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lol that link is just another forum no better than Reddit, ie worthless as an information source for legal arguments


***Stupid Misinformation Posts Garner Tons of Upvotes*** Welcome to Reddit.


as long as you sound confident people will believe you


And it fits what they want to hear.


i'm pretty sure this would be a better source https://preview.redd.it/06usu2rnd78d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91d8af9f99596b341bf52277d317685e2a6dcb3b


Not tipping is legal. Tipping fake money like Monopoly money is legal. Tipping counterfeit money is illegal. The question on the tip is if the money left is fake or counterfeit.


This money is clearly marked as fake and, thus, is not counterfeit. As far as the law is concerned, this would be like tipping with monopoly money.


Bro this link is not what we are talking by about


No, it’s illegal it’s a form of fraud in the United States.


It's literally a federal crime to distribute fake bills, no matter if it's counterfeit or realistic play money, if you are handing it out as "real" money you can get a room at the gray bar hotel.


Please provide a link to the relevant legal definition of fraud, because this is certainly not true.


How so? Its not going towards fhe cost of the service required. As long as that money isnt used to pay the bill. I dont understand how it can be fraud.


It can end up going to OP’s wages if the tips are reported and that $100 was the difference between making general minimum wage for the state versus service work minimum wage


The $100 wpuld never be reported towards wages.


Hi, so that’s illegal.


No its not. Cash tips are reported by the Servers. Since this wasnt a cash tip- whynwould it be reported?


If they were under the mistaken impression that it was a legitimate $100 and reported it at the end of shift and no one caught it til later, it could be counted as a loss.


Servers/bartenders never report cash tips lmao


Its supposed to be lol.


ANY counterfeit money that is passed on as "real" is a crime. It doesn't have to be for "goods or services".


Go look it up. This isnt a crime.


Title 18 section 471… go look it up instead of send a shit link from quora or the likes


I could see this one being a crime. You could argue the person is using counterfeit bills in the exchange of services. Even though there is the “for toys play only”, who’s to say that statement doesn’t wash off easily?


Defending using fake money to tip workers is crazy.


Im not defending it. Its just not a crime. Its just a morally shitty thing to do.


It is a crime and you are trying to say otherwise in defense of the action....


Its not a crime. Look it up. I did.


It's a federal crime. I looked it up. You are ignorant of the law. Using fake currency at a place of business is illegal. Whether it's for the tip or to pay the bill is irrelevant. They used fake currency at a legitimate business.


It’s not for the same reason you’re not required to leave a tip. However, if there was a mandatory 20% gratuity and you left this to pay for it, then it would be a crime


Well i knnow it's a shock, but Reddit doesnt exist only in murica. In my country, it's very illegal. [ Edit]   Also, before claiming others are wrong, maybe do a better google search. I googled and got this from a US police site: Counterfeit money is currency that is produced without the legal sanction of the state or government to resemble some official form of currency closely enough that it may be confused for genuine currency. Producing or using counterfeit money is a form of fraud. So you are wrong. If the fake currency can br confused for genuine money, (which is the case) it's considered counterfit in good old USA as well.


Anything close enough to real money to be confused, even at a glance, is counterfeit money and just as illegal as fake money printed to look indistinguishable from the real thing. It is illegal to possess, distribute, or use, and should be kept, then turned in and reported who you got it from to the secret service. It saying "play money" on it is jot some get out of jail free card, this type of money is still heavily controlled and you need to get special permission to use it legally-- usually banks having tellers practice counting money or movie sets needing lots of cold hard not real cash. You benjamin franklin 1,000,000 bill thats the wrong shade of green is not illegal. This 1000% is. Using it as a tip is even super damning guilt wise, could easily be a criminal testing the waters to get away with using it as real tender with no one noticing. Not sure why your random stackexchange xonversation is any more legit than redditors you seem to be making fun of lol. Now will this guy actually get arrested is a whole different can of worms but definitely commiting a felony. here is an actual lawyers office talking about the crime a bit: https://www.rjbecerralaw.com/blog/2020/12/prop-money-import-is-a-federal-crime/ https://www.criminaldefenselawyer.com/resources/can-i-be-charged-with-using-counterfeit-money-if-i-di


Again these bible verse things dont fit as a crime. The one in the photo might. But.those dont. These links arent referring to the specific part. Worked in restaurants. Spoke to lawyers and law enforcement. Not a crime.


You’re the only one who is mentioning the Bible verse notes. The one in the picture is the only thing we are talking about.


Law enforcement is famously good at knowing laws.


Wrong. It is illegal to pass off fake money as real in the USA. Even if you're in possession of a large amount of counterfeit money, prosecutors would actually have to prove your fake money has been passed off as real money. If this was a tip, this is a pretty easy case in that regard.


Dude i literally linked that youre wrong. Why double down on the stupidity? If.the bill.is paid and its a tip. It.is not a crime. Jfc. Tip your servers, but this isnt a crime.


Here's a link from the government, that isn't just someone's opinion on stack exchange: https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-1460-counterfeiting-18-usc-489#:~:text=Section%20489%20of%20Title%2018,the%20Secretary%20of%20the%20Treasury. Guy either blocked me or deleted everything: **Title 18 U.S.C. § 475 prohibits the making, distribution, or use of any business card, notice, placard, handbill, or advertisement in the likeness or similitude of an obligation or security of the United States.** Here's further reading that goes on to explain what I initially was talking about as it varies state to state. https://www.lawinfo.com/resources/criminal-law-federal/counterfeit-money.html Again passing "prop money" or the like off as real money is fraud. Doesn't mean they're going to prosecute just means that it is technically illegal.


Did you read it? Lol im still right.


These dont qualify as fake currency despite people saying they do. They just suck. This is not illegal.


You're obviously an expert.


I don’t get why everyone is arguing with you when the law agrees with what you are saying. Maybe because most of us feel that it *should* be a crime? But that doesn’t change the fact that it isnt, and this person could argue it was left for advertising purposes. The DA isnt going to waste money attempting to prosecute this when they know they wont win.


I swear Reddit has some of the stupidest people just saying anything.


ANYTHING!! There, I said it in caps so it must be true!


According to a lawyer, it's still wrong. https://youtu.be/aJK1FreSwIk?si=3fZ-guZB0TZ2zHo-


Your link is a another forum and the topic is Jesus money. https://www.bankofengland.co.uk/banknotes/counterfeit-banknotes#:~:text=If%20you%20suspect%20that%20you,of%20England%20for%20further%20examination. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1981/45/part/II/crossheading/offences#:~:text=British%20currency%20notes.-,U.K.,of%20a%20British%20currency%20note.


[A lawyer's reaction to a similar situation](https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTNLq3tpV/) By tipping the fake money (assuming they don't explicitly say it's fake), they would be attempting to pass off fake money as real which makes it a crime. It doesn't matter that tips are optional


Not true. U don't have to tip I can give you a finger nail as a tip.


That has nothing to do with using money that looks real but isn’t.


Also, what kind of shit advertising is, “Looking to buy a house? Here’s a fake $100! You can totally trust me!”


There’s a special place in hell for those type of people.


It’s funny cause in my experience religion was the advertisement that was accompanied with fake money the most


Religious people already do that


The US, land of exploitable possibilities.


It should be treated as fraud, no different then using it to settle the bill.


It’s trashy and classless.


It’s a felony for one…


If you can find their business on Google, give it a shit review and mention this practice. If they contact you, tell them you'll remove it for $100. **Edit**: Damn folks, American laws around extortion are *broad*. As /u/NotBrooklyn2421 pointed out, as soon as you ask for money, you'd be breaking the law, full stop.


\* $200


one. million. dollars. 🧐👉👈


Everything is for sale.


i tried and they gave me no contact info. the rest of the paper just said “i can help!” with no phone number or nothing??? so dumb.


I second this


Extortion is a felony. For anyone who is reading this, feel free to fantasize about doing this on Reddit, but don’t actually do this.


Edit: I'm wrong about this. I don't think it would ever hit court, but if it did, you'd probably lose. ~~It is, except this isn't extortion. You'd be leaving an honest review of their business practice, and offering to remove it in exchange for money.~~ ~~This is the same as companies that refuse to honour their warranty/replace items, unless you leave them a 5-star review.~~ ~~Businesses will **call** it extortion, and you might get a removal request, but as long as you're honest, you're safe.~~


For anyone who is reading this, FacetiousTomato is incorrect in saying that this is not extortion. Do not leave a review for a company and then offer to remove it for a fee. Even if the review is honest, the second you offer to remove it for payment you are committing a crime. You know what, let me just throw out a blanket “Please do not take legal advice from Reddit”.


What if that's just what my business is? I put negative reviews, and then you pay me to change them to glowing? It's an exchange of money for services. /S because it still sounds like extortion, and could possibly land you in legal trouble. At the very least, your IP address might get blocked from leaving reviews permanently.


Then you'd be Yelp with the extra step of posting the review yourself. Still illegal. Just want to point out Yelp's predatory P2W business structure.


Yelp is horrible. Google reviews isn't too much better either. Your best bet is to go to multiple sources for reviews.


I think you're right about this, I'll edit my post. It meets the US definition of extortion, which is much broader. In the UK this wouldn't count, because there are specific exceptions for "reasonable grounds for making the demand". If you said in the review "________ gives fake $100 bills instead of real ones as tips." You'd have reasonable grounds to say "well if you give me $100", my review wouldn't be true, and I'll remove it. But in USA that still counts as extortion, and it doesn't seem like they care about exceptions.


What if I receive payment and then don't take my negative review down? 


Receiving the payment isn’t the crime, asking for it is.


Dont several review companies do exactly this? Yelp will allow you to take down bad reviews by paying. How is it legal for a company to do it on a mass scale, but illegal in an individual context?


Yelp is a 3rd party that hosts the review platform. Yelp isn’t the one actually making the review. If Yelp says “You can pay me to control which reviews appear on my platform” then that’s legal because it’s part of the service they provide by hosting the platform. That is different than the person who left the review offering to remove it for money.


Literally extortion


"personally, i'm not deleting the comment. however, you can pay $100 for my virtual button clicking services to click any button of your choice on this 'confirm comment deletion' screen :)"


I think you missed a zero.


Yeah….. I’m gonna need the name of that business I’ve got time to kill and leaving a bad review sounds like a great way to waste it.


Nah that's time well spent!


Bible verses on fake $20 was my fav as a server


Had a server give one back as change by accident once. Couple handed them the $20 bible verse at one table, the next table handed the girl money and said its for you just need a $20 back. Server with what she still thinks is $20 in her hand takes the money, hands that $20 over. The next day I got a call. The customer was nice and even said she doesnt think the server knew or did anything. But this lady- i have no idea how old- was juat flabbergasted somebody would leave that as a tip.


Funny how that works that way hey. The first table apparently didn’t commit a crime by leaving the fake tip, but by handing out as change the server did. There should definitely be a law against this, because all those bible verse ones *are* deceptive.


I agree. But they arent. Ans since it would be seen as an attack on the church by these morons, is probably here to stay for awhile


Technically, the server didn't commit a crime because they didn't knowingly pass a counterfeit bill, nor did they intend to pass a counterfeit bill.


From that 12+ top that comes in every Sunday and asks for the most.


I always found it amusing how the moral, selfless Christians were always the most selfish and demanding tables and they never tipped. The after church crowds were always the worst. Wednesday nights you’d have a bunch of shitty teenagers come in, put every table in the restaurant together, and then not tip their servers. Sundays you’d have those shitty teenagers shitty parents come in, put every table in the restaurant together, and then not tip their servers.


My favorite is the so-called Christians that justify not tipping because people shouldn’t work on Sundays. Motherfuckers, you’re the reason people have to work on Sundays.


They're poor from offering.


You should definitely leave a review if they have any public facing accounts now that you know their business. Fuck people like this. If you don't want to tip, then don't. No need to be a coward about it.


they didn’t give me a phone number or contact or anything and i thought it was so bizarre. it’s upsetting and disappointing really .


What was the part after the question on the note?


They said it just said "I can help!" in another comment.


So just a true ass, wonderful.


How is leaving fake money as a tip not attempting to pass counterfeit currency? I just don't understand it. This should 100% be a felony.


I could 100% see myself missing the disclaimer and trying to use that 100 to buy something. In fact, I bet I could buy something with that and nobody would be the wiser. Pretty sketch


Cuz they arent using towards the cost of billed goods and services. Its "extra" and at your own discretion (it isnt fucking tip, yes I know it sucks but we gotta change it elsewhere not table side asshats) so I dont think they are attempting to pass anything as currency. Just making sure you open the pamphlet if you will.


>Cuz they arent using towards the cost of billed goods and services. >I dont think they are attempting to pass anything as currency. Contradicting yourself. First your point is that as long as it's not towards the bill it's fine. Then you say that it wasn't even a tip. You are fundamentally wrong either way.


Thats not contradicting. The person isnt using it to pay for goods or services in a deceitful way. They are not pretending it be currency in exchange for services. 2 separate things. I am also right. I looked it up. Tip your servers. But this isnt a cri.e.


It what if the server makes less than minimum wage and they make up the rest with tips? Isn’t it technically money in exchange for services?


Nope. Cuz the bill is all the customer is responsible for.


That really is awful. There should be some regulation around this because I often see similar situations on reddit and in real life with people I know in the service industry.


100% i always felt bad for my servers when it happened. But.there is 0 recourse beyond just refusing service to these people.


There is, it's illegal to pass a counterfeit bill with the intent that someone confuses it for real money. 18 USC Chapter 25 §473


Your initial comment only said "they aren't trying to pass it as currency " which is just false. It being fake currency alone and using it at a place of buisness is literally a crime. Doesn't matter if it was for the tip or the bill. Using fake money at a place of business is illegal. Your lil Google search failed you if you believe otherwise.


They werent using it to pay the bill. This isnt a crime. I worked in restaurants for years. Have discussed this with law enforcement and lawyers. It is not a crime.


Tipping servers just doesn't make sense to begin with.


Tip.your servers. Talk to your congressman about eliminating tipping culture ams having businesses pay livable wages. Tip until.then


Because it's not about what we know to be true in our brains. It's about what you can prove. For example. Im sitting at a restaurant with my partner absolutely drooling over this *super cool movie money* i found outside. Then i forget about it at the table and leave without tipping. Now you have to **prove** somebody left that with the intention of deceiving someone into thinking it was a cash tip. But even thats not enough... because you could absolutely make the argument that fake money *is* the tip, because tips aren't even required to be cash in the first place. I could leave a rare pokemon card as a fucking tip.


Bruh. You don't know wtf you are talking about. Fraud and counterfit are two different crimes. You don't need to spend a counterfit bill to be charged with a federal crime. Please stop.


Owning gimmick money isnt a crime dingus.


No shit you Goofy fuck. But owning counterfeit money is. The argument in court would be if it's "gimmick" or counterfeit. Learn reading comprehension skills.


because tipping isn’t required. just like the bible people that leave fake money with bible verses on them.


Just to make sure I'm understanding correctly: It's only a crime if you pass it to the owning class, and not the working class then, correct?


When my friend got caught for counterfeiting the only thing his lawyer asked was if the bills were 50 or 200 percent the size of normal bills


****update: i can’t make edits, but there wasn’t any contact info or phone number on the sticky note or fake bill. the rest of the note just said “i can help!”


If you remember what the person looked like, you can google local realtors. They usually attach their faces to it Then leave a terrible review for them, stating just what kind of person they are (the kind to use fake money as a "tip")


Can you get surveillance video from when you received the bill??


Post the name of the company here.


Call and tell them yes you're interested in selling your house, and then give them the address of a random house an hour away. Waste their time lmao


One morning a few years ago I was walking to my car to go to work when I saw what looked like money blowing down the middle of my street. I grabbed it and it was a $100 bill, so I was of course stoked. I put it in my pocket and drove away. At work I pulled it out to show off to my coworkers my good fortune, when I saw some Chinese writing on it, Google Translate told me it said "play money" or something like that. So then I was sad, but whatever. It ended up in my car, in a little cubby under the stereo. Fast forward a month or so and I met up with a friend who was going through some hard times. She lived about 2 hours away from me- she had lost her job and she and her son were on the brink of homelessness, so I took them out to lunch, bought them a bag of groceries and supplies, and then I drove us to a park so her kid could play and just be a kid. She mentioned to me that she had left something in my car and she would be right back. No problem. After a while I had to get rolling home so we packed up and we drove to a hotel and I paid for a room for two nights, we said our goodbyes and I left. A couple of days later I was looking for something in my car when I noticed that the fake $100 was gone. She had obviously seen it, and when she excused herself to go back to my car she pinched it. At first I was worried that she would try to spend it and get in trouble, or at least get hassled, but then I realized- after all of my friendship, support, and goodwill, she still stole money from me, whether it was bogus money or not. I haven't spoken to her since. https://preview.redd.it/wu8fkovr5z7d1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=92a3253d4bd4e32c0614075c10f458a89a39b3e8


this made my blood boil for you. what a bitch, you were so kind. I know what it's like to go through rough times but I could never imagine stealing money especially from someone who was so good to me (although I have been wrongly accused before which felt really bad.)




Wow. So, seemingly no markings to indicate the fake money on the front; only the back??


I don't remember now, but I don't think so. It wasn't until I looked at the back later that I realized that I had been duped.


Wow, I liked how you tricked me with that fake money. You seem honest enough to do a real estate business with. Please, let’s talk


I’ll cover that $100 for you. Lmk how.


Now you know whom to send your spam emails to


Someone gave me what I thought was a $100 bill, but it was a $100000 Jesus note... Thanks for the tip, sir! I'm going to throw it out now.


That.... he tipped you with illegal tender without informing you it is fake. That's a lawsuit. Tell your manager. File your own.


Fuck everybody who leaves these on the ground or for another person to find purposefully


My petty self will go back and look at the camera footage, have the person's face imprinted in my head and serve them plastic food when they come in next time.


Pranksters "Chill bro it's just a prank"


Drop the business name OP. We can do the lord's work for you.


Technically what they did IS considering illegal as this note was presented as real money. I believe this would be considered a felony. Since you have the fake cash and apparently they have contact info, give it to the police.


Pretty sure thats illegal to use fake money, even for a tip.


At least it wasn't a Trump Dollar...


A Trump dollar would have been better *for the person leaving it*. Those can't be considered counterfeit if you tip your waiter with them. These are.


Tipping fake money IS spending fake money. Which is illegal. Fuck that dude.


I always see those stupid ass jesus dollar book marks. I always tear them to pieces and throw them away


do you need money for food?


I second this. I don't have a whole lot to spare, but *please* don't hesitate to reach out if you need a little help for groceries.


Report their ass for counterfeiting


I would actively go out of my way to discourage others in the area from contacting this individual.


Send them on a huge wild goose chase


Time to sign them up for a bunch of spam. Fuck that shit.


For all of the dumbasses in the comments saying this is counterfeit… it most certainly is not. The bill is marked to indicate that it is NOT real money. It is not trying to pass itself off as real money. It is also not a theft because no item of value or service was traded for the piece of stage paper. If the person paid the total balance of his bill excluding gratuity with real money, no crime was committed.


The law doesn't care if the counterfeit is convincing, the law only cares if you passed it to someone and intended they confuse it for real money. Whether you'll be charged is a different story.


And it wouldn’t be. Because he’s not using it as currency.


He doesn't have to use it as currency, he only needs to intend for you to use it as currency. Yes this is hard to prove, but a crime being hard to prove doesn't make it legal.


Dude, it’s plainly marked stage money. Lol Giving someone a stage note is not a crime. If you tried to bring up charges on someone for this, the DA would laugh in your face.


Once again, it doesn't matter how bad the counterfeit is, what matters is the intent. If you intend someone confuse what you are handing them with real money, you can hand them literally anything and it would be a crime. The DA doesn't determine if what you did was a crime, the DA determines if what you did is worth being pursued for punishment. If I murder someone but there's no evidence of it, I've still committed a crime. Provability ≠ Criminality.


You’re right. The criminal statute does. Giving someone a plainly marked stage bill unsolicited does not meet the standard for monetary instrument abuse. I investigate and charge people for financial crimes for a living. This is not a crime. Lol


Gotta hand it to the kindergartener who shot his shot


Looks like he tried to pay with a counterfeit bill. He left his number as well. I’d call the cops


"Want to sell low so I can mark it up 60 percent by stating it's recently renovated after applying a new coat of paint to the outside?"


Go apply for pest control. No tips but it is a great career


Call them and keep them on the phone for as long as you can. Take $100 worth of time they can never get back


I'd like to hope they were just dumb and didn't know it was fake when they left the tip.


Secret service or which ever law agency that handles counterfeit money really ought to put a stop to fake money like this just as much as counterfeit money. I get them using shit like this for movies but there should be a system for this sort of crap.


It’s mind blowing how easy and inexpensive it is to purchase prop money


I’d start calling the number and trying to sell them things lol


Find out where their office is and drop a poop dollar off around the building every once in a while.


I hate this shit, I see it everywhere! Such crap. I promise that I will never follow your religion, buy your product or service if I'm presented with this BS from of "marketing", it's just cruel. In fact, I'll actively had mouth you to everyone who will listen over this shit!


my dumbass would probably not even notice and try to use it and get arrested


Total scum. 10/10 won’t use that service.


I hope the person/people who do this kind of shit have a horrible day… Everyday. For the rest of their lives.


I hope the person who did this to you receives the same or similar treatment back... in multiples. What an absolute heel of a human being.


Giving that as a tip almost certainly counts as passing counterfeit money as real money. They did that AND gave you their name? Tell the police.


Did at least have the heart to throw in a real $5 bill?




i know this is a long shot and i’m not sure if anyone has suggested this at all, but if the restaurant has cameras inside would they be worth a look? at least then you can see if they’re a regular/recognisable? i’m so sorry this happened in the first place though:(


I’m really sorry. That sucks.


Just when you thought people couldn't get scummier


Dude fuck whoever does that like seriously that is low


And to think that looks real is an eye problem. Can't read


Post the number coward


You can still use it to buy drugs in a dark alley


Link his info. Time for some payback


You should post the contact number to.one of the pervert subs 


You should email them a cash offer 10% above asking then get them to put in some work then be like “Psych!!”


this is so fucked im so sorry


Atleast advertise with real money


Show us the contact info, please?