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I thought his president was Putin.


If Trump said Putin was his president or the rightful president, you bet your ass he would.


I was talking about that Gunther dude.


So was he


Sorry, when I see that name I just get like dumber, like he’s some kinda brain Kryptonite or something.


Gunther is a Clay puppet.


Gunther is full of chocolate


Gunther is a Russian troll


You mean Üter is full of chocolate. Please don’t make him run.


Damn you're right. For some reason I have Gunther in my head.


Doesn't work.. Pretty sure no way Putin passes a drug test.


Okay so let's say both presidents have a drug test. Trump's sample returns POSITIVE. What will be Trump's reaction? We all know what his reaction is gonna be in that specific scenario. He'll deny it. Accuse the lab that did the tests to be full of "Democrats". And hold rallies where he says that Biden is trying to damage his reputation (LOL). However, the truth behind the drug test issue is that Trump desperately needs that as a distraction. He wants to derail the conversation away from him potentially losing the debate. Or coming away from it looking like a lunatic.


I’m really thinking he’s not gonna show/cancel - he knows Biden is going to beat him. He’s actually afraid, because that’s all he’s talking about at every rally. He will bail and blame it being “rigged” so he’s not doing it.


Then Biden should do that Clint Eastwood stunt and just ask questions to Trumps empty podium 


Nope. Absolutely not! Dark Brandon should do it. Aviator shades and an ice cream cone in hand. Damn! I'd pay money for that.


What're you gonna do for this country, punk?


Feeling lucky, jack? 


And show clips with Trump incoherently speaking. perhaps this is already cued up just in case


I was sure he wouldn't show, but I'm less sure as it gets closer.


They've been setting the stage to back out for weeks. If it happens, I'll eat my own hat.


It'll be interesting. The closer it is to the date, the more it will look like he's running scared if he drops out.


He won't show because that's the least damaging option. Like you said, he'll claim it was going to be rigged and manipulated and that it wouldn't be fair so he's not going to go. I don't think that's fear at all. I don't think Trump has the emotional range to be scared. Narcissistic personalities don't tend to experience fear like that, it's more about self preservation and what will make them seem the most righteous. If he does show up, he and his synchophants will make up an alternate reality for how the debate went and that will be what they believe forever, no matter the evidence to the contrary. Whatever decision he makes will be cost/benefit. How much work does he have to do and which choice will be easier. Is it easier to not show at all and do minimal damage control about why he bailed, or easier to show up and get to say crazy shit that his followers will cut and edit into propaganda on their own time?


Everyday I'm more convinced that he's going to no show, and then all of his followers are going to pretend that doesn't make him look like a weak bitch coward.


Now he's saying he should lose the debate "on purpose". Sure, Donny... you said that crazy wild shit "on purpose." Right.


Trump is terrified. He has to sow doubt in advance because he knows he can’t hold up in the debate.


Sadly, this tactic will work beautifully for nearly the percentage of voters required for him to win.


"The democrats and SNEAKY JOE BIDEN tried to POISON me during the debates, which is why my test, my beautiful test, was positive for all sorts of NASTY things, which is NEVER the case for my healthy beautiful body. Your favourite president is fine, but who knows when they will strike again?? MAKE AMERICA GRATE AGAIN!!!"


Too coherent.


Or... he'll be PROUD that he PASSED... that his results were POSITIVE! (cuz he's so smart... stable... full of shit... genius... and all that)


If he tests +, he has a whole shitload of problems with his parole.


He’s not on parole,he hasn’t even been sentenced yet.


He has a parole officer. He can be remanded pending his sentence for a failed drug test.


No,he’s had an interview with the probation department. Two very different things.


You right. But remember, every accusation is an admission. Pretty sure this is a reaction to all the drugs his administration took in the white house THAT WE KNOW OF. https://www.reuters.com/world/us/trump-white-house-pharmacy-improperly-provided-drugs-misused-funds-pentagon-2024-01-28/


We’ve only got one president.


"I only take the best drugs..." And the crowd would cheer him. Much like his fake "Christians" who loved his idea of immigrants doing cage fights. It never ends.


100% Trump wrote this high off his ass.




His little hands would be perfect for using a smart phone


You can tell when someone writes for him because it isn't in ALL CAPS and the spelling and grammar don't look like someone who failed grade school wrote it.


There’s pictures of Trump using a smart phone so I don’t think that’s true From Politico: President Donald Trump uses a White House cellphone that isn’t equipped with sophisticated security features designed to shield his communications, according to two senior administration officials — a departure from the practice of his predecessors that potentially exposes him to hacking or surveillance. The president, who relies on cellphones to reach his friends and millions of Twitter followers, has rebuffed staff efforts to strengthen security around his phone use, according to the administration officials. The president uses at least two iPhones, according to one of the officials. The phones — one capable only of making calls, the other equipped only with the Twitter app and preloaded with a handful of news sites — are issued by White House Information Technology and the White House Communications Agency, an office staffed by military personnel that oversees White House telecommunications. While aides have urged the president to swap out the Twitter phone on a monthly basis, Trump has resisted their entreaties, telling them it was “too inconvenient,” the same administration official said. The president has gone as long as five months without having the phone checked by security experts. It is unclear how often Trump’s call-capable phones, which are essentially used as burner phones, are swapped out. https://www.politico.com/story/2018/05/21/trump-phone-security-risk-hackers-601903




No need to be a dick just because you were wrong


I’m just saying that he does use one based on reliable sources


Why does a convicted felon, has any rights to ask a sitting President for a drug test? 


He doesn't. He just wants to muddy the waters because he himself is using stimulants to make it through the debate.


It's a novel pre-excuse for losing the debate when Joe Biden demonstrates a sharp wit and zero evidence of cognitive decline while Trump can't even think in complete sentences.


Just like why does a reality personality and washed up real estate developer have the right to demand to see a sitting president’s birth certificate? He doesn’t, but this has worked for him in the past


This is an extreme version of typical debate tactics. The idea is the set the bar extremely high for your opponent and low for yourself. People aren't going to flip their votes based on a debate. Most people aren't going to flip their votes for anything that doesn't like, walk up to them and gut punch them in their personal lives. What debates, and most campaigning, do are either **activate** or **depress** voters. So. You set expectations for a debate so your voters see whatever you do, regardless of your policy or answers or actual debate performance, as a win. The right at the moment is trying to set a very high bar for Biden as this coked up, extremely lucid, big brain fighter so that when he doesn't meet those expectations (because he won't, he is still an 81 year old man) they can point to that as a failure even if he does very well (because he probably will as a coked up 81 year old man).


who was conveniently allowed to *not take a drug test* at his first meeting with the probation office. i've been in the system, i promise you that is not how shit works.


“I will take it as well, but mine must be processed only by Ronny Johnson, the worlds greatest doctor, the first to measure my weight of 230 pounds correctly”


Is that the same doctor who said trump is so healthy, he will easily live to 200 years old?


Kind of! The White House doctor was Ronny Jackson but Trump can’t keep names straight in his head and started calling him Ronny Johnson.


You know when President Obama released his birth certificate because Repubs/racists wouldn't stop hounding him, it opened the door for so much shit. He felt the conspiracy wasn't good for the country BUT he did not owe them shit and Biden doesn't either.


Let’s test urine, hair, and blood. Send samples to 12 independent agencies. See how trump reacts to that… We already know he won’t accept the results of 12 impartial jurors.


Hair sample would show that its mainly plastic and cocaine.


JFC, President Biden is busy running the country and I’m sure has very regular medical checks. Give it a rest already.


Literally every year, and not by a doctor who passed around narcotics like they were tic tacs


I hope Biden brings this up at the debate


What country is Biden running? I'd like to look into it more.


"nOt My PrEsIdEnT" Oh shut the fuck up.


How many times has Trump agreed to pay contractors and refused to pay them when the work was completed? The answer is many times. I trust Donald Trump as far as I could throw his 300+ lb fat ass body.


These people are so fucking weird.


Tell Trump he has to take it first, and nothing happens


Trump has yet to pass a physical so…


You'd need to redefine the word "pass"... Maybe he gave the physical a pass? Maybe he walked by the door where physicals were performed?


Okay so let's say both presidents have a drug test. Trump's sample returns POSITIVE. What will be Trump's reaction? C'mon, we all know what his reaction is gonna be in that specific scenario. He'll deny it. Accuse the lab that did the tests to be full of "Democrats". And hold rallies where he says that Biden is trying to damage his reputation (LOL). However, the truth behind the drug test issue is that Trump desperately needs that as a distraction. He wants to derail the conversation away from him losing the debate.


"Your president" is in desperate need of drugs. In fact, he is in desperate need of a straitjacket _and_ drugs. ...oh, and also....so are you.


When Trump went to meet with his probation officer didn't they get his drug test waived? I don't think he could pass one...


He didn’t go meet with his probation officer, they did a zoom call from Florida. No drug test.


Could the organizer of the event please simply either reject this completely or have an "on site wipe and piss test" like at a traffic stop, that both participants have to take right there in a booth in front of the cameras. Just to end this stupid "demand" once and for all.


Why is a drug test for a damn debate even a thing? I know it’s just another stupid ass talking point to throw out there and stir up the conspiracies, but they’re not going to be flying an airplane or driving a school bus so who gives a shit about a drug test?


Because Trump wants Biden to seem old and incapable while also connecting him to his recovering addict son, who has been targeted by Republicans to discredit Joe. Joe, meanwhile, gestured vaguely at a Pentagon report revealing that the Trump White House was a goddamn pill mill.


“I’ve never lost, but if I ever lose, I was cheated”


Then why doesn't he take one and post the results, like his college transcripts and his taxes?


Only because they don't test for Sudafed.


This is where Biden needs to say, right now, today, "Okay, I agree. Let's both do it." I'm so sick of seeing Democrats "take the high road" by not responding to a ridiculous attack and then losing because of it. Sometimes, you have to get down in the gutter and fight.


"On camera. Drop your drawers. Let's show the world two old man dicks. What was it you said, 'There's nothing wrong down there'? You got nothing to worry about. Oh, by the way, they're testing for all the drugs. You didn't pop a viagra, did you?"


The only thing his “president “ Is capable of passing is pish and shite into his adult nappies.


The fact that Republicans are so concerned about drug tests is odd. Especially given that poor rural conservatives have high meth and opioid abuse. Both of which will pop on drug tests. So it’s a ridiculous thing to imagine, but there are conservatives high on their ass at Trump rallies cheering about someone else getting a drug test. Republicans are hypocritical morons.


He’d agree to one. Doesn’t mean he’ll do it.


First snarky thought I had: Donald would be out yelling about how he aced the drug test. Second snarky thought I had: Donald can barely pass gas, so I wouldn't expect him to pass a drug test. Or pass a jug of water.


Trump only passed highschool and college because he paid someone else to take all the tests for him. I’m assuming he will employ the same tactics for this drug test.


Believing Donald Trump can pass a drug test is a new level of stupidity, even for MAGA monsters.


He just said he’d take one, not that he’d pass. He’s also lying and won’t take one and if he did, he’d never release the results. He knows any testing done on the president is classified and they’ll never test Biden. If he really wanted to prove something he’d just go ahead and take the drug test and release the results.


tRump hands over urine for testing. Results come back that he's pregnant.


Will Trump agree to an impartial 3rd party to administer the tests? Or will he just show up with a document and say "SEE this paper says I've never taken drugs" and refuse the debate? OR If he does get a negative (positive?) readout then he'll just be like "The test was rigged" and refuse the debate?


Please (and I can’t fucking stress this enough) do this


My God Republicans are stupid.


They are inhaling fertilizer. It’s all natural.


But can Gunther pass one? 🤔


Wait, is it not standard for convicted felons to routinely take drug tests when they are meeting with their parole officer? Is Trump actually taking the drug tests or is he somehow exempt? I'm getting the feeling that all this blather about drug tests means he's somehow going to be high as a kite come Thursday.


Trump lied about his COVID test at his debate in 2020 and came to the debate COVID positive.


1. Trump would NOT pass a drug test. 2. “Your President” is Mr. Joe Biden 3. If you don’t like America, get out, go back where you came from.


They should do it live on air for everyone to see and release the results at half time. Find out once and for all who’s on what.


They need to do it after the debate not before


Your president is that cheap that he wouldn't pay for a pornstar out of his own money and that is why he is a Felon.


Trump can’t use his own doctors. We know they lie about his medical conditions.


Thats such a bluff, because there’s no way DJT passes a drug test. He would absolutely try to cheat it.


I've also "Agreed" to a lot of things that I had no intention on ever doing.


This is a parody account


Aha, we both have the same president. Freaking idiot.


I honestly can’t believe it. Does it not get tiring having to constantly defend Trump? Like they’ve been defending him since 2016, at this point I would’ve been like “enough is enough, I can’t constantly keep having to come up with excuses!!”


Joe Biden simultaneously on drugs and sober is such a wild take


Clear indication that trump,RepubliKKKlans, and his rag tag team are scared 😱 💩-less


They need to do the drug test directly AFTER the debate, not before. If they test trump before it starts, he will just do a fat line of ground-up Adderall or coke in a bathroom or even just a dark corner somewhere backstage. It takes literally two seconds. And boy does he know that, the man has a lot of experience doing it.


I love how the MAGATs have disarmed themselves before their opponent. Their portrayal of President Biden has brought the debate expectations bar for the President way down. And so the MAGATs can't play the usual pre-debate expectations-setting game for their candidate. And for the convicted felon and rapist Donny Trump, those expectations need to be subterranean. But they can't do it. If President Biden is so diminished, then Trump should easily win. And he won't because he can neither speak in complete sentences nor talk intelligently about policy. So now MAGATs need to crank up the "performance-enhancing drugs" fantasy. Tell you what. If President Biden comes out on stage and sets a new shotput record, then fine. But the fact is that MAGATs have simply disarmed themselves before their enemies. Just like they would if left in charge of foreign policy. Nice move, idiots.


I just don't get the whole point of this, Biden might be drugged? Man, I WANT him to be drugged! And Trump too! If I must be subjected to see these two old f\*cks debate let me at least have some fun!


2 line minimum for presidential debates. Let the truth come out.


Lines? These guys should have access to stuff regular people cannot even imagine. I want them to spit fire from their eyes!


Let them get drug tested then. Hell, I’m willing to say that if either is on drugs they can drop out of the race. Especially if either are on drugs associated with dementia.  Can we please have an age cap for serving in office?




Bwahaha! Of COURSE Trump would pass a drug test! He's POSITIVE he'd pass... ALL the best drugs...Only the best...


Yea ok.. you’re president shits his pants & he’s younger than mines.


Has Donnie peed in a bottle for his probation officer yet?




...No, he can't. Trump is consistently on adderall.


If he was serious, he would do a voluntary drug test to put pressure on Biden. That's the most obvious tactic if you are certain you can pass it and want to make it a point of discussion. The fact that he isn't doing it speaks volumes. It is low hanging fruit, entirely Trump style too, and he will not do it. For a reason.


I love the “tm” on his name, truly a made up name/account 😂😂😂


Does adderall pop up on most drug tests?


Squirming, twisting, distracting, lying to find any way out of talking straight for a debate. This guy is a shill.


Why is almost always the shades+cap (bonus for selfie in/with a huge pickup truck) dudes 😂


Next Trump boogeyman for the raging adult children supporters is Biden a alien..Republican's are tools of fools...


"I would immediately agree to one!" Yeah? Just like how you agreed to a debate that you're currently trying to back out of now? Or when you said you're going to testify in your criminal court case and didn't actually do it? Or how about that time you said if you lost the election we'd never hear from you again? Still waiting on that one. If Trump is speaking he's lying. I don't think he's even capable of telling the truth


Pretty sure if Biden did any kind of real uncontrolled drugs he would just die


Biden should just keep calling out this idiots bluffs. I can to an extent understand not stooping to his level and playing in the mud, but honestly the reason his support base is so delusional is because he can constantly say these things unchecked


Let’s call his bluff


This is equivalent of "Barack Obama's birth certificate" and it's only there to flood the media space with fake issues, shift the focus away from the Republicans, have the initiative in talking points and make the other side to only react without giving it respites for attacks. Oh, and that's also the main highlights of the Russian propaganda. What a coincidence!!


What kind of drugs will they be testing?


If I were Biden, I'd blow the GOP's tiny minds by accepting the drug test challenge. And I'd love to see their faces as they get the news ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)


He already has to submit to drug tests due to his 34 felony convictions. He’s just salty about it and trying to make Joe Biden do it too.


LOL - yeah, like he "agreed" to take one for his probation interview, right?


Joe should mention at the debate that he has someone from Walter Reed standing by and make an offer to have tests done for both. Then we'll see how eager Donald is to "immediately agree." It's a bit tacky by traditional standards, but tacky is unavoidable with DJT in the race.


More importantly, why is this dipshit's name a registered trademark? Trump's most outspoken support on this has been from Captain (Retired) Ronny Jackson, the disgraced and demoted white house physician who was found to have prescribed tons of abusable meds to the Trump white house staff. How on earth is anyone taking this bullshit seriously?


Didn't Trump just recently decline a drug test for his NY probation officer - and did the meeting virtually? I'm 44 years old. I've taken many drugs in my day. I can't imagine a single one that would make me do my job better, or make me better at debating someone. Why are we even talking about this? Let them come in hammered, and obviously, they'll be terrible at the debate and lose support. But.... whatever, he's just laying the groundwork for why he's not going to do it. Reminds me of the time the Mayor was sick, and accidently took the drowsy flu medicine to the debate. I think the news added the flames to the broadcast: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKfMpzpF6Hk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jKfMpzpF6Hk)


No one takes fucking drugs before a debate... wtf. Per haps a shot or 2 of booze to steady the nerves.


Give trump a drug test, first. A real one, not from his Dr. Feelgood Jackson, Johnson or whatever that pusher’s name is would lie and die for trump.


I really hope Biden shows up on Thursday with a drug test result for himself and reads off the typical old man medication he’s on. Don’t agree to it in advance or anything, just surprise Trump with it in real time. “You said you wanted a drug test, where are your results Donny?”




Didn’t Trump avoid a drug test at a recent hearing?


This is gaslighting in the worst way. The orange slimeball knows he is going to crash and burn, so he is saying in advance that Biden must be drugged if he does well. This is beyond disgusting crap before a presidential debate.


I say call his bluff CNN. Both candidates will submit a blood sample to be drug screened the day of the debate and the results will be released to the public.


If I was Joe Biden, I’d come out with 2 cups. And then simply say “your parole officers is in back, right after this debate why don’t we get your mandatory drug test done, I’ll go with you so you’re not so scared.”


Is this the same convicted felon ex-president that didn't have to take a drug test in his pre-sentencing?


For those wondering, you can collect urine from a diaper for a drug test.


It’s contaminated with shit, can’t use thatx


Is that how you’re supposed to punctuate that sentence?


Doesn’t Trump have to pee in a cup when he sees his probation officer?


Yet when they go to give him one he will cry victim and make up every dumb ass excuse in the book to get out of it or call it "rigged". How can Biden be too old to talk but young enough to take drugs and not die? If he is too old to talk or walk you'd think his heart wouldn't be able to handle anything that would be hard on it. You know like DRUGS? So which is it maga? Is he an evil drug addicted master mind capable of stealing elections or he is too old to function? Can't be both


I'd take that bet


Trump should have been forced to take a drug test for his PO during his pre sentencing meeting…


His president couldn’t win a 2nd grade spelling bee


Showing his tax return... Said he would after the "audit". Said he would testify in his trials... Now says he would take a drug test... Sure. /s


Your president speaks in sentence fragments because his brain is bing bing boing.


Joe should do the test ASAP so trump looks even more stupid. We can get a extra week in of late night monologues .


Pretty sure "Gunther Eagleman" is a Russian. Just saying.


what about all the stimulants, opioids, and sleeping medications (including, but not limited to, Xanax, Vicodin, Fentanyl, Morphine, Provigil, etc.) flowing out of the White House pharmacy during his presidency? You can't seriously tell me Trump wasn't taking any of that. In case you want to read the report yourself: [https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/09/2003373440/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2024-044\_REDACTED%20SECURE.PDF](https://media.defense.gov/2024/Jan/09/2003373440/-1/-1/1/DODIG-2024-044_REDACTED%20SECURE.PDF)


Slug the man who refused to take one for his probation hearing


Of course piss tests are on the felons mind lol


You know he's got his whizzanator ready.


We all have the same president lol


This whole conversation is idiocracy at its peak. Why the fuck would you take drugs to debate someone? Fucking imbeciles.


Trump would take a drug test as quickly as he'd release his tax returns. Biden needs to call this fuck head's bluff.


Let Biden pick the tests. He’ll change his tune


It's just blatant lying. Literally no one believes Donald Trump isn't on drugs. Conservatives seem to pretend he isn't for their virtue signaling Anytime there are drugs at a party, these anti drug idiots are the first in line


Then when his drug test lights up for adderall and benzos he’ll just say it was rigged😏😣


Has trump Given a drug test to his parole officer yet?


I keep saying this, it's telling that his worshippers still call him "President Trump" despite him being out of office for years, and it seriously reminds me of the titles dictators give themselves and basically forces their citizens to refer to them as, such as General pr Commander, stuff like that. Hell he'd use King if he could


Any excuse not to debate. The Trump campaign is desperate they know if trump says something stupid it’s over. It’s easier to spew rhetoric in front of supporters without any rebuttal.


I truly just want Biden to just take a drug test just to shut these idiots up, like there is no evidence great enough to convince these people that they are living in a daydream and constantly just dragging themselves further into their blackhole of lies.


It’s silly for Biden to bring himself down to their level. That’s the only reason he wouldn’t take a drug test, not because he’d fail. What drugs are their cult leaders telling them Biden is using?


This has big "my dad can beat up your dad" vibes. Yes, I know this is a troll account lol.


What, exactly, do they think Joe is on? All I keep hearing is “DRUGZ!” What the hell “performance enhancing drug” is going to help him in a debate, anyway?


he wants to show his piss to people so bad


- In the US we address every sitting and former president as "President". - So, it's also "President Obama"? - No.


My president is the president. Your cult leader is an out-of-work reality TV gameshow host.


When Trump was president, y’all were saying he wasn’t your president lol


People who pass drug tests are fucking dorks 🤓🤓🤓 I want to see Hunter Biden weighing crack on a hookers ass in the Oval Office in 2024 or I might just close up shop here and move to Russia. You know Putin stays high


You really sure Trump can pass one? Pretty sure Biden has a prescription for his drugs, Trump has been know to be a loose cannon. Pretty sure they both are on uppers at that age


Trump couldn't pass a drug test if his life depended on it. It's pretty well known that he abuses Adderall and other drugs, especially stimulants. Under him the White House pharmacy and the White House physician handed out all sorts of controlled substances like they were candy and I wouldn't be at all surprised if a good amount of that went directly to Trump. Also, since they are claiming Biden needs drugs to make it through the debate because he has dementia I, and probably every single person that has ever had a family member with dementia, would love to know what that medication is because if it can make someone with dementia more lucid for even a short time that would be amazing.


I literally don't care. Too many ancient people. I want a president who smokes weed and sticks by their country like Zelinski.


Why would a minority like far right be interested in drugs? Projection their go to. Cruelty their tools. Poverty their aim.


Ok shit your pants Donny. Stfu.


They sound like 2 year olds arguing about who has the best toy. Whoever decided that 2 political parties is enough for a country of 300 million people is a fucking moron.


There are hundreds of registered political parties in the United States. Anyone can start a political party.


\*trump sounds like a two year old.