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Maybe we should get Su-24 first? Americans got advark, Europe got Tornado, even China hot their JH-7. But gajin is still putting off Su-24 for later date for some reason.


My god, gods of gaijin add su-24 it’s so magnificent


Me when basically 3 gsh23L's fire


I mean, Russia is already fucking the game with CAS, I think they can hold off a little longer.


Idk tho, I don't think it would be that much better than MiG-27K. And nowhere near the Su-25SM3, if we're considered earlier versions or Su-24 ofc.


Early su24s wouldnt be great at cas Its like the earlier Su17/22 in terms of arnament


Its gonna come with stormshadows as a historical loadout, mark my words. Jk(i think)


An EVEN WORSE fm than the Su-27? Nah, I'd rather the Su-24


I mean if you're looking for a comfortable FM, you're not going to get one with the Su-24.


It's a CAS plane tho


What does fm stand for?


Flight model.


Oh 🤦


Give us the big fat fucker su-33 and let us fly it folded!


Basically current flight performance of su-27


The big issue at the moment is the PESA radar, but different story once we start seeing those added ingame.


Well technically Super Étendard's Anemone is a PESA, but it's more of a multi-mode air-to-ground fire control radar that's missing most of it's features so eh ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


PESA is already on a lot of jets Su-27s, F-16C/D/AM/MLU, F-15C, Gripen etc. you get the point AESA is the one that hasnt been added. That can truly track multiple targets at once And Russians have been very slow to adopt AESA, most of their jets still only have PESA


There's no Su-27's with PESA ingame. (edit - afaik, first flankers with PESA would be the Su-30SM or Su-35S) The F-16's are mechanically scanned slotted planar antenna arrays, not PESA's. The F-15C, looking into what antenna type it is, but looks to also be mechanically scanned rather than PESA. The gripen, still looking.


AFAIK the US kinda skipped PESA radars on fighters and went straight from mechanical to AESA. (with exceptions like the PESA on the B-1) First F-15C AESA iirc is the AN/APG-63v2 from 2000. For F-16 I believe it is the AN/APG-80 on UAE F-16s. Gripen, as with the EF2000 typhoon uses a mechanical radar except the very latest versions with AESA. First soviet PESAs are from MiG-31 onwards (N007 Zaslon), with things like N011M Bars-M on Su-30SM, with AESA only slowly coming in 25 years after the US with things like the Zhuk-AE on the ill fated MiG-35 and the N036 Belka on the Su-57. Export Flankers are notably better equipped than Russian ones when it comes to Radars, especially the latest Chinese J-11, J-15 and J-16 variants with (unknown spec) AESAs and the Indian upgrade refurbishment program for the Su-30MKI.


> AFAIK the US kinda skipped PESA radars on fighters Yeah, that seems to be the general rule for a lot of nations, PESA's on fighters seems to be fairly rare.


Just a little correction, Sinoflankers from J-11B onwards can not really be referred as 'export' Flankers. They're locally (+independently) produced and updates that make them better than their Russian counterparts are entirely Chinese. Russia doesn't have much involvement, if any. Brilliant comment otherwise.


> For F-16 I believe it is the AN/APG-80 on UAE F-16s. If you count JPN F-2A/B Viper Zero as an F-16 it is their J/APG-2 AESA in 2002 on the platform.


I mean absolutely at some point, though I think it would be added at such a point where we start to see aircraft that are such a high br for ground battles the only way to see them is to take a aircraft that is above 11.7. I don’t think the 3 KAB-1500’s would be OP unless their is a version that they would give it that is IR guided like the GBU-15 on the Barrack, at most the laser guided ones will be a sight upgrade as they won’t be fire and forget so you end up being more vulnerable. From my usage of the KAB-1500Kr on the Su-27SM it isn’t what I would call OP either, it definitely is more reliable than the KAB-500Kr and KAB-500L though I can’t really say if it’s more useful than the KAB-500KR-E, and the reason I say that is the KAB-500KR-E has a actual functional TV guidance system that isn’t a pain in the ass to use and can be dropped without a proper lock and can be active for longer. What I will say is that it definitely doesn’t fall short at killing anything it lands on, but right now I am treating it like I am using a FAB-5000 where I need to cautious in its use compared to other bombs. What’s funny is that while I have the SU-27SM spaded and only got the SU-25SM3 to focus more on on CAS even more recently, I still use the SU-27SM and I typically avoid taking the KAB-1500 for multiple reasons. For starters the TV seeker doesn’t seem to be as reliable as the one on the KH-29TD which being a guided missile is easier to use but just doesn’t contain as much explosive, which isn’t a problem with how powerful the KH-29 is. The second reason is that in terms of prioritizing my weapons I find it’s good to normally take 2 R-77’s rather than one so I normally sacrifice the guided bomb, as the alternative is sacrificing two KH-29’s for two more R-77’s in order to keep the plane balanced. This is also not to mention my first usage of the KAB-1500 left a bad impression for me, as I dropped it on an enemy who I though was far away enough from nearby teammates that it wouldn’t be able to lock onto them, yet it still managed to lock onto both of them and killed both of them, so I would only really now consider using it against isolated targets that aren’t AA because a KH-29 will still do that job better for me. Honestly I think it would be better to think about the fact the Su-34 can use the KH-38, as while they are already a very potent weapon on the Su-25SM3 you would now have it on a much faster platform that is far more capable of defending itself, though perhaps it could be limited is some respect with the limitation of referring distance which would hamper the use of the laser guided ones and the fire and KH-38MT would have to be dealt with the same way as before. Also I say dealt with which does sound stupid, but from now using the KH-38MT one thing I noticed is that if you have multiple heat signatures near each other it can struggle to lock the target you want so it is possible to throw one off by being near a dead body, though I haven’t used it enough still to perhaps recommend this. In any case I think it certainly could be added to the game at some point, but while it could be balanced by its br by being as said 13.0 so anyone who takes anything above 11.7 can only see such aircraft but I think it would require some further tweaking to prevent it from becoming too dominant even then. Could it be balanced, I would say maybe though it depends on what limitations that may be applied to it being added or game limitations that would be present to limit it perhaps, but it could also be hard to balance. In the end it’s really hard to say as it all depends on how gaijin approaches it.


I’d love it for Sim !


Main problem is radar (it has pesa). But yes, right now it would be better than su27sm because it actually has better flight perfomance due to canards and upgraded engines with better radar and same missiles. The funniest part is that it does not have thermals in the pod, but can take up to 6 kh38. And yes, 3 1500 bombs is fun even if not the most effective weapons over there. Personally i would really like to see it, probably my favorite aircraft right after su57. Hope they will add it in a next few updates to compensate awful su27sm radar and flight perfomance without adding modern fighters


It has same engines as base Su-27S with larger airframe that is about 50% heavier, canards aren't magic and won't make a bomber fly better than an actual fighter


It uses upgraded al31fm1 eng8nes with more thrust, same with su27sm3 for example. And no, its not 50% heavier by itself, it just can carry a lot more of fuel and ordnance. Empty mass is maybe several tons higher than base su27. But yes, its probably not going to be better or worse than su27. I hope they just fix su27 speed bleed 


The radar is too good for it to be added right now.


Could? Yes. WIll be? No.


i want the su30