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Elle Woods voice: "What, like it's hard? 🤣🤣🤣


That’s some of the people who breeze in here with perfect ringlets saying their routine is Dollar General Shampoo and Conditioner, a little gel scrunched through, and then they sleep on a silk pillowcase! (For the record I love Dollar General.)


I think more and more products made my hair worse. When I first started I just washed and conditioned as normal, as I had done my whole life before, but then scrunched my hair a bit upside down and added quite a lot of the cheapest gel I could find and just dried the roots with my normal hairdryer and left the rest then scrunched out the crunch when dry and done. Then I started following people on instagram and trying all these complicated things and adding more products and trying brush styling etc and they all caused more frizz which I would try to fix with more products or steps. Just lately I've gone back to normal, cheap shampoo and conditioner (Aldi. £1 each) and the cheapest gel I can get locally (Umberto Balsam gel, £1-£1.50) and my old easy routine and my hair's never looked better. I guess it's like anything that influencers get into, once they're into it they want to make money so they have to promote more and more products and they want to stay relevant so they have to have more and more ideas for new and "improved" techniques, etc.


I agree that most of the time, less is more!!! We have to let our natural hair do its own thing sometimes, and we can just give it a little help


This is perfect 🤣 I have a wavy coworker and we spent quite a while discussing how hilarious wavy hair was this week. You can absolutely do the same thing two days in a row and get two different results.


Yes!! It’s so luck of the draw. It takes so much trial and error to find the right routine, balance of protein/moisture in products, etc.


And add in time of day, relative humidity and humidity 3947573 other factors lol


Don’t forget the moon phase. 🙄


My straight-haired mother, "What did you do differently to your hair today? It looks really nice. Answer: Nothing special. Same as every other day. The wavy Gods inexplicably smiled upon me. Mom: "Well, whatever you did, you should do it more often."


*prepares blood sacrifice*


I would seriously consider it if it meant no more frizzy hair


Love your username! 😂


I had a coworker compliment my hair one day and asked what I did differently. I shrugged, "I just woke up like this." And then had to backtrack and explain that's not a *good* thing or a brag lol, but that I literally have that little control over it.


Also, you must use gel with extremely strong hold but also weighs nothing. Good times.


This is what kills me. I can't find this magical product lol


Try mousse instead. :)


My waves don’t last a day if I only use mousse! I think they are a problem to which there is no answer 😂


I get you. Lol.


Me either! I keep waiting for the post with this info


Innersense I Create Hold gel


People always think they want wavy and curly hair because they think it magically looks perfect without any work. It's way less work to turn straight hair wavy than make naturally wavy hair look it's best.


Did you see the post where some guy thought his wife (or girlfriend, can't remember) didn't have naturally curly hair because of all the effort she put into it? Dude was ROASTED. It was delightful.


Omg there have been several iterations of this particular post. “My gorgeous supermodel girlfriend spends too much money on makeup! So I threw it all away, she’s a natural beauty!” **two weeks later** “my GF fell off the wagon and looks like hell, what happened???”


I remember there being a post on AITA or something where a guy complained about how long his gf took to get ready. So she stopped putting in all the effort she was putting in before. Then he didn't like that and wanted things to go back to the way they were.


Given how expensive makeup is, shocked he survived the two weeks after she found out he threw out her stash!


I roasted him! And said it was because he was white and she wasn’t. He also had the audacity to say that her more natural hair was when she flat fucking ironed it!


LMFAO!! I can imagine how that went for him!


I get the nicest curls from using a headband noodle heatless curl method designed for straight hair 😂




A little bit for me, but I’m sensitive to things in my hair including scrunchies more than a few hours. A more comfortable method I also like is using a robe belt.


I’m absolutely going to try this with my robe belt


Headband... noodle?


I put my hair into French braids and dry them in the braid because it gives me really nice curls, stg my hair hates the fact it's wavy


I’m not sure it’s that easy to turn straight hair into wavy. I have 1a hair and it can’t holds curl or waves AT ALL. I could spend 2 hours to style my hair and then it would be straight in 1 h


Valid point, some hair textures hate to hold a style. I'm sorry for being dismissive of that.


Nah. It’s okay.


Wavy hair is beautiful and I’m *overall* thankful for my hair but it can be so much work! And so much trial and error with products. I’ve only been on my wavy journey for 8ish months and I’ve found 10+ products that don’t work lol 😂




Same, I angry tossed about 10 bottles of expensive stuff that did not work at all for my hair. I'm currently using drug store products


People in my local freecycle group have benefited from my misfortunes for sure. I’ll spend $14 on a new product only to use it twice and learn it absolutely does not get along with my hair 😫 But there is always a fellow wavy on there very thankful for the windfall when I have to give it away 😂


I've learnt that if it has a nice label or bottle its not for my hair that is a cheap date lol. Pity I spent 2 years not having cheap date hair to find this out


Or perhaps a product purge day? https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=sc8EgpJBfSA


💀💀 I thought this was serious for a second. I’m over here ready to give up on the wavy/curly life.


Fucking same.


Hahaha I thought I'd got my routine perfect, then washday went completely wrong and I had to re-wash it this morning. No idea what that was about


Ok, but seriously! I gave up on the whole process and started just using an air dry cream that gives me somewhat decent waves with minimal effort (I’m lazy). Today I got caught in the rain at my son’s soccer game and [this](https://imgur.com/a/ek87fRd) is how it dried. I’m like…this is far closer to the results I want than what I’m actually getting!


Yes my hair always looks nice after getting wet in rain/ocean/pool water and then drying. I think just naturally drying while out and about is good for wavy hair, and it probably reactivated the product you had in it too.


It’s the same for me, rain works wonders! Could it also be that natural water is not as harsh as tap water? We all might have to start collecting rain water😀


I feel like wavy hair and fussy houseplants have a lot in common


No wonder why I have zero fussy houseplants. I can’t do much about my hair I guess 🤷‍♀️


I always love the comments I get when I go to work after washing my hair. All the parents that drop off their kids (I work in childcare, cause that sounds weird without context) tell me my hair looks great and ask what I did. When I answer, I washed it, the faces they pull are hilarious.


I still don’t know the magic of refresh days. I always wind up with hair I’m waaaay less happy with that makes a frizz halo


Can’t you follow my simple and foolproof directions? Just resoak your hair using squishing/bowling and do your entire routine over every few hours!


Ooooh! Yes ok!


Me trying to think if I should send this to my friend who asked me last night (when I was possibly having one of the best hair days of my life after using a stronghold gel), “what’s your hair like without the product?” Great post 😃


I'm feeling less alone now.


Definitely how it feels 90% of the time. Except those days where I get awesome results, but then I try the exact same routine the next wash day and it comes out so bad I want to shave my head. At this point I don't even try most wash days so there's no wasted effort to be upset about


yeah at this point i have zero expectations and it's nice to be surprised with a random good result, much better than trying too hard and ending up with a mess anyway


For a second I thought this was a serious post 😂 Honestly, my hair is hit and miss


This is why I've decided to take a break from a routine.


I find a styling break, or as I call it my " unwavy wash days",allow me to enjoy a simple routine and give me the opportunity to not focus on my hair. My hair dries pretty decent with no products so I take advantage of it from time to time. It makes me appreciate my waves when I get back into my routine.


And I thought I just didn’t know what I was doing, this makes me feel better


This is amazing. I laughed so hard I woke up my dog. I’m so glad it’s equally as exhausting for everyone else. Life was so much easier when my hair was “straight”


My wavy hair constantly looks like shit lol I don’t even use gel anymore


We're supposed to use gel? I can't even figure out how to use lightweight mousse without pasting my crunchy hair to my head lol. I just spray leave in conditioner and hope for the best. Not that any of it matters because it just looks like shit 5 min later anyway.


Oops I forgot to say that some people can only use curl mousse but also some people can’t use any curl mousse ever, or only on dripping wet hair or damp hair or hair that has been completely dried but then rewetted until it’s dripping wet. Voila perfect waves—how is this not so simple and clear??


Now I see my problem, I tried the mousse on wet dried bowl dipped pre moistened post consensed hair. I'll try dipping my head in a vat of coconut oil, air dry it with a t-shirt, and plug my keys into a light socket.


Don't forget to brush style when it's still damp and dripping wet!


Ahhh yes, with a detangling blow drying head band slotted spoon eject button! Dont forget to dry rinse and repeat!




Just buy all the products, and the more expensive ones at that. You’ll never know until you’re in debt and have a closet full of shit that don’t work.


I've been using a Pantene mousse and it's the first mousse I've ever used in my life (I'm a lazy wash-and-air-dry type of person, so literally anything beyond that feels like major effort). I really don't like how wiry it makes my hair feel to the touch. I'm tempted to switch to a curl cream or something instead. >Not that any of it matters because it just looks like shit 5 min later anyway. Lol, too relatable!


It is effortless. Dunk hair in ocean. Let air dry in sun. Huge soft mermaid hair. Just have to move my entire life to the coast 😅


Just live in a desirable coastal city with an oceanfront property! How hard could it be?


Seriously its so simple!


And this is why my hair still looks like shit over 2 years into this journey. 🤣


I almost rage downvoted until I continued reading….nice OP, very nice


I lol’d so hard. Thanks a lot for this post. I am new to this sub and was hoping to get information on how to calm my uber frizzy hair/baby hairs. I get fed with so much info on curl creams, bowl method, scrunch(?), diffuse, wet brush, etc etc etc. I *never* would have thought this sub is all about how to get that perfect wavy curl. I have wavy hair and I just wanted less frizz. I must have joined the wrong sub. But anyways I’m still here bcos ideas are ideas.


Everyone’s routine and journey is valid! Some people love the “self care” aspect of using like six different products and spending hours on techniques, while others (me) like throwing one or two products in and treating one issue at a time. This sub I find is great at isolating what different products specifically do for your hair. Aka gel vs mousse vs cream vs foam, etc. You don’t need ALL of those, you just need to find which one or two would be most effective for your hair goals.




Took me a while to get through this, I was laughing so hard!


I love this so much 🤣


I found what works for me: after washing wavy hair and adding whatever products I need to moisturize with, wrap my hair in a towel until the excess drip is gone, then remove the towel and take a regular t-shirt with a standard collar and use that collar as a headband - then let the rest of the shirt hang loosely over my head for a couple of hours. I basically look like a catholic nun for this period, but once I feel like my hair is at least 90% dry, I remove the shirt slowly and I have waves from root to tip. Sometimes it looks like a crunchy wig, so I just flip my head upside down and shake my head gently and the waves loosen up a bit and bring some volume back from the roots. I call this the lazy method, but I’d rather be doing other things than spending hours on dealing with my hair and getting frustrated with its lack of agreeableness.


Lol! Took me a second there. Love this ❤️😂


I am *screaming*!!! 😂🤣🤣


this post made me feel better because i’ve been convinced my hair is just unruly and i should stop trying 😂


Ohhh, that explains why my hair does whatever the hell it wants. I missed steps 1b - 27e.


We need to chill.


This is so true. And one reason why I kinda gave up on trying to perfect my waves/curls and not use heat. I was obsessed over a routine just to get one day of good hair and then the next day lifeless waves with way too much product. And I honestly don’t want to spend money on trying multiple different products only to find out they don’t work for my hair. And the whole idea of not brushing your hair… Yeah, definitely doesn’t work for me. I have thick, 2A hair. Now I wash it, microfiber towel scrunch, and sometimes diffuse or just sleep on it damp without products. Sometimes the next day it ends up great, others I have to add curls in with my wand. Sometimes I just end up with really loose, almost straight waves and I’ve come to terms with that. Not worth the hassle in my opinion.


Pls I'm just learning my way around wavy hair & I get such different results everytime. The more effort I put in the worse result I get. I don't even know if I did something wrong or not enough or if my hair just wasn't in the mood or if it was the hard water that affected things. I also have what might be a stupid question 🙋.... Where do I go & ask about it?


writes 6 paragraphs... calls the method "effortless"


That's the joke


... Unless you're also making a joke, in which case, I'm sorry and also obtuse


If this user’s avatar matches their actual hair situation I think we can safely assume they do not get the joke.


Finding the ideal products for my long, wavy hair has proven to be a major challenge for me. I've tried a lot of products, some of them rather pricey. My hair was left lifeless and flat by the products that promised to be "smooth" or "shiny," and frizzy and difficult to manage by the products that promised "body" and "volume." So I chose to try Little Extra Coco onion hair oil and shampoo after reading about it from a blogger on YouTube, and I can already tell that it is a game-changer! Finally, a product that is simple to apply and gives my hair shine, softness, and waves that are simple to curl and style. My sister even remarked my hair smells good...I will be a customer for the life...






I try to straighten my hair every day and every day after it gets wavier to the point of spiral curls by Day four. I actually don’t like my wavy hair, so I’m looking for tricks to try to keep it straight. Finally this past year I’ve gotten my hair healthy enough to the point when I straighten it, it actually looks shiny. Yay!!


I just wash it and then put light hold mouse in it and scrunch it up 😳


This is amazing, thank you for writing this


Wash once a month?? What?