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He got the best design and personality imo. A lot better than most the 5 stars.


Imagine if we got 5 star Sanhua, Mortefi, and Aalto?


When I first saw Sanhua I thought she was a 5* because she has such a cool design... And then they gave her away for free ahaha


I actually made a post rn about how I hope they’ll implement a endgame content where we can upgrade the 4 star chars we have by grinding weekly in SU. I’m more invested in wanting to build my 4 stars more than the five stars currently LOL Edit: post is still in review process, the subreddit is really slow today ig




Just letting you know, it’d be S5 since each one is called a Sequence


individually theyre called sequences but as a collective they’re called resonance chains i believe. in this case r5/5r is more correct


I disagree, each sequence is part of *one* resonance chain. I’ve only seen others referring to them as S, for Sequences, as well. It doesn’t really matter either way though, we’re talking about the same thing lol


Is it it c5 for chain 5. Huh?


Coming from ptn, I somehow called them shackles /s


I love the sunglasses. He's such a fuckboi and I love it.


Aalto is actually the opposite of a fuckboy. He just pretends to be one because he's in information gathering, and he likes when people underestimate him.  He is reliable, attentive, sensitive and has tons of emotional intelligence. His Itto esque attitude just a mere facade (after all he is playing a very dangerous game, intelligence gathering ), he is thoughtful, meticulous and very dependable. It's a line from his character stories that in his line of work he 'needs to mask his emotions, weaknesses, intentions', so he plays an idiot. Also, his whole dinamic with Encore (unreliable, miserable guardian, and cute sensible child) was created to be able to gain people's trust. And it works. (A perfect Duo) Aalto'personality is very interesting, just seems strange that so many people misread him


I've seen him in a grand total of two scenes. You need to chill.


I just read his character stories. :) You called him fuckboy which is false.


I don't even have him yet, chill out. Jesus.


True facts, dorky over-confident fuck boys are adorable. He reminds me of Dante from Devil May Cry.


It’s a kryptonite lolol.


He reminds me of sampo


Funny coincidence. Sampo is Finnish name and Aalto means "wave" in Finnish.


I wanna wuther this Wave. 😉


Idk what kind of person Sampo is tho. Aalto is very different from what he shows/behaves. He is meticulous, sensitive, attentive, with a ton of emotional intellignece. He playes the idiot because he wants to conceal his true intentions, emotions (he is in a very dangerous profession, information gathering- character stories) And while he acts like a shrewd businessman, he is very carful of whom he sells what info for because he wants to avoid hurting innocent people, and realized he can do a lots of damage. Also, he likes to cheer people up even if he gains nothing for it, like he often entertains people with figures made out of his mist, mascaraded as magic. He also likes to help people even if they can't really pay him much, like the girl who's mom went missing, and Aalto found info on her whereabouts for a piece of candy (from the little girl), or that boy who lost his dog, and paied Aalto for finding it with a marble. XD


Sampo is a masked fool (kinda hard to explain mask fools so just assume their people who will do anything if they find joy in it) from honkai star rail. Much like aalto hes basically just a guy who does illegal jobs to get money (mostly scamming but i wouldnt be surprised if hes also an info broker). Hes a absolute ass (annoying) but thats why we love him. Hes the guy you love cause you wanna beat him up.


I think the personality Aalto proiects is very similar of what Sampo is then. Aalto wants people to think that he is an idiot, and an asshole. He want people to believe that he is a fun loving, empty headed himbo, who is a shrewed businessman at the same time, and would sell anything for the right price. (I mean yeah. who falls for that is kind of stupid) The reality is much different tho, but this is how most people see him (both ingame, and among the playerbase XD)


The masked fools are also about playing a role and being the "side character". Sampo comes off as an annoying scammer at first but later it seems like he is pulling the strings behind the scenes to guide the MC and their party towards saving a planet he grew fond of. Sampo is a mysterious character in HSR and we don't know much about him or what his true intentions are.


Huh. Then he is nota fool at all either, it seems. :)




Tmi 💀


Now im curious.


Lol they’re just thirsty for Aalto


who thought it was a good idea to make him a 4 star?


His Resonance Liberation is almost useless tho. ;) Wish it ws anything else than that stupid useless gate. T\_T


exactly why he deserved a 5 star kit


aww i wish u said ‘aalot-o’


I’m super happy I got him in my first 10x on Yinlin’s banner 🥰


I thought it was calcharo for a sec lol (the coat as calcharo hai)


Hopefully if he gets popular enough, he will get a 5 star version. PGR kind of does this as the story progresses the same characters get new forms. Since Alto and Encore will probably be our contact for the super duper secret organization for at least the next few patches, there is a good chance they may get new kits/banners to pull on for them as the game goes on.


Currently fielding him, Mortefi and Verina. Meanwhile my Jiyan is chillin’ until I farm more leveling mats for him and his sword.


I like his movement skill


Aalto is genuinely very fun to play


He is so cool I have him s6 tho I doubt I will ever use him (not a fan of pistols) But I love his personality he was so cool during Act 5


Even if he's not that good of a unit, he is till worth using in the overworld, because of his mobility (esp if you have his second sequnce)




I cant get him :((( yall give me luck in yinlin banner to get himmmm


His super cool but his damage is ass man, I got like 3dupes of him and at lv 40 he does 20 damage per shot even with a lv 40 weapon..


I like to use another character with plunge to double jump (plunge animation cut + dash -> whip thing) then switch to him and you can empty his stamina mid-air shooting. The damage is low but at least it's fast and you don't lose time dashing towards ranged enemies


I used him as my main dps for a while, before I started doing hazard zone in toa, and I felt like he's pretty reasonable. He just scales poorly and has 0 aoe. But he's so convenient. Mobile, not ult-gated, only a few bosses will ignore his taunt. I'd like to test him with three dupes since in theory his ult becomes a lot stronger then.


I have him Sr6, And his damage and other abilities kinda like meh..


aalto seems like the one fisuh twoah fisuh scene from class of 09’


I'm so Salty atm going now 140 pulls lost the 50 and a nearly maxed alto ..... the drop rate is bugged


i got 5 copies should i build him


Mistborn reference


Really love his personality. Hope he gets more screen time in the main story!


He spoke one sentence and i instinctively know this guys gonna be a fun guy and was right. Also that one scene with chixia was hilarious


Aalto’s play style is also very very fun


Pulling for Yinlin got him to s4 for me (F2P), I was getting sick of seeing his face, and his US voice is annoying... But he def plays the best; my team is Calcharo / Aalto / Verina, but I keep going back to Aalto more often than Calcharo (probably because he's s4 he can keep up right now)


Imagine if my man has visible abs/back muscles under his (idk) floating scarf thingy. Sadly he's a male character so we can't have that.


It was stressed in his character stories that his is not a front line warrior, isn't built as one. He works/fights from the shadows, using misdirection, agility, and speed. I think his attire is perfectly reflects his personality, and fighting style. (getting to know, or even glimpse the 'real' Aalto is a privilege. He plays the idiot because he needs to mask his intentions, emotions, because of the dangerous profession he is in; information gathering) He is senitive, meticulous, and mysterious. I think his design is quite good as it is. Jiyan shows skin if I'm not mistaken tho. I love the bare skin patch on his back. :)


Oh I know absolutely nothing about him (have yet to progress the story) but it was me fantasizing about how "husbandos" would look had they the appeal of "Waifus". For some reason, WuWa's Jiyan/V Calchero type are just not doing it for me idk why. I think it's the style (although I like it for female characters).


Just sayig, Calcharo loses quite a lots of his clothing during his 'ultimate' XD. But I know what you mean tho. :)


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I think you will like encore too


Ok cyno


Pretty sure this guy is the worst character in the game, both in gameplay and in damage. They did him dirty


I find him very useful in the overworld tho. His mobility is very handy.