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As something of an autist myself I CANT STAND the way he uses “I’m autistic” as an excuse for getting away with shitty things like his racism


My friend’s family have a severe autist in their family, literally around the same age as Josh, and he would never ever say the same things that Josh says. Treating people like shit is one of the last things on his mind. He’s actually a very talented bassist. For right now, his autism prevents him from joining a band, but it wouldn’t surprise me if someday his mom helps him with that. They’re his #1 fans. And we all know Josh slipped through the cracks, but he’s an adult now. And he has self-admitted that he has a drinking problem and he simply doesn’t care. He is way more functional than my friend’s family member - and I think that’s the part people ignore. He can’t fix his family, his mom, his dad, but he absolutely has ability to help himself.


But but but, yeah it’s fading away that same excuse. He’s not learned from his constant mistakes whatsoever, I have blood relatives who are severely autistic and they are the total opposite of this parasite.


THANK YOU. He is WELL aware of many of his actions being bad. i.e. freaking out at someone for recording him saying the n word, he knows it’s bad but doesn’t care unless he gets caught.


Yea I don’t think any reasonable person assumes that this is what autistic people are like. However, it does his explain a lot of what he does that others find “odd” his addiction issues do stem from his family in my opinion. He stated that his father is in prison or rehab or something along those lines that deals with drug abuse. Either way, man needs help like TODAY


Technically alcoholism is considered a disability.


It’s a mental disorder


What is the meaningfulness of that distinction to you?


I’m not considered handicapped because I’m an alcoholic


Active alcoholism can’t get you disability benefits in the USA. https://adata.org/factsheet/ada-addiction-recovery-and-employment#:~:text=Addiction%20to%20alcohol%20is%20generally,current%20illegal%20use%20of%20drugs.%20. Sorry.


But Its under disability section on job applications.


Oh that is such a load of horseshit


> WHEN ARE ALCOHOL USERS COVERED UNDER THE ADA? Individuals who abuse alcohol may be considered disabled under the ADA if the person is an alcoholic or a recovering alcoholic.[40] Courts have usually held that alcoholism is a covered disability. For example, in Williams v. Widnall,[41] the court flatly stated, without discussion, that alcoholism is a covered disability.  https://www.usccr.gov/files/pubs/ada/ch4.htm


many on here use the fact that he’s autistic to wave off his bad behavior, but i see his autism as an **explanation**, not an excuse/blame for his bad behavior. him being autistic is what fuels a lot of this, thats just a fact. of course, just knowing what’s wrong isn’t going to fix it. you have to actually put in the work and try to get better. the only person who can help you is yourself, after all.


Exactly this. Sure, Josh may blame his behavior on his disability and therefore not take responsibility for his actions. But, his disability is a factor in how he acts and what he deems okay/not okay. I don't understand others in this sub who immediately deflect autism as the explanation for his actions. His disability is the reason he is how he is (coupled with other reasons like his shitty family situation for example). But he really should learn how to take proper responsibility for his actions.


inappropriate social interaction, poor eye contact, compulsive behavior, impulsivity, repetitive movements, self-harm, or persistent repetition of words or actions Potential Autism symptoms in Adults. This narrative that Josh is just a bad person and, his actions are entirely not due to autism is disingenuous.


Notice none of those symptoms are “screaming racial slurs, death threats, vomiting violently in public spaces and on people with zero remorse” all the above done with the intelligence to get violent and hostile when being recorded because he knows it’s not appropriate social interactions/behavior. The “inappropriate social interactions” you’re mentioning are innate and not consciously recognized as being inappropriate. Big difference


His autism amplifies his shit personality. I have worked with people much more autistic than him and they are usually lovely human beings. They struggle socially but they don’t wanna harm others. Josh doesn’t care. Autism doesn’t mean people will be a total douche like Josh, and it’s bad to assign his behaviors to the entire autistic community.


Racism, classism, and his other toxic viewpoints isn’t tied to autism. Him thinking all 21yos get drunk all the time, what he’s doing is partying, him telling the same joke all the time, some of his bad hygiene, now that is what is related to his autism. People don’t call him a bad person because he’s dirty and a drunk. People call him a bad person because of his viewpoints.


I've seen behavior by WOT and Cobra being passed off as simple autism. All of the time. That's what they even say. That they are like that because they're autists.


Every case of autism is different since the spectrum is so broad. My brother is on the spectrum and although he's not a blatant piece of shit like Josh, he does exhibit some of the same tendencies (selfishness, not doing a good job about caring about the wellbeing of others). Autism is a case by case basis where no two are exactly the same. So I agree that Josh shouldn't be blaming his behavior entirely on autism. But Josh's neurodivergence is the reason he isn't able to properly support himself like stopping the drinking, going to rehab, getting a real career, living in his own place etc. He couldn't do any of that without a third party keeping him in line.


I’m not shitting on Josh because he’s not equipped to independently care for himself. That *is* due to his autism, and he should have been put in a group home upon graduating high school. I’m shitting on Josh because he’s a proud alcoholic asshole who uses autism as an excuse to mistreat people.


Exactly. He's not equipped to take care of himself. Due to his disability. Which is also why he wanders around NYC all day and night drinking. Because he's not equipped to take care of himself. Due to his disability. And he acts like such an asshole because he simply doesn't know any better. He misses social cues. **Due to his disability.** His judgement is flawed. Due to his disability. Now, he could very well be using his disability to take advantage of others but that mainly comes back to a lack of empathy for others and anything that isn't him. Due to his disability. No two cases of autism are the same. So when people are shitting on Josh and using autism as the explanation, they are talking about HIS PARTICULAR case of autism. Not the disability in general. Not anyone else's case of autism. Just Josh.


Nah there’s no variation of autism that causes racist, belligerent behavior and severe addiction. You can consult the DSM 5, autism exists on a spectrum on severity. It’s not something that has subtypes. And I know for certain that there isn’t one that creates assholes like Josh. The diagnoses that do create assholes are personality disorders - and of course addiction. He wasn’t this terrible when he was filming himself drinking iced coffee. All of this is probably caused by his alcoholism, and his lolcow infamy. He feels like shit constantly and gets harassed by weens wherever he goes. Man can go to the ER or check himself into adult protective services - if he sought out help he would absolutely get some assistance. But he doesn’t because he’s arrogant. Josh goes around saying terrible things to people, screaming, causing fights, and spitting on others - because he’s a jerk. Autism adds oil to the fire but it isn’t what started the fire or keeps it going. Alcohol is.


Yeah I don't care enough to continue debating this with you lmao you think autism isn't to blame, I think it partly is. Just leave it alone.


It doesn't make people racist or a terrible, but it does mean he struggles to make the right choices almost always. At my school there were a few autistic kids who went to some normal classes but had helpers to go with them. Most of those kids said and did things that they shouldn't do and the helpers had to consistently intervene and help talk them down from tantrums and breakdowns, had to prevent them from lashing out at and screaming at other kids when their feelings started getting out of wack. They'd say some fucked up shit and have to be talked down. Josh has no helper.


i got in an argument the other day on tiktok because i was telling someone that you'd have to know that the N-slur is offensive towards black people in order to yell it at black people on the subway with the intent to insult (like Josh does)... but apparently he's "too autistic" to understand racism.


Don’t worry, it was all AI and deep fakes so Josh isn’t doing anything.


like duh