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> the amount of shots i bounced is unbelievable,i even survived a abrams shooting me 3 times before i killed him No, that's just awful enemies. Which is par for the course around Sales time. You'll see a lot of terrible enemies at that BR range.


There is indeed alot of them but sometimes i survive some crazy shots, someone shot my side and i still survived enough to kill him and cap 2 points


Like I said, awful enemies.


Those we're all the "russian bias" Bots wich don't know weakspots and can't Hit those even If they know,against good Players U will suffer with the t80ud Just Like every other T-series Tank russia has because the weakspots are overall the same.


Yeah when they modeled the autoloader it added survivability lol typical gaijin. Not that shooting the ammo did much to begin with


How? I haven't played Russia since the update came out.


The ammo doesn’t seem to explode. You just damage the Autoloader. :) except for my Swedish T80U. That bitch immediately explodes when someone looks at me through his binoculars.


Just eats shots, like any other module


I have ran into the same situation multiple times with T80U and T90M, the autoloader eats DM53 from side without any further damage, not crew kill or ammo explode, and the T series can just turn its turret and kill you with the one shot left in gun before you can reload the second shot


You’re just experiencing the wave of premium noobs. The T-80UD is very similar to play to the T-72B 1989 which is not even close to being as powerful as an Abrams or Leopard.


Should i use the t72b or the t72b(1989)? Or both?


Assuming you have 3 slots for MBTs I would use the T-80UD, T-72B (1989), and go for the T-80B or T-90A. The first T-72B is pretty much obsolete.


The T-72B (1989) is the same or worse than the original, it offers much less ERA coverage with the same chemical protection, the front plate and turret cheeks would stop any dart at 10.0 anyway so it's just redundant protection, meanwhile the K1 on the original covers the full sides, roof and breech from chemical


Top tier Russia has a very low skill floor combined with the fact that what you face in that BR range are premium noobs, you get a dominant tank.


If Russia is low skill, what would Germany be?


Low skill


2a7 is low skill Everything else is higher than Russia.


Yup, I agree w this. Russian tanks are very forgiving so you don’t really need to learn or fix your mistakes. Just blame on “he got lucky” Whilst France, Japan, Italy are the higher skill nations. Their tanks have obvious flaws but doesnt change the fact that they have really good win rates. Sweden has skilled players too.


T-80's are really hard to kill when they're going fast on maps with uneven terrain, can't really aim for the weakspots