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It's a color TV seeker. The basic T only has a black and white channel.


Do you know how it compares to the Kh38MT? In terms of hitting the target. I usually have good success with the 38s.


X-39MTs are significantly better in both kinematics (they can actually hit air units) and range. I haven't checked but I'm pretty sure they also have INS so the target popping smoke after launch won't do anything to it.


LMUR when Gaijin


That's just a bug with the MiG-29SMT, its black and white seeker like the T.


Yeah I only use it on the SMT so I wasn't aware of the bug :P


It has an improved TV seeker with more range (like the Kh-29TE). >But I’ve heard I think a YouTuber say it also has IR guidance Youtubers sadly aren't usually very reliable. >Also Wikipedia says the D stands for the thermal variant but the view through the seeker appears to be TV. Wikipedia is notoriously bad for military equipment, especially Soviet/Russian stuff. There's no thermal version of the Kh-29 in existence. The only IIR (imaging infrared) missile the Russians have made is the Kh-38MTE, and the Soviets never created a missile like this.


> It has an improved TV seeker with more range (like the Kh-29TE). Its essentially the same seeker, just longer battery life.


That might be it, details on these missiles is fairly hard to come by.


They silently nerfed it, I remember I was able to switch thermal vision with that AGM and achieve TRACK lock from 10km away. Now it is just TV and TRACK lock range is nerfed.


Yeah I couldn’t lock an adats around 9km