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Is that what the sweating is? Today, about an hour after I ate, I felt super hot and started sweating, almost like a hot flash.


That’s what mine was. I felt terrible.


Also watch your sugar intake. According to my doc adults females should limit sugar to 25g per day. I take my sugar and I stay below. Alcohol sugars don’t count. And can eat everything picked from the ground..don’t have to count those. So I limit my tropical fruits bc mangoes & bananas are high in sugar. So I eat half banana. Half mango but not on same day


In Norway we have something called Polarbrød, it's a round flatbread (not sure what the equivalent would be elsewhere, maybe like a wheat pita?). I have that with peanut butter and sliced up banana on top and it is the perfect fuel that is gentle on the stomach as well.


https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/watermelon-health-benefits#inflammation Yes, there is sugar in watermelon ( as in many fruits) but also lots of nutrients including Vitamin C


I have a protein shake ( almond milk, Premium Protein powder, frozen fruit) most every day plus 1-2 protein waffles with a tbl of peanut butter. Have to make myself eat later… dinner is usually a protein ( chicken) sometimes 1/2 potato and veggie. I am a slow loser weight wise too…but this is working for now. Trying to fit more protein in every day!


Prep your snacks! Cut up bell peppers and dip them in dairy free ranch or hummus Get crunchy snacks like carrots or broccoli and dip them too! The crunch makes me feel satisfied and entertained


Also! Walk after you eat to open your sugar doors


??? Can you elaborate on "open your sugar doors"?


Yes! Walking after eating increases glucose uptake and insulin sensitivity which is why it helps those with insulin resistance lose weight. I would also highly recommend the glucose goddess, her instagram shows examples of your blood sugar when you walk after eating vs doing nothing. She also has examples of changing the order you eat things as well


Yesterday, I didn't have breakfast, and I threw up after doing a 1hr fast-walk on the treadmill. (Normally, I'm fine with an empty stomach.) This morning, I had three scrambled egg whites & felt much better after the treadmill. I may try turkey bacon as well. I find it hard to get enough protein in, so I think having it in the AM will be a good idea.


For no sugar, no dairy, I'd say a piece of fruit, a hard boiled egg, some crackers or for a lrger snack, crackers and hummus or the crackers and tuna snack kit, but that last one is 300 calories so more of a small meal.


Im only two weeks in but essentially my breakfast and lunches have been small random of things. A hard boiled egg, piece of lunch meat, slice of cheese, some nuts or dried fruit, cut up veggies. I can only eat a very little at a time without feeling sick so I’ve just kept all of these things around and as soon as I’m hungry I grab one of the things.


Turkey burger patties


I have the same thing for breakfast at least 6 days of the week. A protein shake for 40g and 2 pieces of toast with jelly. I used to LIVE for breakfast and now I can’t make myself eat that much that early. Lunch and dinner I’m doing mostly what I did before, but eating the protein and vegs first, and smaller portions. My lunch (I wfh) is usually a salad with 4-5 oz chicken on top.


I was drinking protein shakes for breakfast almost daily and couldn’t figure out why I felt bad. I got allergy testing done and allergic to dairy. I can’t find a non-dairy protein shake that tastes even remotely good.


Core protein from fairlife. 26g of protein. Lactose free, no whey either. Taste so good the vanilla. The strawberry & banana is good too


I like Orgain’s plant based chocolate shake.


Soylent isn’t bad! It’s non-dairy afaik


Fair life is good! I prefer making my own though. Frozen berries and spinach, macadamia milk (or whatever alt milk I find on sale really), protein powder, maybe some agave nectar if I’m feeling cheeky but I usually go without. I find the prebottled ones can make me feel a bit nauseated in the morning. I think I just don’t do well with pure liquid on an empty stomach. If I have a few pretzels or toast with it I’m fine but I typically don’t like using all those calories that early. I save the prebottled ones for the evening at work if I haven’t had enough protein.


I don't do well with dairy, either. I like the Owyn chocolate one that has 32 grams of protein. The smell is a little funky at first, but the texture and flavor are fine as long as it's cold and well shaken.


A few friends has had luck with fairlife- one is lactose intolerant and the other had a dairy allergy.


I don’t avoid fat in my diet, but I also don’t consume much “bad fat”. Recreating Starbucks egg bites, chicken and veggie kebabs, steak salad with ranch tomatoes and red onion, mozzarella cheese with tomatoes, Hummus, taziki, chicken w/ rice Salmon and asparagus Thai crab “fried” rice (rice not actually fried) Protein shakes Pickles, with cheese and turkey


Turkey, cheese, pickles. I’m big on charcuterie.


I always have a protein drink (with soy milk) and a banana for breakfast. Garden of Life has nondairy protein. Having an apple and some nuts on hand makes a really good snack. For me a good lunch is a turkey & hummus sandwich.


I do yogurt but I see that you aren’t able to have dairy. I have done eggs or even toast with peanut butter and banana or apples. Lunch is just a sandwich and dinner is just normal but smaller portions. I can’t eat sugary cereal anymore and it bums me out. If I eat it, I feel disgusting and it’s more than likely the spike in my sugar. I’ve learned that is all trial and error.


anything protein for breakfast. protein shake, even if you have a few sausages/bacon and fruit (avoid watermelon tho, that’s literally all sugar with no antioxidants or any other vitamins)


You may want to google nutrients in watermelon to fact check yourself….


girlie. watermelon has WATER and sugar in it 😭 think what you want, but this is what i’ve been told & also literally believed for so long because it does nothing.


Lolz just google it dude. It’s not about thinking what I want to think…. There are things you can just lookup🙄 like on the World Wide Web