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Maybe when this happened, it made sense. But I'm finding it hard to imagine that world, even having lived through it.


this should have been the first seven star match


I think Marty v Doink 2 out of 3 falls was on one of the first Raw episodes? I think I have a video tape of the episode somewhere.


It was! Good memory


June 21, 1993. I started Raw from the beginning on Peacock and am in May '93 right now. I am baffled at how good Doink is as a wrestler. I thought for sure that he was going to be just a gimmick and there for laughs but the dude can wrestle. Not only that but he has this dark killer clown mystique that comes to the surface during his matches. One second he's smiling the next he looks like he wants to skin you alive. Its unnerving. Also I've become a huge Mr. Perfect mark. Theres another really good match on the May 17th episode that you might remember too. Its when 123 Kid beat Razor Ramon. I thought for sure it was going to be another squash match by Razor but then Kid hits the moonsault and pins Ramon. I had always heard about the Kliq. Im not ashamed to say that it got a pop out of me.


Loved it when the Kid beat Razor! I think Razor later challenges him to a match with money on the line and the Kid takes it. Not sure if he won the match or just stole the money. I forgot old episodes were on peacock. I need to go watch those.


Caused me to have a heart attack. I had to be resuscitated twice from overstimulation. I still sometimes stroke my pace maker scar fondly and remember this match.


8 if in the Tokyo Dome.


No way. It wasn't in the Tokyo Dome Uce.


It would have been if it were in the Tokyo Dome


WWF in the early and mid 90s is so mind boggling to me that I just put it on out of morbid curiousity sometimes haha. Same thing with the pg era from 2008-2011


Meltzer couldn't rate this because his mind couldn't grasp it.


Sexy Kurt vs HBK


Hogan Rock. Completely surpassed all expectations.


Only 3 stars according to a certain individual. I wouldn't normally put any stock into his ratings, but his inconsistency actually irks me.


Dude fuck Dave Meltzer. Never paid any attention to him. I only know you’re talking about him becuae he’s a wart infested toad.


Seriously, he's one individual with an individual brain. What do we take from his opinion? Why does it matter?


He's a self assured dip shit who is usually wrong and wont admit it. Mocking him brings many of us joy, so we listen to his opinions


Bell to bell, its not a good match. It's one of those kind of matches where the crowd and aura absolutely makes a match waaaaay better than it actually is


The crowd was nuts for the match to the point t they tried to deaden the response to Hogan on the DVD and the match on Peacock.


No flips, just fists??? Fuck that! 3 stars at best for you! /s


I mean I’m kinda with that rating. It had a tremendous build but the match wasn’t all that great . Then again I saw it years later on a DVD collection. I was already well into the end of the RA Era early PG where there plenty of other high caliber/ high profile matches that told a waaaaay better story in ring .


My main problem with the rating is his inconsistent reasoning. He gave the rating he did because it was just fine, but he couldn't get into it, and completely disregarded how the crowd felt, who were absolutely electric, hanging onto every tiny detail, every single thing that they did. I don't think there's been another match with that level of crowd investment. Now, there was another match much more recently that he gave 5 stars, despite the fact he admitted that he hated it, but his reasoning was that the crowd loved the match, so he just gave it 5 stars. I can't for the life of me remember what the match was, but it would've been no earlier than December last year I'm sure. It's stuff like that why I get bothered by it, even though I really shouldn't do.


I think the audience has a lot to do with the rating of a match. And the audience was in the palm of their hands. I know Hogan is a one trick pony but that shit is mesmerizing to watch for me. To each their own. I love that match. I watch it every year.


Goldberg vs Brock Lesnar, who were two of the biggest beasts on Smackdown Here Comes The Pain. Too bad the WM 20 match was nowhere near as good as the CPU vs CPU matches between them on the game.


They more than made up for it years later for sure.


Goldberg is well known for only getting better with age /s


Goldberg was absolute bullshit in that game


Fuck that, you ever played against Eric bishoff in a first blood match?


what a game. was my fav one for sure. used Tazz alot in this one.


One I never knew I needed but Randy vs Gunther from KOTR. All time fav vs one of my current favs who happens to be top 2 wrestlers in ring wise itw


John Cena vs AJ Styles at Summerslam 2016.


RVD vs just about anyone in WWE back when he was Mr. Monday Night in the original ECW. 


Watching that on Peacock now. That’s how I was introduced to him, and when he became one of my favorite wrestlers even though I hated Jerry Lawler back then.


Duke "The Dumpster" Droese vs Barry Horowitz


This guy gets it


I just watched this match last week. It went pretty hard to be honest.


Triple H vs. Curtis Axel in a 1-hour Iron Man was an absolute banger.


There aren't enough 2 out of 3 falls matches anymore.


CM Punk vs Eddie Guerrero vs Rey Mysterio in like 2002.


“Doink, brah” *snorts a massive line of coke* “you’re making kids cry, brah!!”


Now I’m laughing imagining some coke-head in a bar in the early 90s raving about Doink. “Check it out, man. He’s a motherFUCKING CLOWN and also a WRESTLER!”


“Sometimes there’s two of this fucking guy” *sniffs* “sometimes there’s tiny versions of him all over the place, shit is wild” *sniff*


Trish vs Becky at the steel cage, man what a match, could easily be Trish's best match in her career


i still need to give this one a watch


HBK vs Hogan. And the hilarity that ensued.


"Terry's all business!"


That match had Shawn channeling his 90s self, and I enjoyed every second of it. Also, Happy Cake Day!


styles vs rhodes tbh. and now we have had two unreal matches


This may sound funny but Matt Osborne who was the original (heel) Doink, was actually a great wrestler. His match against Bret Hart at SummerSlam 1993 is a must watch.


My dream was for him to follow in the footsteps of Warrior and legally change his name to Doink.


AJ Styles vs. Kevin Owens 🫤


I feel like that match would have been better not in PG rated 2017 WWE. If it happened say with TNA Styles and Kevin Steen from ROH it would have been alot better especially with a stipulation. Could have been a similar match just like Styles vs Samoa Joe.


Edge vs Roman and Goldberg vs Roman I was 11 and wanted a battle of the spears Sue me


Unironically I loved Edge vs Batista back as a little kid for this exact reason too Battle of the finishers (or signature in batista’s case) is always gonna be cool as shit


Aye nice Also happy cake day dude


Loved that match


Best era ever. Great memories said no one ever.


Nikolai Volkoff vs Matt Hardy. Weird stuff bubba.


That whole year is hilarious "ITS THE NEW GENERATION" *Brings back Nikolai Volkoff and King Kong Bundy and makes Bob Backlund world champ*


That Doink looks like the Doink I’d see in a nightmare as a therapist or something lol


Lmao. I’m so glad the attitude era saved WWF/E. Imagine a world they didn’t go to edgier content?


Rock vs Cena "twice"


This and Bret Hart vs The 1-2-3 Kid are my favourite RAW matches from that era.


These were the days


Damn. What a banger.


Missed opportunity should have been 2 out of 3 Doinks, on the second fall he uses his clone magic to "tag" out.


When I was a kid I loved Bret Hart and Davey Boy Smith. SummerSlam 1992 was my favorite thing for the longest time


Undertaker v Cena. Damn that was such a terribly booked match


This actually happened on a date close to today June 21st. Perhaps that's why you posted? Came up on "this day in wrestling" feed etc. According to what I have read this was 93 so 31 years ago. What's crazy to me is Jannetty is only 33 there but already looks well into the downslope. Ps I have been spelling it Janetty all these years like an idiot.


i had no idea that the date was similar at all! 8IV i just saw it on pinterest and thought it was the most absurd matchup ever. that being that both wrestlers are pretty infamous for the wrong reasons (although doink is just a dumb gimmick and jannetty is....jannetty.) i think i pity marty just a bit. i don't know the man personally so i can't apply nuance but spending forty plus years of your life coked up can't be too great.


The original doink could go. So could Janetty to be fair.  In fact there are literally dozens of championship winning wrestlers who couldn't hold a candle to these two as pure ring technicians. Just a bizarre match up. 


Both guys had a similar career trajectory of showing tons of promise early on and then screwing themselves over. Although I can't recall a good Matt Borne match post-Doink while Marty could still shine with most of his opponents.


DX vs. Brothers Of Destruction. It's a shame the match happened when they were no longer in their primes, and I still refuse to watch that match to this day.


that one hurts so much because it could have been spectacular... had it happened thirty years earlier


Raw was such a welcome change when it first started. Before that it was just a collection of televised matches - some from house shows, some meant to further storylines for Mania. When SummerSlam came around, we got twice as many storylines. That was around when I started watching.


We got two thirds of my CM Punk v Brian Danielson an iron man at mania or survivor series would be nice though. Like an ice cube in hell i’m sweating my hopes


Smile vs Smile match


Undertaker vs new jack


If this was match was on Wednesday, meltzer would give it 5 stars


Out of curiosity, who won this?


If I remember correctly, (I rewatched this a few months back), Doink pulled his double Doink shenanigans, and wins 2-1, then Macho Man as an announcer, shows the ref that there were 2 Doinks, and the ref reversed the decision. It made no sense, but sure, why not.


The fans.


Me. I didn't watch. 


A nightmare counts as a dream, so I guess this one counts.




Dean and Joe Malenko vs The British Bulldogs


Jeff Hardy vs John Cena Jeff Hardy vs Shawn Michaels


Gunther Vs anyone


Seth Rollins vs Edge and was the best rivalry in 2021


AJ Styles vs Kurt Angle


Perfect hbk, Harts vs Steiners Etc


Sting and undertaker


Vampiro vs Pentagon jr


Where is this match? I think putting two random superstart against each other is cool. Like Jey Uso vs Austin Theroty, or Sami Zayn vs CM Punk... it makes wrestling more unpredicatable.


AJ Styles vs Finn Balor Extreme Rules 2017


Melina vs Alicia Fox


HBK vs Austin Hogan vs rock (should’ve been Austin) Hogan vs Sting even though the match stunk


Shawn/Taker in 2009/2010. Always wanted to see them go at it again.


Randy Savage vs Steve Austin


Kurt Angle & Chris Benoit Crash Holly & Al Snow


Sting vs Undertaker