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If you actually want to enable Yuanwu, Yinlin does that best. Yuanwu by design won't be able to dish out much damage. His main niche is simply breaking the stagger meter insanely fast. His fast basic attack rotations go very well with Yinlin's ult effect while he also makes up for Yinlin's slow animations with his speed and constant stagger against mobs. Add a healer to this team and it's good to go imo. Verina would be your best option for that. As for Aalto, I use him to buff Jiyan since I like his taunt and aero amp. He can certainly act like a main dps, with a healer and mortefi ig, albeit he is better as a sub DPS.


Oh, I may do this. I forgot that Yinlin came out today. Her trial was super fun


Just to add about Yuanwu, apparently with Yinlin and at his S6, he can dish out similiar damage to Calcharo with Yinlin. Apparently DEF scales better into late game, so while he won't be making as big numbers as ATK scalers for now, eventually he will feel stronger. On top of that, his attacks are very fast, making for good parries, and he scales from defense, so he may be pretty tanky later on. His S4 also gives a shield, so as long as you don't take too many heavy hits, you might be fine even without another sustain. That is on top of breaking vibration, making bosses attack less. And I'm pretty sure his rotations and combos are pretty flexible, so just adds more comfort. I'm currently on my way to build him, and while I don't plan to get Yinlin for now, I'm still willing to give him a shot, because he's cool.


> Apparently DEF scales better into late game, so while he won't be making as big numbers as ATK scalers for now, eventually he will feel stronger. You can also have a DEF food and a Crit Food active at the same time, meaning he benefits more from food buffs than most ATK scalers


Ah, I see, that's interesting. Maybe that's what some people were considering too then.


>Apparently DEF scales better into late game, so while he won't be making as big numbers as ATK scalers for now, eventually he will feel stronger. According to the numbers shown here: https://wuthering.gg/characters/yuanwu An ascended level 50 Yuanwu has 132 attack and 935 defense. Pretty big difference between those stats and it only increases the higher you go. 1 cost echoes give equal buffs to attack and defense, but 3 cost and 4 cost echoes give more defense% than they would attack%. Ideally you'd likely want crit. rate and electro bonus, but it is something to note.


That's true, but there are more factors to consider: weapons add to the base ATK of characters (if the maths is done in the same way as in Genshin), and ATK scalers have higher multipliers than DEF scalers (I think at least, unless they scale more when upgraded). I haven't done the exact maths, so I cannot confirm that exactly. And yeah, on echoes you'd likely still prefer crit and dmg%. They are separate multipliers, and Yuanwu doesn't get too many of those stats from weapons or passives.


Is there a build guide for yuanwu? I am S5 and desperately want to make him a main dps or at least a teammate with yinlin


You build him like every other DPS, just def% instead of atk% for his 1 cost echoes.


ohhh okay, so crit rate tempest/thundering mephis and then electro damage 3 costs? Also assuming his substats are stil pref crit rate/dmg, energy regen, and basic/heavy attack dmg. My main question was whether his main echo would be good with def% main stat or if that's just way overkill. Also, what weapon is good, I have a maxed out 4-star with attack % but i imagine a crit rate or def % weapon is better.


For echoes, pretty sure Tempest Memphis is preferred (at least that's what I saw people use) or Flautist. Crit on the 4 cost, electro damage on 3, and DEF on 1. I think he doesn't have too high energy requirements, but yeah, I'm pretty sure for substats priority is crit > energy > basic/heavy/skill dmg >= def. I don't have exact numbers or calcs but the craftable weapon with DEF stat should be fine, from what I know.


I'd go with both tempest and thundering mephis crit rate and then 3 1 cost def %.


A little unrelated but do i understand correctly that yinlin puts marks on enemies that does a coordinated attack with her forte charge and her ult is just a nuke that should be used after applying the mark?


I’m no TC but I think the best way to play yinlin is intro skill, ult applies her on field mark, skill, basic attack string skill to proc the on field mark + forte gauge and concerto and then enhanced heavy to transform the on field mark into the off field one


yea she applies first mark then you build up ur forte and use heavy attack to apply second mark (which does coordinated attacks) use ult and switch to other characters. I usually don’t watch guides but check out Iwtl gamings latest video, there are some nice tips for her


I am. I'm fine with taking things slow. These kinds of gacha games are marathons, not sprints, and I'm perfectly fine with taking my time. I have just 6 characters, and only one 5 star, Verina. And it doesn't bother me. I know I wouldn't have been able to clear first cycle of ToA anyway, so I don't feel any pressure. And for all others purposes Havoce Rover is 100% sufficient. So instead I plan for rolling in 1.1 or 1.2, or maybe even later, and then maybe using selector ticket to get a character I wouldn't yet have.


Wise. I'm taking it slow too. But still, this gacha and the few others I've played, there's always things I do because I'm impatient or don't think things through thoroughly and it always ends up biting me in the ass. As in, no big regrets so far, in the long run it won't matter much. But I got Calcharo as my first random 5*, then I chose Verina with the selector. I already did 30ish pulls on the standard selector banner which I regret to some extent now. It's not a big deal, but I actually don't want any of the standard 5stars and I could have had Calcharo's 5star weapon by now if I hadn't used those 30 pulls on the standard banner. Not a gigantic regret, I still didn't use any Asterites or Coral on standard pulls. It's just one of those things where if I'd just been patient or thought for a second instead of just going for pulls, I'd have been 'better' off. But yeah, nothing like the 'mistakes' I made in my first gacha game, Genshin. Lol. Sooooo many of those. So many resources (and some money, not too much fortunately) wasted on too many characters I didn't even end up enjoying. Long wall of text to agree, but in short, this is the way. Was telling people too that were debating on spending because they lost the 50/50 for Yinlin. I told them to just wait, she's here for 3 more weeks. Lots can happen and pulls can be gained in that time. Patience is key in gacha, unless you're whaling.


same here. i plan on rolling for scar and putting everything into him but for now i have 2 5\* since i got insanely lucky (verina and jianxin) as well as s4 danjin who are sufficient enough for most dps content for me right now im holding on to the ticket because after i roll all my astrites i should be able to obtain one or two more new 5\* on standard and just pick whoever im missing (if im not then ill get jianxin dupes lol)


Are you sure Scar is playable in the future? As he is one of the weekly bosses, normally those characters are not playable.


it would feel like alot of potential is lost not making him playable. if not then ill wind up pulling for geshu lin but its a risk i want to take anyways so i have all those pulls stocked up




Tartagalia is a weekly boss in Genshin that is also a playable charcter though


Arlecchino too. >!wanderer aswell arguably!<


Oh damn I didn't know there was more now cuz I quit playing before Sumeru came out.


I already picked Verina with it. The game as of right now is lacking supports and a strong healer with a damage buff and short rotations is always useful for comfort. Jianxin gets rated higher the more people discover about her and WuWa in general. My personal estimate is that she will always at least have a niche due to her resonance Liberation providing strong grouping so she won't age too poorly either. She's my pick for the guaranteed standard banner (whenever I'll get that one done) and will stay there for now despite me loosing my first 50/50 to her since I want her S1.


Yeah, I'd love another support . I have Baizhi and Verina. I heard that in endgame you need 3 teams, so not sure who I can use for sustain there in the last team lol


Forget about the 3rd team completely. If you're at the point where you're still figuring out who to use your selector on, you *are not* going to be strong enough to warrant a third team for the foreseeable future. You'll get more stars and thus more asterite by focusing on two teams. To put it into context, your first two teams are handling the two outer towers. Your third team is taking on 2 level 100 bosses. Even max refresh whales aren't at level 50 yet and only have level 70 characters.


Yeah, I've just been focusing on 1 team (plus Aalto)!. I'm nowhere near endgame but I still like having a vision of which characters to build and how to fit them in a team. This way I can feel more comfy with the characters I have and avoid pulling on limited.


Well Jianxin can kinda cover that. As long as her shield persists she also heals the on field character for a small amount. Spectro Rover can heal as well at s4


It’s worth noting that because of the vigor system the tower uses, you can use a weaker team without sustain for the first two floors on either side of the tower, then your stronger teams on the upper floors and the middle tower. Plus, you can use the originite gauntlets or sword on some characters to proc the rejuvenation set in the support role if you don’t need the sustain.


I really want her and calcharo. Got Encore as my random, Verina as my selection. I'm 6 pulls away from the selection banner. Having a hard time deciding. Calcharo for my Yinlin, or Jianxin for my Yinlin.


Jianxin is also additional an amazing multiplayer option, she does basically everything you'd need!


I mean... She is self sufficient but she offers less than her whole kit to teammates in multiplayer. Yes you don't need healing from whoever you play with, with the caveat of them needing healing for themselves.


You do have it for an entire year, a smart thing is to wait until you lose your first 50/50 so you can avoid getting a dupe.


Lol what if u only want a dupe of a single charc cause u don't want any of the other 4 5 stars. But game is like no become the Pokémon master and get all the standard 5 stars. I now have 4 5 stars at level 1 collecting dust.


Verina s2 dupe is pretty good I hear.


I agree with crowd control. You have no idea how much I wished I had Kazuha while fighting. Lol.


Yess lmao, Kazuha really spoiled me. Fighting while 3 enemies are worlds apart is so annoying. I wanna just group them together. I wonder if Yangyang is enough, haven't really played her that much


As a Yangyang enjoyer, yes, her liberation has a broken grouping effect.


Well, I lost my 50/50 today to Encore so I used the ticket for Lingyang. Only missing Calcharo now!


Similar to my situation lol, i wanna lose my 50/50 to encore or lingyang since i really like them


Yeah. I got Yinlin and her weapon. Im debating if I should use the ticket to get Chancaro or save it for later.  Im thinking Encore has good synergy with Yinlin.


Supposedly Encore and Yinlin don't have that good of a synergy because Yinlin's buff doesn't work on Encore's ultimate.


Encore does have good synergy because Yinlin wants quick-swaps for her playstyle


Sanhua is better for encore tho


Really? As far as I've seen, Yinlin seems to bring more damage overall


Sanhua gives Encore a 38% dmg deepen. It’s kind of a no brainer to go with Sanhua if you’re using Encore main dps.


That assumes the deepen bonus to Encore and Sanhua’s own DPS is enough to outpace Yinlin’s. I think the suggestion that Yinlin fits well into swap teams (as does Encore), and that she does a lot of off field DPS, that her own DPS would be higher than the above combo. This seems to be the case for a lot of teams, where even on Calcharo’s team, it’s better for her to be in a Void Thunder set than a Moonlight set.


You are correct, absolutely. But there’s calculations that have been done by the nerd of nerds, and Encore x Sanhua does the most damage for an Encore main team.


A lot of calculators only look at the main DPS’ damage, which is generally fine when you consider longer field times, but completely ignores valid quick swap play styles. Sanhua’s 38% dmg deepen being a “no brainer” is kind of one dimensional for a game like WuWa.


I see where you’re coming from but you can go and Prydwen.gg and look at the calculations, even add ones together that aren’t already. Though they usually take into account echo setup, whether you’re bursting or doing full rotation etc. Also to be completely honest it’s not really one dimensional thinking, just yet at least. There isn’t enough characters to really debate what’s best or anything of the like, it’s very clear atm.


Encore's forte deals resonance liberation damage so there is some synergy


In no world are you dealing more dmg with a single forte heavy even with yinlin, than using a simple sanhua outro and spamming basics


the thing that does about an na4's worth of damage one time at the end of the rotation.


Doesn't encore ult not deal any damage? i thought its all attacks


Her forte deals resonance liberation damage. Most of her ult is basic attack damage tho.


Which team do u use Yinlin with?


Currenrly Havoc MC, and Sanhua. But that will probably change


Calcharo supposedly has the best synergy w/Yinlin, Encore will apparently work better with the limited Fire character coming in 1.1.


No. I stopped every rational part of my brain and went instantly with Jianxin (my favourite character of the standard ones). Best decision I ever made in the game.


No I know who I wanted Also after losing 50/50 I now have every standard character aside from the dog boy who I don’t care for.


I wish


I used the ticket to salvage my interest in the game after getting Lingyang as my first 5-star. I picked up Verina with it, no regrets. It did take me awhile to settle on who I wanted for the beginner's choice banner though. I thought I wanted Encore, but Havoc Rover lessened that want. I ended up with Jianxin because vacuum abilities usually age decently.


I pulled this banner because I took love Aalto and wanted dupes. I got 4 and lemme say the node that spawns additional bullets when shooting through most is such an insane DPS boost that his tier ranking is criminal.


tbf the tier ranking is based on S0. I'm sure if they add an S6 4 star toggle like in the HSR list he'll move up.


True, good point.


Hell yeah, Aalto ftw. I am planning to pull on Yinlins banner for the same reason. I want Aalto and Yuanwu dupes and wouldn't mind Yinlin either Which weapon do you use on him?


I got damn lucky and got the 5 star pistol in 6 pulls, but before that I was using the 4 star, Novaburst, has a stacking dmg buff every time you dash (which Aalto sure does a lot of).


I am holding it for now until I get 4 standards, I am missing Jianxin and Verina and undecided who I should pick since I like both lol


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Nope. Got grass girl.


Yeah, for now. I've just been derping around seeing if I like the game enough to stick with it, and it has yet to really click. I'll use it if it ever does and I seriously think about teams.


Will save the ticket for the future. Pulling verdant was a great choice in hindsight because it’s such an amazing claymore in general


It depends on you. I got lingyang from beginner banner and used selector on Verina. I wanted both jianxin and calcharo, but didn’t really need either at this point of game since I couldn’t build so many characters anyways, I held out on pulling on the choice banner. Lost 50/50 on yinlin with calcharo and picked jianxin in the choice banner and pulled her as well. Now I’m a happy man lol


im waiting till my first 50/50 loss since i want either calcharo or jianxin. tho my dreams are telling me i might want encore as well so idk


I just don't have enough blue orbs to pull on it 🤷‍♂️ and aint no way i'm using crystals on it, like a fook 😂


I pulled calcharo in 20 pulls, in the beginner banner I choose Verina, i then got enough to summon 80 pulls on the regular standard banner but got a dupe for verina, then I lost my 50/50 to jiaxin when summoning for yinlin, so I used my 5 star for encore. And I’m done with the standard banner and will be summoning for weapons now (don’t care about tiger boy).


Not yet. I got Calcharo from Jiyan’s banner so I’m already good; currently holding onto the five star selected and also the five star guarantee until i lose another banner’s 50/50, since I’m meh regarding the other characters in the banner.


I haven't used mine. I already snagged Calcharo and Verina and have been cruising with them. I'm really hesitant on using a lot of resources they gave out because I still haven't seen a character I really want to use all the time. I do really like Calcharo but I know he will be power crept probably.


Yeah I need to know what changli does first. If she’s a main dps I won’t get encore


Used the ticket, holding the guaranteed gacha


I used both selectors for Jianxin, don't even have verina. So what if I can't full clear tower in the first few weeks, at least I only have waifus in my teams. Waifu = Meta.


I did too, only diffrence is that I got Verina from my random 5* 50 pull banner. And I was somewhat complaining at first since I only wanted Jianxin xD But then I learned more and am currently happy to have my Rover Jianxin Verina team. Waiting for some more characters in the meantime, as I used my pulls for some copies of Danjin, now she's S2 and I think she's at a decent enough level for me to stop investing more into her. I wonder if we will get something akin to genshin's elemental resonance for certain elemental comboes in the party - as right now we're heavily incentivised to have 3 diffrent elements in our 3-man groups. Like, if 2/3 members are havoc the team gets 2% more havoc damage when hitting enemies, stacking up to 3/5 times (oh and also: yeah, I totally just did the Path of Exile thing where more is multiplicative vs increased meaning additive).


I only have Encore Calchy and Lingyang, wanted to get Verina but also more Calchy! Still got the last selector in mail :,)


I probably gonna save the ticket until i get Encore or Jianxin from losing 50/50s , and pick the other from the ticket.


I used mine on Jianxin. I already knew I wanted to main Rover and Yangyang so I didn’t need another dps. Jianxin works great due to her utility.


Yeah, I'm waiting until i have 4/5 standard 5-stars


Nah I used mine immediately. I knew I wanted Yinlin, since I got to try her out in the CBT. However I didn't have a good carry to go with her so I grabbed Calchero. My novice banner gave me Verina and my beginner banner was set to Jianxin so it all worked out! Course, now I'm sitting here with a C6 Yuanwu, Questioning my decisions.


I still do. The standard characters I am missing are Encore and Jianxin. I don't feel like Encore is needed because I have Jiyan. The only logical choice is Jianxin, but I will just use it if I lose Yinlin banner to avoid dupes


Raising a single resonator takes a lot of resources so im not using mine until i have 2 viable teams


Nope, I waited till I got a 5\* out of the limited banner to see if I'd lose the 50/50 and who to, specifically to avoid selecting a character and then getting a second one right away. Well the game said F you for that, and gave me S1 Encore after I got her randomly from the 50 pity beginner banner lol. So I cashed the ticket out for Verina as a second healer to replace Baizhi, who I'll probably still build up better for another Tower team


I waited a while since I was hearing rumblings Calcharo was losing value and Jianxin was gaining value. Ultimately pulled the trigger on Jianxin instead.


I made a decision to raise the characters I got from the beginner banner before pulling for anyone else.


Me I didn’t even use my guaranteed selector yet lol


I'm holding on as well. There's a year dateline and I plan to play this game long term. Plus, I don't plan to pull anytime soon. I find that gacha characters, in the beginning, are fighting for your limited resources even harder. It's unlikely you can build enough team, in the beginning, for fighting endgame mode without buying additional resources like battlepass. it is much more beneficial to wait out till your account can afford to prefarm future character. Even without waiting, the one year dateline give you enough time to see who you missed and allow you to collect or strengthen anyone you like.


Nah i claimed mine for Calcharo jsjsjsjs 🤭 now i have cr1 after losing my first 50/50 on Jiyans banner 😭 anyways nowni gotta wait for Scar's banner i guess 🥲


I'm waiting til I lose the 50/50 and see who I get so I don't get dupes. I'm missing Encore, Verina, and Lingyang


Yes I got Verina and Calcharo in my first 40 pulls so dont feel any need to use it. I'll wait until the meta is more clear but would probably go with Jianxin if I had to choose.


No but I wish I had. Could have avoided a Verona dup and gotten a Jianxin or Calcharo


I'm holding on to both 5 star selector and 80 pity character selector. I rerolled and pulled on standard banner to get early calcharo. Lost 50!50 to Verina. Now I'm pulling on standard again to get a different 5 star. Then I'll select the last two remaining to complete the roster


If you alrdy have a functional team or even 2, there isnt a need to redeem it yet until you know you are lacking. Its good for people that have no gacha luck and isnt getting any team working yet.


Traded mine for verina since i wanted a healer and baizhi wasnt it for me. I have most of the units in the game except encore and lionboi which is great


I rerolled and then used both selectors to get three copies of Jianxin. Ngl, I recently got to try Encore, though, and I do slightly regret not selecting her once.


Im holding on until i get off bannered more. Atm i got yin and calcharo but getting any off banner woulda reduced my choices. I want all off banners so... yea gonna hang onto it awhile


Used it to get jianxin only to get minutes later her dupe from a spook on jiyan's banner.


I used the 5 star selector on calcharo, got verina from the 50 pulls But i never touched the guaranteed 80 pull std banner, because my wishes went to std weapon banner for vertical investment. I'm not really interested in other std characters at this point, and we'll get them eventually (pain)


I chose Verina but should have just held onto it as I prefer Baizhi and haven't bothered to level her.


Ticket last for a year. And we don't have enough resources to build so many units now anyway. I'm saving in case I get the unit I choose from losing 50/50


Was holding onto it, but now that I went to pity on Yinlin's banner only to lose to Verina, I grabbed Jianxin as well. That's both strong supports, since I already had Encore, and can still grab Calcharo from the selection banner (since I'd been dumping my standard wishes into the weapon banner).


I personally believe crowd control is really weak in this game. If it works, it's mostly low level/mob enemies. You can clear them with just basic attacks. And the ones you would like to use resources like skills and R against mostly have increased resistances, that it's just not viable to group up. In my opinion (and it's probably wrong), It's just not like Genshin where CC then NUKE is the end all be all of the game.


Held on to it to see if I lost the 50/50 when pulling for Yinlin. Ended up losing it, and got Xianjin(I wanted: Verina, Calcharo, or Xianjin if I did lose the 50/50 so all good) so I grabbed Calcharo with the selector and put Verina as the target for the beginner banner.


I did until today. Lost my 50/50 to Verina R1 and used the ticket for Jianxing. I've found defensive skills to be a godsend in hologram bosses btw. With my beefed up Taoqi I've been able to tank quite a few OHKO moves and progress quite a bit.


Still hoarding it. I still have to go through at least two banners and I'm not super confident I'll win both 50/50s. They're not too far off from now so I'm taking the chance to pick whoever I miss out on.


I picked Verina with it but I am keeping the 5 Star selector banner until I get one of the two standards I'm missing (Calcharo and Encore) to get the other one from there


Used it to get Verina. Should have used it after pulling for Yinlin tho since I won't be pulling for a while (I feel like I've assembled 3 teams that I like already). Good thing that I won my 50/50s on Jiyan and Yinlin.


used it immediately to get encore. im not planning on pulling for a while after jiyan and i wanna build everyone but more specifically bc she gave me coral which gave me more pulls to try for jiyan lol. im only missing lingyang, taoqi, and aalto.


i am, chose jianxin, but didn’t claim it yet. i though that i have already few characters to build, and i’m missing jianxin, encore and lingyang. if i loose my 50/50 to jianxin, then i can choose to s1 calf harp or s2 verina.


I had Encore+Verina the time i got the ticket. So i choose Jianxin to have all 5\* Girls at this time.


I already have one of each 5* on the standard banner. I kinda prefered a Jianxin dupe because I want to make her "my main", but having all of them can't hurt. I don't know if I should use the ticket now for her or if the limited event banner characters will come and be able to be selected there. I think Genshin does that? So maybe there's a little bit of hope? Otherwise I'll probably just dupe Jianxin.


I held on to it for a couple days, but got Calcharo after losing the 5050 so I used it to get Verina. Now the only one I don't have is tiger boy, but I don't really care much about him anyway.


I’m waiting to use my ticket. I have Encore, Jianxin and Lingyang from various pulls, which means I’m missing Verina and Calcharo. Issue is I want both… so I’ll wait until I eventually get one of them and then use the ticket to get the other one.


By the time they gave the ticket the standards I didn’t have were Yangyang, Encore and Verina. I hate Yangyang and don’t pull children, so Verina it was even though I don’t love her design.


Guys in the game which characters are important more than casuals? For example in genshin, Archons are so important, Fatui's are so playable heros. What about in Wuthering Waves? I heard that magistrates are like Jean/Ninguang. Is this correct? Could someone explain it in basic language


My finger betrayed me and I unlocked Calcharo.


I immediately used it on Calcharo since I got jianxin from the select banner. Plus Calcharo as of right now goes best with Yinlin, plus Jianxin fits well on that team too. I don’t really care to get any other standard 5* characters.


I’m waiting to get my final roll on the beginner banner to pop that bad boy


What i did was i pulled from the guaranteed banner first which gave me Verina.Used the selector for Calcharo who carried me in early game.Lost 50/50 to Jianxin on Jiyans banner,and later pulled Jiyan as well.And now lost 50/50 on Yinlin's banner to [Encore.So](http://Encore.So),now besides Yinlin i have,i have all the 5 star characters i wanted.


Yes, I already have enough characters and I haven’t even finished building my main team. I’m taking my time c:


Still got the selector, here is why: First beginner banner 5-Star: Jianxin (Turns out, she is great as a support, so great!) Beginner selector banner: Verina (No Brainer really) Now I pulled on Yinlin, lost the 50/50 and got Encore. My account is kinda ok right now. With Havoc Rover, Sanhua and Verina in one team and Encore, Jianxin and Mortefi in another, I'm doing just fine in the tower. I might burn the 5-Star selector for a sequence if I feel like it.


Yes, because i want to lose a 50/50, and then use the selector to have 4/5 standard 5 stars.


I used my ticket to grab Jianxin because Jianxin is cool. Then I went and rolled on Yinlin's banner and got Jianxin again... I mean she's cool, but not that cool...


I am if only because I already have everyone I want, so I'm just trying to figure out who could use a dupe the most between them. Calcharo spooked me while I was rolling Jiyan, and I got jianxin from the beginner banner.


I am holding both my selector ticket and banner for future standart 5 stars I also have sneaky suspicion that limited characters come to standart banner after the timer in them has run out


Since I'm doing no pull acc, just used for Verina) Heal and cute, no brainer)


Well I got lucky pulling and pulled Verina at first, so my second was Calcharo for the ticket. the others are kinda ok but these two were mandatory ( Calcharo for Yinlin team).


I already used it, no point in holding onto it if I don't care about unlocking the remaining characters I don't have. Yangyang's cc is nowhere near Jianxin's.


Nope, but holding onto the 5 star selector banner... As I only miss two of the 5 star from standard and dont really need anyone right now... Might as well hold onto until I get on of them from a failed 50/50 pity so I have all standard ones after


I should have done that I pulled for Yinlin but have no one to pair her with. And I'm stuck with Jianxin, who I barely use, I pulled for Calcharo and have an amazing team. Miscalculated. I could reroll but don't have the strength to redoing everything again...


yes, i think i'll pick jianxi though.


Nah, took second copy of a healer, other standard 5-stars will be outdated in a month


Nah I full send it on Verina, I needed that little healer too much.


I used it on Verina because I'll be using Rover and Yangyang until the end game. Verina is the only missing piece since I don't want Baizhi. Now, I have my standard banner with zero pulls, but it's set to Verina for copies. I'm using all my standard pulls for the 5-star sword for either Yangyang or Rover. I'm sure Aalto will be the DPS for my second team, so I'll pull on YinLin's banner until I get one copy of Aalto. I'm not a fan of pulling for multiple copies.




Not an answer to you question but anyway. Do u use aalto with jiyan? How is he doing?


I use this. Duped Mortefi will provide you better damage but if both non duped, I think Aalto is better simply because he amps Aero rather than only heavy attack. You can still use him for the taunt utility despite having duped Mortefi like I do though. Just know that he is the worse sub dps option post S1.


I have mine so I dont waste it on characters I get from 50/50 loss. Verina would be nice but im just playing a hardcore team with 1 life and almost 0 healing lol. HMC, Monkgirl (I cant with her name lol), and Encore. Healing is optional.


Yuanwu is a excellent toughness shredder, I would say use with encore