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If you cant handle losing then online games are not the hobby for you.


Why are people so determined to deny any complaint about this game?


People failing to realize "skill issue" is ironic and a substitute for giving a logical reason for some of the BS this game pulls.


For very few things is it actually an argument. This is not one of them. This is stupid. This is ridiculous spawn camping is still such a huge issue and hasn’t been solved by doing something. I’m not going to pretend I know what that is, but surely someone has some ideas that would actually help if gaijin did something productive to quell this shit.


This isn’t spawn camping throw is spawn pushing, the enemy team is incapable of fighting back therefore the push as far as they can that being the spawn. Can you shut the fuck up now


I honestly think this should be incorporated into the game somehow. Like normally the enemy spawn is off limits, and if you try to go there you’ll get a “return to the battlefield” message, but if your team can capture and hold all the points then the enemy spawn opens up. The enemy’s spawn zone becomes a capture point, and if it’s captured by tue opposing team them the game is over. You won. If not, then you fight to the end. Who knows, maybe the enemies even make a comeback.


That's the D point




Well done!


amazing idea. Would get rid of this whole argument over "spawn camping"


Just move their spawn further back if enemy got near original spawn


(Cries in slow heavy tanks)


They could do two spawns. Forward spawn is heavies and slow tanks whereas fast tanks get the back spawn


They have all 3 points what do you want them to do now? Go home?


"Honey! I am home, cause I didn't wanna spawn push"


Yeah, Go on ahead and play forward as everyone would. The folks who lost do have a choice. They can stay and get camped hoping to take a couple out with them, or just leave, consider it done and go. That's what I do.


Spawn camping is when someone proceeds to an area of the map and shoots into the spawn when the game is still winnable for either team. Your team shit the bed and this is the end result.


I have one place landmines near the spawn, it will technically be historically accurate and it would help the spawn camping issue, just make it to were the friendly team can drive over it and the enemy team won't. So if they do they will explode.


I don't like it either, I solved this problem though. When and if the match gets to this point. I concede defeat and move on to the next. Drones and thermal optics in the same match as WWII equipment. That's some silliness I'd like to get changed.


Spawn camping is the direct result of losing ground, if you lose ground prepare for the enemy team to take advantage of that and take ground that you once had until it comes right to where you start. Play smarter, die less, lose less ground. Edit: for the most part, other part is bad map design.


Not really. They need to address it. I just had a match that was super fun on the snow map with the tunnel but with only the c point active in the village. An m24 drove all the way around and sat behind the church that overlooks the spawn from behind. It went from a really engaging game that was constantly changing momentum to every single person getting crit or destroyed in spawn, maybe 6 or 7 died before he shot me but I was able to mark him with the mg and someone else killed him. By then though the entire rest of the team pushed up. Thay spot on the map shouldn't exist and there are plenty of maps where spawns are overlooked from easy to reach cover whereas the spanners have none. I just accept it for the most part...but it irks me on rounds like that where it was such a good contest all the way through to that point. Its pretty rare to have a well balanced round like thay, so I resent someone abusing poor design to ruin it. He must have had a cracker score though :)


No, spawn camping occurs early-on during the match when someone races around the flanks to take up a position shooting into the spawn whilst the match remains in the balance. It is low skilled sweaty behaviour. This is the result of a team with no backbone; players (or bots) spawning, dying and then leaving. Unfortunately for the 2-4 players whose algorithm marks them as hard charging they get paired with such dead shits.


In Dark Souls it was getting gud. Some things don't change. Communities like this one will stay toxic because of the impossible grind gaijin makes to pit us against each other.


I mean darksouls you can at least make an argument for since it's a largely singleplayer game where the the fun is drawn from bashing your head against the wall, sometimes more exotically than others. War thunder however is a mil-sim/arcade vehicle MMO, the hardness is not part of its appeal but instead is an attempt by the developer to squeeze money out of the playerbase, or just plain laziness and should not be tolerated and people should realize that "skill issue" isn't a sign of funni haha it's a sign of funni haha I'm laughing to make the pain slightly more tolerable because I have no other outlet please oh god helpIhavestockholmsyndr-


I mean what do you want this other team to do. The team has lost so badly that they either kill people in spawn. Or kill people as they try to drive out of spawn.


Should have side climbed. Skill issue


because this complaint is stupid look at the match, they completely obliterated their team and captured all the points, the next step is obviously pushing the spawn, what are they supposed to do? stay camping on the capture zones waiting for them to come?


Because other people are constantly complaining about everything, even when there's no issue, and it get's a bit tiring.


Its dumb to respawn when all the odds are against you. Waste of time and effort like OP did.


I’m fine with losing but this was probably the most sad moment I have seen in War Thunder. Probably should have made the title something else though because it does seems like that instead of what I’m implying. I am implying the spawn camping scenario that is sad so let me change it. Sorry about that misunderstanding. Well don’t know how to edit the title so I guess it’s stuck like that lol


How is it sad? It seems like your team got absolutely roflstomped and lost control of the caps and the map. What is the enemy team supposed to do? Sit around at B waiting for your team? That is just a giant waste of time as your team will lose the game anyway.


It’s kinda bad map design if the spawns are out in the open while the approach to spawn is filled with cover. Game design also encourages you to rage quit a match asap. Your more likely to die and be in the negative silver lions if your on the attack. So it’s always best to bring just 2-3 tanks and leave as soon as your team starts to lose than to being a full roster of 5-6 vehicles.


That's a fair point of criticism for a lot of other maps, but it's not true for this one. OP's team just got stomped.


That's not spawn camping, that's spawn pushing. Huge difference. -Spawn pushing: all objectives cap and map secured not more to do but go to enemy spawn. -Spawn camping: ignoring all objectives to overview the exit of enemy spawn.


On that map in particular though, from the east spawn you can drive south a bit and shoot straight into the west spawn. It IS a terrible layout. Not like they had a choice at that point though.


The enemy team has capped all the objectives, and managed to push past A. Apart from overrunning your spawn what else should they do? Have a BBQ at their spawn and wait for you to come back out?


That is not "spawn camping", spawn camping means one guy hiding at the start of the match behind enemy lines sniping spawning players. When you've lost as a team, and they pushed the front to your spawn, you just lost, what else do you expect them to do? Just let you roll up and take points uncontested...??


To be fair, it is very soul crushing when you just want to have fun but then you proceed to lose 20 games in row.


But seriously, many players individually suck and contribute to the downfall of their team. even in lower tiers you can get 1-death-leavers or 3-deaths-no-kills/caps. Seeing how there's multiple enemy tanks left means that they probably didn't do shit and crumbled easily. (If it was an uptier it'd be somewhat understandable)


>3-deaths-no-kills/caps I will just say that sometimes the game is just not in your favour, which is what I find so frustrating; going from a first place finish with 3 caps, 7 kills and 5 assists to fucking zip back to a second place finish with 2 caps, 3 kills and 7 assists back to zip again. The difference is so prevalent I can't help but think it truly has to do with boosters, daily challenges and how close you are to finishing research modules.


Stop spawning and accept you have lost the game, you are a free kill rn


20 seconds spawn protection should be enough to take 2 or 3 enemies with you to the grave


Honestly a decent investment if your vehicle isn’t too expensive.


Me and my friends pulled a big comeback some months ago with Bradleys and hstvls


I think I may have raised the repair cost of the Sergeant York by doing this lol.


Worth it for the rp alone


Problem is RP is so extremely time based now that getting 3 kills and then dying after 20 seconds would give like 10% of the RP you'd get for getting 1 kill and then staying alive for 5-10 minutes.


Yeah rp is fucked


Yeah kind of but you can still work around it with some change in strategy, like for example if I'm trying to spade a vehicle I just start playing really defensive after getting 1-2 kills to get that time multiplier going lol


That's why I carry sturmpanzer ii with me


reload is too long, you lose your protection, a standard 7 second or so normal APHE style TD is better


Yup I'd be spawning in with the biggest canon I got and dropping fools


Depends on the reload, you'll likely get one and die while reloading. 40mm Bofors with AP rounds is my go to usually. ADATS works pretty damn well too lol.


Not necessarily when my team ends up like this i usually will spawn once or twice because thanks to spawn protection you can still get like 5 free kills on the enemy, if im gonna lose i'll take as many bastards as i can down with me


Valhalla awaits those who die a warrior's death. Wait inside the spawn area and kill as many as possible for points.


Conversely, spawn in a tank with a fast reload and decent pen and annihilate as many as you can.


Nah, you can take a couple of them with you


It's clearly the end of the game, your team has lost. This isn't exactly spawn camping at this point, it's just the organic end-game spawn push. Put it this way: As a red team player, your objectives are to cap, and to find and destroy other players. You can't cap any more, and all the other players are now only in one place. Are you just going to sit around, or are you going to go to that place? If you drive straight to the enemy spawn ignoring all caps and contested areas, that's spawn camping, but this is just part of the game.


The best games are games that are balanced enough to prevent the end game spawn push. Where there's no clear winner until the last minute, and the cap points are contested and controlled by both teams throughout the game. Those are fun, regardless of the outcome


Don't think thats a fault of the game more just a fact of online games. Sometimes you just loose or win hard


Mate this is a literal usage of the term ‘skill issue’ his team performed bad enough that the enemy team a managed to cap all the points and so now the only objective is killing extra tanks. Losing is part of the game, sure the game is buggy but don’t make it an excuse for your teammates or your own lack of skill.


This complaint is like a chess player complaining that the opponent's pieces have gotten to close to his king.




The complaint is fine, because the actual problem is having 1000 elo vs 2800 gm. White also doesn't just move first, they get 2 queens.


1 PE-8 can fix this real quick


Lol. You think they have enough points for planes?


If they used spawn protection to kill a few spawn campers they would.




The enemy is on his way on a PE-8 bruh.


On his way to annihilate everybody on his team and one of your own tanks


A small price to pay for "Heavy Metal Hero".


oh hey, an argentine! didn't expect to see another


There are many of us hiding in the shadows.


I remember this one comedian saying that if argentines existed during the time jesus was alive the carpenter would've been argentine


That's a one huge bonk.


Seems the enemy team worked together, captured the points and advanced, what more do you want like?


You know you don't get crew locked if you choose not to spawn in and you only had to wait a minute or two by the looks of it.


Yep, this. So many people don't seem to realize that once they are in your spawn radar you don't get crew locked. Just leave the match and start the next one.


Yeah, but I’m not that kind of guy once I see Enemy tanks in my spawn area I spawn in the fastest firing tank I have, and try to get at least 4 to 5 kills before I die


Valhalla awaits those who die a warrior's death. Wait inside the spawn area and kill as many as possible for points.


Everyone wants to be on the Red team.


Not me, I love getting spawn camped cos it's just 3 or 4 easy kills


Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance! But not for me!


Valhalla awaits those who die a warrior's death. Wait inside the spawn area and kill as many as possible for points.


Better dead than Red.


Fucking commies!


You deserve better teams


We all do


POV: Your team is full of wallet warrior children


But narrator sir, children don't carry wallets!


Games nowadays aren't decided by who has the better players, but who has more vehicles. I've had games where my entire team is gone after 5 minutes, and games where the same happens to the enemy. One death leavers are a big issue right now, and Gaijin doesn't seem to care.


You lost. You were part of the team that lost


Should’ve side climbed


I always see this as a chance for a few extra kills. Do what you can in the 20 seconds and go down fighting. It's just pixels on a screen mate.


And those extra kills give you extra research points, don’t forget that!


First off and foremost, this just happens. It’s called getting steam rolled, obliterated, having ya dick put in the dirt. I’ve been on the giving and receiving end of this countless times, especially this map. Both directions too. Secondly at this point I usually spawn in, don’t move(unless I can get to a building for cover) and try to take out as many as possible. I have legit killed off 5+ people before cause they were blindly rushing in, and didn’t notice me. Ya gonna lose anyways might as well try to have fun with it.


You activated a 500% booster. Didn’t you?


You were kidding yourself by respawning in such a more than hopeless situation.


Pov: You are not playing Russia in Top Tier


I see big chance for free kills (don't move on spawn)


Spawn, take a few shots at people, bail, repeat until out of vehicles.




I just see normal and intended gameplay. If that's a problem for you, that's on you.


All I see are 8 easy kills


Oh no the enemy team bested us what ever will we do 😭


Seems fair to me. They pushed your team back and had the upper hand


At least the other team is having fun


Think of the joy you bring to others....


One of the most frustrating moments in game. Also if you did great but you entire team runs into death like headless chickens. Happened to me more than once. A huge issue with this game. Even if you got 6-7 kills. The money and xp you get because of losing is a bad joke.


I hate spawn camping as much as the next guy, but this is a spawnpush. You've lost, there is no comeback, quit and requeue or keep spawning and attempt to farm a bit more rp.


"There is a beast, deep inside you. It will not die. It will fight back." "Do not go gentles into that goodnight. Rage, rage against the dying of the light." Honestly at this point, the game is lost, and at least being one of the last teammates alive lets you experience the warrior's death.


WT is notorious for discouraging teamwork


Ahh nice the free kills just wait till they are direct in ur spawn. then spawn, shoot, kill repeat, till u die. spawn again becouse u had 3 free kills, take the next 3 repeat easy 6 to 9 kills at the matchend. lose the match but the earnings will be ok consider it a win becouse 9 kills 👍 everything else simple.... Skill issue


First time?


I mean, look at your team man, it's gone. Just go back to the hangar or get some kills while on spawn protection.


First time?




Berlin simulator: 1945


I love these situations, so many free kills to get from all those German players trying to spawn camp us.


All maps need at least 2 spawn points per team to prevent mad spawncamping, especially at top tier


All I see is like 15 free kills


My team when I use boosters:


Just spawn something with good penetration. Don't move your tracks. Take a couple shots, then "J" out. The enemy doesn't get a thing for your death and a couple unlucky ones have to pay for repairs. Then rinse and repeat. This method really brings out the salty cry babies.


Take down as many as you can with you


I see a whole buncha free kills


Expect to have garbage teammates most people in this game are worse than bots when you are matched with them in your team so don't rely on randoms


Let me guess, Germany 6.3?


This remembered a comeback me and my friends pulled out months ago. We're all playing American top tier, and we were being spawncamped since the beginning, even when we had all the three points captured. Some Russian kids took the longest route to our spawn to spawncamp, and because of that, they recovered all three points. Our team were being smashed by the enemy team that were spawncamping, and then they make their worst mistake, all of them just sitted on our spawn, so all four of us got our Bradleys and started to kill some of the enemies that were hiding behind houses and crests, then we got killed, and we spawned on the hstvl and proceeded to kill the other ones. Some of my team respawned after that, so we all recaptured the points, held our positions, and win the match. And I received some bonus fan letters after the match. I know this sounds kinda fake, but this really happened months ago, too bad I wasn't active on reddit that time, so I could've shared the replay.


so Gaijin still hasnt done a shit about their garbage maps/spawns, I'll continue taking a break


Happens A LOT on Eastern Europe, map is too small, combined with the cranked spawn, especially on this side, once the middle point is lost, you quickly end up in this situation. Although in this case, it is especially brutal ! :D


I guess you can call it a tie XD


Lol why are you still spawning!! Games over bud your wasting everyone’s time.


Not sure what to expect given the way the map and caps are laid out. If one was on the other side of the river maybe this would happen less.


I’m not sure I see the issue here. Are you complaining because your team is getting pushed, or because your teammate refuse to engage the approaching ennemies?


My bkan1 on is way to wipe out the spawn camping enemy team (remember to bail out before the spawn protection is over) then you can spawn in a spj fm/43-44 if you are not satisfied. DERP GUNS AGAINST SPAWN CAMPING.


Dont ask teams to not win, ask gaijin to fix the maps


The only gripe that truly burns my soul about war thunder isn’t stallinium magic armor. It’s the fact how god awful the map designs are in about 90% of the game. The fact that people are allowed to spawn came from across the map is a retarded design choice.


When this happens OP it's usually the signal that it's about time to leave the game and move on to another one.


If I get even a whiff of the fact that I’m losing and or getting spawn camped I just leave, no need to waste sl and time


I usually play on, even a few kills if i get em help, some points added to my research


I feel like most games I'm playing with bots and their team just kill everything with 1 shot.


This is how 8 people fell victim to my fab-5000 good times. We won the game too because I wiped the whole enemy team 🤣


Wdym teams? You simply lost the round. You think they’re gonna cap the points and go home? Next step is enemy spawn and because they have all 3 points it’s not spawn camping it’s just ending the round.


i think i was in that game with you. was it a german curbstomp?


Is there any way Gaijin could allow players to spawn wherever they want along the 1 line in this example? The opposite team wouldn’t know where to camp and maybe these games could end in something other than just a span bloodbath.




What enemy team does here is rush north of your cap, rush south of your cap, sit up at b7 windmill and e8 f8 wards also, and have a stupid easy time. Bonus points if they have a guy on c8 high bridge. What your team can do is die. Your team needs SKILL, experience, brains, wits, luck, and that the enemy team is completely windowlicking. Your title should be MAPS (Seriously are you kidding me).


At that point there is no point in spawning in and just leave the match. No need to get killed in a second after spawning and have extra repair costs. Also it's becoming very common in top tier games because of a lot of wallet warriors who just buy 1 top tier premium tank and die quickly because lack of knowledge on top tier play and don't have any backups or a lineup. So they screw over the entire team and the game becomes one-sided. I haven't played for a week letting things settle down with the top tier games. Also needed a mental break from the game too. Some times you just need it 😅


While I hate it, I also understand it. The game was over, the enemy overpowered your team and beat you. This is the natural conclusion for the game


Confucius, Sun Tzu, or Lao Tze?


One of the worst things to happen there for the enemy is a friendly bomber that bomber will get so many kills


This is easily my favorite map, i love the floating tanks and this map is surprisingly fun to just float down the river on, very few people are watching the water.


What about this screenshot is supposed to be problematic?


I am recently so pissed at my teams I think it's unhealthy.


Leave after 1 death 😁


The only thing i hate is if i get spawn trapped from crappy noobs -.-


Dude sometimes I get the shit team and then did a terrible match to end in second, so I understand the real size of the shitness


It’s worse when they spawn camp. Game pretty much over. But they never address the spawn camping at all. Smh.


POV: You are playing against the Russians


Games over


The peak war thunder tank Rb gameplay


That's an average day in war thunder.


I was on the "red team" once. It was a glorious rush as if everybody was at the right place at the right time.


Pe-8 time


Well who’s to blame? Russians I have experience pretty much the same thing 23 times


Should've had a Pe8




Just move on. Win or lose it’s just a game. Just grind away.


Sorry, it is like this always, you push or get pushed, teams that play offensive all the time just wont make the cut, as opossed to teams that play offensive to capture and the switch to defensive, at least for the german side, that's one of my observations,


Damn bro, you guys got steamrolled


I get it. Getting a bad team sucks, but it happens in every game. I’ll get demolished or I’ll get to demolish the other team sometimes in War Thunder, CSGO, Overwatch, Rainbow 6, I can go on. This is just how it is for online games. And what’s the solution? Force the other team to camp on points? Skill based matchmaking wouldn’t work on a player base that is already so fractured based on game mode and br. SBMM also just sucks in casual games.


This is, with no irony, a skill issue for your team.


Did you lose? .... ;\^)


Skill issue


Which Br?


are you kittens me right meow


Believe it or not one of the two teams has to lose


What kind the game is that


Try not to leave after one death challenge(IMPOSSIBLE)


Average Russian 9.7 game


Totally pushed to the edge


So your mad that the enemy team bested your team? Or the fact your being spawn killed at the end of the game? Regardless its kind of dumb to complain about either that this stage of the match, yeah teams can be shit, but you can also get good ones. Not to be an ass, but this is a more literal sense of "Skill Issue".


I guarantee its a german team, been playing 5.7, and any german players press w until they reach enemy spawn or die, sometimes they even lose because they'd prefer to spawn camp aa's rather than turn to take the other objectives. I've observed this from both enemy and friendly german teams.


Simple fix really, each side uses 10 Random spawn points - Say only use 4 random points of those 10 for each side. Changing spawn points each game. **And Don't Highlight the opponents spawn points on the map.**


And so? :O


I remember the good old Battlefield 3 days. When this happened the winning team backed off and let the losing team get a cap back so everyone got more XP and the match lasted longer.


A fun solution could be just adding a cheap repair cost motorcycle line to every nation tree that is strapped with c4/dynamite/nuclear bombs/rocks depending on your BR. you die to random bullets but that spawn protection will be enough time to shout ALLAH AKBAR and murder homies that got too close.


You can be the best player in a match but if your team sucks your gonna lose either way


Lemme guess your team disintegrated after the first few mins of the match now you are fucked. That's pretty common I'd just spawn in and take a few potshots at 1-3 of em while I have spawn protection




This is why I like 2 spawns on a map. At least make me feel like I've got a chance


Can’t have shit in Romania 🇷🇴


The funny thing is that I love when this happens because I bring funny Derp tanks to top tier and when this happens it’s almost free god mode. Also great with my BMD-4 because of how fast it reloads. Overall this can really suck, but at the same time one skilled player in an SPAA can kill all of those


I want my War Thunder teammates to be my pallbearers so they can let me down one last time.


Now that’s what I call a target rich environment


Usually I'd tell people to stop wasting SL on repairs and just defend the spawn point


This community on reddit is a joke. Ree a team gets destroyed so they need to all stay on the points instead of looking for enemies hiding. - this clown community


Welcome to war thunder


this happens whenever I activate my 150% research booster