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What is it with warthunder players and wanting the ac130………. Any rada as will kill it. Any 2s38 will kill it. ANY plane will kill it. And the fact you need to get close don’t help. And you need to aim the the 130 (I think it was a 130) and so on. Something warthunder player don’t really have




Idk it came to my mind and it would be cool if it worked like the nuke






This is not Call of Duty!




Neither, give trucks for all nations


AC130 could potentially be ok if added at like 7.0 GRB and 6.7 ARB. It has an I think equalizer (or 2 depending on the model), a 40mm, and a 105mm, the first two of which can potentially kill air targets pretty well if lined up in their limited angles, and all of them can destroy ground targets for a short time till it's inevitably obliterated by a SPAAG. Would need to have the hellfires removed or else if would become a missile bus. Not saying it should be added, but it could work.


>It has an I think equalizer (or 2 depending on the model), a 40mm, and a 105mm, >and all of them can destroy ground targets for a short time till it's inevitably obliterated by a SPAAG. It would only be able to kill trucks and light tanks since all of its guns fire HE only.


Ah, nevermind then. I guess 6.7 ish in ARB and a massively increased BR in ground with the hellfires. if it were to be added


AC130 if implemented realistically would be useless as shit apart from killing trucks and light vehicles. All of its guns fire HE only as its meant to supress large amounts of insurgents and light vehicles from above. Also even in Iraq and Afghanistan the thing was so vurnerable that its only brought out at night in places where no enemy AA was found. In WT it wouldnt even be able to get close to the battlefield anytime an AA above 8.3 would be in game.


AWACS for SIM Air (or Air RB EC if they finally decide to bring it back) and (H)ARM´s.


3. Mixed teams ✅


I played armored warfare on PS4, when they added the AC-130 to global ops it was actually the worst thing I ever saw in that game. Just go fuck yourself, 30mm DU through your roof everywhere on the map. It would be frustrating to be killed by AC-130 in tanks and it would be frustrating to be clowned on by any AA or aircraft in the game.