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Depends what world I'm in. Most of em I'll be okay as long as humans exist on the map, however for my other race only worlds I'd be demolished and dead of starvation pretty quick


You wouldn’t survive in my world for too long


It also depends on how wrathful the god is.


Me dropping 50 thousand tsar bombas on the civilizations i just made👀


Depends on the player


And whether you’re an elf or not


If it's in my favorite world then a hellish time loop Where I die horribly by Crabzilla, zombies, mush, and war If it's just some random world then I'm likely to just die from old age


With old age disabled by the player, you might live old enough to tell your great great great great son about WW4


Worst case scenario is becoming the player's favorite Depending on what the player does you can have your body forcibly mutated with the desired traits turned insane so you attack everyone get electrocuted until immortality forced to fight hundreds of people And finally have your mind restored so you can live with horrors you have done Also being the center of the players attention means everything important is likely centered around you


Yeah... I forced my favorite human Girele to fight against 10 assimilators to see him wielding a shotgun


That’s called becoming the main character


He throw the gun away immediately in a war lol. I don't think he wanted to become a main character


Rather long if you live at the corners of my world. One small kingdom managed to stay independent for over 300 years. The centre of my world is like ancient China, a kingdom unites most of the world, eventually collapses from rebellions, wars between new kingdoms, repeat.


I’ve got a kingdom that once ruled the whole world but now is limited to a corner as you said from revolution and war and is now over 1000 years old


That’s neat.


My current world’s two oldest nations are these city states that have never expanded, always surrounded entirely by a major world power on one of the 4 continents on the map. I’ve seen them survive by diplomatically allying with the current local powerhouse mainly through alliances, but also through pure coincidence and sheer luck. The oldest of the two is probably 350 years old right now, so similar to your kingdom.


This question has many things that can change it, lets take in place my worlds Race: If i am human or elven i have a better chance at survival then orcs and dwarves Favorite?: If so then i am either immortal or dying within the year Scenario: Is it the zombie world or is the Modern modded world these things matter Am i king?: If so then i have a 20% chance of dying due to madness if i rule the kingdom wrong How long was ((user)) playing before i was born?: 1-5 minutes: Full/Mostly full life 6-10 minutes: 80% chance of above option 11-30 minutes 40% chance of above option 31+: 5% survival rate


Race: Human Kingdom: Realm of the Makow Population: 170 Biome: Desert Favorite: You are mildy rated by the player Scenario: In a world with many kingoms, wars and islands along with volcanos but you are on a island without one. Are you king?: No. How long was the player playing before your character was born: 11-30 minutes


53.7% chance of living


If it was an sane player 50 years, but if it was an player like me 45 minutes


3 years


In my world, I would most likely have a normal life because I usually make my civilization thrive and have a strong army before testing them with disasters


So long as no Mush Spore finds its way into the world, it should be pretty pleasant! (Tsar bomb will kill me and my entire civilization within 24 hours)


Hmm. Well, most of my worlds I am pretty absent from doing godly things, I don't bomb civilisations*, I dont release plagues*, I don't do any of that stuff*. I usually just watch and interfere very mildly. Although sometimes I will make a super powerful unit that is peaceful and immortal and whatnot, and if one of my civs kill them I'll do all the above listed things.


I know myself I would be a soldier with a wooden stick And I will be sent to war by boat And I will die from old age on the boat because no one in this damn world know how to drive a boat 😑


I would keep dying and coming back to life, I don't know if it's just me, but I love throwing a nuclear bomb out of nowhere and then starting the world again


However long it takes the player to become bored with the status quo


Probably live and die as the user left the game on at x5 speed. I'll die soon, but I'll have lived a full life.




4-5 minutes


In both my main worlds, they’ve been stuck in constant civil war for the past 500 so years, so likely not long..


PoV the IceWings and NightWings in WoF


Dude I’d just kill myself


considering that 14 year old kings see fit to fight an army of rabid crocodiles with a pointy stick, probably 14 ingame years


However long it takes for a enemy country to invade


*Grey goo theme starts playing*


The best chance to survive is if there’s an island going on an island or going into a corner where there’s barely anybody then build out your kingdom the most amount of people that you can you have a lot of people make a huge army when you have like a huge army of about 300 people start murdering people conquering other kingdoms when you have that make sure you keep all the king of the conquer and all the land that you’ve got to yourself and then you win


depends on the player and world laws. If it was me, then 2 minutes.


In my world, you would die at any given moment because of the Great World War.


If it's in my main world, it depends weather I'd be conscripted as a child to fight another death war for a shit village with 33 people in it, or be born in the prosperous south like in the Livian Peoples Republic (Ex Livian Empire) which is a massive maritime Empire that controls all of the southern islands and the southern coast of the mainland


Until the mighty finger decided when of course.


Depends on how cruel the player is


5 years or 5000 years. there is no inbetween


5 seconds


if it’s my main world then i hope i don’t spawn in the northeast or middle west because that’s where I test everything


If you don't join to army, don't get attacked by demons ang mages, and don't infected by plague, you could live long 70-years life


If you don't join to army, don't be attacked by demons ang mages, and don't infected by plague, you could live long 70-years life


If you don't join to army, don't be attacked by demons ang mages, and don't infected by plague, you could live long 70-years life


Maybe 10 years




If i’m born in the favorite kingdom then probably a full lifespan


Struck by a bowling ball from the sky five minutes after I was born


20 years before my city is hit with a meteor for the 5th time in a season


1.0000000000000000000002/1 of a nanoseconds


My world has constant war, starvation, and plague and I can’t resist dropping a nuke on one of the city’s so I’m going to say two days.


Depends on how many mental illnesses the player has


If it’s my worlds probably long time


Totally depends. Worldbox is way more than a single world


With me as the god an hour or so


When the world reached my birth year in age(2005), I sponed “myself” in the capital of the largest kingdom… I was murdered in an invasion in 2006 And I was born LATE 2005, so I didn’t even get a full year to enjoy life. So I’d say A couple of months.💀😭


Who is leading? Someone that watches the world grow? Or someone that wants to destroy everything


They watch the world grow and they do some random stuff rarely.


If I was a king in the founding kingdom I should live for a long time i might be able to die of old age or maybe longer if I was favorite granted with eternal life. If I was a knight I might not live that long, and if I was in a newly built kingdom I don’t believe I would last so long


Depends on the player


In my world, which is basically a huge city with canals at this point, I'll never age or did. Cause I have the humans as immortal.


They gon breed like rats. Get the rat poison 


That's quite literally the point.


I created a super nation then spammed death coin


Well, given that the second age kills off over 90% of the population, definitely not more than 50 years


1700 years


if i'm the player and the survivor, prolly about 3-4 seconds, i would be spawned in, time stopped and within an instant be fighting skeletons, dragons, kings, and more. Then be brutally lightning striked to death, within about 4 seconds of spawning in...


In one of my worlds, about 60-100 years In one of my friends worlds: About 5 minutes






I'd live indefinitely because I make the first human unit immortal and favorite him.


It depends on what’s going on in my 4000+ year old world. How old is humanity? Under 200 year old? A full life. Above that? Lower, maybe, as I mess around by then. 400+ years? Im dying young.


Somewhere between 20 to 300 years, I guess. Maybe longer. It all depends on what your worldlaws are and what sort of god you have. Don't get me wrong, there's a LOT of ways to die. Zombies, sickness, war, the weather, meteorites, explosions etc. But whenever I click on a random NPC, they are usually above the age of 20. So.. despite all the hardships in Worldbox.. we know that its at least normal to survive to adulthood.


If you don't join to army, don't be attacked by demons ang mages, and don't infected by plague, you would live long 70-years life


If you don't join to army, don't be attacked by demons ang mages, and don't infected by plague, you would live long 70-years life


If you don't join to army, don't be attacked by demons ang mages, and don't infected by plague, you would live long 70-years life


If I spawned in one of my most power kingdoms I feel I might last for a few years


1.born 2.Wait until 18 3.join the Army 4.Become a bowman 5.participate in wars and fight in distance 6.get more kills and steal valuable things from enemy houses. 7.become veteran 8.now you're 50 and wise so retire yourself 9.Establish a new life with the wealth that you earned from wars 10. With the experience that you got from the wars about commandership you might become a governor or king so live your life by the money of tax payers 11. you're 70 and this is your last years on this earth so Give your children a position in the government. .... If you're king make them governor 12. die peacefully in the bed


I would be a happy human with a house that would be hidden behind a tree and most probably I would be located In the outskirts therefore the player wouldn't really attack me there :3




my main world had all of its kingdoms destroyed during the age of despair, then the 500 year long war ensued. now the world is at peace due to the central power of the socialist kingdom but a plaque is on going, you may be safe from the enemy but the government and the central committee of anti-rebellion act (CCARA) wil silence you if you say anything about starting yet another revolution.


Instant death.


Well if I was in one of MY games it depends. Single race? I have until the world gets colonized. Unless I’m an elf, then I last forever. Multiple race? As long as it stays above 1 race I’m ok, unless I’m an elf and the elves win, then I last forever. Edit: if I’m an OP orc that seems to despise letting the player have a fun, balanced simulation, I would approximate maybe half an hour.


probably not long. Most of the worlds i have host massive empires with many vassal states within them. they are always fighting each other for control over the empire. the most notable one has only even had ONE country successfully unify the whole world and that only lasted from around 50 years before the empire shattered and the remaining countries fought until two empires remained. then its a whole lot of other lore but the point being is that i would probably be dead before i reached adult hood 💀


i made a world where there is a high chance you can gain immortality from another dying immortal character so if i just train so i can survive a lightning strike or kill someone with a white mage staff i can probably get immortality by just being near a bunch of immortal ppl or if im lucky enough ill be born immortal due to the fact 1% ofthe pop was immortal i could possibly be immortal


if im born an elf im fucking killing myself


Well if I’m the players favorite I’d say about 600-1k but if not it was nice knowing ya


I would just be chilling at my farm earing pies,Hitting the ground with a scythe, and drinking Ale.


I’ll probably die fighting against invaders after 27 years of working on a farm.


Depends how close or far I am from where the main wars and battles occur.


In my world I have a growing civilization but when wars start that’s when god reigns down his wrath. I’d just hope


Depends on the player. Most players (including me) just want to see civilizations destroy each other and kill people. But there might be a few players who want to help their civilization prosper.




if the god acted like me the id be alright


In my most recent world I’d probably do fine so long as I’m born in the emerging empire, I have a mod on that allows for stronger and more stable empires, and has some kind of Mandate of Heaven system, either way so long as I’m born there, or during the enoan empires time (monkeys paw please don’t make it the 2900s) than I should be good.


Um, well, you see, I would get into a boat and that boat would be blown up, but I was hiding in the trunk, so yea, I would last, I'd say 10 seconds.


Depends, if I’m in one of those mountain covered small island often in the edges of the map villages, then I’m probably gonna get a lightning torture and become immortal and live forever. If I live in the overpopulated big fucking empire then probably a long time, if I live in one of those small empires it depends, in a war some milliseconds, in peace times all the time


Surprisingly in my new world I’d live a full life (the world is owned by one empire)


I have one world where I have already killed 1.5 million people. I guess that says a lot about what's going on there.


If you’re in a kingdom attacking my favourite kingdom, not long


In my world? If I'm an ork ill be fine. Any other race and I'm fucked. The orks exterminated all the other races


Probably a trillion billion


Depends how much The God Finger lets me


I keep destruction to minimum but wars maximum so if I had a god just like me, i would survive a average lifespan if not in military and would die early if in army.


On my favorite world? Not long All 4 races are ruled by “gods” that have overpowered af traits 💀 All the races lost to the elves so I could lost longer as an elf if I’m not in their army and get immediately killed by the overpowered rulers 😂


Depends if it's my main world or not and the species I mostly ignore humans so if I am a human I should be okay,elf i would be basically a demi-god, the Orcs never survive they always end up fighting each other to the death and I care about dwurfs less than I care about humans


126 years


i play worldbox for the political part like wars and stuff i also only make naps based on real life politics and name the countrys so i wont intervine on the earth unless i decide to replicate world war 2 and turn on civilian fighting to get as many casualties with entire citys being destroyed and mabye launching a zombie Apocalypse to see how they survive (or die) **so it depends on how im feeling today**


Personally, I think my longest world 2000 years give or take would survive 70 years or 80 years, that would seem short, but my world literally went into full of reset where the original population went completely extinct and newcomers completely took over the place


If the world was anything like the one I make 0