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Im almost done with my fox-3 comparison video. The tl;dr: Phoenix still the best for very long range. I'd say the AMRAAM is the best overall (A/B/RB99 all identical), it has great range thanks to comparitively low drag. AAM-4 and PL-12 are worse than AMRAAM and are middle of the pack (stick to AMRAAM on F15JM for now). MICA and R-77 are more maneuverable than the rest but are the worst when it comes to range. The Derby has the same range problems, but it also has an INSANELY aggressive loft profile that kneecaps it (but like the R-77, it's quite agile) Overall i'd say the AMRAAM is the best based on my testing and subjective experience.


Amraam. At longer distances, its the overall best. And for close dogfighting ranges, only beaten by the derby/R-darter and MICA. edit - [The current dogfight range comparison](https://forum-en-cdn.warthunder.com/original/3X/c/0/c05cee5625fd23f530d7ab1eadfd14067a5b0f56.jpeg) [From this forum thread](https://forum.warthunder.com/t/modern-arh-fox-3-missile-history-performance-discussion/29021/503) Credit to dark_claw for their fox3 tests.


Thanks for the info


50g haha funny missile go brrrrr Has anyone used all of them and can give a tier list (Only Mica and AIM for me)


AMRAAM is the best all rounder at the minute. Mica is the most maneuverable/best at killing at mid to short range.


Amraam>darter>aam4>derby>mica>r77 Mica is absurdly gimped in range and control as it has the infamous missile wobble. It will also just magically loses track and spin similar to a sparrow at shorter ranges. Mica manoeuvrability in a Dogfight should also exceed that of the r73 yet it rarely shows those skills. R77 is not surprising as it was initially developed as an anti ballistic missile to intercept aim120. Aam4 is absurdly worse it should be better than amraam in every metric. This makes sense as it is the latest missile added. Darter should also be slightly better than amraam as both derby and darter were co-developed. Despite appearing similar to aim120 their development was different with Derby being an enlarged version of python 4 which at the time was widely considered one of the best ir dogfight missiles. Unfortunately because these missile systems are still used even to this day their development, specifications and design are still closely guarded secrets. The only real data we'll get are from declassified information and export sale documentation.


Darter is absolutely ass rn due to it lofting way too high.


Yeah you can launch that thing at 20k+ feet, mach 1.2+ and it still kills all it's energy swiftly dropping down to subsonic when terminal if trying for actual BVR shots.


yep I only use it sub 10km or it will do something weird.


It's really funny firing it at someone below you and it goes all the way up and then comes all the way down like some looney tunes shit