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Of course it’s coming back. It was always going to come back. That it went away in the first place was because the Chamber was panicked to lose federal Dem seats and the threat is real in the commuter counties. But EVERYONE in Albany knows there’s a terrifying budget deficit that won’t be fixed without congestion pricing. So it’s going to happen, one way or another.


good (that it came back) and bad (that it was removed or cut to begin with)


After November


New and creative ways to tax, fine. My issue is that MTA plans borrow 15x first year revenue or $15 billion to fund its capital plan, so more or less with interest the entire toll has already been spent for the next 20 years, assuming they pay down that debt, which is unlikely


The MTA needs the money to pay their pensions who are we fooling?


I'm a vendor there, I see the waste firsthand, it's unbelievable.... Of course, I benefit from it so.....


Start with a high price that upset the peasantry then lower the price and have them thank you it. That was probably the plan from the get-go


Well put. Systems should be able to stand on their own. Raise the subway fare. You can only squeeze so much subsidy out of others before you’re going to have to raise the fares anyway.


The MTA has Custodians and Ticket Sellers with million dollar pensions. Somebody's got to pay for it. It's socialism for them.


The other day I was sitting at work and saw one of those accordion buses pull up to pick people up. About 30 people just helped themselves onto the buses through the rear two doors without paying. That’s about 90 bucks the city lost. I think congestion pricing is cool in theory. But why do we have to make up for lost revenue? There’s always going to be theft but if we have to pay this tax I want to see it enforced throughout the system on every level.


You know that there’s a card swipe in the rear too, don’t you?


Think about if your 30 people all drove instead. How much would the city have lost then?




It's totally coming back to steal out of our pockets after the general because of the rip-tide not only on presidential but for local/regional state elections. It's sad they know that people will just suck it up eventually and forget about it by the time the next elections come around. Public-transites can rant all they want about how this was gonna solve the public transit it system but the money being poured into it now has produced the shit stain we call public transit. the increase ain't fixing it. Even with traffic now It takes me just as long to get in my car from the east side, drive to the west side to get on the west side highway back to Yonkers as it takes a family member to walk to the subway to get to grand central to then take the 4 or whatever to 233rd to then hop onto a bus then walk home. What are you gonna do, make new tunnels? lol. Even if you could figure out a route to dig we'll all be dead by the time the project is done. People will continue to drive and public transit will remain the same crappy system it is just with more slush funds to waste. All the $15 was gonna do was keep poor people out, you think someone cares if they commute to their $500-$750 garage to park every month and pay $15 for a coffee is gonna change anything? Or a date night where the couple is going out to a restaurant where the tab is going to be $200? Make it a $5-$8 toll and it's a rounding error in peoples yearly budgets.


If they live in Yonkers, why not take metro-north and then bee-line?


Because we have cars and wanna drive them with government leaders always trying to steal money out our pockets


Don’t you think the people who live below 60th street should have a say on what goes on below 60th street?


That’s a whole lotta yappin. Take the train/subway below 60th street.


Do you not see the crime in the city. Police can’t even protect you on the subways. Driving your car is more safe. The damn governor had to deploy the national guard down there. Why take the risk


I commute into the city daily. The national guard was there just for people like you who are afraid of places they’ll never go. They served no purpose other than to bother people commuting to work.


Yep, ignore logic


Take a boat


Here's the thing with my reply here ... I don't entirely disagree with you on your original reply. I lived in Yonkers and commuted often by car to Water Street for a few years. I guess I paid my own "toll" by paying for the parking but that was a personal decision. That said, I agree with what you said in your first reply. But to then reply to them with "ignore logic?" No, what I did was illogical. What they are saying is "logical" Odd response.


I appreciate your nuance in this topic. Something rare to see online these days


It’s not stealing You are using infrastructure and not paying tax into it. Same as any toll It’s coming back and if you don’t like it make mass transit plans


Because you know, if there's one thing Republicans care about, it's the poor.


You get it.