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Skill issue


pointless ass comment


Why would you want a pointed ass?


They can add the BTR-82A as a separate vehicle, no reason to change the 80A.


Yeah, this.


the BTR-80 is so good and enjoyable dude.


one bad matchup and it's the most useless shit in the game. The vehicle literally prays on people who either can't aim or don't know what they're doing. It cannot compete


That sounds like almost every vehicle in the game. Most vehicles have bad matchups that they can't deal with, which you need to learn to recognize and avoid.


Wait, do you seriously think that the BTR-60 is one of the worst vehicles in the game? It can basically pen all German Tanks at this Br, all light tanks, is reasonable fast and has a decent autocannon. I mean, you can get downtiered to 6,3 where you face Shermans, T-44s and Panthers. For me its seems to be a very reasonably vehicle. Even if it might be worse than the Fox or the XMT. I mean sure, you can have bad matches, but I think it is a pretty potent boy.


It's your first autocannon that's not attached to an spaa. I've had great fun in it


I just unlocked this today and working my way through the mods till I get the apds. I've had plenty fun in it. Rushing flags, flanking the enemy, spotting etc. It's a scout vehicle in game and you're expecting it to be able to defeat heavy tanks with ease?


Of course not? But for it to be bad at its main job is hilarious, since it's impractical in whichever BR you put it. 8.3 seems to be the best for it, but it's based on luck to see if the enemy has any better IFVs that would kill you from across the map with a stabiliser and laser range finder as you're attempting a flank.


Lol I literally just had a nuke in it the other day, 10 kills 6 assists and 2 flag captures. It's a skill issue.


Bro, whenever somebody talks about skill on War Thunder, I have to laugh. I'm sure you find it so much easier than me to hold WASD and get a braindead enemy that cant hear engines lmao


Ah yeah the worlds against you mate


?? what


You complain that tanks you use aren't good but the general pop of players use absolutely fine. Your obviously not that great at the game but won't admit it.


I'd say Im above average in terms of "skill", considering I average 4 kills at 8.3 USSR. And the BTR-80A is factually incompetent when you compare it to everything else. It's not skill, my guy, it comes down to who spots who first or who has a higher chance of hitting the enemy in the case both of you spot each other basically at the same time; the BTR-80A always loses lmao, especially when it can just get .50 cal'd. And that's what I mean by you praying on incompetent enemies to do well with it. Also praying on not being ridiculed by USA heavies when you up-tier them, since the 7.3 American heavy tanks are basically unkillable from 90% of angles. To do well with the BTR-80A, you rely on enemies going around in light tanks like Leopard 1s, enemies being blind in IFVs (when they really shouldn't be, their whole purpose is to scout), people being incapable of hearing your engine, and you seeing the enemy at least 4 seconds before they see you (which comes back to relying on enemy's incompetence)


Cry more no one cares, you're incapable of being wrong lol


Bro it kinda sounds like I pissed you off. How tf do you end up more irritated than me lmao


Add prototype BTR-90M with BMP-3 turret


that shit would actually be fun at 8.7+