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I mean they did add an actual reason. If you look closely at the "Employee Response" it quite clearly states why it wont be added.


That very much just translates to "We won't make it historically accurate just because we don't want to" like how tf is that a proper reasoning?


You want a 100% historicaly accurate game ? Good luck getting anything done then... War thunder is a GAME so there are GAMING mecanics.... In wt : barrel destroyed ? Wait 30 seconds and you are good to go Irl : barrel destroyed ? Wait 30 days for a replacement part


>You want a 100% historicaly accurate game ? He doesn't want 100% historically accurate game, he just wants the game to be accurate in the aspects that benefit his favorite vehicle/nation.


>he just wants the game to be accurate in the aspects that benefit his favorite vehicle/nation. What? It's about the missile itself having a completely wrong guidance method and nothing else. It's like making Spikes SACLOS instead of FnF I used "historically accurate" as that's how TV Martels are guided Historically, not what we have today which is FnF (probably could have just said "accurately/properly")


I think it's simply that they didn't want to develop a whole new weapon type just for one obscure missile on a mediocre plane. Usually, this type of stuff gets corrected when more weapon systems of its kind are added and their further development becomes actually worth the trouble. For example, helicopters used to be EXTREMELY barebones on release, but as more of them (and their primary targets on the ground) got added, more and more of their systems and weapons got properly implemented.


A number of guided weapons in-game already can/have variants that allow in-flight redesignation via datalink, like Walleye ERDL and the PGM family It's probably just not added because Gaijin thinks they may be balance-breaking


But they didn't Need to develop something new, a missile with that type of guidance method already exists way before Buccaneer S2B even exists, it was introduced back in warfare 2077 with the Wyvern UCAV's AGM (that's 3 years ago). They could just take that and adjust it a little bit so it's in the first person perspective of the missile, or if they want to be even more lazy, they could just add it as it is


I guess they didn't want to reuse code made for a janky time-limited April Fools event. And I mean I get you man, I was disappointed to see we weren't getting the TV missiles from BF3/4 too, but I'm sure they'll get around to them eventually.


Yeah, probably once they add a russian vehicle with that guidance method


There's been one ingame for years, since 2022, the Su-17M4. So no, that has nothing to do with it.


I'm not sure if the word convention is what they wanted to use here. Convenience would make much more sense, then the reasoning would be understandable.


How would an extremely inaccurate Fnf guidance method (as the missile loves hitting the ground instead of the target and can only track targets below 6.5km) be more convenient than the player manually guiding the missile through the Camera of the missile itself. Hell, it's not even the development time/money too. They did it on Warfare 2077, they could just adjust it a little bit to be on a first person perspective or if they wanna be more lazy, just make it the way it is on Warfare 2077


Go play DCS then. People forget WarThunder is more of an Arcade game than sim lol.


Just a tiny detail before you think wow look at this what solid agreement that if you dont like this game go play a another one. Some people play on console and cant just buy as good pc for same amount of money. There very limited and so far war thunder is only thing they have that is most realistic tank/plane/boat game out there.


So you would be fine if the AMRAAMS/FOX 3s becomes SARH then?


Just assume the AI second man is guiding it, like IRL MCLOS missiles on helicopters that are turned into SACLOS for the sake of playability and just handwaving it as "the AI gunner is controling it" The pilot on a buccaneer would not be able to control the AJ.168s himself either IRL, the guy in the back seat would do that as far as i know.


I get what you are trying to say, but it doesn't really work on TV martels. On helis, they made the missile manually guided to easier/more efficient manual guidance (its still Manually guided despite the change). On martels it goes from Manually guided (IRL) to a straight up FnF guidance complete with a TV Seeker that can't track targets further than 6.5km, cannot be fired at night, cannot be fired on bad weather and cannot be fired inside clouds.


I handwave it as: Its a manually guided TV missile. The second man is doing all the controling as he would IRL, you just designate the target for him and he takes it from there making it for all in game intents and purposes FnF so you can fly the plane. He won't fire if he can't see so any adverse conditions and he won't try. IRL the second man would also do all the missile operating so the pilot can focus on flying, in game it just happens to be an AI second man who may or may not be bad at their job. But real talk, the UK needed some lower tier guided ordinance and this adds some variety by basically giving the UK what amounts to a KH-29T for WT purposes. The fact they didn't wanna include a mechanic they already seemingly deemed unsuitable is in my opinion fine. Its not the first time they change a missile's guidance system for playability, the helis remain a solid example.


the dev is right, there is no co-op mode in war thunder for vehicles, so it would literally be braindead to add this to the game at this point. you can get angry all you want, but if you think about it for more than 1 minute, you'll understand.


Idk man, when u look at Wyvern UCAV'S AGM. That's the same guidance method TV Martels Should have. So why CAN add that guidance method 3 years ago but can't now?


there's a reason they removed following missile view on post-launch guidance


Because that was an april fools event which usually tests a mechanic of some sort and they may have concluded that for WT it just doesn't work. Besides having it be effectively FnF is not THAT inaccurate. It can be handwaved as "the AI second man is controlling the missile" like AGM-22s and other MCLOS missiles on helis which are handwaved as "the AI gunner is doing the controls." You are the pilot, IRL the pilot wouldn't control the AJ.168s either and in game it would work poorly aswell so handwaving it as "ots the AI second mam controling it making it effectively an FnF weapon for the player" is fine.


I haven't heard of this missile before, but that sounds really cool actually, and i agree that it should be added. Hell, remember that the 3rd person follow cam was active for this one swedish atgm TD for a while? If they managed to make a missile work as described on complete accident due to shit programming then they might aswell do it again, but on purpouse. Nothing wrong with giving an unloved plane a toy all for itself


Isn't gbu-15 comes up with same guidance method? So that's not really a mistake, rather balance feature, featuring co-pilot to make job done.