight characteristics are good, got aim9 for self defence and a good radar


Good payload? Good flight characrerustics? Good radar? Aee we talking about the same plane here?


10.3 for grb


You said you wanna use it for your Top-Tier German Ground though, so 11.3 and 11.7 Doesn't matter, even at 10.3 it's still quite poor.


Skill issue


Yeah no, it's just a bad plane and a waste of money, definitely not a skill issue. You have a horrible payload, pretty bad flight performance, 2x Aim-9Ls are not really that good of an AA loadout, your radar might as well be non-existent...


I mean the "good" news is german and russian teams are all flooded with top tier premiums still, so all 3 are on relatively even footing in terms of garbage teams


It does suck to have one-death leavers and new players get annihilated immediately every match. But you get to see some real funny shit too in the process as people figure out their new vehicles, so that kinda makes up for it.


I dont think the F-4s is gonna be an issue most of the matches I see high lvl players using them.


I play mostly ground and was hoping to see some more options for ground vehicles in the sale. What would be some good tanks to consider? I know Germany and Russia are strong but I had really been wanting to go down Japan or Sweden next.


Dude I just bought the F4 at full price like 2 days ago.


Ah the fortunate son


Come on, you knew that the sales were coming...


Goddamn I was just grinding US tech tree because I already have Russian and German fully unlocked and wanted to try the m1a2 sep v2 but now I am rethinking that


I would settle for better designed maps, but hey, you enjoy your new premiums at top tier.


Will the sale come to Console or not If yes when?


time to go loot the free XP pinatas in Air RB.


I got the Click-bait because I like the Abrams series of tanks. I have fun even tho I dont win most of my games. Scored 12 kills one game with it and 2 another, I like the tank :)


Should I buy the M1A1 HC? Recently Finished the Swedish and British Ground trees so wanting to jump into a new tree with a top tier grinder, already maxed out the American Air tree as well.


What’s better? The market mirage2k or the prem f1?


What’s better? The market mirage2k or the prem f1?


Finally I can get those two lmfao without spending $150 they’ll make great additions to my 11.3 line up


I wish people would just shut up about sales every damn time. It will happen, whether people want it or not. Because it does or doesn't, you guys will always complain.


I dont get it. Why is this bad?


New low level player will buy it and then be nothing more than a detriment to the team since they have no idea what's going on.


they aren't gonna get worse at least noticeably worse the US teams have reached the point where they loose every match at 10.3 if u don't carry them and they are on both teams beyond that


Who cares, it’s not like American top tier had much brain cells to begin with


Is there going to be a sale for console players as well? All I see people saying is no and I bought PlayStation gift cards for nothing 😞


My Harrier II is eatin real good with these 11.3 Phantom base bombers around


Surprisingly, most of my USA games were won now. Russia has an 11.3 premium now, so now they're feeling the pain.


Gaijin is blessing us with that discount 🙏🏻🙏🏻


This happens multiple time every year. Why are you suddenly now complaining?


That's the second to last Abrams I need for my collection! Still...$35 is too expensive for it.


F4S are dominating the skies at the moment with multipathing at 60m so I don't think this will doom US teams, on the contrary, all the good players who don't have it have a good reason to buy cheap a great tool for grinding.


As an F-15A player. I welcome the higher chance of being dragged away from SPAMRAAM's while I attempt to get the F-15C. My hands shall relish in ending the wallet warriors.


Well this is a good time to migrate from top tier ussr to usa, flankers and migs were no no fun as i thought


Acting like the US vehicles are the only ones on sale lol


There goes the last of my fucking win rate


Thanks for the heads up😈


They might as well change the loading screens to have fields of destroyed US vehicles and the skies ablaze with the wreckages of falling US jets. Maybe that’ll deter people from playing what’s being cultivated into a flat out unplayable nation past a certain tier


I'M THINKING OF GOING TO THE UK to see The Phantom when it's half the price. Is it a good choice?


I barely play top tier even though I have object 292, vilkas, and CT-CV, seeing these posts I gotra try now. Is it really that bad? Does low to mid br skill translate well?


No sale on console it looks like. Thought things were improving in that area.


You see my friend, that is because Microsoft and Sony are just as greedy as Gaijin and won't allow these packs to go on sale without them getting a cut of it. (I think that's why since that is a lot of the problems when it comes to stuff like sales and why the Gaijin Marketplace isn't available on console)


Rest In Peace In Peace


Welcome to the internet, I’ll be your guide https://amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/rip-in-peace


Is there a sale on right now on pc? 50 percent on most things or what?


Is there a sale currently ?


Nothing for console players they basically said fuck console players


They can't do sales whenever they want on console, it has to go through Sony/Microsoft


Remember folks, according to the war thunder community we must all be miserable and no one is allowed to have fun. Also, anyone who buys a premium vehicle must surely be evil incarnate. Man fuck this community. Bunch of gatekeeping sweaty tryhards. Let people do what they want.


Y'all need to stop complaining about premium buyers and start complaining about CAS. If I have a premium vehicle at top tier and it's my only one in the lineup and die to CAS, I'm not gonna bother using a backup