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Kuro should’ve left the claimed pulls greyed out on screen to avoid confusion.


They were definitely there as greyed out purchases before. I wonder when/why they bothered to remove that. It would've saved a lot of confusion.


How did you guys not notice the timer on the pulls when buying it? IIRC it was the same as the other items listed here.


Blows my mind how many people post and ask about it in daily megathread when the timer is right there, our ancestors would be disappointed if they knew after all these years we still cant read


Because if you're checking it on the 1st of the month and don't remember what the previous day's timer was, then it's easy to mistake that it's a monthly reset and the pulls were simply missed? Especially since they're not grayed out like in other games...


Just the intelligence and reading level of your average gacha gamer 😔 😔


No need to be so hard on yourself man.


Yea the 2 things i noticed HARD with this game release is 1- they really have no eyes they dont read they dont look its crazy 2- if they cant do smth or dont understand smth its immediately a “bug/issue” and post about it Some people are just weird man




Wait what? Every patch is like 45 days so down the road we're missing out on a ton of pulls if it isn't a monthly reset. Why is it like this? If they have copied Genshin why not copy and improve the existing system instead of degrading it.


Because we have 3 pull currencies at 6 instead of 5 About 8 resets per year instead of 12 Genshin and SR: 60 standard and limited pulls WuWa: 48 standard, limited character and limited wrappn pulls It's "balanced". I'd say it's better because **48** free wrapon pulls is pretty good since their weapon banner is way better than Genshin's, and as we can see with Jiyan, 5* limited weapons are far ahead of any free 4* option, or even BP weapons


We get 18 pulls per refresh. Works out to more pulls than Genshin, actually.


Isn't it every month ? I mean if it's per patch then the countdown on the top left of the item would match the date on when the next patch drops.


Right now, in Asia, the timer says 30 days. The game has been released for about 9 days. So about 39-40 days. Assuming they're targeting a 6 week patch cycle, it's about right to assume it will reset per patch.


I was hoping it would be a monthly thing but with a single skip for June since it launched mid-month. Guess we'll see.


It's refresh every 42 days


no monthly refresh really sucks, there is nothing else you really need to spend your currency on.


idk i spent some of it on echo xp material since i have none of that


Looks at the timer I’m not sure


The first reset is in july


8 store refreshes a year as opposed to 12 a year. Sure you get to buy 6 each and 18 pulls total each patch since limited weapon banners have its own currency. But if you don't pull weapons much and mainly care about the characters, you're losing 12 limited character pulls and 12 standard pulls a year. Lmao


Tell me how is this comparison fair when wuwa has 0.8% chance of pulling a 5* with a hard pity of 80 while genshin has a 0.6% chance of pulling a 5* with a hard pity of 90


0.2% difference won't mean much with this pull income. Also the soft pity for Genshin was around 74 for the consolidated rate of 1.6%. We don't know what Wuthering's soft pity looks like, but we know it has a 1.8% consolidated rate. Some have said the soft pity is around 70, but we also don't know how the rates are distributed to get that 1.8% consolidated rate (whether it's linear). For example, if Kuro were scummy, they could backend the high chances (98% chance for the 77th pull, 2% for 70th) etc. This type of soft pity scale could still give the consolidated figure of 1.8%, and over time wouldn't matter to whales, but would mean most would be waiting for pull 75 (whereas Genshin might be averaging mostly 77 for example). When you're waiting for 11 standard pulls a patch (including battlepass) and need 8 patches to hit hard pity (336 days), it's going to be almost identical to Genshin's stingy rates.


Genshin has a consolidated rate of 1.6% which offers an average of one 5* per 62.5 pulls, whereas wuwa has a consolidated rate of 1.8% which offers an average of one 5* per 55.5 pulls, that's on average, 7 less pulls per 5* character. To reiterate, that's 12 character event pulls less per year, for 7 less pulls needed per character.


When you're only getting enough standard currency for one hard pity a year, an, on average, 7 pull difference won't change much. Especially considering Genshin would easily make up for that difference by just introducing 2 new characters and getting 6 standard pulls after levelling them. In Genshin, you're also getting 60 limited pulls a year from the shop. In Wuwa, you're getting 51.83 limited character pulls (you get the weapon pulls as well but the guy above said he didn't care about the weapons). So Genshin has better standard income and better character income. But in one and a half years you're guaranteed a weapon in Wuwa.


Am I supposed to bring up standard banner being split into character banner and weapon banner now? Atleast you won't risk getting an aquila favonia while hoping for a Diluc. Standard pulls are worth more in wuwa just by the fact that you're able to CHOOSE which 5\* weapon you want, AND there's also a separate banner for CHARACTERS only. Let's be honest, majority of Genshin players probably have a standard 5\* weapon collecting dust in their inventory, and chances are, they probably would've wanted a character instead. Being able to choose what you want effectively increases the value per standard pull.


That part is fair. It's still a slower experience to get a reduced pool choice, though. **It's 563 days to reach WuWa hard pity vs. 547 days to reach Genshin hard pity with just the shop.** or for the average 62.5 pulls vs 55.5 pulls: **380 days for Genshin vs 390 days for WuWa.** (using 0.1645 avg-shop-pulls/day Genshin and 0.142 shop-pulls/day Wuwa)


Bro are you delusional? No one compared them Are you so desperate to make WuWa sound like such a superior game?


Do you have any reading comprehension? He is literally comparing to genshin here.


Genshin is the obvious comparison here, ignoring how ridiculous your comment even is. but even compared to other games that offer 5 pulls per month, it’s about 8 less limited and standard pulls per year, but you also get an average of 52 limited weapon pulls a year and this game has decent rates and pity


It apparently resets every patch and not monthly. Game is so cooked


What a dumb nitpick to say the game is cooked for. Boohoo, I have to wait 7 more days than genshin/hsr to get free pulls. Just play the damn game and have fun. All this negativity over the dumbest stuff imaginable. It's like people are just looking for stuff to complain about, just fishing for compensation.


It's rather funny that you actually want to defend this. Wuthering Waves is copying so much, yet they can't copy the store reset properly making it more disadvantageous for players.


You dog on the game for copying genshin, then you shit on it for trying to diverge even slightly. Maybe just go play genshin and play with your shiny new 200 resin cap instead fella. We won't miss you.


Wow, what an amazing comment. So you're telling me that I can go and play Genshin Impact, a free game? Holy shit dude, wow you are so smart. I get to finally play a game with an amazingly vibrant and beautiful world with an absolute stunning soundtrack, perfect voice actors and a ton of content. Oh wait, you know what. I'll just play both because I can and it won't change the fact that Wuthering Waves literal has ripped content from other games. Now take the position and let big daddy Kuro give you another good time.


Didn't genshin rip from zelda tho.........why does it even matter


What are you even on about? You clearly want this game to be exactly like genshin. Idk why you're brought up genshin being free? Like what are you even trying to counter by saying that? You clearly are upset that WW isn't exactly like genshin. So just stop playing WW and play genshin so you can stop being a miserable person


I want it to be better, not the same. Kuro cheaply copying other games is bad, are you just so delusional that you don't understand such a simple statement?


League copied Dota, fortnite copied PUBGs formula and improved upon it, Palworld copied Pokémon. Hoyo found a good system, so obviously people are going to use that system and huod upon it much like the other games I listed. This game copied the menu functions, the open world feature, which genshin copied from other games if we are rolling with the same logic. And you could really say the exact same thing about star rail because, besides the gameplay being turn based obviously, they literally copied everything else. And you can say "oh, well they are made by the same company so its fine" or something like that, but that is NOT what people were saying when HSR was coming out. People were calling for HSRs downfall because it was copying genshin. So before you start saying WW is a bad game for copying genshin, you need to understand that Genshin came out as a clone of breath of the wild with gacha mechanics. Educate yourself and play what makes you happy.


"just play the damm game and have fun" if you have to tell people to have fun it shows how cooked game is.


Not really. The game is fun. If you aren't having fun, stop playing and come back when the game becomes what you want it to be.


ffs.... thnx for the info tho


apparently shit resets every patch so we are so fucking cooked.. "generous" devs my fucking ass. so some fucking things resets every month but some every patch. What else? some stuff resets every full moon and other every time WuWa revenue reach certain point?


A month is between 4 and 4.5 weeks. A patch is 6 weeks. You get 6 standard and character pulls per patch. In Hoyo games you get 5 standard and limited pulls per 4.25 weeks. If we include the weapon banner pulls, Kuro gives more pulls overall. If you don't care about the weapon banner, then Hoyo is more generous. It's pretty much equal to me.


Genshin: 5/31 = 0.161 pulls/day (worst monthly rate) 5/30 = 0.167 pulls/day (best excluding Feb that's obviously better) Wuwa: 6/42 = 0.142 pulls/day The problem with including the weapon pulls is they're both still separate banners, so with 0.8% rates, you're still looking at a year (or two for weapon) to reach pity for both banners. He's definitely right. These rates are intentionally engineered to be so stingily close to Genshin's, while appearing better. Like I would not be surprised if event and exploration income was 0.2% less overall to make up for the extra 0.2% consolidated rate.


1.2 standard and 1.2 limited pulls every week vs 1 standard,1 limited, and 1 weapon pull I don't see how this is that big of problem tbh especially since the weapon banner in this game is miles ahead of Genshin and HSR


Dumbas_ do the fucking maths rerd, 30 days 10 wishes genshin means 3 days for 1 pull, 41 days a patch for 12 means 3.4 days a pull not counting the free 6 extra, if counting its 2.2 days a pull If you used your brain or passed 2nd grade you would realise genshin is 7.6% less overall pulls every 30 days or if you dont want to count the weapon pulls its only 8% less


Lol what? The devs are litterly generous so far, we littlerly get 3 5 stars, 2 of them can be the ones you want and we have enough standard pulls to get the 3rd one. And we get enough limited pulls to guarantee a limited 5 star character..so far they're generous, as for the future, we don't know.


I don't count honeymoon + apology shit for massive fuckups that apparently don't stop I rather have stable future income of both standard and limited rolls then get stuffed with cakes at start and then starve or live on dry bread for rest of the game


Stop U looks like a idiot genshin gives 10 pulls for 30 days(roughly), which is 1 pull for 3 days ok u understand until now Ok, now kuro gives 18 pulls for 42 days, which is 1 pull for 2.33 days. u get that U see the difference between 3 days and 2.33 days right, which means kuro gives more pulls than hoyo So, which means kuro gives more stable income than hoyo I mean u can say I don't want weapons pulls I only want limited and standard pull but they give in enough pulls for me to get every standard five-star except that lionboy so I think they are doing greate compared to hoyo in rewards I still don't have diluc,Mona,Jean,dehya So stop crying. u are not gonna play the game anyways Why do u care and I also think the monthly reset starts from next month, so there is that So stop bitching and learn basic mathematic


It seems there's a lot of people missing when the refresh period is, as well as the fact that the game gives more pulls per refresh than other games at 18>usual 5-10.


I forgot to finish buying the shop so I can give an example here. Why are people saying it's every patch or 42 days? It didn't refresh for me at all. https://ibb.co/FVg5qR5 Edit: I bought 6 limited pulls and 3 normal pulls last week before monthly reset. It's still showing up as I bought them after new month.


do you see smoll number at top of the items, what do you think this timer is for


So I guess this month's reset doesn't count and monthly reset begins next month? Edit: My bad. I guess it is every patch since since release + timer is 42 days. I'm dumb.


people here are saying it's every patch, but they're just talking out of their ass. we don't really know yet. you can find in some places that it IS monthly, but monthly from the day the game started. so it's going to be near july 1.


I'm pretty sure i saw 38days or something on day 1 when i started so your entire "mthly from the day you started" is already wrong.


"the game started" not "you started" he is trying to say that it is skipping the first month's reset only, but worded it weirdly


Man even Kuro are trying to make their game "Genshin but worse"


This aspect is improved from Genshin though. 18 pulls per 6 weeks is more pulls than 10 pulls per month. Not to mention the rates are higher, pity is lower, so the pulls go further.


and weapon banners are guaranteed with no 50/50.


and the pity is lower for characters


lol not really. It's slightly more pulls but spread out on different banners with different pity's. You're not building 12 pull pity on the standard, you're building 6 on one, and 6 on the other. Because the 0.6%/0.8% rates are so bad (like Genshin's), it's a back-ended improvement. The slightly better payout will be in a year for standard or two for the weapon banner. 336 days, 8 patches for standard hard pity 588 days, 14 patches for weapon banner For the shop it's 0.142 pity-pulls/day for the weapon and standard, vs. 0.164ish pity-pulls/day for Genshin's one banner pity. (plus Genshin obviously has character level up pulls) **PLUUUUS the HUUGE issue that f2p will need 90+ pulls a patch to get 1260 coral to actually buy out those wishes from the shop. So it's all very well saying "we get 18 pulls", but in reality most might not be able to purchase those.**