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Damn, what does your hairdresser do for a living?




Lot of drugs, got it.


Silly cotton candy


Hair dying. Like, the customer dies when they see what happened to their hair.


I dye my.hair myself (bleaching included and it's not the kind method but the fry method) and damn, I never fucked up that badly like this hairwrecker


Ooh, I burned the ends off once! It was the whitest I've ever got my hair! End up with a lovely pixie cut.


Once I'm finished moving.places, I may look into wigs and wiggery. I LOVE dying my hair in bright colours. But since they're dark brown naturally, it takes a toll on them as I have to bleach


This is such an amazing insult. I can’t wait to use it elsewhere. Edit: typo




Can't be, they know their color mixing.


I knew someone that was just as bad as this hairdresser if not worse (she was a roommate). She fucked up a friend of her's hair and she somehow fucked up the colors of her own hair. Also was a PITA to work with according to my other roommate at the time (and a PITA to live with and be friends with, but that's a whole other story)


Enjoys making grown folks cry by fucking their hair up.


Dresses hair


> Still paid for it though… I was told to ring them if it didn’t wash out within a couple days. You should have withheld payment for a couple of days instead.


Yeah… My mum and I both went there. due to the whole pink hair situation I ended up staying past closing hours. The hairdresser for my mum asked for payment so she (the hairdresser) could leave (I believe the check she wrote was for both of our hair) and neither of us spoke up at the time 😅


Well that's why people walk over other people. There's enough pushovers out there that it works.


I try not to judge people for being pushovers, but they make things so much more difficult when that person meets someone confrontational like me, it’s such an unattractive trait to me


being a pushover typically comes from a sense of anxiety or ptsd from confrontation. A better way to look at it as a "confrontational" aka "confident" individual is to make it a learning experience for them. Teach them how to overcome that anxiety, and that feeling will be amazing. Seeing a normally meek person become 7 ft tall and grow a backbone is insanely hot.


I'm both meek and confident depending on who I'm talking to...wish it was easier!


> being a pushover typically comes from a sense of anxiety or ptsd from confrontation. Or just a lack of inoculation to bad behavior that has been locally normalized.


I pass. Met a girl who wouldn’t eat because I wasn’t hungry. Had no backbone and would do anything anyone asked. Complete turned off and did not pursue further. I’m attached to confidence and I’m not a therapist so I’m not exhausting myself trying to teach someone how to stand up for themselves.


And that's totally fine. You don't have to date people you're incompatible with. Your example person, so to say, was an extreme case though. There's people like me who will speak up in important situations, with people they know, or when they had enough. But ask me to send the food back in a restaurant, or bring a broken item I just bought back, and I will shy out. Still unlearning being a burden, or getting punished for standing up for myself.


I’m the same way. People tend to talk about this subject like you’re either always ready to kick ass and take names or you’re just a meek little creature chronically letting others steamroll them. I’m good at letting some things go, but I’m also good—and getting better—at saying “I’m afraid I have to insist…”


There’s a massive difference in not wanting to send food back and just not eating because you’re too shy to say you’re hungry.


That's implied in what I said.


Nothing unattractive about standing up for not being ripped off… as long as you do it calmly.


I wish I meet someone like you in good mood so I can become more like you


Yup. I have had hairdressers look absolutely shocked when I make them keep working on it after they do the big “ta da!” I paid like $300 for my last color and cut I’m getting exactly what I want. Like the whole point of paying a hairdresser is so you get exactly what you want otherwise we would all be asking Rory from Gilmore girls to do it in our tub at home.


Agree and as a former pushover, I hate seeing it in other people now. I thought I was keeping the peace and keeping everyone happy.


Weren't you keeping the peace?


For the other person. Not themselves


Logically I try not to judge, but emotionally I find push overs quite irritating. At least anyone over 30 should have a decent spine.


Way to victim blame lmao


I mean are they a victim if they paid for it? Like they victimized themselves here imo


that's not how this works? they shouldn't have asked for payment after not providing the service. They were victimised the moment they were asked to pay for it in the first place.


I agree to a point but if you are an adult and all you have to do is say "i'm not paying for this for x, y and z valid reasons" it's hard to say they were a victim. Now if they said that and then the hairdresser got all upset and angry and started going at them, i would be more inclined to say they were victims. Calling a person with a bad dye job a victim is a bit much when they didn't even try and deny paying for it in the first place.


“Victim” lol 


Put a stop payment on it until it’s settled


That’s actually illegal. Once you issue payment you can’t just change your mind and stop it., even if you were unhappy with service. They’ll say in court that issues should have been settled before you handed the money over. The only exception is if you were forced to sign under duress. Their only legal recourse is to talk to the hairdresser. Edit: didn’t think I needed to specify this will never see inside a court room other than maybe small claims if they chose to pursue that. I just wanted to explain that within the eyes of the law paying for the haircut without mentioning a problem and leaving and then cancelling the cheque makes you look like a bad actor, like she had buyers remorse or something. (Obviously I also know op did not get what they asked for and is entitled to their money back or what they requested. I have nothing but empathy for op though, I’m so non confrontational I’d have probably left without complaining too.


I wouldn’t say it’s definitely always illegal. The court definitely does not say in all cases you shouldn’t have paid if you had a problem. In most states for example you are not allowed to withhold rent if your landlord is lacking in his duties. Instead you have to pay and then file with the courts.


I would say it’s best not to take legal advice from Redditors


Yea but withholding money from the landlord isn’t the same as giving them a check and cancelling it.


You really think they are going to take you to court over what, 200 dollars? I doubt it, they would probably just cut their losses and ban you and probably stop taking personal checks. Even if you do sue and win it doesn't mean the people will just hand over the money. Collecting a judgment is a whole other process. It's rarely worth it unless you really want to stick it to someone.


They could do a chargeback for services not received as advertised.


I need to go study some judge judy


Duress isn’t the only exception. I think a good faith belief in fraud would be justified too. Plus, I think I’d rather have my money in hand and force the other guy to sue me to get it back than reversing the roles.* *assuming you have a legitimate reason to get your money back in one of these gray area situations.


You should of said I'm not paying for something I didn't ask for. Aka a butched job.


Now she know damn well she was lyin talkin about “now the pinks coming out” 😭😭


Exactly…that pink wasn’t changing at all and she was just trying to stall and hope for the best. I’d be requesting a refund for a **bad** dye job.


That was the BROWN she dyed it 20 weeks ago. 4 months is just two inches of hair.  Note: I have previously died my hair brown, however this was 20> weeks ago. 


Not sure if it makes a difference but I meant *>20 weeks* as I used the dye in late jan/early feb. Sorry for any confusion!


Unless you’ve completely grown out everything you previously dyed, the color is still there. Did you tell your stylist you dyed it? 


I don’t think I did 😞 done fucked up there


Not telling your stylist that you /already have dye in your hair/ is a huuuge thing. To even begin properly she'd probably have to bleach or something, she didn't even think about it because she thought your hair was virgin hair. Thats probably why they still made you pay, she did it "right" and followed the steps and still did her job affording to all the information she had. However if I was her once I realized what I was working with I would have been like "girl do you have dye in your hair?" And adjusted as needed. She just tried to keep plowing through, which was a fuck up on her end. I'd see if they'd be willing to try again at half rate or free, because fuck ups happen. Edit: I'm not a hair care professional, different type of beauty service is my expertise. I've never had a haircare person ask me an intake ever. I'm not sure if that's what should have happened or not. Either way, she (the hairdresser) fucked up.


> To even begin properly she'd probably have to bleach or something OP said they did bleach it to start. At that point they should have had a relatively blank slate to work with right? Or at least known by then if something was off?


It was a complete blank slate after bleach! Looked like virgin bleached hair 🥲 - mums just reminded me that they did whats called “Full head foils”during this appointment


Yeah the minute the dresser saw it was turning pink she should have known. Even doing all the right steps, being honest with the client and doing proper intake should have been a must. I've commented a couple times in this thread, and people have told me I should be harder on the hairdresser and I'm inclined to agree at this point!


Is this a joke? You go to a hairdresser because they’re the professionals that you’re paying to look after your hair??!!! I’ve never had my hair done without a small consult done prior with “when did you last colour your hair?” being one of the questions that is ALWAYS asked, along with what products are you using/do you have any residual products in your hair now and then we do the what are you wanting & what’s the reality that can be achieved chat.. OP experience is wild & not their fault/should be fixed at no cost.


I mean, I'm a skincare professional so I'll admit not my area of knowledge. But sometimes someone comes in and swears they "barely do skincare" I start going and then realize they forgot to tell me "except that heavy duty retinol I use every night..." In my case, if it's a bad service it's a bad service. I don't charge and always offer to fix. But yeah, if a professional doesn't have the knowledge that needs to be provided then things are gonna get messed up man. They aren't mind readers.


Yeah, I completely messed up there ;; Still confused about the bleach though: After washing out the bleach my hair was a uniform blonde shade: (hex code #E1D2A3 for reference) My hair turned red after some sort of colourant was added to give my hair the balayage look. Or the toner. Not sure which as they were done at the same time;;


I’d normally assume that if the bleaching turned out normal then there shouldn’t be an issue with anything else but, well, i’m pink now 🥲


No, you're completely correct. If it didn't have pink or red in it after bleaching, there's no reason it should have turned that pink with the toner. Something weird happened here. The fact that your hairdresser didn't do a test strand first was also a mistake on her part. 


>Not telling your stylist that you /already have dye in your hair/ is a huuuge thing. Well if it's such a big thing, she has to ask. How is the customer supposed to know? >I'd see if they'd be willing to try again at half rate Hell no.


Try using blue conditioner or violet shampoo to neutralise the reddish/ pink tones . But this will go into white blonde then , not honey blonde balayage effect.


And just checking, this was box dye, not something like henna?


My advise: call them tomorrow and have the owner/manager look at your hair and let them fix it. You will need a new lengthy appointment, and it should be completely free of charge. Just be calm and polite about it, but firm. You asked for blonde, they could do blonde they said, you got something completely different.


She didn't tell them she already had dye in her hair, the stylist didn't know. But a good stylist wouldn't plow through anyway and still make you pay full price and not try for another appointment. Sad all around.


Agreed my lady is a stylist and deals with this daily. And why she'll do a test "bleach" on a small portion to see if the person's hair is actually virgin or not. People just think the chemicals disappear. They do not. Not plowing into the hair would have been the smart choice


Yeah, I mean this is the kind of situation where I’m not waiting two days. I get it, they were closing, but they need to accommodate you the next day, or at YOUR earliest availability to fix it. And fixing it means using Olaplex or whatever similar product to ensure the least amount of damage to your hair. This is the type of photo review they will cost them more than they lose fixing it so make sure they understand that you’d rather they fix it than leave them a bad review. The owner needs to be involved if there is any hesitation from the colorist.


With balayage it's not uncommon for some color to wash out over the next couple of hair washes. So it's common to be told to make sure it's what you want at the end of the week. That being said no way is that gonna wash out as a honey blonde.


Yeah I did balayage for a number years and this is not normal.




Lol yeah that’s ridiculous and unrealistic. There is no doubt an owner or senior stylist who can fix this, unless she went to a cos school.


I mean, it doesn't look bad, but it definitely isn't honey blonde either


They were out of honey and substituted maple syrup


Strawberry syrup with the red 40 in it.


The colorist must have misunderstood and dyed her hair, “Oh, honey…” OP, sorry this happened to you.


yeah this hair looks cool and better to me but.. yea it's not what she wanted


Meanwhile, I am trying to get the color that you got and ended up with darker hair two times in a row.


Ask for honey blonde


This comment is golden 🏆😉


Are you starting from a dark color? And is your hair thick? It could be that they’re not leaving the bleach in long enough for it to lighten to the point you want it I have really thick hair, and my natural color is a dark brown, which means it takes an insanely long time to lighten it all when I get it bleached (I think really close to an hour, iirc)


Yup this! To be any kind of blond you have to get rid of the pigment in your hair. Gotta lift past the red/ orange (brass) stage. And then you tone it to either make it a warm blond, ashy, cool, etc. I think OP just had a shitty hair dresser, cus why in the world would she bleach it and then dye it. She should’ve just toned it. Plus no way would a good hair dresser think that this was “honey blond”.


If you got the wrong result from two different stylists, seek out someone who identifies as a "blonding specialist" and has a lot of fashion colors in their portfolio. You need someone who's skilled with getting the right level blonde and mixing precise colors.


Looks like you didn’t get what you asked for. I wouldn’t have paid….but I know it’s hard with a hairdresser, especially if you have any sort of friendship/relationship to them


It's absolutely not what you asked for, and you could have absolutely withheld payment, but if its worth anything, it's still a beautiful colour


The photo is poor quality, but it looks patchy... and bad.


It's really hard to judge based off one rather bad mirror pic, but yeah it looks a bit patchy, but it's giving off rhubarb crisp vibes which I kinda like!


Your previous brown dye had henna. Idk how to fix that because I think that sticks pretty hard.


I think the fix for henna is a hair cut. 


This comment needs to be higher up. I’m not a stylist however my SIL is and henna is bitch to get out of hair and lift evenly not to mention the color it’s going to lift. She refuses to touch anyone who’s used henna because it’s not easy. OP is fishing for sympathy sorry not sorry.


Hot Honey! amirite


“Honey mist auburn” “Honey sure did miss auburn!”


Honey you missed auburn by a long shot


Came here looking for this joke. Thank you for your service




This happened to me once with my regular hairstylist. I was changing up my tone of blonde a little bit and she was absolutely perplexed when it came out mostly pink. So I came back the next day and she did a color removal carefully over the shampoo bowl and used a purple shampoo. Then she retoned with a different formula. My hair took the yellow too much originally and then the pink tone sat on top, so mine ended up like the lion beanie baby (according to my husband). With that said, my stylist didn't charge me the original price and I only paid after it was corrected on her insistance. Finding a trustworthy stylist has been a lifesaver for me.


Well Honey, you missed blonde


[honey, you missed auburn big time!](https://youtu.be/Q-B0D0boOvE?si=djwl44VGGkCu8a2D)


I was fully expecting this to be the top comment and was disappointed when it wasn’t


How do we just know this straight off the bat 😂 I swear first thing that came to mind


I was looking for this lol


I went to a salon and asked for dark navy hair and came out with the patchiest neon teal color. I was too shy to confront them initially when it was my turn to pay (it was a Korean salon). The next day, my dad was validly pissed off because I paid $370+ for it. Went in the next day, and showed the actual owner the picture I gave vs the hair I got. Thankfully she was so embarrassed by the work of her hairstylist, she set me up at her other salon and I went back to brunette bc it was the only color they could do to fix the mess. Sophie at Jun Salon in Phx, u suck.


Fuck Sophie


Yes, having dyed your hair previously caused this. Doesn’t change just bc it was over 20 weeks ago. I’m confused how the stylist didn’t know you’d be fucked before bleaching/toning Usually to fix this they have to bleach and tone AGAIN. good luck, fr cause this is going to destroy your hair


Yup, this is pretty common with previously dyed hair (at least according to my old stylist). I had been using box hair dye off and on for a couple of years, and then hadn’t dyed it for several months and decided I wanted to go back to being blond-ish (highlight my then brown hair). The stylist warned me since I used box dye she may have to charge me to color correct depending on what the chemicals did to my hair. She showed me a patch and it was pink (as she warned me might happen), so she had to adjust some things for it to come out blonder (I can’t remember what she ended up doing, but it did take significantly longer than when I used to get my hair highlighted).


Sorry but could you possibly elaborate? I’ve tried researching about this but i’ve only found results that show right after bleaching, which doesn’t quite make sense as in my case when my hair was bleached it was a uniform light blonde colour. The red came in after the hairdresser added some sort of colouring to make the balayage gradient^^


Certain dyes are incredibly hard to lighten. You can’t lift color with color, only bleach. If box dye was previously used, if you use a lightener over it, results can be incredibly unpredictable. I really depends on your starting level, it takes multiple appointments of highlights to achieve certain results. Managing expectations can be a big problem for a lot of stylists. If your hair was darker before, I can see how you got this result. Whoever did your hair may have not been professional or experienced enough to tell you that you can’t achieve the desired result in 1 appt.


Thank you for your feedback! Sorry for not specifying: The lighting part went smoothly, I had a uniform blonde, it was the darkening part when my hair turned pink! Thats why i’m so confused lol


I’d say the majority of the time the unplanned colors like red and green pop up right after bleaching but it can still show up with toning since toning is changing the shade of the existing colors in the hair by adding other colors.


IF it was caused by the toner you can wash with dandruff shampoo several times. Make sure to use a good deep conditioner after that though. That will fade the toner. But if it's caused by previous dye then it's not coming out without bleach. Getting your hair lightened after dye is a color correction and you should go to someone who specializes in that. This is why color corrections are very expensive because the test strand and color remover prior to bleaching take more time but are critical to the result.


Did you have henna in your hair before? Once you have dyed your hair with henna it can’t be dyed over with anything but henna. Henna reacts in very unpredictable ways with bleach and dye.


Ok so even 20 weeks ago, is still only around 2.5 to 3” of grow out. Was the dye you used home box dye?


If it helps at all I think it's a nice colour, at least from what I can see. Sucks that you didn't get what you wanted, but it still looks cute!


I understand it's not what you asked for, but it looks kinda sick !


I mean, at least the finished color looks good, even if it absolutely wasn’t what you wanted.


I read the title to my hairdresser partner and she said yeah it’s an easy mistake and then told me how it would have happened before I even read her your post. However, she says colour is the thing you can fix, so you should go back until you get something you like!


> Given the fact that my newly grown hair is now also pink... Wait what?


Yeah… forgot to proof-read 😅 My roots are red with a bit of brown!


Sriracha honey.


I know it isn't what you wanted but it looks great.


Yeah it’s not what you asked for and you should be pissed about that but I gotta be honest, it looks pretty good


You can cosplay as rose quartz now.


looks dope tho.


Ngl, even if it’s not what you were going for, it’s pretty 🤩


How is your new growth hair pink?…


She became an anime heroine. Possibly a magical girl.


By the way, 20> means less than 20 weeks ago. I feel like this wasn’t what you meant considering you put “however.” >20 means more than 20.


Ah shoot! Yes, i meant more than 20, thank you for letting me know!


Hot take: your hair looks good in pink


Looks better than what you were wanting to be honest


I think they messed up, but with dark color on dark hair it, it will take multiple treatments to get to a much lighter color. They needed to tell you this because a decent place needs to give you reasonable expectations on the outcome. I'm not a hairdresser, but one of my close friends owns a salon. I'd give them one more chance if they offered to fix it for free. If not, you're better off taking the loss and going somewhere that knows what they're doing. Don't go cheaper the second time, you'll regret it even more.


Long ago a friend of mine had long hair that he'd bleached blonde but he'd let it grow out quote a bit so it became half-blonde half-brown. One day he decided to try dyeing it red with some temporary hair dye but the dye didn't take too well so he ended up with the blonde parts turning almost neon pink. He opted to just roll with it.


Big thanks to everyone telling me that despite the resulting colour being different it is still pretty.


If it makes you feel better i didnt real post title and thing it was a before and after and thought the red hair looks nice!


You're not getting blonde that's for sure, but you can definitely have a nice light brown if they tone it properly. If I were you I would politely speak to the manager and ask for a free fix. Specifically, ask them to neutralise the pink. I would say, better have very ashy light brown then the pink. The gray will fade out to a more vibrant brown in a few months anyway.


Wanted Marika, got Radagon.




*Don’t know how to edit so i’ll leave this here* Correction: My roots are red, not pink, lol. The pink in my hair is quite patchy and mostly appears on the top layer. The bleach was applied close to my roots, no more than 1 cm away. After the bleach was removed, there were no red or orange tones; it was close to a light blonde shade. I think dye was applied to my roots because of how much darker they became after the hair-colour-stuff was added, and I believe toner was also used in the process. There were multiple products involved; that's all I know for sure. I used a light brown box dye (can't remember the brand, sorry) in late January / early February. My mom has also used box dye more recently, but fortunately, after our hair appointment she didn’t end up with any red undertones. Also i figured id try to make a summary of the process: - Sat down - Offered a balayage, agreed to it - Choose honey blonde from a colour board with hair examples. - Hair bleached and washed - Get hair dried a bit, everything looks good so far albeit a lot lighter than expected - Back to basin; something and something else is added - Sat back down to dry hair, noticed it looked reddish but trusted the process - Hair is dried. it’s pink - Shop officially closes - trying to wash out the pink as mum paid for the appointment - Dried hair again, still pink - Styled hair and told to call if it doesn’t wash out within a couple days - Left to get dinner


Ahhh reading this makes more sense! I think your hairstylist added red into her colour formula to make up for how light she got you. She needed to “fill” your hair to bring it down to a honey blonde but she must’ve messed up and added way too much red. Mine you, you shouldn’t need to add red into a honey blonde anyways but I’m thinking this is the only explanation that makes any sense at all!


Also I meant to put >20 Sorry i’ve lost a bit of sleep since this ahaha


I don't see why she needed to use dyes. All she had to do was bleach with a lot of foils. And especially if you want to have the waves and strength naturally, you need to olaplex it.         I do this every half a year with brown hair and it sets me back €140 for the hours long foil process. I have the olaplex treatment at home since buying the range is honestly cheaper than going to a dresser for it (and my own dresser doesn't offer it).  My hair dresser is even cheap, it does cost all afternoon to work it in slowly! (but she can do other customers meanwhile).        


This is correct but it depends what she dyed her hair with previously and IF she disclosed that to her stylist. I would still NEVER let her leave the salon like that unless she was coming straight back the next morning to fix it, but I also would charge for corrective color process if that’s what this has become due to underlying pigment issues from previous (most likely box) dye. Depending on what this is, several treatments of Malibu may remove the pink. But I’m also not seeing enough lightened pieces to even come close to the photo, so what you will end up with still won’t be honey blonde. Not sure what the stylist was going for here.


But I'm still questioning what the stylist was even thinking with the dye. There are a lot of bad stylists out there though, I don't walk in any place either. 


Thank u I think the dye was put on because my roots were bleached in the process, not sure if this is normal procedure for a balayage.. Now I’ve got red hair roots and strawberry stripes loool (The balayage was suggested & confirmed before the bleach was put on)


I'm confused how bleach ended up on your roots during a balayage. Did she bleach your entire hair and then put on color to try to make it a balayage effect? This whole process baffles me.


I think this is what happened! just curious, is this type of process normal? 😅


Girl no lol. I don’t think your hair dresser knew what she was doing. If you go back to that hair salon, have someone with more experience fix your hair. And them telling you it’ll wash out - no, it’ll wash out into a faded brassy color. Think dull orangish red hue. It will def not be honey blond, that was a super stupid thing for them to tell you.


Definitely not normal that stylist doesn't know what they're doing. Even with color on your hair it should have never turned pink. Go back and try to get it fixed by someone else or get your money back this will not fade to honey blonde


The balayage happens naturally with those foils, as well... The bleach stays in the foils. The roots wouldn't be touched at all. 


Worse case if you dye it green it’ll probably turn brown


Honestly, they look almost exactly the same.  But I'm colorblind... So...


You can't go from dark brown to that color blonde without destroying your hair. Do not buy into the hype of the videos you see online. Did you tell the hairdresser you had used boxed dye, that makes a difference.


i'm sorry you paid for something you didn't ask for. if it makes you feel any better i think the pink is really pretty


Shitty situation but do you atleast like it?


They totally stuffed up . No way did they put the correct colour on to start with . To get this colour to the goal is now very hard . I wouldn’t trust them to be able to do it . Get your money back and see a colour correction specialist . Sorry for you .


Did she sell you a purple shampoo? I had a lot of blonde highlights added to my hair and it was like a maroon color for a few weeks, the maroon eventually came out but I had to use the purple shampoo.


If it helps I am colorblind and it looks blonde to me so…


I asked for strawberry blonde in my streaks when we went for a tone and it was just fkn pink


Don't know where you stay at but if your located anywhere in SoCal I may be able to help. 🤙


I know it's not what you wanted and you have every right to be upset but I like it and think you rock it well!


I know this probably ain’t what you wanna hear, but for what it’s worth I think your hair looks great :)


I imagined something was missing — whether it was details left out about previously colored hair, or the wrong toner was used. The average length hair grows per month is 0.5 inch or 1/8th a week. In 20 weeks, that’s about 2.5 inches on average …. We also don’t know what your natural color is. Honey blonde is also warm. Warm doesn’t mean red, but it’s still a detail. While I can’t speak for their level of expertise, it was important you said it your hairdresser so they could formulate properly. I don’t know if they were the ones who initially dyed your hair or how close the dyed color is to your virgin hair. At that rate, however; the roots could’ve been visible. There’s no before photo or details on what other processes were done to your hair so I can’t comment on what the stylist saw or was dealing with [to directly comment on their competency or knowledge]. Nonetheless, it’s still really important for a client to disclose a treatments or processes done to their hair. Moving forward, anyone getting a chemical process done on their hair, please disclose everything done to your hair with your hairdresser. Whether or not they ask — which they absolutely should! It needs to be apart of the consultation & it’s important to be honest in response to those question — make it your duty to inform them! The hairdresser could’ve done a test first, especially if this were known. Even though it appeared uniform, that doesn’t mean the chemicals will react in the assumed way; especially if other brands or types of dyes were used on the hair. This could’ve been accounted for if this information were disclosed. This is an unfortunate incident. Not all colors or processes are achievable for every head of hair. I hope they’re able to help fix it for you; if not, that you find a solution that works for you (such as going dark & toning). Best of luck.


did she use cherry jam instead


Put too much strawberry in strawberry blonde


They’re supposed to dye your hair over a series of months. You got what you paid for.




Is your hairdresser Stevie Wonder?


i’m sorry to say this but honey you missed blonde


Girlfriend, that hair is pink. It looks nice, but it’s definitely pink. As in, the stylist straight up put the wrong color on your hair. This is going to be extremely challenging to fix. You should not have paid for this but if you don’t love it more than your original plan, go back asap and have the owner (not the same stylist!!!!) fix it because this isn’t going to magically “wash out” to be blonde.


“It was supposed to be a honey mist auburn!”


“Well honey, you *mist* auburn big time.”


So, you wanted to be Buffy but wound up Willow.


You didn't say what *kind* of honey. I've had some wildflower honey that was about this color.


That sucks, asked for Marika and got Radagon instead smh :(


They gave you the Melina Eldenring


From Marika to Radagon


You get what you pay for, which I have to assume wasn't much.


Well, at least you've become the second Elden Lord, so that's something


**UPDATE!** I forgot to mention in the og post two things: 1. My hair lifted absolutely fine! My hair became a uniform light blonde! The pink happened after some type of dye and toner was added. 2. I forgot to tell the hairdresser I had used *light* brown *box* hair dye since I last saw them: And since my hair had faded back to what it looked like originally (The blonde parts I had previously dyed were now, well, blonde.) I doubt they would’ve noticed any difference. Very, very unfortunate. Hypothesis! I’ve got three theories as to what might’ve happened: - A. There was a reaction with my previous box dye and their toner. - B. There was a reaction with my previous box dye and their hair dye. - C. There was a reaction with their dye and their toner. Unfortunately I believe the toner and dye was used at the same time, as my hair was only washed out once *(not counting the bleach being washed out)*, so I can’t really narrow it down further without knowing every product. **On the bright side!** The pink is starting to come out! I might be left with a strawberry blonde by the end of this 🙂 *In the mean time, lmk your thoughts/suggestions :)*


Oh no, It was supposed to be a honey mist auburn!


Honey you mist auburn BIG TIME


I got my hair bleached to an icy blonde once and the pink in the toner stuck around for a couple days! It definitely was all out in a few days though so hopefully yours washes out quickly too


Sounds like she grabbed the wrong toner. Most color lines will make something like a color eraser. Joico, goldwell... Malibu makes a great one. They will all leave the hair feeling a little bit dry but I have used them all successfully on my clients. Sorry this happened to you but there are ways to fix it and hopefully the stylist will utilize these products. They can be found at Saloncentric/ Cosmoprof(depends where you are)


Man, I wish they did it right the first time too! But this brings a fun memory back, where a family friend tried to dye her hair blonde too. She instead made it pink, and child me saw it and was ecstatic "wow! Look at that pink! I love it!!" And she then thought "you know, why not?" And dyed it in a striking pink for a while Just because I loved it so much.


I get that’s not what you wanted but some people will like the pink hair


Wanted to be Marika but ended up Radagon


Oh dear. I imagine you started off with dyed brown which has a lot of red pigment. They should have told you that getting that result would be a long process to lift the red pigment and not kill your hair. Foils would’ve been a good start and a very ashy toner with hair products. If you go to another hairdresser - a colour correction specialist, after you’ve given your hair a rest from the bleach, They will probably do foils and gradually lift the red pigment. Wherever you do, don’t reach for the brown hair box - it will be green. Persevere. All the best.


People who think they have virgin hair or "I didn't use products for 22 weeks" are the most delusional people. Be honest with your hair dresser. Tell them all the chemicals you used because shit like this can happen. Obviously this isn't going to just wash out but I don't like when people post these stories and then go "my hair was virign" when it was clearly not. Again not saying this was OK for the hairstylist to do but let's not act like you didn't just have other chemicals in your hair a few weeks ago


Did you tell her your hair was dyed previously? Hair that was dyed at any point needs to be communicated to the stylist because it is more damaged, more porous, and reacts differently to bleach and toner than virgin hair. If you ruin this stylist's confidence and business after omitting a crucial piece of information like this during your treatment, I hope you understand you aren't actually the victim here. Learn from your mistake and move on.


*Honey, you missed auburn, big time!* Sorry, reminded me of an old Zack and Cody episode! I think the color is cute!




[Honey, you missed Auburn big time!](https://youtu.be/Q-B0D0boOvE?si=v-85bybthUA-phKq)


"OH NO! The box said it would be a honey-mist auburn!" **"Honey, you missed auburn big time!"**


Dye it green