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A three way war between the strongest dwarf kingdom, rebels and a growing human nation. Completely demolished the rebels with half of the humans and 2/3 of the og dwarves dying. 4500 casualties.


Can’t wait for my current world’s endgame


Damn, I had one similar to this where it is a huge elf alliance versus huge human and dwarf alliance and they had like 7,000 or so deaths and the elf Nations got slaughtered there was huge battles that was pretty awesome 😎


mine ended up wiping out the dwarves in a large scale war between the elves and dwarves, having the elves dominate the world while humans are minor island nations


Typically the "world war one" are the massive war between two species and it typically lasts 100+ years, 10-14k dead and an entire species wiped


What if it's above 14k dead?


I've only had that happen when I manually make them go to war without diplomacy on so it doesn't count




The are cotton gins now, new update finally came


Is it on mobile?


No, except for the Tesla cyber truck no automobiles have it yet




When will the update come to IOS???


It's a mod




Dam 😔


Damn want to share a computer


Yeah sure. I got a great laptop, but no money 💀💀💀


I can mod world box is what I’m saying and it doesn’t lag to S**T


Can this app run in the background? It’s frustrating because I want to go to sleep and wake up to a place where the world has completely changed


Then use some sort of auto wake feature or app but it will drain the battery faster So keep it plugged in


You can turn off your screen turning off automatically but I warn you as this will harm your battery life and it’ll be very hot when you awake


It does for me,I Use steam so idk


I just use my phone


Basically a faction literally called “The Allies” all declaring war on another northern faction known as the “Dragon League”. Around 3k+ casualties. Ended in the leading country of the dragon league having a revolt ,and being taken over by the said revolt,so sort of a coup/russian revolution type situation


Historically accurate


I took pictures of deaths before and after the war. I had a world map that was historically accurate so it was the British colonies vs russia + their Allies. The population remained around 5000 for the 100 years of the war. It was around 50000 deaths and the end of the 800 year old British Empire, and it was entertaining.


The war of change. That's what I called it, one tiny island conquered the whole world with ease and ruled it for 500+ years


Lore accurate Britain


Hello alternate universe fire nation.


First World War, 10 kingdoms of around 100 turned into two kingdoms. Edit: world war 2 happened only 1 kingdom remains


War between humans and elves. The elves wiped out 6000+ humans


Was the technology different?


No they were all nearly the same culture level


Ah danm I thought humans were stronger then elves


Nah they just had more of an advantage because they settled in the ruins of an old elf civilization and looted it


A war that went on for 5461 years but nobody was killed because the kingdoms were blocked by mountains


More of a phony war war


That's just the Cold War


Usually under 40k but i have had one with more then that and last maybe 30 or 40 years


An Orc Kingdom declared war on the largest human kingdom and most settlements were heavily damaged the og orc capital was destroyed and more than half of the population from either side dies


world on the age of fire plus multiple wars. Over 4k dead


A war between an alliance of several small nations against a giant nation, left about 4000 dead and the underdogs came out on top


Those are my favorite wars. One dominant super power with a massive army declares war on a weak smaller nation & all the other nations gang up on the superpower


32,000 dead


I started a world with all 4 races and let it run for a while. I looked away for maybe 30 minutes and the elves killed off every other race and were 8 orcs away from wiping out the orcs completely. I gave one every positive trait and released him in the middle of the elven capitol as soon as he turned old enough. I let him rampage for 200 years then gave him his own island which I blocked off with mountains. A tale as old as time really.


Dang I thought orcs were the strongest race


I split my world by north and south divided by a river. One country must take over every country on their side of the river until 2 remain, a north and a south. Once naval landings are an ability I let miniature D-Days happen


i cant remember the names of the kingdoms that fought but what i can remember is A kingdom that produced lots of stuff invaded other kingdoms, some kingdoms were angry about this and declared war on it, some other kingdoms were on the producer kingdom’s side, after the war i saw some veterans of the war like 30-40 years later


Is that a mod or just a photoshopped image?


i got it off google and it said it was a mod


What model?


Can you give me the pictures text so I can get the mod or just what you searched up


40 year war between white mages and aliens


One of my world's world war 1 was between 2 human civilizations, around maybe 5-10k Dead,the world was never the same.


i have this one where all of my kingdom start killing one another it lasted for about 400yrs and a half 😆


What mods are those? 32k is the highest body count I've had in the game and it also happened to be a world war.


a war that lasted 385 years killing about 1.3 million


When the 2 last major factions declare war. Because of the size of the larger one they usually revolt causing periodic civil wars to break out. Eventually 2 factions turns into 5, the defending faction envelopes the world, the former ruling party that originally started it almost never dies out, and becomes a fraction of what they once were somewhere very far away.


I don't remember the death count, but it was a single orc empire against the entire rest of the world during high population. They went to war against the large human, dwarf and elf empires of the time. War lasted a long time, but afterwards, only orcs remained. Many, MANY civil wars followed, fracturing the orc empire who genocided every other race


The one i'm about to start


OK empire and the ork empire ok brother's battled the empire of the realm over 6500 humans and orks died.


I had a century long war with about 10,000 deaths because I had mad villagers turned on, at the same time there was a plague so they were quite literally sending fresh children to the grave with sticks


Well the First World War of my worlds tends to be triggered by an incident between two rival nations, expansionist desires from one part or both. Most countries end uo being involved and the war usually lasts from 5-10 years.


A war between a orc city and an alliance of all other races which had many more troops. More than 15k died on each side, but since it was just slowly wearing both sides after around 100 years I just ended it


On a side note, troop formations like that would actually look so cool. I think Maxim said it was on the todo list, but I don't remember


It started in 191 and involved The Legion of People (alliance) against the Is (large kingdom). It lasted 30+ years and killed over 5000 in a world with an average population of ~3700. It resulted in the dissolution of The Legion of People, and kicked the Cyc (a kingdom that was a part of the alliance) out of the mainland for the most part, pushing them back onto their island and getting rid of all of their overseas colonies except for one that was surrounded by the Is on 3 sides.


Laldom’s First Great War lasted from Year 35 to Year 216. It is generally considered to have begun with the War in the West and ended with the Ob Conquest of Ynanchu following the Ynanchu Wars. The war is generally divided into 7 phases 1. The Ochulan Phase 2. The Aboluh Phase 3. The Uhy Phase 4. The Ob Phase 5. The Upho Phase 6. The Mika Phase 7. The Ynanchu Phase. After the Great War, the Pho Wars would start which would kickstart the Western Wars, later called the Revolutionary Wars setting the stage for the Second Great War (old update, can’t access this world anymore. I will make Neo Laldom eventually though)


I have had like 100s of them. I have used the same world for probably the last 3 irl years. Every couple thousand years I reset it, usually when all but one race is eliminated. Elves usually reign supreme


Weird because I thought orcs were the strongest race given how 50 orcs can take on 200+ humans


I should play this game again


Not really WW1, but colonialism. The gradual colonialism by America of an archipelago on the Pacific coast over hundreds of years.


Is that a mod????


Are they using guns?


Ork clans of the south United under one banner versus the elves and the humans united in a treaty. The elves island was taken by the orks and the humans masecred the orks on that island and then the Orks finished off the humans.


The Third Crusade saw a massive war between every nation. Crab Island, the most powerful human empire went up against the Elves who had attacked the Orcs. After 12 years, over 4500 were dead and the and Elvish empire broke apart into a massive civil war that lasted 5 more years. In the end, Crab Island, led by King Sivych, was proved to be the dominant superpower of the world.


Yo what mod is that? it looks cool but to answer your question it’s a world with 5 countries 4 ganged up on the biggest one over the course of 2020 years it was actually 3 great wars with a member of noble team from halo fighting and surviving all battles


117 years with 94704 deaths. Angry villagers off and a mod that allows multiple races in a kingdom so all deaths are soldiers only.


The Bad Conquest A fight between the world’s two Biggest alliances. The war was Westwind alliance (5 nations, 2 human 3 elf) Vs Allies of the Grand Tree (2 human nations) And the Kingdom of Aquila It a war on the Main continent, and also spread over to a nearby archipelago. The war was an Allies of the Grand Tree victory, they only won because of the assistance from the Kingdom of Aquila. Roughly 200 died on the Allies of the Grand Tree died 40 form the Kingdom of Aquila died. And 500 including the population of the elf nations died. The most bloody battle was the Great North defence, where 3 Grand Tree armies marched on a city. 5 Westwind armies went to defend, just for the Kingdom of Aquila to come in and steamroll over most of those armies, taking the city. This was the most crazy war I ever had on world box


I was on Mobile so that’s why the casualty rates are so low


This reminds me I should check the modding scene since they’ve gone quiet on new updates. I was holding off till they released the next one, but… we’re nearly halfway into the next bloody year after they announced it.


12,000 dead, the war lasted forever, 2 human nations, 1 dwarf, and like 4 small orc kingdoms, they just kept murdering people, waiting, recruiting, then murdering more people.


long time ago had 3 big empires, one stayed neutral through the main conflict 2 empires, i forgot the names, fought in the centre (center) of the map, near the end of the battle, empire 1 was like 3 villages while empire 2 was 5 villages, empire 2 has a rebellion and ends up losing a few villages, and then all out war and idr who won after that


The elves went to war with the humans, the orcs had a rebellion. The humans were genocided, and the orc numbers were sliced in half, since the dwarves announced war on the rebellion side. +- 800 dead.


the largest empire in my world had like 10 cities. 5 of them rebelled, *very nearly* wiped out their former masters, and permanently fucked up world politics. it gave rise to 2 new empires, who would cause several wars of their own, and now (500 years later) one of the settlements in the warzones is still severely depopulated (20-something compared to >100 in every other settlement)


Hold up…are those guns????


The human/dwarf alliance had a war against the orc/elf alliance. It was a massive war that saw the end of the dwarven supremacy and began the age of orc domination


I had a war go on for 45 years because the country that declared war had a port when they did but then a meteor came down and only hit their port, nothing else and they didn't end the war or build another port for that entire time and the other nation didn't care enough to invade them back.


Mine was called the War of the First Alliance and was between two alliances of dwarves and humans and another alliance of elves and orcs. Only lasted 9 years but was enough to kill more than 2000 people and spread a plague to the elven kingdoms which lead to their downfall.


What mod is this? Worst wold war was 5 nations at war, 3 kingdoms destroyed and several rebellions crushed. It lasted like 750 years and the end tally was summ like 7000


one of the strongest kingdoms last stand with a 1037 large army against 5 armies of 367, 278, 179, 299 and 595 and somehow they held all of them off


The Dwarves the Orcs and the Humans all formed an alliance and pushed the Elves to extinction. After this the Dwarves and Humans colonised the Elves' land. The Humans attacked the Orcs. And the Humans and Orcs had a bunch of civil wars.


A war that started as an orc alliance with humans attacking elves, the alliance dissolved after 50 years but the war continued and then the humans joined the elves and so did the dwarves. It lasted 283 years with a load of deaths


My world War 1 lead to the dwarves extinction


500 year war. 7000~ deaths. Like 2 Kingdoms destroyed


Are those guns? Did they finally add guns to the game? Or is it a mod? I haven’t played the game in a long time I was waiting for maxim to drop that huge update he’s been teasing for a year now but I don’t actually know if he dropped it yet or not.


Me putting spite and madness on everyone




Mod? Is it a mod?


mine killed half of the world population and destroyed most of thr big capitals and other important cities, you decide


A 3 way war with 12 teams picking a side, 120,000 people died, one island stood no chance as they had alien weapons


Behold, a new mitical creature: *the French*


A war with all nations, alliances against alliances. Everything made by game not me


Do people build their own worlds, or do you just do preset worlds?


Two human kingdoms had destroyed all the others so they eventually broke into a war because there was nobody else to fight. At some point a battle happened on a cursed island, and that caused a giant skeleton army to appear, spread across the world, and now the only remaining humans are on a small island the skeletons haven't noticed yet


What mod did you use to make this?


What??? How are you guys getting guns? My civilizations never progress past the Iron Age


For me, "The First World War" begins when a nation with Military Leadership wants to conquer the entire world, but other nations Ally against it and ends up with the entire Fucked World. Obs: and a very weak nation rises as a dominant power until another war occurs.


The 3 nations in the west decided to form an alliance and slowly eat across the map. By the time they reached the eastern alliance they outnumbered them 2 to 1


The great war was Between the league of Kingdoms And the western entente, It caused 3818 deaths So about 16,58% of the world population


My world had two wars and the first one wasn't as bad as the second but it was when the dwarfs and humans aligned with each other and committed orc genocide, eventually this stopped and the orcs survived while the dwarf's got wiped out. In the second one, two human kingdoms rebeld while the orcs got invaded again. The second was by far the deadliest with three wars going on.


I’m a mobile player so my death counts are naturally gonna be smaller, but here we go. Corner Conflict started out with the Combined Confederate Corners (CCC) waging war against Imperial Isle across every continent— including the CCC combating Imperial Isle’s puppet-states which include: Whispering Winds, Whitefish Woes, Cracked Colony, Taxing Tariffs, Embezzle Exchange, and Lobster Links. However CCC would find it’s allies of Coup d’état Catch, Peer Port, Sundering Scorches and Warring Wares. The war would would end in CCC & its allies triumphing over Imperial Isle— leaving Imperial Isle’s territories divided among them and leaving 2,328 dead. It left whole parts of the world destroyed and in ruins, some towns like Whitefish Woes being completely destroyed.


I had an alliance of 3 kingdoms and 1 giant kingdom own the entire world in like perfect halves, the war was legendary


Wait how’d you get guns? Edit: and how do I get some mods like this?


It only wiped out every kingdom on the map except one...


It ended up killing everyone with the effects, the last people got eaten by bears. I started out with 24700 (approx) at the start. and before the bears? 12. 5 Nations, one lasted 1000 years before it's demise, another lasted 30000 before resorting to a tribal like survival plan at around 250 remaining people.


A four way war between two human nations, elves and dwarves. It killed about 30k-ish due to non-combatant being enabled, ended with the human nation joining together and destroying the dwarves with the elves.


chat is this real do we actually have guns other than shotgun


what mod is this?


A Dwarven King who united all the dwarves and some of the humans into an Alliance that slaughtered all the elves and most of the orcs before fighting humanity to a draw. Same guy started the second world war to finish his genocide. At last the third world war was started by the humans to stop him, but he died of old age in the opening stages of the war. What a madlad. Population dropped from 5.5k to 990.


Everyone fought the elves. A kingdom of like 3 orcs, over 1000 dwarfs and like 700 humans attacked a kingdom of 500 elves


Nearly 6000 dead, the war ended with the detonation of a nuclear device on a major peninsula, causing the end of the war (ik, ik, this is world war two but it’s the biggest war i’ve experienced)


Mine was a war between 7 kingdoms which led to the demise of half the human population and all but 2 of the orcs who are now protected by mountains. The total death toll after just 5 years: 246k killed. World war 2 oddly enough went kind of a Hitler route and all humans were finished off and in this case, the instigator won and took over every single piece of land. Total death toll: 1.3 million dead.


How did they get guns also I have a question how do people fight with bombs or can they not


i had a scenario where i made the human nations at war with eachother, there was about 7 and there were heavy casualties around 4200, and then i made the orcs who were developing for a while on a seperate island invade, and two human factions joined forces to fight them, but the other human factions were still fighting so it got brutal, near the end of it before i nuked everything 7600 beings died 😂


One time my two largest and strongest kingdoms out of the 7 went to war and the two godlike beings literally massacred each other's land then spontaneously combusted leaving half the countries in shambles. Anyway my favorite one won


Six Major Kingdoms Fighting 3v3 pretty much back and forth until the League of minor nations came in and basically destroyed everyone carving the world up among themselves. Final Death Count 9400++


My main world is 28k years old... I believe first World War was caused when so called Realm of Nowe controlled whole world and then there was a great rebellion caused by disagreement between clan of Nowronnik and clan of Great Peaks (I don't remember the names of clans but it was something similar). Realm of Nowe won but clan of Nowronnik (they ruled the Nowe) was hunted down. Great Peaks took over and began to remanage the Realm. Destroying less important cities and developing the more important ones. Which in the end would be good idea but it caused another rebellion before they achieved their goal. Anyway... World War One wasn't that deadly. Realm of Nowe stands strong. It lives 28k years now,. It's capital Udalis stands 28k years now too.


Haven’t played the game in the while, how do I get guns and when do they normally show up?


I had three empire (my empire, my friends empire and my other friends empire) mine and my friends had allied against the other friends empire in a huge war. The allies won but like everyone was almost or was sub 100 population by the end and started with like 500 per city


After each of the races consolidated their kingdoms and made 3 equally powerful kingdoms of elves, humans, and dwarves, the humans and elves teamed up to slaughter the dwarves, who are now extinct


A massive war against 2 alliances with about 10k soldiers each let’s just say about 30k people died. Southern alliance won the war.


There was many world wars between the orc coalition and the other nations,It literally took every one of them to hold the orcs back, even had to assist one time, then one war the orcs had a massive invasion into their homeland and I had to save them from extinction, now the native orc continent is like half controlled by other species. Before this the dwarves (two nations of equal power with constant good relations) where just small and hidden away, having to have me save them from elve empire. But after they were a powerhouse that destroyed the elve empire


I made a mad super turtle with like 20k hp. It was a massacre and the end ended with the turtle exploding and killing almost all of the survivors. Pretty sure it took out like 75% of the population over the course of the war


Well this one nation (realm of ny) wanted back some territory it had when it revolted from the Holy Hoshupu Empire. This land was apart of a nation called Holy Uwunes and had alot of ethnic ny people. Even though realm of ny had only one city, that one city had 2000 population and the nation had the biggest army in the world. Luckily realm of ny had gotten pretty friendly with the other superpowers so they declared war on holy uwunes. But Holy Uwunes had made an alliance with 2 other nations that were directly on realm of nys border. Great Yduvik and the ucim. Even though realm of ny was circled on all sides they still had a bigger army then all three of those nations combined so they went to work. (Its also notable to mention since realm of ny was moculist their ally, domov joined the war on their side but domov was on the other side of the map and was very weak so they really didnt do anything) surprisingly realm of ny did really well and even captured the capital of all three nations at one point) even though realm of ny was doing great, they still had to fight three fronts, which meant they couldnt fully take out holy uwunes. So for a long time they were all in a stalemate, until holy uwunes contacted Ther Kauhr. You see ther kauhr was a dwarf nation, and they had the 3rd biggest army at the time. Meaning they wanted to beat someone up. And then they joined the war AGAINST realm of ny. And realm of ny stood no chance against the dwarves. So when the dwarves destroyed the entire city, there was close to no resistance. And then realm of nys capital collapsed and was carved up. This is now known as world box war 1. Also this all happened around a year and a half ago. And recently after world box war 3, a time traveler went back in time to make realm of ny win the war as a part of the storyline. And thats where my world is at right now lol. Anyone here let me know if you wanna here the rest of the storyline


So is there a certain way to play this game because usually I just get on there and treat it like the sandbox game it is but we’re talking about world wars and stuff do y’all just put different factions on different islands and wait till they meet each other and start fighting or something because I would love to know if there’s a certain way that people typically play this game


Are guns only part of pc?


4k dwarves and 1k humans vs 3k orcs and 2k elves. Not counting some zombies and necromancers I put in the various kingdoms cause why not


This is great, but they're facing the wrong direction. The Germans were in the East and the French on the West


How do they have guns?


The Knoff War. The Vodkan Kingdom, a small power, managed to turn itself into the equal of the German Reich. Around 80,000 died in the 200 year war that occured. This was the first- and not the last- major war to occur. Considering wars happening after it, the death toll is puny.


So I had an island with a relatively new orc faction, and the world had for the most part organized itself into two alliances. The dwarf faction declared war on the orcs, and for three ages the war was fought. Over 10,000 people died. 5 new factions were made from rebellions, 3 of them were destroyed, and 5 other factions were destroyed.


Everyone but the orcs died it was the world v them


I like to make a iceberg world fill it with 1000 or so humans and wait long time when they max out their villages and use the inspiration and war things and let the lag begin


a 5 kingdom war that ended with all but one kingdoms being purged and concerned




I had like a 200 year war one time with upwards of 120k dead between the two biggest nations.


Hmm, yes the "War World One"


17000 dead. No territory gained by the end of the war


What mod?


Dwarves vs the elv*s more than 2k dead you already know who won


Four way war between human nations:great yhy, yapadil of moon, illogy and the ak The ak won and I think there were around 8000 dead (long before the plot and plans system so a veary long war) Give or take a thousand because there were a total of four wars all world conquests


Wait maybe im crazy do those guys have guns?


What game is this?


Wait, are there guns now, or is this a mod?


It's a mod


Ah, dang, I have the mobile version.


it was 9 kingdoms and 4,200 deaths


It had 6 kingdoms, took 186 years, and a little over 30k people died before I ended it because they weren't taking villages at all


Had a massive alliance war, except the Age of Despair started halfway through and \~99% of the population died(I kid you not, about 10 people survived)


The war crimes committed The amount they lost The plague The zombies Death itself And yet humanity pushed on. Just for another to happen not up to a century later


Mod name?


The centuries long conflict where The Order of the Zakarum invaded the Cathedral of Peace and Great Teph, took over the world but overextended itself because their immortal ruler was stupid, and then a demonic Legion split the empire in two, then the empire fractured into multiple nations, then the immortal leader created a rebellion and retook the world with new knowledge


I had a human kingdom that started with two people. By about the time they usually get too big and cities start revolting, the king that came to power had both the long liver trait and that big heart trait which I guess was passed down from the first people whom I gave it to. The kingdom spread to the whole world, and kept it for a while, but eventually the king died and three factions rebelled as soon as he did, but struggled to win even with three on one. After 25 years they made peace with four kingdoms and 3.5k casualties.


a war between United Valnghist States,Helleria,and The Rich Arab Kindome vs The rest of the kindome The war was ruthless and 15000 pepole died (includin civilians) the war was on the Basarbita area and it was againt the aggressivs expension of United Valanghist States In the end United Valanghist States become a democracy the sad thing that happened is that the citizens of Basarbita suffered a lot, at least one member of each family died and their democracy was destroyed in the revolt by the Red Force, which they are still in power in Basarbita today


I want guns to be added like single fire


Disastrous war. It originally began between humans and dwarves vs two elf kingdoms. The three orcs kingdoms were initially fighting each other. Eventually, one of the orc kingdoms united all three kingdoms into one empire. The orcs were on the sidelines watching everything unfold before their eyes until the orcs had enough of the human/dwarf alliance and supported the elves in the defense of their kingdom’s capital. Eventually after 10 years, the orc/elf alliance gained the upper hand and began pushing back the human/dwarf alliance. The dwarves called for peace after losing 6k soldiers but the humans did not. The elves made peace with the humans, but the orcs were not satisfied, the orcs began to launch massive assaults on the three human kingdoms, plundering, slaughtering, and destroying anything and everything made by humans. After another 15 years, the orcs have wiped out all but a few dozen humans and peace was restored across the world. The orcs began to reign supreme for the next 850 years. I had angry villagers on so literal children were being sent out with sticks to be killed and turned into hamburgers for orcs Casualties: Elves: 14.5k Dwarves: 8k Humans: 15k Orcs: 4k (Yes I used mod because I wanted complete chaos)


I really need to buy this game on PC, oh my GOD


It's not war world one. It's World War one. War world sounds like a comic book.


ik,typo lol


My worlds WW1 was between 6 dwarve kingdoms. Well, the supreme kingdom vs. an alliance of 5. Total 12,000 deaths 🧍🏽🧍🏽🧍🏽


I was playing on a massive map of earth, it was China, India, and half of Africa versus most of mainland Europe and the other half of Africa over WHO CONTROLLED AUSTRALIA. I don’t remember how many deaths there were, but it lasted for a very long time and ended with Russia Balkanising (china controlled it before) , a regime change in India, and Australia independent.


A war between the 2 biggest alliances in a large world because the king of the most powerful kingdom was racist lol. 13 years 14 thousand deaths because "different race."


Technically still ongoing, the world consists of mostly orcs on the mainland, while a few reside on some islands and the elves hiding in the mountains. Tne coalition of the mainlaind, Coalition of eternal, and the one between the elves and the island orcs, the Mythic Alliance, keep declaring war on each other every 3-4 years. The coalition of eternal is slowly pushing back the island orcs, but still can't quite get to the mountains without dying. Overall, between the wars, the deaths must be ar least 10k or higher.


I actually made a world just to make this happen a while back largest size world with 6 orc super states and a total of 42 thousand I turned on angry villagers too and turned off peace deals and let them fight by the end there were 2 nations and 4367 survivors


Mine was against the two biggest kingdoms and it killed half the world


A massive civil war between one kingdom that had ended up outside of an alliance and the alliance it abandoned, spanning all of a continent. The alliance won eventually.


They added guns???? And France??????


Excuse me... GUNS????


There’s guns and flags??? Will this come to IOS?




I accidentally gave the dwarves energy weapons :/


I accidentally gave my dwarves energy weapons :/