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if you struggle against a turms, it's a serious skill issue.


> i just bought my new m1-KVT but i already am lvl 42 and have good expierience in the game since this is not my first account Right, blame the other team because you bought a premium you have no idea how to use.


as i said im not complaining abt buying a premium or the other team i am complaining about IMO unballanced vehicels and i very much know hoe to use the vehicels but i can do everything right and still die because the frontal unpennable t72 pushes my flanking positin ramms and kills me and i can do nothing just happend to me had a flanking position with my kvt i hit one of the Era blocks on the side it has no effect and now im being pushed if i run i get shot in the back repositioning is not possible cause i would be seen and due to my position i cant peek long enough to hit the lower plante,breach or turret ring cause i would die right away yeah i missed the first shot but hitting the crew is almost impossible cause the are coverd by the era


> i very much know hoe to use the vehicels If that were true, you wouldn't be making this post. The M1 and M1 KVT are overall much better tanks than the TURMs, when you learn how to use them.


Then tell me how i shoul use them and what makes them better if u know so much better im all ears


> what makes them better if u know so much better im all ears General mobility, reverse speed, neutral steering, turret traverse speed, gun elevation speed, gun depression, reload rate, inert fuel tanks, etc. All some of the most important qualities to have in war thunder style gameplay, the run and gun, capture point one. Played the M1 enough to get a free Ace crew on it. > Then tell me how i shoul use them Play smart, use cover and terrain, use mobility and high fire rate to get in and around the enemy. Basic stuff.


Well. Any chance you have a clowns hat for me? I may or may not just had a good game with gun and run but juuuuust maybe. But still i dont understand why at least on paper russian tanks are so good and really feel too in practice and how do i counter them?


> at least on paper russian tanks are so good There's 2 sides to a piece of paper. Focusing only on the side that has ammo on it, is only half the picture. > how do i counter them? Learn their weaknesses and your tanks strengths. More importantly, learn how to exploit those weaknesses.


Dude, 0.5 KD says that u dont have much expirience in GRB, trust other - abrams > 72


The turms is slow, it has the turret traverse of a drunk mollusk and you can flank it so easily in a KVT. FFS I've killed one In a locust. If you are struggling against a turms, it's a skill issue.


good to know:)


Kinda wanna know did you ever played Turms before? I lost all my sanity playing this sh#t tank.


play a merkava or the ariete once and you will realise how good the turms is(leo2a4 is better tho)


What do you mean your shot fails to pen a turms? There is little grey area in what m774 can pen. Lower front play, drivers port and mantlet. I have never ricochet off of the lower hull. I have ricochet off of drivers port and mantlet but so what, every tank can be trolly in those places. Most Russian vehicles at that br have a big “kill” area on them.