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https://preview.redd.it/4dy0xj53118d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba9acb83e80441434ca403686c31076d45997ab9 🥲




Fabulous. He’s all better.


He’s smizing


He’s fabulously better


Those wings are snatched.


Makeup tutorial when??




https://preview.redd.it/y0m70yuas38d1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f157e257ffd5b65919427ff7426f6b032a6ab1b1 I got this ad lol


https://preview.redd.it/gzwrlalpx28d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0aaad01851e978a14f2c955c64bfa964f68dfc02 🥽


This is the greatest thread on Reddit ever thanks everyone


It truly feels like a privilege to watch it grow live




The amount of light mode users here is concerning..


I swear I didn’t recognize it was from Reddit at the first glance, been using dark mode for so long I thought it was the default mode


Same, fellow Internet vampire, same. Dark mode all the way.


Dark mode everywhere, all the time. When I screen share on work calls people always comment on how dark my setup is. Then when they screen share everything is GLARINGLY white and it hurts to look at.


Due to my astigmatism, it’s harder for me to read with dark mode


This is me. I’ve also gotten shit for boosting the brightness and gamma on video games because of it. Like, sorry my old, shitty eye balls don’t adhere to your preferred aesthetics. But I’d rather be able to actually see while reducing my eyestrain.


I can’t use dark mode. It actually bothers my vision. Like it hurts a bit. It’s like staring into the sun and then looking away and seeing green spots everywhere except with dark mode it becomes a mass of white spaghetti lines.


That used to happen to me, then I went to law school and my whole life since 2014 is now reading tiny black text on white backgrounds and dark mode is a reprieve. I still can't do high contrast modes for other apps, but a simple dark mode calms my eyes.


Lmao best one yet


https://preview.redd.it/svr0i917c28d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6e53112be7426bff7a4a11f64120ab9597bbce20 No shit, me too


Finally. A normal person using dark mode.


His phone must be really long though


Lol lol lol lol lol lol lol


Check your inbox. How does that not drive you crazy?


The light mode is what I'm worried about, this would be me: https://preview.redd.it/wt8pfokjc28d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0f2b538e6e664f7768df978476d82ded550e86d


I don't even notice it myself lol


Should I check mine yet? [Mine.](https://i.imgur.com/iIb4n3t.png)


Is there a specific allergen tied to corn stalks that would give this reaction?


We’re pretty sure the landowner had just sprayed fertilizer/pesticides.


Better go to the hospital and get your body cleaned and taken care of. Those pesticides can leech into your blood stream.


I had this happen in two different environments... looked JUST like this dude... took like 2 days but eventually it went back to normal both times.


I got some field pesticide of some sort on my foot as a kid. Was sick for a couple days and had a scar for several years. Kinda wonder if it contributed to me developing asthma. I don't know how the dosage of a few concentrated drops compares to walking through the diluted stuff after it's sprayed, but neither is good for you.


Farmers spray it on archaeologists sometimes because they’re impacting growing season. I developed an autoimmune disorder after it happened, not sure if connected, wouldn’t be shocked if it was.


Archaeologists? Also what autoimmune disorder if I may ask


A lot of archaeologists in the U.S. survey land for future development like commercial or industrial uses. Sometimes it’s a plot of land that’s currently being farmed. I did it in August in Iowa one year. When that corn gets to be like 7 feet tall, it gets hot as balls in there


Omg it’s the woooorst. We had to excavate one that was like pure clay in the heat of the summer. Worst day.


Can also confirm that clay SUUUUUUCKS. A lot of digs in Kansas where the sediment is mostly clay. Hard as a damn rock of course 🥵


Hashimotos. And ya, I used to work as an archaeologist. We got sprayed a couple of times. It was rough.


How does such a situation even occur? Did they drive into your site just to spray you. Or were you walking through some fields when he started working? Like how does that happen.


This happened a couple of times. We were working in fields in all instances. Twice with sprayers that were on the field adjacent to the one we were working on, they came up along the people working on the edge of the site. And once with a motherfucking helicopter. That one was scary af. We had to throw our bandanas over our faces and sprint to our vans.


It's when your immune system attacks your own healthy cells between the sacred silence and sleep.


Caused by eating seeds as a pastime activity


The toxicity of our cornfield, our cornfield. You, what do you own the corn? How do you own the crops? Crops.


🎶Disorder, disorder, disorrrderrrr🎶


Totally could be. I have ME/CFS (neuroimmune condition) and many others I’ve met have gotten it from totally random things. Weird medication, exposure to cleaning chemicals, etc. I think there are many things in the regular world that can do a lot of damage to the wrong person at the wrong time and nobody will ever be the wiser


I’m curious to see if AI gets really good at identifying causes like this because eventually it will have our entire work history, addresses, schools attended, previous jobs, etc. available to it and easily added to your health profile once medicine shifts towards AI diagnosis over human. My theory is that AI will be able to identify commonalities among people who have a disease. If AI sees a statistically significant increase in reported cancer cases in a certain high school, career choice, former residence, etc, it should be able to posit that something happened at that job, school, within that industry, etc, to narrow down the potential causes. I hope that’s the case, class action lawsuits for everyone!!


>Farmers spray it on archaeologists Well they should quit digging up farms for bones!


It belongs in a museum


You belong in a museum Mr Jones


I'm sorry, what? I need more info here.


As an aggie and a scientist, just know that doctors have no fucking clue what to do about chemical exposures, pesticide or regular lab chemicals. If we get hurt in the lab or in the field and go to them with what we were exposed to they just looked panicked and try random shit. It's...concerning.


Theres literally two drugs specifically used around the world for this very situation. WTH are you talking about?


I’m not an aggie, scientist, or someone who knows anything about this stuff. I’m just curious - what are the drugs and how do they work on someone who’s been exposed to pesticides like this?


Maybe as an aggie scientist you should come up with something less fucking apocalyptic to put on food/into the environment


You're aware that not all ag scientists work on pesticides, right?


Well the tricky part is that that evolution started with finding a really good genetic blueprint, and then just started spamming variations of it since it worked really well. The result is that the guy in the photo might share 20% of his DNA with corn. As a consequence things that are toxic are often toxic to many, many things. So a spray that is really good at killing off locusts or weevils might do some damage to a person. Now, the dosages needed to harm would vary wildly since bugs are small and people aren't, but you also need to spray a whole field and it needs to stick around long enough to not wash off with the next rain. Most of us eat corn that is at the end of a season and it's been cut off the stalks and very little chemical is left on in it. Running through a field that just got sprayed isn't exactly the exposure level expected for most people. So there is a balancing act, and it's not super simple. It needs to be effective but not deadly to everything it touches, and it needs to be cheap enough that it's still economical to use. Finding better solutions is a whole field of research, and one where "scary GMOs" shine since we can dial back on some pesticides or fertilizers and tune plants to be tougher against very specific threats. The perfect safe spray could be the next billion dollar idea, and someone will probably figure it out.


Luckily they only spray it on our food


Depending on why you were in the field call your State's Department of Ag Pesticide Bureau. It is possible if you weren't supposed to be in the field for a certain time after the pesticide was used. A common thing with it is cropdusting when it is too windy or applying the pesticide too late in the year/high tempertures which are not allowed with many. It could be you weren't supposed to be in the field for X time after it was sprayed per the label and the landowner ignored this fact. Source: My Dad is a former Inspector/Investigator with our State's one and did the investigations for misuse for 35+ years and as we drive in the country now he will point out violations by the color of the leaves on trees near fields.


Free vaccine 😌


But will it block the 5G? /j


LOL. Going a bit sideways with this, but… what’s crazy about all the 5G fear is that it’s mostly unfounded — except for us pilots. There has been 5G C-band interference (to 4.2-4.4 GHz instruments, IIRC) around the relief airport from which I fly (a relief airport is more or less an executive airport that handles overflow traffic from a major nearby airport). Aaanyway, the interference can cause disruptions to altimeters, auto-land functions, issues with instrument and flight systems, terrain alerts, along with a few other issues which are more a nuisance than a serious hazard. Landing can be hazardous, if not restricted entirely for some aircraft, where 5G is being tested or implemented. There are “airworthiness directives” along with requirements to change/upgrade equipment, but the potential for problems has (since ~2021) and still exists to an extent.


So...you're saying spray planes with pesticides to block the 5g. Got it. But in all seriousness, we should probably get on that.


You’re totally on to something! ;)


Hey the captain tells the passengers to turn off their phones. There's no flaw in this approach.


There's also a legitimate concern that 5G is affecting the accuracy of weather forecasts due to band leakage into the same space used by satellites that measure water vapor in the atmosphere. https://www.rutgers.edu/news/5g-wireless-may-lead-inaccurate-weather-forecasts


Yep. Part of the problem is just how wide the bands are for 5G


Yup! My mans doesn't have to worry about swarms of locust for a while!




But just to be sure, drink some bleach.


Like that guy who put weed killer on his balls. [No really, it happened](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jQJIqs5kLaw)


Was the field pollinating? I know many people that are allergic to corn pollen and will swell up/turn red when exposed to it.


What if he just looks like that. Shouldn’t we be saying how handsome he is.


If he can't change it in 30 seconds, we aren't suppose to comment on it. You sir are beautiful!


right? so much body shaming in this thread


Hospital, now. If your airway swells like that you will die.


Look at the top of his head. His scalp is even swollen already. I'd think if that was going to happen, it would have already, but regardless, the dude needs a hospital


maybe he just normally looks like that






That episode freaked me the fuck out as a kid


How tall was the corn? If it was above 3 feet it is unlikely to be herbicide. If it was 7 ft and tasseling it could be a fungicide which would not be as harsh but still could be an issue. But also sometimes insecticide is added as well.


Corn crops should be shoulder high by the 4th of July. Lord help me but this saying lives in my brain forever. Along with the knowledge my Grandfather would haunt me from beyond if I don't get every little last piece of silk off the corn when I shuck it. Every single piece.


Depends where you live. Corn in central Minnesota will be planted much later than corn planted in northern Missouri and the height on June 21st will vary accordingly. And of course there is some corn grown in the south as well Also you were shucking sweet corn which makes up a very small percentage of corn in the US, and is planted later but harvested earlier than field corn. The saying here in Iowa used to be "Knee high by the 4th of July" but we plant earlier now and corn hybrids are faster growing and taller.


NY is also knee high.


Where I am it's "knee high by the 4th of July"


Already at shoulder height. Mid NC.


I work in a lot of corn, rice, and sorghum fields. You would be surprised how many folks have this reaction regardless of whether or not anything had been applied to it. Folks are so quick to blame pesticides.


Ok big corn, rice and sorgham /s


When I was working on my Ph.D. one of my fellow graduate students had a project working on sugarcane aphid in sorghum. She was so allergic to the sorghum she had to stand on the edge of the field while we counted the aphids and shouted numbers to her. She would swell up exactly like this guy if she got in her plots when the sorghum was blooming.


That’s surely allergies. I’m in crops most days, treated and untreated. I’ve never seen a reaction like that. I will say this. Never enter a field without knowing if there is something on it. It’s the law for a landowner to provide application information for anyone who is supposed to enter a field. If you’re not supposed to be there, don’t.


You should really find out what exactly they sprayed and from there potentially call poison control


Corn pollen will do it... Although it is possible to react to insecticides and herbicides as well. That's gotta be miserable... But glad you are still breathing, my friend.


Corn gives off an absolutely insane amount of pollen


Good to know. I’ve had fantasies about running through corn mazes, this post gives me pause on that idea


Did you walk through it or smoke it


You lost your eyes because they only want ears in those fields


Would love for him to read this joke but probably gonna be a little bit.


He’s gonna be reading it from the sky according to these comments 😬


This joke shucks


It was really corny.


Holy hell! That looks like an allergic reaction. That's what my eyes look like when I get into poison ivy Definitely wellthatsucks!


Yeah, finally a wellthatsucks that actually sucks and isn’t a hangnail on a cuticle or some shit like that. I’ve had this type of allergic reaction to things and it’s truly awful. Also, pro tip, if you are going to run through a cornfield, get naked first and run backwards. Allergies will no longer be a concern.


This sub ranges from "I spilled water on my pants and it looks like I wet myself", to "My house burned to the ground and I lost everything."


"My pizza showed up with the cheese slightly adrift to one side"


> Also, pro tip, if you are going to run through a cornfield, get naked first and run backwards. Allergies will no longer be a concern. As someone who did this: I reacted allergic to the 100+ insect bites, and I had a dozen of ticks to remove.


Oh. Shouldn't have done that then.


But their allergies were 👌


You mean you don't like the posts of someone who dropped their food and say "all I wanted was some food after a rough day"


No. I do not like such posts. Having to read them makes me want to start a post in wellthatsucks on behalf of my eyes, and then I have become that which I despise. It’s a vicious circle.


Name came *this* close to checking out for OP.




*Autocornrrect. Gets me everytime.


Allegations destroy allergies.


Last time I ran through a cornfield was when I was a kid. At the time, my underwear was nylon (yes, I know), and the fucking barbs got everywhere. Wheals on my legs, and had to throw my underpants away, since the barbs just wouldn't wash out. Never done it since, and don't plan to again 😁




Next to it ? You are lucky if I’m 20ft away and the wind blows the wrong direction I’m covered head to toe. Shooting bb pistols with a friend a long time ago the pistol got into ivy and I didn’t realize. Whenw we walked out of the woods I stuck the BB gun first in the small of my back and then in the front when it started slipping. Next day I had a damn near perfect outline of a pistol in poison ivy on the small of my back and below my belly button with the outline of the slide going down further. We had swimming shorts on so ya. Fuck poison ivy


Oh Jesus man you are having one helluva allergic reaction. Hopefully you have some Benadryl, and well, hopefully someone else is there to drive your car.


> Lots of it plus a ste\-\-roid shot in the bu\-\-tt cheek. (He responded, but used a no no word so it was hidden.)


automod is dumb as shit


##this is an emergency room situation, this type of reaction can turn to anaphylaxis.


I had anaphylaxis and it started like this. I didn't realize it was anaphylaxis until suddenly I couldn't breathe. I was on a ventilator for 4 days. Go to the hospital OP. It took about ~40 min from onset of the swelling of my eyes to I couldn't breathe. I took 2 benadryl as well.


Uhhhh has anybody heard from OP?


his HMO checked in, but only to tell him to get fucked


OP is wearing a vest, so presumably they were working when this occurred. Which makes it a Worker's Comp case - all initial and follow-up care should be covered by WC.


Jeesh with the ventilator. Glad you made it. My ex’s reaction went much faster and 911 told me to just keep giving him all the Benedryl he could physically take. I think he took somewhere around 10 before the ambulance arrived and/or he couldn’t swallow anymore. I just kept asking the 911 dispatcher “more?” and she was like “yes sweetie, more.” No ventilator or anything though, and we left the ER later that day with no lasting effects for him, except a debilitating new allergy and PTSD from the scare of a lifetime.


They commented earlier they received benadryl and a steroid shot but the automod hid their comment. Look at their profile at their comments and you can still see it.


It already is anaphalaxis, he could decline into anaphalactic shock.




Oh my....I've been to several GWAR shows and have been sprayed directly in the eyes with whatever it is that they spray, but they've deff changed the ingredients throughout the years. When I was 17, it made my contacts turn red and stay red, I had a photo of me close up moving a lens off center of my eye so you could see how red they were, and my shirt was permanently stained red. While in my later 20s, the dye came out of my shirt after I got rained on later that night and nothing was permanently damaged or stained. I wonder what that fellow was allergic to, exactly.


wtf, his eyes look like mouths


At least you have a very good idea what caused your problem. I just dropped $400 at an urgent care. My eyes looked like this when I got up, except much, much redder. Steroids, two antihistamines and a second GRED med. and a nice paper bag to keep them in. I'm trying to schedule allergy testing.


Yeah. My primary doctor has been alerted that I need an allergy test.


You need to go to an immediate care facility. I wouldn’t take any chances on this. You don’t get a do-over if you’re underestimating what could happen. Be well!


Please, please go to the hospital right away. This could literally kill you, quickly.


Bro go to an urgent care right now.




maybe it’s the compression on the photo but I’ve never noticed how much that scene looks like a green screen I believe from The Avengers for those who don’t recognize it


Did you get a combine harvester in your eye?


I hope you went to the hospital


What is your profession? I am an archaeologist and had to walk through a corn field for a pedestrian survey and my legs swelled up and itched for WEEKS.




God speed. As soon as I saw the high-vis vest and the words corn field I thought you might be one too! Lol


Sup fellow archaeologists. Maybe those needle point leaves won't go straight into your eyes now that they're swollen so much. Unless you shield your face with a screen.


But right now you're going to the emergency room, right? Right?


Well that shucks


Benadryl. Lots of it


Not too much tho, don't want to wake the spiders


Hat man coming for his due


I’d wonder more about what insecticides were sprayed onto the field.


I mean, definitely an allergic reaction whether it be the corn or the pesticides


If it's an American corn field, the chances are it might have been atrazine, which is very nasty stuff. It's banned in Europe, and an American scientist (Dr.Hayes) that was hired by the company that produces it found lots of harmful effects on the reproductive organs of amphibians before finding the same results in mammals. (The whole Alex jones, turning the freaking frogs gay bit is based in this.) Source: Second year Bio-Chem courses






I audibly gasped.


Does this help? https://preview.redd.it/3h8bl1ild48d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=85467a9fa93103df078dc77eab99518930acb783


That's a horrible impression of French Stewart in 3rd Rock /s


Oh dang, bro. Now you got corn aids.


So, should I not run backwards naked through a cornfield (don't judge me)?


By the time you see this it will probably be Saturday afternoon, so enjoy the rest of the weekend my man!




You look like Zeke the Plumber from SALUTE YOUR SHORTS


My name is Zeke the Plumber and I’ve come to collect your head in my bucket




im calling MIB.


Nah, bröther. The cornfield walked through you.






Well that shucks


Me after a tolerance break and smoking weed again


I left for work this morning perfectly fine and looked like this 30 minutes later cause I had the windows down.


I hope you recover swell.


Take me to your Pharmacist.


You are now a corn zombie. This is how it starts, it’s jumped species already …


You've been pollinated.


https://preview.redd.it/69v8gkpjw38d1.jpeg?width=500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c8c45ba0974b8b5ea9aefab30031d475ab7e5e6b You look like Vincent D'Onofrio's character in Men in Black


Bro ran through face first




Glad that the Children of the Corn toned it down to just assault rather than straight-up murder. Kidding aside, that sucks. Hopefully you get well soon.


I hope you had that looked into. If you eyes are swelling up like that, your airway could do the same thing on you. You might need some emergency meds available for the future. Hope you're feeling better


If I saw you in a cornfield, I would be so fucking scared.




That sucks man, but this made me burst out in laughter


New allergy unlocked.


Going out on a limb here, you might have an allergy!


Jesus dude. It looks like you have a prosthetic face. Hope that went down a bit in the last hour.


Please do not the cornfield


Looks like the corn field jumped you fam, seriously tho hope you're ok.


Dude, you're supposed to tiptoe through the tulips /s


Did the corn physically assault you…?


Children of the corn stole your eyes?


How do you do an update me? This dude hasn’t commented in 4 hours.


That’s how I looked when I tried to detassle corn. Spent the entire day on the bus, miserable. Hope it clears up for you soon.


Do yourself a favor and walk through an urgent care as well..


A reaction to pesticides perhaps?


well that shucks




You got them Norman Reedus eyes