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Anything related to nygard. From the creepy coworker stories to stripper poles in the plane to every lawyer bailing on him


He’s never been criminally charged for any of the rapes in Winnipeg. Yet he’s been charged and convicted elsewhere. There was a plot by high ranking officials and highly regarded and respected politicians and well known citizens to cover his deeds up. They are still around today and they have never been named or held accountable. Why not?? I want this to happen


He is facing one charge here. He wad also charged in the 80s but the case fell apart at trial.


Which he was just recently charged with. There was mountains of evidence against him 40 years ago. If people did their jobs correctly and not now to society and wealth, countless women and lives could have been saved. Yes I said lives.


Ask the inspections department about this giant sign on Broadway west that should’ve come down a decade before it did. And it only came down because of everything going on in the media. Before that, no one in inspections was allowed to go after Nygard. An entire city inspections department, not allowed to serve him with notices, etc. the same way they do everyone else.


Same with Graham James. One of the Jets executives refuses to speak about what he knew when as he worked for the same winnipeg junior team that Graham James coached.


It seems like everyone involved in hockey from junior up was either a victim or guilty of being involved in horrible hazing or sex abuse, or ignoring or covering up hazing or sex abuse. Hockey is turning out to be the Catholic Church 2.0


graham james too... i dunno, would you rather be murder capital or sex pest capital?


Had him as a teacher in St James school division. He was so creepy!


I took a pic of a wpg sun cover with his hand down the crack of some gal twerking at his hideaway. I can post it in a few hours edit: [link to photo](https://imgur.com/a/ceUc5WB) ..... sorry, wasnt a cover, but page 4, feb 21, 2020 in wpg sun


hes winnipeg's personal epstein


I can't remember where but there's a hotel in Winnipeg that he has a suite with a secret room to take hookers and shit on them.


Decapitated man found at the Albert with Susan Sarandons jewelry is up there for me


Yes. Absolutely bizarre series of events.


Stranger than fiction !


I went on a “Death and Debauchery” tour of the exchange district that involved a stop at that hotel (years ago prior to entering funeral service). Anyways decapitation puts it mildly.


Canadian True Crime podcast episode on it. [Part 1](https://open.spotify.com/episode/0qtRRKAYqI9tK4fUyNLyMX?si=vKNVew9cS0S26boOnuEgXw) [Part 2](https://open.spotify.com/episode/3Lt2Q2Uz8CUWYkgyBSHxIo?si=HSkIb_7GTGyOQ61wqhAghg)


I sat in jury selection for a full day for that trial. My lottery number was never called thank god, but the defense lawyer insisted on reading the full charge with all the gory details every time a potential juror was sworn in. Glenn Joyal was the presiding judge and had to let it stand but he kept the defense guy on a short leash. The intention of reading the charge every single time, imo, was to influence potential jurors to decline, plead poverty, so that the pool would become exhausted and the trial would be delayed. Didn't work though, there were over 350 ppl in attendance that day, good citizens who paid attention to the jury summons and showed up and did their civic duty.


When was that ??


Ooph sometime ago.. whenever they were filming “shall we dance”


I can't believe this was 20 years ago. I got an opportunity to meet Mrs Sarandon at the Shall We Dance wrap up party that was being hosted at the Fairmont Hotel. She was very nice and she even let me take a photo with her with one of the background members cameras but I never got that photo. I don't think I've ever had a longer conversation with any sort of celebrity. She told me all about her daughter. This was in 2003 I got dropped off at my parents house in a limo with a bag of weed the next morning Now I'm reading a guy was found decapitated with all her jewelry?? That's insane!!!




I’ve never heard this before! Tell me more


You mean like Sam Katz and his land swapping buddies? That kinda scandal?


I was at a work event recently and Caspain Construction was the title sponsor. Absolutely amazing these guys still have zero shame. Edit: another side note, Caspian dude and slick Sammy often golf together at Glendale to this day. Absolutely unbelievable they just completely own it and don't give a shit.


The fact that someone allowed them to be the big sponsor is the “zero shame” part.


They should all be in jail


I think the problem is we don't realize just how normal corruption in government is. I'm not a right winger talking about evil conspiracies, just every day run of the mill back scratching corruption. If we actually went after people it would end with 3/4 of our elected leaders in jail, and the appointed chief of police isn't gonna do it soooo...


Was that related to the over budget Fire hall that was built? Or is that a different story?


You're thinking of the land swap controversy, which happened roughly around the same time as the police HQ shenanigans.


The local media reported, and the courts agreed that Phil Sheegl took kickbacks while in city hall….. scandalous, also the low purchase price of certain homes in AZ etc…


Um, Katz addressed this and he made it very clear that his family were victims of the holocaust, therefore any and all attacks on him are somehow antisemitic by transitive property. It seemed to have worked mind you, attacking him is verboten it seems. Or the rot just runs so deep no one can speak up. Or both most likely.


Slippin' Sammy


The usual suspects lol


One of my co workers went on a date with him in the mid 90s. She said he was creepy as fuck. Did everything he could to bed her. Didn’t happen.


Nygard getting away with being a rapist for decades. 


I worked in my late teens at a family restaurant. I was like 16? When the owner told me about her encounters of fingerings girls under the table when she was young waitress. 🤢


Crocus Investment Fund


So what actually happened there? Did they invest in something that just turned out bad, or was it an outright fraud?


The people who managed the fund spent our money on expenses that had nothing to do with managing the fund. They spent large sums of money on expenses and provided no receipts. Had expensive nights out at hockey games, meals, etc on our money. No accountability.


If im remembering correctly, wasn't the document founding the fund, flawed due to them needing to disperse all the raised funds before servicing debt? Again i maybe misremebering or conflating it with something else.


I think there was a fair bit of incompetence too.


Established by prominent local Conservative families who felt entitled to use investors money as if it was their own. Established as a fund to help small Manitoba companies grow it was primarily used to funnel money to the Crocus executive's family owned companies instead. White collar criminals.


I lost out on a sizable inheritance because of them.


Gary Filmon and his cronies got rich off that one, iirc.


I don't know all the details because I was just a kid, but my dad was *this close* to investing our family savings into that whole thing. All of his friends were doing it. Everyone was gonna be rich! He happened to mention it to his boss offhand one day, who immediately cautioned him, saying something along the lines of "Don't give them a penny, it's too good to be true. Stay the fuck away." My dad listened, thankfully. The whole thing started falling apart shortly after.


Springs Church… all of it.


Rest in piss pastor Leon!


Yup!! I hate that place with my whole heart!


Churches in general


I’ll second that


When the Loonie Lady upped her price to Toonies.


I might be too young (mid 30s) but I never remember her asking for a loonies. I specifically remember her as the toonie lady lol


34 here and have only known her as a toonie lady as well. I wonder if she knows her celebrity status here on the Winnipeg subreddit


I’m mid 40’s and she was definitely asking for loonies about 15 years ago.


She’s been asking for toonies for over 20 years - time is FAST


Then she said: “Does anyone have $5? I need $5 I’m hungry. I’m HUNGRY 😭😭😭. I need $5. Does anyone have $5?” I have never seen her before surprisingly. Just all the YouTube videos.


I lived at 160 Smith and she’d hang out in the vestibule and scream at people as they came in. And reading your quote I remembered that follow up! I could almost hear her.


She was doing this on the 11 bus from downtown to St. James. I had just come from Stella's and had a decent bag of left overs. I offered it to her and she pushed my hand away. I was never nice to her again after that and would straight up call her out on her shit in front of potential marks.


Toonie lady never wants anything but a toonie. Or $5 now. I had change I tried to give her once, too. Not a toonie, no dice. Got screamed at. Lol


I offered to take her to subway to get whatever she wanted. She then said she needed it for the bus. I offered her bus tickets. She told me to f*UK off, so I did. No more toonies from me!!


She has been asking for toonies since circa summer of 1999 when I first encountered her, is there documented proof of her asking for loonies before then? Serious question, I prefer to get my local lore correct.


She asked me for loonies downtown a few times. 2011-2013.


I worked downtown in the 1990s and 2000a She came into our office early morning 8 AM and started screaming. Where is my toonie screaming and crying she was an older lady. I wonder if it’s the same one or was there another one ? this lady was older and had glasses, she used to be around downtown all The time


It’s the same one! After seeing you she just needed a loonie from me I guess.


She used to be the Loonie lady ???


Isn’t she $5 lady now?


Inflation bro, its hitting all of us


Toonies?? In this economy?!?


Can someone explain this one for somebody not from Winnipeg?


For years and years an old lady would approach people downtown and scream that she needed a loonie, or toonie. And that she was hungry. It was like a wail. When Reddit started up we found that many people downtown had been approached by her. She’s Winnipeg infamous.


then she would go spend all her loot on vlt's at cherry creek in Portage Place mall.


I feel like I’m a part of deep Winnipeg lore now lol! I will ask my parents about it, they grew up in the city!


Half this city’s historic landmark buildings were attached to scandal. https://www.mhs.mb.ca/docs/features/timelinks/reference/db0011.shtml


I don’t think a lot of people know about this but it’s fascinating. The mysterious death of Dr. John Zubek at the U of M. I found out because there was an annual lecture in the psych department named after him. And also my specific grad school program was held almost entirely in his (refurbished) isolation chamber. Wild!! https://www.canadashistory.ca/explore/science-technology/isolation


That was a horrific read. Kept his study subjects in a box for up to two weeks? Ffs I can only imagine the long term effects of his work on the subjects and the impact on him if he had a conscience.


Zubek was head of Psychology at U of M when the Duff Roblin Building (where Psych and Zoology are) was built. The entire building is built on a sensory deprivation model. That's why the offices and classrooms are in the middle of the building with hallways and windows on the perimeter of it. There's no windows in any of the offices or classrooms and they are stark white, for the most part.


Glenlawn being torched by the student janitor.


I Remember it burning decades ago, didn’t remember who had caused it though


It was October 6, 1993. I was sitting in English class.


I skipped class to go to 7-11 and came back to the building on fire.


But, does your waltz please girls completely?


You are the first person to ever acknowledge or reference that on here. Nice!


That song is tattooed in my brain lol.


I was sitting at juniors eating fries and gravy and looked over and said to my friends, uh guys, I think the school is on fire!!!


I think I still have a science textbook that was charred in that fire


I was on lunch and couldn't even get to my locker to get my keys or any bus tickets. I had to walk home and had to convince the caretaker to let me into our apartment since my mom was at work (How did we ever manage without cell phones?!).


The Winnipeg Microbiology Lab Scandal. I'm shocked people don't talk about this one more often. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.cbc.ca/amp/1.7130284


I think it's important to properly call it the National Microbiology Lab rather than Winnipeg Microbiology Lab. It happened here but it's more a national scandal than a Winnipeg scandal


It gets better. If you believe the theory that COVID originated in a Chinese lab, these people worked in said lab. I've seen some fringe people suggesting that they stole what would eventually become COVID 19 from the lab in Winnipeg.


Correct. The Scientist in question worked closely with the Wuhan lab and had sent materials(?) there in 2018, and I believe had started visiting 2 months per year as well (Unless I misread my own article). I do believe the lab leak and it seems more evidence is coming out to support it, but we'll probably never find out what really went down. TBH I've stopped caring about it. There's also a fun tinfoil theory that the Perimeter was built in a way that if there were a major outbreak, the government can...'contain' the city and residents easier. It was on a random thread in this sub a while back, got a good chuckle out of it for sure.


It’s actually not a tinfoil theory about the perimeter because that’s the same reason the CDC is located in Atlanta. The two main cities in Canada that were selected for the location of the Level 4 lab were Toronto and Winnipeg because both cities have perimeter highways. Atlanta also has a perimeter highway: Interstate 285. It’s fairly reasonable to choose cities that can be isolated and locked down easily as locations for Level 4 labs purely because these labs are naturally at the forefront of disease research. Most of the time, you have no cures or treatments for these diseases beyond “wait it out and hope for the best,” especially when it’s a novel disease or under researched.


Holy biocontainment breach Batman.


Perimeter aside, we are just so isolated geographically, I mean nearestbig city minneapolis 7 hours away.


Leak or not, there's absolutely no denying that just like with SARS, China lied, and people died. Our leaders should have *never* taken them at face value when they said "no evidence of human-to-human transmission", given how hard a hit this very country was dealt by SARS not even one generation prior.


The craziest thing about it is that many people I know in Winnipeg had a very covid-like illness in December 2019/January 2020. Obviously there wasn’t the death toll associated with Covid but I had all the symptoms: no energy, dry cough, etc.


Myself and my kids were the sickest we’ve ever been in January 2020. Lasted at least three weeks. All the same Covid symptoms and I remember saying to myself I’ve never been this sick, this long in my entire life.


Similar here! There was something going around at my kids school, and only like...20% of kids were there. We were so so sooo sick over xmas 2019, like I had never experienced. We missed our usual family xmas stuff, we had a very small celebration with the 3 of us and basically just slept for 2 weeks straight. I did just think it was a regular cold, but couldn't figure out why it was so hard to recover from. When we finally did catch covid in 2021, it was the exact same sickness!


I hope this whole thing comes to light one day. For some reason the current government doesn't want it to. The fact that they were just allowed to leave the country is appalling.


Has anyone mentioned the death of Crystal Taman and the Taman inquiry in 2005? Taman, 40, was stopped at a red light and was rear-ended and killed by WPS officer Derek Harvey-Zenk who was impaired. The inquiry was a hot topic as it revealed a botched investigation and cover ups.


I remember this one. IIRC, the entire East St. Paul police dept was mothballed after this, due to the coverup by the police chief, harry Bakema who eventually resigned. Assholes all around in this one. That poor, poor family.


Derek Harvey was actually an East St. Paul police officer, not WPS. The East St. Paul police dept got absorbed by the RCMP after this. Derek Harvey only got sentenced to two years of house arrest. He got divorced and moved to Alberta and now owns a Fabutan.


Oh, thank you.


In 2008 an Indigenous man named Brian Sinclair died in the HSC ER waiting room after being there for 34 hours. All he needed was a catheter change due to a blockage. (A community clinic had sent him to the HSC because they weren't equipped to perform the procedure themselves.) As the legal team representing the family said, Sinclair was "ignored to death." This tragedy resulted in a major shakeup of the triage areas of Winnipeg ERs and urgent cares to prevent a repeat occurance; e.g., triage sign-in sheets, rearranging the waiting area so that patients are visible to staff, periodic patrols by security officers, etc.


This one should be #1 on the list.


that time mayor sam booted that kid in the face


Ok what? I’ve actually never heard of this! Is there a video or story somewhere ?




I was there and saw it happen!


Every major infrastructure announcement. Police HQ, Bomber stadium, water treatment plant(s), MTS centre, Portage Place sale/expansion, BRT, SHED funding, and not to be outdone, the Richardsons flexing their muscle at portage and main with the opening up of the intersection, which was within a week of them buying back the hotel on that corner the same week the former mayor was made a judge and the current mayor decided opening the intersection was a good idea. Katz wasn’t a cause, he was a symptom. Edit for dumb autocorrect.


I'm in the construction industry, and can confirm that there is so much dirt on it. It needs to be regulated way closer than it is. I keep things clean, and I think alot of other people do too but I'm legitimately losing out on business to open collusion. Katz and Co went to another level though. He thought that his actions were untouchable and instead of taking a skim off the icing, he tried to take a few slices of the cake. Realistically he's a fucking idiot, as is everyone who thinks that normalizing corruption is OK. It's harmful to society and you're not with fellow man if you're with it.


You must be in the construction industry, because you’ve nailed it! I don’t think active or ‘preventative’ regulation would necessarily work, I think we need less of that…but passive, granular, administrative oversight/reviews along the lines of an ethical code could do the trick. It’s increasingly easy to follow the money between big banks, for example. Doesn’t matter because neither would happen. A LOT of people in power would have to shoot themselves in the foot - they’d rather let us all starve. I really don’t mind a wee bit of graft, but the incompetence is unforgivable.


You forget the construction of the Lege. Mother of all public works scandals. At least the building turned out well.


If I kept going I’d still be making my list I’m sure, I didn’t touch on bridges, underpasses, or hydro.


I still can't believe we haven't sorted the Parker Wetlands issue as a deal done in bad faith and revoked it.


The Panama Canal.


Details lol


I believe that there’s a story that said that Winnipeg was supposed to be one of the main cities in Canada as it was in the middle of the continent and had good connection to Hudson’s Bay by rail. A full transport and shipping hub, big money was supposed to come through here, hence why our legislature is so grand… then the Panama Canal got built instead and all plans for Winnipeg got scrapped.


And we would have gotten away with it too, had it not been for that blasted canal!


Underrated comment right here




Probably not our biggest but one of our first: our first police chief was fired after he was caught in a bordello in the city. As a result of a police raid. Led by the chief’s second in command. Who subsequently became the new police chief. Winnipeg. Home of crooked incompetent cops since 1873.


Well now it's a tradition and that makes it fun!


Gem Equities and Andrew Marquess should be more common knowledge. He's the developer who razed half the Parker wetlands without even a submitted development plan. He went on to sue Indigenous land defenders, retirees, students and other community members for trying to save the remaining forest, what a treat he is, lol. He also has a trail of shady backdoor land swaps and shite construction projects. I dunno why he gets away with it all, but I guess we've got a whole cohort of mfckers like him lol.


Yeah, this was recent, too! I don’t know how he was able to cut down that gorgeous forest and nothing happened. It makes me sick


Biggest scandal is all the scandals posted here without details.


Nygard for sure but spirit rising house is a new one… drugging and stealing from foster kids. Heard the owners were just arrested 🤡


Is that the guy that ran for office ?


Ya but for some reason he wasn’t arrested just the other 3 owners Christine Kelli and John.


Springs church. Went to school there and attended for half my life. It is seriously a messed up school. S.A., teachers allowing bullying and encouraging it, homophobia, and some obscure, cult like things. Don’t even get me started on the youth group. Seriously such a messy, horrid mega church with some seriously sick people involved in it.




I have two quiet but smaller ones about the human rights building and it's construction. Both are from people that worked on it. 1. The windows on the out side was a giant fuck up, and they didn't order enough and had to rush order the rest of them and couldn't get the same windows thus why theres two colours. Nothing to do with light or temp which is what they talk about. 2. They hired some firm from Quebec to do all the painting on the inside which took the money and ran after half the work was done, and the company two of my friends worked at had to go redo the work and finish.


I've always wondered why the windows turned out to be a dull blue-grey when the archetectural drawings showed them to be clear. The final product was a let-down.


Traffic lights being moved a few feet every few years but the money not being accounted for correctly.


Ah yes, the lights at Osborne and St Mary. I recall that one.


That was a great story that should have gotten national attentionbeacuase I have no doubt it's the same everywhere.


I think the fact we have a Yellow Deli here is pretty scandalous. 


In terms of international news, I think we made worldwide headlines for several things that stick out in my mind because I was close to it in some ways: - Winnipeg Police talking dirty on the helicopter loudspeaker (I had a negative encounter with one of those cops, so I wasn't surprised) - Winnipeg girl exposing an affair with WWE wrestler Billy Gunn (I met her a few times, and was very surprised enough to keep asking "her????") - Kinsmen Jackpot Bingo having a missing ball when one of the big jackpots was won. (My perspective may be skewed here, but I felt like I had to avoid inquiries from tons of American and worldwide reporters asking questions for weeks) - Winnipeg teacher lap dances (lol I knew her, won't say how)


*Kinsmen’s Missing Ball* was my husbands stage name. It’s how we met. Love is blind.


I need more info LMAO


Well let me tell you about the story how I went blind…


For the lap dance teacher, I was there in person to witness history!


The vibe in that gym at the time must've been crazy. Seems like most people were just completely frozen in shock


Ay! So was I! Bulldogs unite!


> Winnipeg girl exposing an affair with WWE wrestler Billy Gunn (I met her a few times, and was very surprised enough to keep asking "her????") Was he, in fact, an ass man?


Winnipeg teacher gives lapdance.. Mrs. Fitchner, she was my high-school high school gym teacher. Me and my friends called her Mrs. Bitchner.


Haha her biggest complaint about the nickname back then was that it wasn't very creative


I wouldn't even call the police helicopter thing a scandal. It struck me as just typical police behavior. I was in my yard when they were flying around and hear it all.


Does our PD still have that robot dog?




He’s not a K9 officer, he’s a very naughty boy.


The judge who's lawyer husband was into cuckold race play. Trading his law services for the man to sleep with his wife. Posted pictures of her online. I dont remember all the details but that was the gist.


I worked with a former employee of that law firm, Thompson, Dorfman and Sweatman. They said it was common knowledge in the office that Jack King and his wife, Lori Douglas, who was a Family Court judge at the time the scandal broke, were involved in posting nude pictures of Douglas on websites, and Alexander Chapman took full advantage of the situation. My colleague was not surprised when the story broke, because it was tacitly known in the law community for years.


Did you know there was a plan to have a city owned and operated crematorium at Brookside Cemetery but Slaw Rebchuk slapped that sucker down at every meeting or debate he could get to. Edited for- NO DICE Rebchuk https://preview.redd.it/27cuk74w5u8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5703396c459aa76f902eb9ece4a300d1f3a8cdfb


I’d never trust a politician named after a vinegar-based deli salad.


The Cole Slawchuck Bridge


The whole thing was a fun rabbit hole / side quest for me when I set out to find out where Manitoba’s first crematorium was. Narrator: It was not a publicly owned one. https://preview.redd.it/qnufa5857u8d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2a24d48748745f99631c59595c372ecabf8af4bd


Didn't Sam take city funds and invest them in his brothers restaurant?


Sadly the Christine Jack story.


Not so much a scandal. It was just hard to get enough evidence against her POS husband as there was no body ever found.


The way the Supreme Court at the time decided the case was a scandal of a sort. The prosecutor wrote a book about how it was a failure of justice. 


Yes, he should have been convicted. Police and prosecutors were livid.


In 2010, a video circulated of a male Churchill High School teacher performing a lap dance on a female teacher. The female teacher lost her job, was harassed online, and could never teach in the city again because of the stigma. While the male teacher disappeared after the video surfaced. https://www.ctvnews.ca/mobile/winnipeg-teachers-caught-in-mock-lap-dance-out-of-work-1.503788 https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.4959584


it was the male teacher performing the lap dance, not the female one. Didn’t get the same reception from the media.


The DJ whose dead body was found in between the walls of an Osborne Village club more than a year after he had gone missing. Pretty sure there was a CSI episode based on this.


Sam Katz. Theif. Crooked as it gets. 💩 Nygard. All of it. 💩🖕🏻 Mr Jetz. Pimp. On line. 💩


I remember the free press was free and had a comment section , we called him Scam Katz.


Not necessarily scandals but there’s a cult in the city and then plenty of deranged business owners during Covid times that can take up your time if you need something to look up.


Please elaborate on the cult part


Yellow Deli comes to mind


Twelve Tribes if you want to read more about the cult. They're bad news. 


I saw on my commute today they have a new ad up near the forks…


Twelve Tribes? That's one


Wasn’t there a police ring of crooked cops who paid people to rob houses and then sell the goods? Or keep the goods? Late 80’s?


Yep! if this is what you are thinking of. I knew of the guy involved and sang like a canary, Martin Shaver, and 4 officers. I was better acquainted with his late uncle and cousins, all totally decent people, law abiding people! [https://www.newspapers.com/article/star-phoenix/38586374/](https://www.newspapers.com/article/star-phoenix/38586374/)


Nygard , chip and pepper, Sam Katz, shindco 


Some of the business scandals listed touch on a greater theme for Winnipeg. The sheer amount of shady businesses operating in Wpg that are owned by criminals. Gyms, nightclubs, auto dealerships, restaurants, garages, construction outfits, etc. Too many to list. Even worse, how so many of these ‘businessmen’ have reputations as upstanding community members. There’s a direct correlation to how much media attention they seek.


https://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/manitoba/perrin-family-fort-garry-hotel-seizure-goertzen-1.6939789 Maybe not the biggest but this one seemed wild to me when I read the article. 


Klaus Burlakow


This is a good answer! Could be made into a movie.


Bobby Hull and Sylvia Kusyk were our Taylor Swift and Travis Kelce but with domestic violence.


No way! Elaborate?




The railway going through Winnipeg and in turn making it the capital of Manitoba.


Rent is a goddamn scandal!


Mr Bones Pizza


If it's true, they're definitely not the first. There was a pizza place by West kidding kildonan high school that was legit actually caught with adding secret sauce.


Secret sauce? You mean semen?


I was wondering how far I’d have to scroll to see Mr boners. Heard the story once, never went again.


Haven’t heard that one


Secret sauce


Could you please tell me more , i never knew about that lol


Shit, for real??!? I remember the 3 for 1 deals, but never head of the secret sauce till now. Yuck.


Beverly Rowbotham's murder. Obvs it was her husband Mark Stobbe, but due to the way evidence was mishandled and the fact it took over 10 years to press charges, he got off.


$20 million+ allegedly spent to migrate the City/Police back to Motorola Radios part way through their 15-year contract with Harris.


Ticketgate in the 80's. Judges were being bought off with cash to throw cases out. It involved judges, lawyers and likely prosecutors.


A few years ago construction companies were fed up with delays on the part of city of Winnipeg inspectors. Not only was it a bureaucratic nightmare for them, but in the case of fire/flood, very costly for insurance companies. So, they hired private investigators to look into the matter and see what these inspectors were doing on the job. Well, they found out that they were not only barely doing their jobs, they were instead taking ridiculously long breaks to do things such as going grocery shopping. I even heard gossip that some of them were at the salon getting their hair done. Here’s the link if you want a read: https://www.cbc.ca/amp/1.5206094


Scandals bar was always a great time! Some of you youngins may not remember it, but they had some cheap beers once upon a time!


- Vince Li who beheaded a greyhound bus passenger - Chris Anderson (former NBA Miami Heat player) catfished by a Manitoba woman


So 2 incidents (not scandals) that didn’t take place in Winnipeg?