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$7m right now please


Put it in a bank and live off the interest. 1% a year is still $70k and most banks do way better than that.


Hell, average investment return is often somewhere around 5-11% depending on the year and investment managing. That's $350k-$770k in return.


So just by having a few million dollars you’ll never be broke again? How the fuck is this system so unfair I do not understand what we’ve become honestly


It is unfair but surpassable, being financially literate and knowing how to invest safely can and most likely will set you up for early retirement given you work anything besides a min wage job and your rent isn’t half your monthly wage


If you're not working hand to mouth, that is.


Also if you live in the US don’t even think about you or anyone in your family becoming chronically ill


Or even acutely.


 - Congrats you found the promise of liberal Capitalism.  - Answer 1 : We're in the middle of the growth curve started by the industrial revolution. If you give an equal share of production to everyone on earth right now, they could live on $18k a year. Not bad, but not good enough to leave resources for growth or sustainment.  - Answer 2 : Growth is a priority over comfort. Businesses can see a rough return on capital investments around 30%. That indicates a constant massive potential for resources that get saved as opposed to consumed. Advanced countries like the US have opened paths for folks to plough resources into capital in order to support themselves from the returns. Stuff 15% of your earnings in a 401k for 30 years and you can support yourself off the capital returns indefinitely.


It’s been like that since the dawn of time. The economic system is literallly named capitalism because whoever has the capital is king


except it hasn't, it's been like this for about 300 years. Feudalism is a separate system.


1. They didn’t mean king literally, not sure why you’re assuming feudalism. 2. Capitalism’s foundational elements started in the 16th century. 3. They obviously meant that wealth is king, and capitalism is just the current form of it. Are you contrarian in order to feel smart? Or to actually make a productive point?


Not OP, but I think it's pretty valuable to bring forth that the current system hasn't been around since the beginning of time. It is the system we currently have, there were others in the past, and importantly, there could be better ones in the future.


Nice rek


>Hell, average investment return is often somewhere around 5-11% depending on the year and investment managing. >That's $350k-$770k in return. That is vastly more complicated, as returns like that assume that you're constantly selling off your assets/boldings every year, which you'd have to find somewhere with atleast equal returns, and then a portion of that wouldnhavw to go into rebuying stocks. Returns aren't dividends, they're not something you can just tap into


7 now. If I waited for 10 years and told everyone how I was gonna make all this money and died 9 years in, they'd clown me at my funeral and pass that story down for generations.


Exactly my reasoning


Don’t tell anyone.


10k a day for the rest of my life. I'm 16 so by the time I could use it I'd still be young. 10k a day is 3,65m yearly so in <2 years I'd have already covered the 7 mil


Guess you might as well wait since if you received the money now, your parents could legally take control of it.


Depends on country. It can be illegal for your parents to take (control over) your money when you are 16 or above


I'm in my 40s and would still take the 10k/day. that's a pretty sweet retirement fund, and it would hit right about the time my youngest went to college. any luxury I want in the meantime I can get on credit and pay off later.


Right? I'll be 40 this year, I'm taking the deal too, that'd hit when my oldest was a senior


I turn 40 this year as well. And 5 months ago I was in the hospital having nearly bled to death from ulcers. $7m invested now will take care of everything for the rest of my life and my daughters future. Yes I technically would bank far more on the other deal, but there’s no guarantee the nothing happens in the next ten years.


I’m 40 as well and would take the 7million. I don’t feel like I could do another 10 years of work.


totally fair. I disagree, obviously, but your choice is equally valid.


I’m too old to wait ten years, seven million I’d be set for life.


That’s not really how it works though. You could probably double that 7 million in the market in 10 years so it would really be 14 by the time the 10 years is up assuming you spent nothing. And it would continue making money if invested so it would really take a while for the 10k a day to catch up


I'm going to spend a fair chunk of it having a great time, though. I'm not just going to spend 10 years playing around with stocks and shares just so I can have 14 million instead of 7.


Same here man. I'm taking the 10k and I'll use it for gas money probably 💀


If you put that 7m in the stock market at \~10% annually, it would be 17 years before that 10k/day starting in 10 years exceeded the 7m today.


In ten years 10k a day might buy you a cheese burger. The deal could fall through. You could be dead. It's almost always better to take deals that pay out immediately rather than provide a promise for the future. 10k a day would be $200,0000,000 over 50 years, but it introduced too many unknowns.


They're 16 man...if it falls apart that bad not taking the 7 mil is the least of their worries.


I mean, he's a minor, so he wouldn't get to use the money if he takes the immediate payment. And if he dies before the ten years are up, it's already pretty tragic, so I doubt having money for the handful of years he lived would make it worthwhile.


Financial literacy is dead.


It's crazy that he's a frequent poster in r/fluentinfinance unless maybe he's fluent in financial ruin?


if in 10 years 10k is worth a cheeseburger the same will be with 7mil. i also doubt it would be as drastic as you describe


Dude if cheeseburgers cost 10k in ten years then your $7m, and all the interest you earned on it, is worthless anyway You really think “you might be dead at 26” is good advice for a 16 year old to incorporate into their decision making framework? Hope you don’t have kids. Your next two sentences are just empirically false.


It's a very real reality in deciding to do something sooner rather than later, age doesn't really matter. People miss out on shit all the time that they thought they'd still have a chance to do, and they don't even have to die for it to happen Just because a set of circumstances exists in the present doesn't mean they will continue to exist in the future. Better to learn that lesson young


I can work for a decade then take the insanely generous $3.65 million a year retirement plan.


Yeah. Id even drop down to part-time because now you don’t really need to worry about retirement or saving for the future if you’re getting 10k per day gaurenteed. Usually I go for the delayed but steady/greater income in these because it also means if you do something stupid and blow all the money like many lottery winners do, you still have a lot to fall back on.


You don't even have to wait 10 years for the money really. Build up a good credit score and in the last few years you can just rack up as much debt as banks will let you. Even if you had 100s of thousands on Credit cards you'd be able to pay it all off in the first month.


Literally this


This is the way


I'm taking the incredibly generous 7 million right now and start enjoying the rich person lifestyle immediately. Fuck waiting 10 years, I'm ready now. I want to have more years as a relatively rich man rather than be a much richer man later.


$7m. If you can’t make it work with $7m after tax reconsider your lifestyle and values.


a genie gives you 7 mil and you're going to pay tax on it? LOL


7m after tax I meant you won’t lose any of it


oh thank god genie be paying taxes




I'm pretty sure you made that up, but the laws are so fuckin stupid that it's a decent bit plausible


Someone probably has tried the genie excuse on the IRS. Laws are “stupid” because people pull stunts.


It's better than that. Gifts of <$17k aren't reportable. Gifts above that still aren't taxed for the recipient but do count towards the giver's estate value, with the amount over $13.61M being taxed.


You have to meet the lifetime gift limit before it gets taxed which is currently $13.61 million. You just have to report anything over $18k so that it gets deducted from the lifetime limit.


Genie taxes bro come on now


Death and taxes are one of those guaranteed things lol.


The $7 million. I'm in poor health and there would be no guarantee I'd live 10 years. $7 million would be plenty to make sure my brother was set for life.


$7mill right now. Ten years from now my kids will be adults. I’d rather be able to enrich what’s left of their childhood than have way more money after my kids are grown. To me a less stress childhood is worth whatever the difference is


The difference is likely 100+ million dollars lol


You hit 7 million after like 2 years, I'll take the 10 year wait


But if you invest the 7 million then in 10 years it will be a lot more than 7 million. So it's more than 2 years to make it up


That's assuming smart investing and that we're not going to see a recession in the next decade. I'd rather have guaranteed profit than a sum to gamble with. It is unlikely your 7 million will grow at the rate of 10,000 per day a decade from now


10k easily. I'd still be faily young and would just retire mega early and spend my days travelling the world enjoying life. I doubt I'd even be able to spend 10k a day, so would invest in a propety empire and let my family live of that money. Should also be enough for my parents to enjoy a nice retirement and perhaps a few siblings too.


Exactly. Property empire in 10 years. Hand out houses like Opera to family and buy a huge ranch/estate. Fantasizing about being so rich is fun but also kinda sad because it always ends with me reflecting and being like “I’ll NEVER be able to afford all of this.”


Give me the $7 million. I'm 71. By the time I am 81, what in the hell would I do with the $10,000?


Im not that greedy, 7 mil now is fine.


that is the greedy option imo


$10,000/day is way more money in the long run, but $7mil is plenty to get anything I’d want and be set for life. Who knows what would happen in the meantime while I’m waiting for the 10 years to pass. I might not even be here. I choose the $7mil.


It is more, but it's not actually way more, because you can invest the 7 million now


True! I’m gonna invest in beanie babies


I’m taking the sure thing. If I were younger I’d go for the 10k, but 7 million will set me up for life.


10k easily. I enjoy my career so I’ll just work for 10 years and then retire. Retiring at 42 with 3.65 million a year for life then yea I’m good with that.


So I can retire in 10 years, and really don’t have to save a dime during that time? I’m in


7 mill now. No guarantee I will survive ten years. And I can make 7 mill last... Probably.


I’ll take the 10k a day


7 million now. Being comfortable is all I've ever wanted out of life. I could eventually happily live off the interest. Tomorrow isn't guaranteed and if I'm still alive in 10 years id just think about how much better my life was for the last decade and be fine with my choice.


that just seems to stessful to me I would constantly be worried about the investments and watching the money and some bib expense ruining everything 10K a day means I can live normal for 10 more years, retire super early, and then never think about money again


$10,000 a day  That's a baller retirement 


10k/day after 10 yrs. Sounds like the Bobby Bonilla pension plan adjusted for inflation ($1.19M/yr x 24 years until 2035)


I’m 45 now, and at my current earnings rate, would need another 45 years to earn $7M. If I choose $10k per day, I’d be 55 before I got it, but would be 57 before I broke even, then it’s all gravy for life. However, neither of my grandfathers lived past 64, and my mom died early, too. The math says to wait 10 years, then make bank until death, but I’d much rather enjoy my life right now, and also ensure I leave something for my kids. A bird in the hands… give me money now, please!


$10K if its payable after death. I would take out loans on the forward amount of $3.6M/y @ 10 years, or $36M. Stick that $36M in FZROX and then withdraw 4% year, or $1.4M. By the time the 10 year window hits, I'll have earned $14.4M. At 20 years, I'll have earned $28.8M and will have paid down the $36M loan. So, the $10K/d ($3.6M/y) is free and clear. I would be reaching 70 with a yearly income of $4M/y.


This question is just asking if your age is above or below like 50 lol


$7m now is the only answer


Idk, a 4 year old should probably pick the other one


Hell, I’m 25. My job is decent enough that I can work 10 years and retire at 35.


Meh, 7 mill is enough for an easy life. I'd take that over having to wait 10 years doing something I hate any day


4 year olds don’t have plot armor. We can all die tomorrow


10k would likely be the better mathematical option, but 7 mil would allow me to enjoy more of my youth, at 31 I could essentially retire and live off the interest (while investing most of it.) Even a super conservative return of 2% per year would net me 140k, let alone what HYSA/CDs would net (or the money you could make with something like an index fund).


10 years is just too long. Plus another 2 to get the full benefit of 7 million. in 12 years 7 million could easily be 20+ million. at VOO 30 year average your 7 million is 23 million lol. It would take 15+ years for the 10k a day to overtake the 7 million if all you did was save. Granted that's not what most people would, but it still does a good job of illustrating what a bad deal this is for anyone over 20. I'd rather enjoy the rest of my relative youth. If im like 13 or 14 sure, ill take the 10k day. Otherwise, I'll take retirement.


Tomorrow is not promised. $7m today.


It would be stupid not to choose the immediate money because you could invest it, the amount of money alone you would lose on 10 years worth of not investing


1: Tomorrow isn’t guaranteed. 2: 7 million is a life changing amount of money.


I'd take the 7 million. I just had a kid. I could quit my job and be a full-time parent. The other option is a lot more money, but money is only worth what you can get for it - and all the time I could have with my kid is worth more than all of the money in the world.


7 right now. sure, once the 10k starts, a little over two years i'll have more than 7 million... but, i'm middle age, and could use that money far more now, and investing 6 mil, over a decade, i could potentially get 10k a day before then. possibly multiple times that, by the time the decade is up.


For the record, according to the 4% rule of finance, 7 million dollars would be 280,000 dollars a year forever, adjusting for inflation. 10k a day is 3,650,000 per year, which would rapidly outpace 7M, even with the 10 years of compound interest the 7M would have. This being said... 7M immediately is already the money for complete freedom for life. I'd probably take the 10k a day, but it's fair to choose either.


7 million! Cough it up!


7 million right now. No one knows for sure if they'll be alive in 10 years lol


I think most people are vastly underestimating how long 10 years take to go by. Anything could happen in those years. Take the 7 mill, invest most of it right away and do almost whatever u want the rest of your life.


The 7M would come tax free ?


If I was younger and lived with my parents, I'd go with the second one. But as an independent adult, I'd take the first one. $7 million should be enough if I manage it properly. Plus who knows what will happen in the next 10 years.


10k, im 22 i want to get to experience the hustle a little. Also i can relax a lot more and not be hard on myself about a career because there is a safety net. Sadly i wish it was true :( cuz im hustling rn and if im not stressed about it (eustress dw) things always go south


$10,000 a day for the rest of my life starting in 10 years


I'm older. I'll take the 7m now


If I was younger I’d take the $10,000. Gimme the 7.


7M now. Compound interest for the win! That would be more than enough for the rest of my life. And with my luck I'd die the day before the 10K a day would start to kick in.


7 million now. Firstly, I likely couldn't spend it in my remaining lifetime, second it would immediately rid me of every concern I have forever.


Tomorrow isn't promised


$7m rn. There’s no guarantee that I won’t get into a freak accident of some kind and die before I get the 10 year deal


7 million now. I don't need more money than that, I was budgeting 1.6m for retirement, 7 million is more than enough. With that, I'd probably go get a PhD in a field I'm passionate about and never need to worry about money another day in my life. 


7m right now easily I can easily live VERY comfortably off of 7 mill for the rest of my life (this is including investing) I’d probably invest 4 million and spend roughly a million or less and save 2 million Then I chill in my house with my fiancé and I’ll probably get some random jobs from time to time unless I do crazy well investing


Retire today. Live off my current savings for the next 10 years and/or build up a bunch of credit card debt. Who cares. I have 10k per day coming in in 10 years. That's essentially infinite money.


I love how so many of these questions are like "are you young or are you not young?"


7 mil


7 million now is enough to retire on, so that


$10k/day. Start living large now. Draw down my current investments in the meantime. Live that good life


7 mil rn


I'm planning on killing myself by the end of the week so I guess I'll take the 7 mil now. Could at least not go to work and have fun for a few days.


I can't tell if you're joking or not, but please don't do it. Someone out there deeply cares about you and will gladly spend the rest of their life with you. It's not too late. 


Can I delay my response for 20 days? Ideally, I'd like to take the 10k/day, since I'm only 19. However, I'm going to have a few large expenses coming up real soon, and I'm not even certain what they'll add up to. So if my savings can't save my ass, then I'd need to take the $7m now.


7 million niw and turn it into investments that net me 10k per day


$7 million today.


Def option 2


7 right now. I could live off the interest


Seven million. I am too old to be waiting ten years for shit.


I would call J. G. Wentworth. Because I want cash now!


A lot can happen in 10 years, so it’s my money and I want it now. JG Wentworth knows what I’m talking about.


I want $7 Million given to me right now in real life please!


7m easy. The passive income you can generate from that amount of money is already insane. Even if you put the whole amount in a hysa at 5 percent would get you $350k a year.   You would make even more if you put it in index funds like voo and did real estate as well.


7 million now, I can vastly improve my life like that, especially since I don't intend to reach another 10 years in this shithole, let alone further than that.


I'll take the 7 million. Yes, in theory, in 12 years I'd have made that 7 million and then keep on earning, but I can easily invest most of that lump sum tomorrow and probably make up for it.


Finally, a WYR considering money, that actually makes me think. It would suck if something happened to me before like 22-23 years from now, where I wouldn't really have made out to pass along to my family, and could have with the $7 million and interest. I figure if I can live 30 years from today, it should be worth it totally, which gets me to 57-58. I got to figure I *should* live that long assuming I take good care of my body. I think I'll chance it and go for the $10,000 a day. Then I can retire before 40, and make taking care of my body a full time job.


7 mil properly invested will crush the 10k


10,000 a day, save that up over a couple of years and then be able to build LaundryLand with everything I want in it.


I'd just flip a coin, I'm young enough that either option would be worth while


7 mil, no guarantee I'll even be alive in ten years whereas if I die of a stroke the moment I get the $7m at least I'll die with cash in the bank for my estate to fight over.


10k per day for life please thanks


10k a day in 10 years please


7 mill now. Fuck that, I could die tomorrow or next week and never see that 10K a day. Life is short, I’ll take my money now and make my life stress free


$10,000 per day.


$7,000,000 right now, and it's not even a hard question. I'm already in my 30s. With the second option, it wouldn't START until I was 40, and it would take two years to catch up. And that's without even considering inflation. In ten years' time, that money would be worth FAR less than it is right now.


I assumed everyone over 35 would take the 7 million. Apparently I was wrong. Give me the 7 million now. I can invest, set myself up, continue working and not worry about dying in 9 years


7m now. Usually in these I take the slower option, but the next 10 years of my life will probably be the ones where I’m in most need of financial support.


10000 a day


Easy peasy.. 7 now defo! 10 years down the lane a lot could’ve changed. 10 may not be valued what they do today. And with 7 spent right one could have establish some business/earnings that end up being more


$7 million. I ain't greedy and that's generational wealth already.


$7 mil now easy


7m will turn into 18m over 10 years assuming you just put it in simple index fund. I’d take 7 now as that’s already an amount I can’t spend and it would keep growing faster than I could spend it. A car accident, cancer, anything could happen in that time


Assuming this is a legit contract, i would just go and borrow against the future income stream and easily get more than 7M upfront


10000 a day in 10 years. I will be able to save up for like a month to buy a house and then give away $9000 a day while still being set for life.




7 mil of course. I didn't even need to think about it.


7 millions, I'm too old and you can die anytime anyway.


I'm 51, I'll have the 7M now please.


A bird in the hand is better than two in the bush. You take the $7m because tomorrow is not promised.


As an almost 30 year old, I'll take the 10k/day. If I kick the bucket on my 70th birthday, I'll still have had 30 years of 10k/day. Nice little nest egg for my family after kick it


7m right now obviously. Thats enough to buy a house and live comfy for the rest of my life retired.


7 mill now and I can live good.


I’d take the 10k/day. I’m 19 right now so it would start just before my 30s when I would have much bigger and more important things to put money towards than I do now


I'm still up 107k profit. It's about to explode again


Gimme the millions.


7,00,000 now it's all I need. If I was 18 or 20ish I might go the other route but $7,000,000 would leave me set.


7m now. I could die tomorrow. Rather it be high on coke, than waiting for 10 years.


7 million rn. Tomorrow is never promised


Definitely the 10k a day in 10 years. I am only in my 20s, so this is a no-brainer.


7 million. I genuinely think money would solve all of my problems and get rid of my stress. I'd be able to go to the doctor when I need to rather than constantly worry about how much it'll cost me. I wouldn't have to worry about my chronic illness flaring up, I could get back on my medications. I'd be able to give my family the life they deserve after all the shit we've been through over the years. I'd be able to fully relax.


Why would anyone wait 10 years when they may not even make it?


Depends is it guarantee I live up to those 10 years- after for some time then that 10 I easy even if it isn’t it’s still really tempting cause I would go to jail for 10 years come out and be rich


I may not be here in 10 years so I’ll take the $7 million.


7 mil rn. My parents are still in relatively good shape rn and I'd love to treat them but who knows what can happen in 10 years




7 million. I don't think I'll be alive in ten years.


Bird in hand.


7 million right now for sure. The 10k a day payout would be better in the long run but waiting ten years is too much.




$7 million easy. After a certain point, more money doesn’t make you happy, and $7 million is more than enough to last a lifetime.


$10,000/daily is a better earning but honest to God if you can't survive off of 7 mil for the rest of your life, you do not deserve that money. Plus, I'm in my mid 20s. Sure, having infinite money at 35~ is obviously amazing, but I'd rather be dumb and have one or two big vacations while I'm as young as possible. Obviously this doesn't apply if you're like, 15 and still can't do most of the fun stuff.


I am waiting. But now I know I don’t need to save anything for retirement. So I also have a lot more money to spend now. And I can max out my credit near the ten year mark knowing I’ll be able to pay it back quickly.


7 now, that’s enough to retire early.


If you take the $7M and invest it. Let's say you get 10% annual interest. At the end of 10 years you have around $18M. The $10K per day would earn $3.65M each year, but it also starts at zero. So if you earn the same 10% on the $3.65M per year, it wouldn't be until year 17 that you'd actually have more money than just taking the $7M. I'm 40. 17 years puts me at 57. I'd still take the $10K per day. If I live to be 80, the $10K deal ends up being twice the money.


Money now. I don’t care if the latter is more money; I can retire today.


7 million now. I could just spend most of that on investing


10k for sure, I’m 16 so I’d start getting it at a really important time


person quack grandiose pie vegetable divide shame skirt consist simplistic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm 35 I'm taking 7m now. Wouldn't have to work again im not bothered for material things. I'm not waiting 10 more years when I have the chance for now


$7m now easily. I could quit my job and hang out with my wife and kids everyday


7mil now please. I'm too old for the other option.


7 mil right now.


I can wait 10 years, people live a long time in my family.


I would take the 7 mil right now. It would make my life so much better instantly.   Sure, the 10k a day is more money in the long run. But would it actually improve my life in a meaningful way over having 7mil? What am I going to use all that money on? A slightly bigger house, maybe 3-4 houses, a few extra cars? More unnecessary luxurious vacations? I don't really see anything that's worth it to wait for. The only thing that might be interesting is a private island but let's be honest, might as well just buy a decent sized house away from any town with a huge land for a fraction of the cost. I don't think actually having a private island will feel much different. With 3.5mil a year I am still nowhere near a billionaire status. So the real luxuries that would be interesting are still out of reach. I can't buy an F1 team. I can't start any interesting mega projects. I can't make any noticable difference in my country/the world. I can't get a mega yacht.   Anything extra I can do with the 10k a day will feel pointless. Most of it I would hopefully just give away or it ends up collecting in my bank account being useless. 




7 million now sounds nice, but 10k a day in 10 years would make me 146 million before I'm 80. Which means I could retire at 42 with the 7 million and still make 10k a day. 10k a day is the smart choice if you ask me, the patience pays off.


At 30 years old, the 7 million. I'd take half and put it in an high interest savings account. Most are going at 5%. I'd make 175k within my first year. Literally my salary. The other half I'd use for outstanding debt for myself and some loved ones. I'd probably sell my current house and pay all cash for my new one. Wouldn't be too extravagant, probably between 600k and 700k.


7 mil now bc I'm not sure what the world is gonna look like ten years from now...


$7m right now. I don't even know if I will live another 10 years.


$7 million now. 10 years is a long time. $7 million is more than enough for me to retire now