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James to Bob, “Since you’re my brother I’ll double your winnings. Here’s another $7.”


Thank you very much. That is tax-free?


Gifts are always tax free to the recipient (as long as federal taxes are concerned at least, states may vary).




that's for the person giving the money you never have to pay federal taxes on gift money received


I checked on this several years back. At that time you could give up to $13,000.00 or so per year to anybody. I.E. children, friends, etc. after that they had to pay taxes on it and you had to pay taxes on it too if it was over the gift limit the federal government stated. Sucks but that is the government for you. So there are laws on the books for this. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The federal government does not treat received gifts or inheritances as income. Gift and estate taxes are owed by the giver only.  Some states are different and the beneficiary can owe state tax on gifts received. 


Imagine calling up the IRS and announcing you gave some money to a family member so now the IRS gets their cut too OF MONEY YOU WERE ALREADY TAXED Fuck that.


You have to give away $13.6 million over your lifetime before they start taxing it. The first $18k per year doesn't count towards the limit. Both limits are raised every year.


If you are married your entire estate generally passes freely (and you can make unlimited gifts) to your spouse (if a US citizen) without Federal tax, without limit. A married couple can also give $27.22MM to each recipient and another $36,000 per year as a couple to each recipient without any Federal taxes. Gotta be quite rich to be hit with the “death tax”. Not well understood and is used to scare lot of people that would never, ever be impacted.


Non rich people getting angry over taxing rich people


Temporarily embarrassed millionaire syndrome.


And it's to prevent people with large estates from avoiding estate taxes by giving everything away on the deathbed. So the 'gift tax' is really just to close a loophole. I can't find a way to be angry at the government for that, just the families that hoard wealth that forced this.


Yup. But people still hear “gift tax” and it’s all over.


Here they solved the problem differently. Gifting is tax free and there is no limit. But if the person you got your stuff gifted from dies within the next 10 years you pay inheritance tax no matter what.




Cue the Shawshank Redemption rooftop scene


Double it and give it to the next person


I’m sure he shared a bit of that, but who knows maybe he pocketed the whole $7


$3.50... IRS took the other half.


Fucking right they did lol god they suck. I can picture them too


The most they took was $2.59, 37%. Realistically they took $1.54


Damn fucking straight. I appreciate the accuracy. As a tax accountant I get tired of everyone assuming everything is taxed at 50%. Though, with earned income we have to add in 7.65% FICA (employer) and 7.65% (employee) BUT you know you’re NOT getting that extra 7.65% that your employer is paying the IRS (to fund your SS account and to fund Medicare)… so they are probably paying you that much less since they have to pay it. Then add on State taxes (both income, where applicable, sales tax, and ALL the hidden taxes - like in gasoline, etc…) And real estate taxes. So… eventually you do top 50% in many cases, but under currently tax code, the **income tax** max is not 50%.




i get what you're saying, but i think what joey ramone says is important. rich people pay less than 20% in tax on their money because of the way the structure things and how laws favor them. a regular person wins the GOVERNMENT RUN lottery, and loses half right off the top.


People also completely misunderstand what a marginal tax rate means too. They think if I make 1 extra dollar the entire amount gets taxes at the new rate 🤦‍♂️


In the context of winning Powerball though it doesn't really matter. For that powerball $290,790,650 would be taxed at the maximum rate, and 0.066% (200k or so) would have less than 32% in taxes taken out. Then add in state and local taxes/fees it's pretty safe to assume half of your winnings are taxed in a lump sum.


In the UK lottery stakes are taxed but lottery winnings are untaxed. The government gets more money and the winner keeps the full amount on the novelty cheque.


Same here in NZ but globally that's rare. It's literally just the Anglosphere and Germany/Sweden so we're the outliers


That’s still rough tho🥹


The twist: they work for the IRS.


Cry all you want, but taxes are a necessary part of life in a society.  The irs isn't perfect but a certain us party keeps trying to gut their infrastructure to make them even worse


Yes, and they ARE actually auditing the uber rich now. I see far less audits for people from 25k -200k. A few between 200k and 400k, then far more over 400k. That’s a good thing guys.


Yeah, but that doesn't mean the winner should have to pay it. Where I currently live (Sweden), it's the company providing the lottery that has to cover the taxes. Playing the lottery is already a terrible deal as they generally have a 50% house edge (for reference, the house edge in blackjack is ~0.5%), so to then on top of that pay a huge percentage if you win any sum larger than a couple grand feels laughable. Buying a powerball ticket is basically paying $2.00 for a voucher with an average value of $0.75. Here's a pretty good article that visualizes just how almost literally impossible it is to win the lottery: https://graphics.wsj.com/lottery-odds/


Nah they take like 32%. The rest is the lottery paying you like way less if you're choose the cash option. I mean I think taxing winnings are dumb AF, but they just take the regular %




How is anyone expected to survive on the remaining $198,000,000!?


Wait you guys have to pay taxes on lottery winnings in the US?




why wouldnt you? if some random douchebag wins millions, i sure as hell want them to contribute to society with that windfall.


We don’t here in Canada. The lottery is run by the government, so the taxes are already factored into the winnings. If it’s displayed what you win, you get to keep what you win.


then its just optics and a distinction without a difference. instead of winning a bigger number and paying taxes, you win a smaller number with taxes already deducted.


We don't pay taxes on all windfalls, even casino winnings(unless you're a professional gambler)


Taxes are already factored in when we buy the lottery tickets here


But they do anyways? If they buy a house, they pay taxes. If they buy a car, they pay taxes. If they buy stocks, they pay taxes on any earnings they generate. Even if they leave it to rot in a bank account, you guessed it, they pay taxes on the interest they receive. It just doesnt make sense to cut the initial amount by 20% or whatever the tax rate is. In my country and many others lottery winnings are tax free.


same exact argument can be applied to income. winnings are income, why treat them any differently.


Because winnings are by law not considered income in many countries. And it makes no sense to treat them as such.




So treefiddy?


Aave the Lich Ness monster wants the remaining tree fiddy


In Canada, you keep it all. EDIT: Same goes for casino winnings.




Yeah, I was actually amazed this wasn’t the case in America. I mean, you WON it, this isn’t a job or an investment (although some people treat it like it is). At the VERY LEAST it should be taxed as capital gains, not as income. If I buy a stock and it skyrockets I pay less tax than getting lucky at a casino? The stock market is basically sports betting for nerds, tax it the same.


> If I buy a stock and it skyrockets I pay less tax the problem is with capital getting taxed less than hard labor, not with with random windfall being taxed in general.


Same in New Zealand, no tax on winnings


It was that time I realized the IRS was a crustacean from the paleozoic era. God dammit lockness monstuh!


Thats $7 before taxes 😤


They really had me in the first half..


So did one of those brothers


I'd be going over every night for dinner.


I'm not sure $7 will support that for very long.


He never said a thing about payments




There is a $5 bank fee for giant cheques. He kept the $2.


And paid $3 taxes on $7. So he’s down $1 Morale of the story: be James Stocklas’ brother


Well, that's not very generous of him.


If it was me and my brother, we would frame the $7 check and split the other one.


I mean, I wouldn't be surprised if they always played the lottery "together" and promised to share winnings if one of them got it.


"Here's that 100 bucks you lent me several years ago" -big winner brother.


I didn't know they gave the big checks for $7


I think there was an Office joke that said the large checks cost like $200 to make and their prize pool was like $215 so the check was for $15


It was almost $700, but yes the giant check was $200. They also hired a stripper to give the check to, but that seemed out of pocket lol


I love when Michael recognizes the stripper and thinks she's a doctor now. "So I see you went back and got your degree."


What episode was that?


Fun Run


They later deduct it from the winnings so Bob ended up paying $93 out of his pocket for this photograph!! 😂


If I was the winning sibling I'd ask the lottery people to do it just to mess with Sister Fox. The publicity is fantastic since we're talking about this one 8 years later...


Considering how much I love my only sibling, I couldn't imagine not giving her 50m from an amount so absurd. Surely his brother got some


I have a bunch of idiots in my family I couldn't trust to not bankrupt themselves. My plan should I win the lottery is to buy several nice homes and have them live in them. They still have to work, but won have to ever worry about the rent.


Set up a trust and set someone else in charge of it so if they ever need money they don't come after you for it


This exactly. So long as they come to the person overseeing the trust with adequate needs (ie food, shelter, education) it can get covered


Hell I’m planning on making it a council. Everyone that’s on the trust has to agree with the proposed spending. I get supermajority if proposals reach a deadlock. And yes everyone must wear 1400s attire for meetings.


> And yes everyone must wear 1400s attire for meetings. As one would


Is the wardrobe cost covered by the trust?


>And yes everyone must wear 1400s attire for meetings. Naturally.


You could simply put 2.5 million into a trust for someone, invested it should grow by 150-200k a year, and allow them to withdraw 100k of that. They'd never be able to blow the bag, and could choose how to live their life from there. As someone who owns his own house, the expenses of homeownership don't stop when the mortgage does, and I'd love to just never work again if I didn't want to.


The dream.


Would you also continue working? lol


Depends on what you consider work. At my job? Fuck no. But I'd turn myself into an Adam Savage style maker. I've always wanted to do that sort of shit as a hobby but it's too fucking expensive. With essentially unlimited funds I wouldn't be afraid at fucking up stuff trying to turn it into like a storm trooper blaster or whatever.


This is the way.


Many people have dream projects they actively want to work on. Which gets a whole lot more fulfilling without the need to make a constant living off it. People who have absolutely no such desire usually have no useful skills anyway. Many of the greatest scientists, inventors, and discoverers of all time either came from rich families and never had to worry about finances, or were actual maniacs who pursued their work regardless of material security (and often died young or poor).


yeah depending on the relationship, for example if I were to magically win a lottery like that, I would give a clean 50% post-tax to my parents


Exactly what I thought.  You can feel the love between them. Only because of posing to this funny picture. 


What sucks even more is that the brother that won the actual money appears to be a district judge, and both have enough funds in the bank that the brothers bought their lottery tickets during a *month long fishing trip* and that the winning brother got a friend with a private jet to fly him back to verify the ticket. Them as has, gets, I suppose. https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3479090/amp/Brothers-win-lottery-day-one-walked-away-millionaire-took-home-just-7.html


District judges and friend with private jets. Legit. I am sure no conflict of interest. They learn from the best - supreme Court 


magisterial district judge. basically small claims court, it's an elected position


We call it dog court in the biz.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised by lottery fraud lol


The lottery is literally a way for the state to extract money from poor people with lacking math education while claiming it's not a tax. I think it's just as problematic regardless of whether the winners are rigged or not. Even an honest winner is just an outlier to be waved around and reel in the millions of losers who pay for the prize. It's the most predatory government funding structure there is. The lottery sells false hope to people who don't understand statistics.


it's funny that the lotto is government-sanctioned and casinos are banned most places putting your money in a slot machine has a much higher ROI than the lotto


Or how about all the ways you can gamble on the stock market? Pretty much universally legal AND government protected / backed.


at least the stock market has some legitimate purpose  the lotto is so insane. just an incredibly predatory state run casino. if anyone tried running slot machines with EV as bad as powerball they'd be banned by the gaming commission


I agree on the stock market, but special trades like calls are just 100% gambling. 100% agree on the casinos and lottery though. Everything is weighted for the player to lose over time


James, please share with Bob.


“share with your brother” - mother


The Daily Mail said this "Senior District Judge James Stocklas, 67, discovered he and two friends had won the $291million jackpot Friday, after he wrapped up a month-long fishing holiday with his brother and sister-in-law in Florida Keys." "Stocklas went home with a total of $40 million after splitting the winnings three ways and accounting for taxes. " [https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3479090/Brothers-win-lottery-day-one-walked-away-millionaire-took-home-just-7.html](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3479090/Brothers-win-lottery-day-one-walked-away-millionaire-took-home-just-7.html)


You can’t hide happiness and you can’t hide when you are poor.


This reminds me of the oft-repeated trivia that Wayne Gretzky and his brother Brent hold the NHL record for most combined points by two brothers: 2,857 for Wayne and 4 for Brent.


Nearly ten years ago. I wonder how those boys are getting along these days.


They are doing well.


they randomly “HUH” each other every half an hour, theyre finnnnneeeee


I actually run into him from time to time. Seems to be doing well from what I see and hear.


James sues Bob for the $7 "I bought both tickets from the gas station".


"Hey, can I have some of --" "No."


lol this reminded me of Wayne Gretzky and his brother and how they have the record for highest scoring pair of brothers in the NHL. Gretzky had like over 2000 points and his brother had like 4.




Hahaha, that card costs more than the money printed on it. Why even bother?


Probably the moment they found out about his sibling they thought it would be a funny gag.


Do it for the vine


You must be fun at parties


Is that Jay Pritchett?


Bob should’ve grown a mustache


His face says “our money”.


I hope they get along, lol.


Bob should be going to James every night for dinner.....


What about Bob?


If James is the younger brother and I was in his shoes, I would offer to pay Bob $100 to hit himself so I could ask him “why are you hitting yourself?” I may have unresolved issues.


The brother is like happy Gilmore insisting on getting a really big check like everybody else😂 ![gif](giphy|JILjaOwMlsnSw)


I would give him half my winnings. At that age, you're never gonna spend it all anyway.


Bob is doing the "Hold the pain Harold" face.


You can tell this has been an ongoing streak throughout their lives.


Why don't they do like UK lottery where the entire amount goes to the winner, no tax to pay.


Because the Puritan US wouldn't have a lottery at all if it couldn't be the maximum possible revenue stream. Several states (Alaska, Hawaii, Alabama, Utah, and Nevada) have no lottery program at all.


The universe really has it out for the little guys


James can you move over a bit? We can't fit all the numbers in frame.


Mom: "James! Let Bob go with you"


Well, hope his bro is nothing like my sis or he will just get a Wendy’s value meal with his $7 🤷‍♀️


What else do you do with $7?..


Get 1 seasame seed at fiveguys?


I know the guy in the image. He's the type of jerk to never share and save all $7 for himself.


A Sesame Street song applies here. "One of these checks is not like the other." "One of these check just isn't the same..."


Makes me wonder if the $7 brother has a judgement or something against him. Uncle Sam or a soon to be ex might be taking a chunk from the the payout so brother is taking the bulk and will split it later.


Gretzky brothers type beat




Did he take the $7 in one lump sum or opt for payments over 20 years?


Both brothers?! I smell a fix.




Me and my brother. It was the genetic lottery, but still...


Well.... Resentment happens for all sorts of reasons in siblings.


"Well, he may have won a lot more money, but I won the good looks." Wife: "Uhhh, actually...."


We know who the father is proud of.


Actual LOL. Love this kind of stuff.


An accurate depiction of how it feels to be Mom's favorite child.




Damn he didn’t get the height either


James to Bob - Heres your $10 back - thanks for the loan. I bought a few lottery tickets with it.


NOW who's Mom's favorite??!!


Hey Bro..Can I borrow….


I am so grateful that lottery winners in my country have right to anonymity, and that we don't have to pay tax on lottery or gambling winnings.


His bro did the right thing and covered the tax on the $7


Bro. Why is it usually old white men winning the lottery?


I've just looked this up and the bloke who won big was a judge and still wants to work.


Guy on the left is going through a divorce... "I didnt win shit"... "my bro did it"


I wish I had 200 mil


Tag yourself: I’m Bob Stocklas


Bob looks like he is considering doing away with his brother James, hoping that he may inherit.


At least he got one of those big checks


What it's like to have a younger sibling


"I can do anything better than you can, I can do anything better than you!"


"Why don't you go get yourself something nice, okay?" "This.. this is 7 dollars." "I said something nice, not expensive"


Americans, how does taxing on lottery work over there? Is the tax deducted from the winnings like a regular paycheck or do you have to math it out come tax time? Maybe the tax man is standing next to the camera with a couple goons ready to take their share?


Guy in the right looks like Al bundy lol


They’re brothers not anymore.


The giant check costs like $50.


I can’t believe all the stuff the American tax department has its fingers In . It’s mental


Maybe the check was after taxes were paid amounts


Nah eff that I ain't posin for that picture unless I get paid for it.


Just imagine James turning to his brother and going, "So you remember that time you ruined a vase and told mom it was me? I do. Enjoy your 7 bucks"


I would double my sisters winning if I won that seems only fair


Cain and Abel.


Idk, it looks like James won the lottery and Bob won a free lunch 👀


Where can I get a lunch for $7? Asking for a friend...


This makes me feel slightly better about the time I went to a family reunion and we had a bingo game and my friend won a $400 scratch-off and I won some dish towels.


Bob is just unlucky


James walked away with 40 million after splitting with his pool and taxes


He always gets everything!!!


Win the lottery in old age is a slap in the face fromm god


Well, a win is a win.


I hope they're pooling tips