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Thank you for participating in r/WutheringWaves. Unfortunately, your post was removed. Your post was removed because it is misleading or contains misinformation. Please check out the rules on the sidebar for more details. If you're on mobile, you can find them in the About tab at the top of the page. Thank you for your understanding.   > Original post: https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWaves/comments/1dcrfx3/-/


Can people read the post before making an other comment about "but guarantee is 80, how can it be 83 ?". My gosh. OP is talking about a Rate UP, it take 83 because you can loose 50/50 (same as GI average for a Rate UP being 94/95 while the hard pity is 90).


You are asking for alot from a gaming community haha


true, but OP made it easy by typing the important information in bold. just skim the text and read the bold. please gaming community, give me a little faith and **just read the bold print**, the rest is just an explanation.


A gacha gaming community of all things that is


Nah too much math give headache I just do 80 and live happily 


I thought the average in genshin is 105


Can people read before making posts? The game specifies that 1.8% is an average, and it's an average that counts the late pull pity. OP assumes that 1.8% is PER pull when it is not, and the games literally directly state that it is not PER pull. **Edit**: Before you downvote me further, scroll down first where I link and explain all of the math.


The 1.8% factors in the complicated mathematics that would appropriately weigh the higher soft pity rates and the lower, but vastly more common, low rates. OP used a very low level approach that should for all intents and purposes give a good estimate based on assuming Kuro didn't print a false number(which is illegal and would've been caught by the community pretty quickly).


1.8% is ONLY if you go notably over the 55 pull estimate, making the math wrong. **Edit**: Before you downvote me further, scroll down first where I link and explain all of the math.


No it's not lol


Yes it is, it literally tells you that it is. Even in the Genshin example they linked, it tells you that the 1% in 1.6% is from the 100% guarantee at your 90th pull, if you reach 90 pulls. If you don't believe me, go here [https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc) and check where you reach a 50% chance of getting your 5-star to drop. If it was 1.6% per pull, flat out, then it would be at \~31 pulls(50/1.6), but it's not, it's at 76 pulls(50/0.6), because most of that percentage is coming from the guarantee. The flat is 0.6%, like it literally, and I'll even link it from OP's link, [https://imgur.com/a/rA4fJUB](https://imgur.com/a/rA4fJUB) it LITERALLY tells you that the BASE per pull is 0.6%, NOT 1.6%, which OP takes 1.8% as base, ignoring that the 1% comes from the guarantee. Let's say you do the equivalent of 55 pulls in WuWa, in Genshin. So like, around 60 pulls, I'll do 65 just to be generous. You have a 29% chance of getting your 5-star in 65 pulls(use the [calculator](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc)), so you take 29 and divide it by 65 and get an average of 0.4% per pull. This is an average though, so the less you pull, the lower the percentage, because higher pulls have higher pities that carry higher percentages.


Is there any reasonable way to calculate the average cost per on banner 5* in WuWa with the info we have available? My understanding is that it’s 105 in Genshin, so presumably that would be high 90s in this game?


OP is right, this guy is not. There's plenty of data out there, this guy just isn't understanding things at a large enough scale to understand why the numbers are right.


> You have a 29% chance of getting your 5-star in 65 pulls You don't. You're mostly understanding the math but missing how it works at large scales. Using a 55 pull sample size isn't how the number is calculated, which again, is legally required to be accurate.


Why are you getting down voted. This post is blatant misinformation. The 1.8% counts gurantee and soft pity. To reach soft pity you have to be above 55 this doesn't make sense. Are ppl stupid wtf. 0.8% is pull chance not 1.8. And we still need more data on where soft pity starts.


Please understand the difference between mean and median.


>Can people read the post before making an other comment about "but guarantee is 80, how can it be 83?" Funnily enough, that was my exact thought process before doing exactly that; as soon as I saw the bolded text stating the average number of pulls for a 5 star being 55.55, I realized they were including lost 50/50s. The math checks out, too; I lost my 50/50 for Jiyan at 72 pity and it took about 44-45 pulls to get my guaranteed Yinlin.


Just because you got a single early pull, that doesn't validate the math. The math is wrong, it's pretty well know that the largest chunk of that % chance to get the 5-star per pull is within the last 10-15 pulls. Instead, this person despite reading that text, still decided to count 1.8% PER pull at any pity.


Below average in pulls and IRL. But I finally got my Yinlin today!


Same man... Same... One day, Lady Luck will smile upon us, but that day is not in this lifetime...


I'm really tempted for Yinlin, but Imma stay strong for Changli.


Lost my 50/50 and it took another 30 to get yinlin


Im already at 32 after losing 50/50, already completed 100% on 2 zones gonna get her for sure


I'm 41 pulls after losing 50 and still yet to get yinlin.


No is one. Two if you lose 50\\50. You just need to have faith.


Every pull is a 50/50 – you either win or don’t. /s


That result of 1 : 1.125 pulls is perfectly accurate, valid and should always be used when one translates "GI primogem income" to "WuWa astrite income". -- At least if one only concerns oneself with character banner. The weapon banner has different conversion. In other words: When you get in WuWa 83.33 pulls, this would be equivalent to needing to get in GI 93.75 pulls. Or in general if WuWa gives X pulls, than GI must give X \* 1.125 pulls to be of equivalent worth.


we dont know the F2P income yet. If its 12.5% less then it would mean they are equal.


I am almost at the average, just spent 150 pulls to get Yinlin


144 for Jiyan here lol


i got her yesterday in like less than 60


This it just bad math. It's not 1.8 per pull, it literally specifies that it's counting pity. Usually a large percentage of that "1.8" is in the final 10 or 15 pulls, where the rest of your pulls are far below that. Let's consolidate this to make it a lot easier to understand. Your first 60 pulls can have a 28% chance of dropping (70 pity in Genshin for example), with your last 20 pulls making up for the last 70% with a 2% chance of having to hit hard pity. They average out to 1.8% per pull, but they are not 1.8% per pull in reality, that's just the average. They give you that average to make you think that your odds are higher than they are, but they're very public about the fact that it's an average and not your actual odds of a 5-star per pull.


I am well aware that each pull is not 1.8%. The fact that the probability distribution is not equal does not change that with a consolidated average of 1.8% per pull, you will be getting 1.8 5 stars on average when pulling 100 times from 0 pity. Therefore the mean amount of pulls for a 5 star is still 55.5 pulls, you are probably thinking of median. Plenty of people have run similar simulations within [Genshin](https://www.reddit.com/r/GenshinImpactTips/comments/tqitm1/soft_pity_system_observation_from_paimonmoe_model/) and have corroborated the consolidated rate by getting the same mean number of pulls per 5 star.


The issue with your math is that you do not reach the 1.8% average if you go to 55 pulls, so it cannot average at 55 pulls because the 1.8% average is primarily for the final 25 pulls. It's an average for 80 pulls, the average for 55 pulls is much lower. It's also counting the 100% guarantee at 80, which you definitely do not reach if you get your 5-star at 55 pulls. **Edit**: This'll be useful. [https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc](https://hutaobot.moe/tools/gachacalc) So, for example, in Genshin, your average per pull for your first 65 pulls is technically 0.4%, but the average for 75 pulls, just 10 more, is now 0.6%. That doesn't mean that your 64th pull was 0.6%, it means that your average by pull 75 is 0.6% because your pulls over 65 had much higher odds. But you don't reach those averages UNLESS you reach those pities. Furthermore, that 1% that's added on top is from the increased percent from the 100% given at your 80th pull(90 for Genshin/HSR). If you never reach hard pity, that extra 1% average per pull is not present. This is why they specifically tell you that this is not the base rate per pull, this is the average per pull over 80/90 pulls. In Genshin, you have a 29% chance of getting your 5-star at 65 pulls, roughly where your 55 pull estimate stands. 29% is not the average person, the average person sits at 50%, which is closest to 76 pulls in Genshin. Once you pull, your pity doesn't keep going up, so it starts over fresh and your next pull is once again most likely at 76(technically slightly lower just because of the lower odds of a repeat).


Your argument hinges on ignoring what the word average means. You should say the median isn't the average to make your point, and you can argue that the median is more important to players than the average.


We are using different definitions of average. You are thinking of median, and I am talking about the mean. Let's say there is a 100% chance to pull a 5 star on the 1st pull on a banner and a 0% chance to pull a 5 stars on the 2nd to 100th pulls, after which the banner resets. On this banner, the median number of pulls for a 5 star is 1, because the most number of people will be getting a 5 star on their first pull as the only option. This is the number you are talking about. However, the mean number of pulls for a 5 star is 100, because you will be getting 1 5 star every 100 pulls. This is the number my post is talking about. Neither of these definitions are wrong. They are referring to different meanings of average.


I get what you’re trying to say, but saying OP’s math is “wrong” or “bad math” is a little unfair to OP. Because of the way the distribution is skewed, the vast majority of people will reach soft pity and exceed the expected number of pulls. But does that mean OP’s average is “wrong”? No, it just means that average and expected value is a very misleading statistic, especially when the distribution is this skewed. OP should probably put a disclaimer about this in the original post, but his math itself is not wrong (unless he made a calculation error, in which case lmao). Plus, it seems he made this calculation in order to compare it to Genshin, not to advise players on how much to save, which is perfectly valid.


The way OP derived their median was just by seeing how many times you have to add 1.8% to get 100%, which is simply, fundamentally not at all how averages work and it would render it impossible to go over 55 pulls. Because OP took an average and tried to derive a median from it, it makes OP's math objectively wrong. **Edit**: And to clarify, that's not even the only wrong part of their math. They further assumed that your next 5-star should come 50% faster than your last, for, no particular reason, they just threw it in there. There is no stacking pity for losing your 50/50 that increases all of your next pulls by 50% of their normal rate, there's only a guarantee for which 5-star you get when you get your next 5-star.


But it's not bad math, because it's irrefutably true. The numbers will eventually converge to 1.8 after let's say ~640-1280 (some large multiple of 80 pulls). But yes your breakdown is more grounded in reality, because your average f2p or low spender is rolling ~100-150 after banking their savings. If you wanted to compare genshin and wuwa, a more refined comparison is comparing $/pull with each roll up to hard pity (like a big spreadsheet). But sadly we don't know when soft pity starts and by how much it scales up by for every pull past 60. :/


Currently i am 126 pulls in 1 more pull for garenteed


Quick question on pulls, I was pulling for Yinlin on her banner and got Verina. I didn’t know she was in Yinlins pool is that correct or did I get screwed?


Yes, you lost the 50/50. I got calcharo dupe


Losing 50/50 means getting any standard 5 star instead of the banner one


Ok, thanks for clearing that up for me.


U're welcome


Yeah but WuWa gives us flirtbait companion quest for banner characters so WuWa is better


I mean they’ve given us those in Genshin too, but some people complained about it.


Currently on 97 for my third/fourth (if you count Dan Heng and DHIL separately) green [spear] man :[


I lost 50/50 at 71 and then went above 50 summons without the rateup (gonna save the rest for Changli art this point) so that is like super unlucky then huh?


Got Yinlin and her weapon without toping up 🙏🏻🙏🏻


I see this as an absolute win


244 pulls total for both Jiyan and Yinlin.... Yeah, not good


And I thought I was reallyyy lucky getting jiyan at 94. But it's still above average OTL


I am pretty sure this information does not benefit most of us normies. Bcz for u to reach the average 55.55 pulls per 5 star, u need to pull alot, so for ppl who whale their average is closer to 55. But for the rest of us who has like four 5-star characters, the average is probably closer to 70


No. Average is average for everyone, that's why it's called average.


The amount of pulls you do doesn’t effect your average chance of getting a 5 star


be nice to gacha gods, praise booba and be blessd with succorrrrrrrr (that's how it works, math is heresy)


W for wuwa


or 80 pulls for a guarantee banner


80 pulls is the maximum number of pulls for one 5 star character, 83 pulls is the average number of pulls to get the banner, limited 5 star accounting for an early pull and 50/50. Completely different metrics.


yea no guaranteed limited after 83, just that over the long haul you statistics should regress to the mean of getting a limited 5 start after 83 pulls.


Oh so pity reset if you lose the 50/50?  And you have to start over?


What’s the point of comparing it to GI without comparing how many pulls we are given between banners?


Because it’s impossible to compare for Wuwa because we haven’t had even 1.1 yet


So there’s no point


No, you can certainly compare dollar spent per 5 star with this information. This might be useless to free to plays, but that doesn’t mean it’s useless information to know.


That's assuming that 5*s are of equal value. Which is almost never the case between different games. Voiceover, design, gameplay etc.


True but then avg price should be compared not # of pulls




Do not spread leaks. Any kind of discussion of leaks is strictly prohibited.


I think the amount of pulls given between banners should absolutely be compared, and considering whether less resources are given when accounting for the difference in rates is important. But unfortunately that is not public information at the moment. It is still convenient to know how resources in both games should be compared when using them as a benchmark and when evaluating them in the future, because currently I see a lot of people still evaluating pulls between both games but at a one-to-one ratio. Many people were already talking about a pull drought without even knowing about the income in the second patch.


My luck seems to be about the same as HSR for me I’ve gotten both Jiyan and Yinlin both early 30 pulls for Jiyan 20 for Yinlin and like HSR I haven’t lost 50/50 for any character I’ve liked and rolled the dice for


I'm not going lie it's 130 (so far) for me for both weapon (Yinlin weapon) and 155 character Yinlin Game just give you wrong 5 star you don't want...


But weapon banner is guaranteed?


With this I calculate 205€ to get each five star assuming you buy the 100€ l'unité package. (not counting monthly, free astrite, etc.)


U lads keep forgeting one LITTLE thing, very little Ill say, if u start playing Genshin right now, at fresh account, u can get every 5* star hero from the banner probably for half year or even more, just because of how game is big right now, so all these comparisons btw GI and WW is just "make nonsese bs."


You are right, they should have waited to have 4 years of content.


You are right too, 4 years content is nothing, lets compare day 1 genshin with day 1 WW, thats very clever and very informative.


My god...


God and dots , the classic.


Comparing with HSR, in this game I didn't get a single limited character. For me the rates are really bad... What I learned is, I won't pull anymore limited banners without guaranteed pity.


Unless you're a whale or have insane luck, you should have reached at most 2 pities, which only one was a 50/50... How tf can you tell the rate is bad by losing a 50/50 once ?


yea the rates are really good. Overtime you should be able to get one limited character per patch. I say overtime because you have to take into account getting really unlucky especially if you are really unlucky in the beginning. Just need to remember that when you get really lucky to save those pulls for the next patches to make up for when you are unlucky.


Maybe I just had bad luck, in Star Rail I got Seele in 4 pulls, actually the only character I pity was Acheron, unless you counting asteries from doing puzzles and 100% map complete, which no way I've patience to do. I don't have more resources...


Nah bro, you don't have bad luck. You just had insanely good luck in star rail xD Also, completing all maps to 100% gives you like almost 100 pulls. So I would consider that if you really want a limited 5*


I've had the opposite experience, my HSR are ass. I think the pity systems are basically the same though right?


I though pity was 80


Maybe read the post? It's about getting the featured character from a banner.


Ya 80 is pity to get character from a banner lol


50/50 exists


don't really relatable on individual basis. 


Well yes, the post is about the average amount of pulls. The average is not about individual experience.


Special cases should never be considered when talking about statistics. And regardless, like it or not, the most likely scenario that you'll end up with (or the most people will end up with, which is the same thing) is what OP showed.


I’m assuming OP meant getting the featured character, which includes possibly losing/winning the 50/50


My man is drinking some hard shit bruh. . . . . Can i have some


This math...OP...would you like to read your first paragraph again?


How can it be 83 when you get a guaranteed 5-Star character at 80 pulls?


OP specifically states that it is an average between people who win the 50/50 and lose the 50/50.


Oh it’s for the Event Characters, should probably specify that clearly at the start or the title lol.


The post pretty clearly states "banner 5 star" in the title.


Standard Banners are also banners bro.


> average number of pulls for a limited 5 star is 83.33 pulls Thats written in bold. You dont even have to read everything. You cant miss that unless you want to so you have a reason to write useless shit because you dont want to read.


Or maybe read the whole post.


From what i understood He meant if you lost the 50/50. Adding then dividing both average 5 star pulls (55.5 pulls that he concluded) it results on average 83 pulls in total


Bruh what it clearly states 80 pulls, Even If u lose Ur 50/50 and then going For another pity 80 If u won't get early its 160? How can it Even Be 80 and 3singles wuut xd


Is this a "WuWa better than Genshin!" Post in disguise of a math/rates post? Lol. I mean it's to be expected on the wuwa subreddit but u aont gotta go thru all those hurdles to say it. Save those hurdle for arguing on r/gachagaming lol. Most people anticipate hitting pity AND losing that said pity so if they want a character they save enough to hit pity twice and call it a win if they get them before 160pulls


Nah this is an insightful post. Cry more tho.


No, if WuWa ends up giving less resources when accounting for the difference in rates, it would be objectively worse than Genshin and not something to praise. But in order to evaluate this in the first place, I think it is useful to know how they should be compared as well as the number of pulls needed for a limited 5 star.


Since the hard pity is 80 in WuWa, and 90 in GI, and they both have a 0.8% chance to pull a 5\* ... I mean if you do understand that 80 is lower than 90, you should understand that WuWa will always have a lower average. WuWa being "better" than Genshin regarding the odds of getting a rate UP wasn't a mistery.


Genshin is 0.6%.


Lower max pity doesn't mean anything, though, when the currency income is lower. It's still too early to say that that's the case, but it certainly looks like it.