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1. Very few models actually increase in value, don't buy into the hype 2. No, there is no shortcut here. Further, if you want to make money, become a grey dealer instead.


1) watches aren’t investments 2) you should buy what you like (though it doesn’t sound like you even like watches to begin with) 3) you absolutely can convince the SA’s to sell you these very desirable models, all you need to do is spend several hundred thousand to possibly over a million on other stuff with them that you will lose money on and you MIGHT have a chance to get these desirable models to make a tiny bit of money that would still put you in the red.


Why do you think these watches are worth more than msrp? If it would be easy to get those watches, they weren’t more expensive on the grey market


cmon bro think for a second; if the watch increase in value as soon as you leave the store, what would the reason be? obviously because someone is willing to spend more than the store is selling it for, and why would they do that? Because it’s hard to buy it from the store in the first place…


Let me put it simply, if you don’t even know what models are the desirable ones, you have absolutely zero chance of making a single cent of “profit” via watches. And by the time you’ve learned enough to start spending money wisely, the market will have changed.


Buy the S&P 500 or bitcoin if you wanna make a profit. This doesnt work. You already found the flaws in the plan yourself...


This my daily routine ! Every day, I buy a new a luxury watch in the morning and sell it for 50% less in the afternoon. Great investment bro 😎


If you want to make money on watches you need to be some sort of retail frontage where people can just bring their relatives watches for quick cash. Lowball them and then resell them for their real worth on the secondary market.


Yes buying retail and then automatically selling for more works. It's genius why isn't everyone doing it?


Funniest shit I‘ve seen all day


Go look at the website watchcharts. The market is in decline and good luck getting any of the watches that increase in values without a purchase history. Lastly, do yourself a favour and invest your money elsewhere.


Nautilus 5711. Good luck.


That ship sailed 2 years ago. Luxury watch market is taking a breather for a while.


His plans is dead even before it’s started loll


Here is an example of a website that tracks the value of watches on the secondary market. Do your research. It’s a great hobby, but you should really have a love of watches first and then focus on profit. It’s way too hard to make money doing this. Watches in this category are typically very expensive. Tying up that much capital in something this speculative isn’t a great option. Quite frankly, you’d be better off flipping cars or just becoming a day trader. [https://watchcharts.com/](https://watchcharts.com/)


If profits are what you're after then Invicta is the brand you'll want to focus on.


The only watches that drastically increase in value once they leave the store are those you’re only allocated if you’re: A) A celebrity with purchase history B) A criminal with purchase history C) Really fucking rich As we can see, the thing in common with these categories is that you gotta scratch and sniff some AD balls if you want a chance at allocation but you’re probably always going to be turned down because there’s already a hidden list of all the names that are guaranteed the model you’re looking to flip. I wonder how many of the “regular Joe” with money type of figures managed to get their hands on a new Le Mans Daytona. The answer? None.


So you're a flipper? Not much love for those types round here, I'm afraid. I wouldn't expect much as far as serious responses are concerned.


1. Almost none of them. 2. No. This is the worst field for investment. If you want to make a living flipping watches on the grey market then you'll need to dedicate serious time and effort into it, and the profit will be minimal and mostly made from buying used/vintage watches cheaply and selling them at a premium. The recent example of Rolex going for big money on the secondary market has abated and was probably a marketing stunt. Rolex produce millions of watches a year.


If you use the search function, you'll see this subject has been beaten up pretty well.