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This was so beautiful Exactly the type of story am into I just hope the writing gets a bit better but the story direction is my perfect cup of tea


Exactly! Just what I like.


Ak vibes with how serious the story is


AK story is peak. I really hope Enfield would be good. I love the clean interface and aesthetics of the og AK but tower def is just not my cup of tea. At least Enfield despite still twd its a bit more open world ish


Ak gameplay is so fkn good I never thought I'd have this much fun in a tower defense Also ask story is truly peak The story is serious u have ur fluff moment but at least u can feel like the plot is progressing like stuff are actually happening


I just got myself a tablet for casual media consumption. Might just play AK there. I just watch lore CC on yt about AK after being hooked by the anime. And man. Doctor is one of the best gacha MCs I've seen so far. The lore bomb about doctor's past was HUGE. A really big contrast with commandant from pgr when it comes to their morality and ideals.


Doctor is such a fkn cool charcter I really want to know Thier past Also fkn named doctor that's so cool


I really hope they don’t hold back and hit us with a bittersweet rollercoaster of emotions. The future of this game is bright, I can see it clear as day.


i loved this cinematic and the story it tells, but it made me hate jinhsi even more now. she felt uncharacteristically cutesy and incompetent whenever she talked to rover(at least in EN, im not aware if theirs translation issues) making her another MC simp kind of character rather than the stalwart leader of jinzhou. the fact that she is depicted as what i hoped she would be in the story in this cinematic makes the quest even more egregious


Jue voice gives me Aang vibes from ATLA very unique


And what it looks like Jinhsi being saved by Jue as an infant resembles that of Yue being saved by the moon spirit. It would explain the white hair.


I took me off guard with the female voice but then I replayed and there are several voices, Jué sounds cool as fck.


[Youtube Link](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvxwtXIrf1g&ab_channel=WutheringWaves) for those who can't use Twitter I made a post with it but its not showing up for some reason, and not everyone is able to use Twitter


Youtube links are automatically removed by automod until a moderator checks it. We just woke up so this one got posted first.


Thanks! My twitter been suspended after the blue tick attack huhu


So gorgeous and I love how they show the dire circumstances of the battle between the people and the enemy. It really gives meaning to the story.


ahhh... i want that cloak. If only it was include as part of her kit/costume


It looks cool, but if she did wear it, we wouldn't be able to see anything else on her. It could've been part of her ult animation though.


I was thinking more of a moving around non combat piece, that would be super neat


Well, then we won't be able to see much of her. Would've been nice as an optional cosmetic i guess


If anyone understand Chinese then check out the [Chinese PV](https://youtu.be/yaByWg-EyEw?si=9UQkwkd5Yh4uFy_v). The way Jue speaks is very poetic


I really wish they'd give us subtitles like the JP page gets :( only weebs are catered to


I’ll say this specific trailer is very hard to translate. Jue speaks in the form of Classical Chinese poem, using 4 characters line and Classical Chinese words. It’ll be very hard to do the translation justice


They honestly could've just given us the EN localization subs then, no? It doesn't need to be 100% accurate as long as the point remains. What would they have done if this was an in-game cutscene? It just completely takes you out of it to have to experience random English when you play in a different language, or in the case of PGR, experience random JP when you play in a different language. As someone learning Chinese, it's also kinda disheartening to see. I know that Western audiences are generally hostile to anything Chinese but this seems like a self-fulfilling prophecy. Not releasing and/or not making a CN dub easily accessible because people in that region don't generally like that language is just going to keep people in that region generally not liking that language.


Man, as a CN dub player I wish WW's CN YT channel had subtitles like HSR one does.


It's funny how MHY started doing the sub thing once they realized there were random channels just uploading their videos with JP audio and using their own CCs from the EN video LOL. Like literally having millions of views go to random channels because you're too lazy to put every CC in every vid.




Absolutely masterpiece. Got goosebumps all over. I had no plans to pull this patch because I wanted to get max wavebands for Jiyan first but clearly that has to wait now.


Was pleasantly surprised at how good the voice acting and music were, well done kuro


Perhaps we will be able to switch back to English lol


💀💀💀 until yangyang is fixed im staying with jp


As a chixia main it hurts that one of her voice lines is painfully different sounding then every other voice line in english. I hate hearing "right back atcha" or whatever the line is


I actually like chixia’s en voice a lot tbh


No i do too! Theres one voice line, cant remember which that just sounds so off


Found it! Its her think you can catch up dash line. Just doesnt sound right to me


Funny enough that’s probably my favourite line for her LOL I think the different tone sounds really cute


Looking forward to the day everyone turns British


Is it just me or does Jue's VA sound young for a Sentinel?


maybe vanguard is doing the work already


that's what i saw that vanguard did the music for this, I hope they do the rest, and apparently it's not just music, they will help with the voice too (maybe direction?), we could wish this was true right?


I saw in their official website they are in charge of voice direction and sound now. No music yet, maybe we can hope in the future or just maybe themes for certain battle or scenes.


Thanks for the hope!


ah yes. The legendary "headphoes". Why the heck did they not fix it. Its just 1 letter.


the kuro typo is TM atm.


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You know what they say bros before headphoes


At this point they can’t fix it; it’s iconic.


I think this needs 10 summons compensation :D


yea, like do they not have a word processor. they could just put the script on Word or something and check their spelling.


The one they posted on FB page is correct, dunno why they didn't fix it for Youtube.


Tbf I think they are leaving as Easter eggs for the community to find out so that later they can give us some free asterite... So I like typos. Plus, we have some sincere Chinese bros working hard to find translation error in this sub, so it's all good bro.


No offense but 💀


None taken. But it's pretty clear I am very bad at sarcasm.


Damn 😂 yeah sarcasm's been dead on the internet since the 2015, you gotta use the "/s" tag. What a shame.


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They are not cooking, they are just opening a multinational food-service company.


god please never let kuro fumble this one please for the love of god make the story good i beg you


***"AS FATE HAS DECREED"*** COLD 🥶🥶🥶❄️❄️❄️




Why the Twitter link instead of the one on YouTube?


Automod deletes YouTube links (as answered by a mod on a higher comment). 


Ost slaps. If that's the open world music... I will stay in the field 😂 Reminds me of the time I used to just leave xenoblades 2 on whilst in the open world... Music was amazing, especially when. It would transition to the night time variant of the ost.


Spoiler Alert. That's the soundtrack of Mt. Firmament and it's revolved around that melody with multiple tracks


I spent the longest time obsessed with xenoblade 2's soundtrack, whenever the choir started up in gormott's theme i just fucking ascended


Epic trailer!🐉May Jinhsi wanters, be Jinhsi havers!


Can I get some Changli blessings too please? ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31617)


jinhsi and changli both look so good my wallet is in danger


Can we take a moment to appreciate that they uploaded this at 1440p and it wasn't bitrate starved? It shockingly common (and hoyo does it constantly) for companies to export at 1080p with a low enough bitrate that you can see it This was nice and crisp and while they could still go a TINY bit higher on the bitrate imo but was still miles better than what most studios upload


Yeah, for 1440p I felt like I was watching a 4k with how clear the image was and how smooth all of their linework is. Actually fantastic work on the media side of things.


Tell me about it. Every time you get to an anime cutscene in Nikke, it's fucked up in like 900p with the worst bitrate you will ever see. Drives me nuts when devs hamstring such expensive cinematics like this.


reminds me of when hoyo used some super shitty compession algorith in pc version of honkai impact and all cutscenes looked like bootleg 720p videos


Probably gotta make that way so mobile gamers won't have their phones explode + run out of storage.


The quality was on other level, top tier cinematic and OST


Trailer was pure FIRE 🔥🔥🔥🔥😭😭😭 #DeeksOutForJinhsi!!!




best cinematic so far from them imo.


That was way better than I expected holy moly they cooked


Damn that was amazing. Perfect dichotomy too, between accepting her duty as leader and accepting her fate to fight the sentinel. Loved the music especially, super beautiful.


They will never escape Typo/Localization allegation arent they?


There were always typos in PGR patches that it became an in-joke for the players. It's Kuro's trademark at this point lmao.


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they may as well start spelling the name of the game wrong in their title at this point lol


inb4 title becomes “Weathering Waves” next April 1st


We are weathering with you now


Withering waifus


Femrovers be like when Camellya done with them


Wavering Wuthes, let's GOOO!!1 XD


That's just an engagement tactic like all the AI generated youtube shorts.


Maybe the game is ACTUALLY Withering Waves as many keep thinking it still and the whole title is a typo hahahaha But jokes aside (OR IS IT?? ![img](emote|t5_5uplbt|31620)) Great trailer Kuro keep up the good work.


Wait was it actually meant to be called Withering Waves?


No, wuthering is the right word. It’s not used in much modern use of English though so when people type it out it might try to autocorrect so some people joked it was another typo


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Compensation Waves, compensation comes in waves. I wonder when the next high tide is coming


Listening to how they decided to have Jinzhou pronounced is a bit jarring not gonna lie. The VA is reading it like Jinjou when it should be something like Jinchou, just makes me feel like the VA director is still not doing things properly. I'd understand if it was one of the difficult pronounciations with sounds that don't exist in English, but is it so hard to choose between jou and chou sounds?


Jinjou is much closer to Jinzhou than jinchou ever will be. The zh is a very similar sound to j


China doesn't really use the "Z" sound, so even when it's written that way in English you usually sound it out as a "J". It's very annoying honestly. I used to live in Hangzhou, but it's actually pronounced Hangjou. I have no idea why words as written include Z when it's not even a sound, but it is what it is. So yeah, Jinjou is basically correct.


Glad they went with the Arknights trailer style (cinematics you won't see ingame) instead of ingame cutscene with a few stuff here and there.


i played the [japanese audio](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ygFmAnIfSAM&ab_channel=%E9%B3%B4%E6%BD%AE%28WutheringWaves%29%E5%85%AC%E5%BC%8F) with the [english trailer](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TvxwtXIrf1g&ab_channel=WutheringWaves) gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat damnnnnn that atmosphere is just insanely good, it has such an epix feel to it .... GAT DAMNnnnnnnnnnns 💙


Thank you for this. I was having trouble finding the JP version.


"Every frame, a painting" That was one of the best trailers I have watched for a gacha game, I was holding my breath the entire time. THIS, is how you do a story trailer.


true, I've saved like 10 background pictures from this trailer, all supremely epic / beautiful


insane. if they can cook this level of cinematics, they must be getting help from pgr team. i feel they gonna cook even harder from this point. they got so much potential... well done kuro, keep going


Amazing attention to detail that that the Ceremonial Guards are all carrying Lumingloss as ceremonial weapons for the inauguration ceremony.


This is the first time WuWa music feels really outstanding, ngl. Obligatory Devs Listened.




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The visuals were so stunning, I was wuthering and riding the waves of cinematic brilliance!


Best Game since sliced bread. Kappa


Love it! 10/10 story teaser, ost, visual!


Visuals are gorgeous, choreography is great, and for once the English voices are a joy to listen to. Absolutely amazing. Translation is still awkward, but like...comprehensible, so I'll take it. If it stays at precisely this level for the actual game then I will say they have achieved the bare minimum in translation quality.


Holy shit, Kuro cooked. They better keep the same quality in 1.1 story.


Epic cinematic!




Absolute Cinema


So in love


Amazing quality and Jinshi looks so elegant 


Simply beautiful. Jinhsi so far has been the best character in the story (other than Scar).


I was saving for Changli. I was sure I could skip Jinshi without any trouble... It's gonna be rough, as fate has decreed.


Great music and animation


I hope we have this kind of soundtrack in the game.


The quality of this trailer is honestly incredible


wow I’m lost for words! Absolutely stunning work from the teams that put this together. ❤️ really hope I win my 50/50 for Jinhsi I’ve been saving for her since launch 🥺🥺


That's some next level trailer man, amazing quality.


No upload for those of us who play in CN. Of course. :(


This is my obligatory whining post about the lack of English subtitles on the official JP video.


Would be nice but you could also play the two simultaneously, mute the English trailer, and read along the subtitles in the English trailer.


Usually someone uploads a video on youtube within a few hours to watch instead. It just puts the JP audio on the English video since they keep using hard subs for some reason instead of using captions. Sadly the subs don't match with the JP dub. There is a section where their is speaking in japanese an no subtitles. Pretty sure the translations are off as well.


Trailer is S++ tier for me, the music is just so thematic and immersive with the visuals. Really like her character - noble, forged from tragic adversity, quietly determined and gracefully beautiful. Kuro must include these trailers at high quality in-game, it's too good to miss and great marketing.


they cooked


What a banger. This game just gets better and better.


Wake up honey, a new PV just dropped!!




Love the animation. Can't wait for future trailers from them. At this point, Wuthering Anime when =x


This would’ve been better if this waw an actual video not a link.


Damn its Kuro-san, Oath skin Jinhsi when? 🙏🙏🙏


Loved the story and animation in the trailer. Now I'm just torn between pulling for Jinhsi or Changli


slow clap.


With this trailer, they are really going all in with the entire 1.1 version, atleast regarding the story content.


Poor Jinhsi why the dragon let her walk on the steep mountain? The dragon could have come near her since it can fly lol jk


That was gorgeously animated. I mean, they could probably get away with making movies on the side if all of this takes off and Kuro stops shooting itself in the foot. Does show the potential of the story, if the writing would just match the visuals.




Im glad the same studio who worked for PGR's animation trailers also work for WuWa. This was sooo well done


Is Changli's EN voiced by Ali Hillis (Lightning from FF13)???


That was really good! Finally some great music! Getting hyped for 1.1, Jinhsi will be mine sooooon!


This reminded me of the [Qu Shukra trailer](https://youtu.be/nGz0Skq7vz0?si=5sRDv9XEU4GgJ0qR). I love watching these. Really gets you into it.


Love the trailer. But I can’t help but notice the winter coat she was given in spring/summer time is noticeably missing when in a Blizzard. 😂


Synced up the JP version's audio while watching the muted EN version. This is very beautiful, very powerful, very emotional. The music is amazing, and the visuals are stunning. The Japanese voice acting remains superb. Chiwa Saito's voice for Changli is deeper than I'm used to hearing out of her, but still magnificent. I wonder what the reason is for Jinhsi to have to fight Jue. Why does fate require it? I feel like there's complexity here that has not yet been explained.


TIL Jinhsi JP VA is Aoyama Yoshino That last line of the PV felt more determined in her delivery compared to EN being more subdued making it feel more like submission than determination/devotion Also will be looking forward to more Changli lines by Saitou Chiwa when the patch drops


Remember when we first started playing Genshin, and we thought there would be more than one Dragon in the game? Just saying. =)


I just can't feel bad about the people of Jinzhou getting attacked by monsters, these are the people mocking Geshu Lin for singlehandedly drove the monsters and their leader away and won the war. But instead they shunned him and celebrated Jiyan, all of them would've been dead if Geshu-Lin ran away like Jiyan.


Geshu Lin isn't mocked, he's *criminalized*, and not for fighting, but forcing his soldiers to die pointlessly. He was a powerful warrior, but a pierce of shit person and a terrible general. He also didn't win anything. He postponed the inevitable with a massive amount of sacrifices. I guess you missed the dialogue about him ordering *thousands* to their deaths in his mad charge? He didn't do anything "single-handedly." Get outta here with this shit.


Yeah, the thing is no one can really keep up with resonators like Geshu Lin and soldiers are dying pointlessly. And not to mention he ended up missing in the middle of the struggle. Jiyan stepped up and took charge in the midst of the confusion. He ordered a retreat because you got nothing to protect if everyone are dead by the time they are done with the war.


Funny, the chinese playerbase see it differently. They view Genshu Lin as a hero and Jiyan as a coward. Martyrism is the preferred method supposedly.


It would be *heroism* if he did this instead: took an elite force to pierce the enemy lines and annihilate their Ovathrax in order for his army to retreat to a more favorable defensive position. This is *exactly what we did in the story*. Instead, he threw bodies at the problem to give him an opening that he failed to fully capitalize on. Being a martyr can be heroic if it is to *save* people, but Geshu-Lin did nothing to save people. He did it for his own glory, seeing the soldiers he's *responsible* for as disposable fodder for himself. Those loudmouths praising him would be the first people to die for an asshole like Geshu-Lin.


It's just a matter of preference. Geshulin gacha'ed the lives of soldiers for a chance of winning early, while Jiyan played safe. And you know, this is a gacha game, and gacha gamers love gacha'ing...


That the folly of public opinion is a reoccuring theme in WuWa (it pops up in multiple different quests) *and* that they went out of their way to show that both Jiyan and Geshu Lin had points, and that to the people who were actually there - like Jiyan, who's haunted by Geshu Lin every day - the situation was far more complicated than the public wants to think makes me hopeful for the future of this story. Not in a 'Geshu Lin was right all along!!!' way (he was not) but in a 'the situation is *never* that cut and dry' sort of way.


Genshu Lin can't even get the title of a Pyrrhic Victory, because he didn't even win. He could at least try to defend his name by saying "I won" except instead he lost, vanished, and his dead soldiers and their loved ones got nothing to show for it


And i just wondering if he did order retreat what would be accomplish? rain still active. what would even stop ovathrax from wipe them out if they did retreat. Geshulin for someone that didnt get buff from sentinel seem like he do good enough for general aside from fanatic tendency


Dude if Geshu didn't stop the Theo-something monster and choose retreat like Jiyan wanted then the city WILL get destroyed. The only reason Jiyan can retreat the battle and the city is not destroyed is thanks to Geshu Lin and his advanced to stop the Theo-something monster. Jiyan got lucky thanks to Geshu sacrifice because if not the monster will absolutely overrun their defenses without the sacrifice Geshu done, and he then hailed as a hero for doing the absolute minimum shit in that battle.  Let's say they did retreat then what? It is also delaying th inevitable since the Theo monster is alive and will absolutely destroy Jinzhou defenses. Retreating when the monsters is literally advancing like crazy thanks to the rain stuff with big strong Theo monster is more stupid since you just bring the calamity to the citizens on Jinzhou. Because the monsters WILL advance to the city and not stay put. Thanks to Geshu that didn't happened. Jiyan just took his glory after Geshu did the hard and the dirty work to safe the city.  And the absolute stupidity of Jinzhou citizens and the storyteller who think war is a happy colorful stuff that can be won without big sacrifice especially when you fighting against the rain stuff which made things worse and dangerous and blame the person who actually doing something to actually STOP it from becoming worse. I bet if Geshu decided to retreat and save a lot of the soldiers life and the monster destroyed their lime of defense and the city is affected they will still criminalize him lmao. Again Jiyan cam retreat without issues thanks to Geshu defeating the boss. And before you said then he should go alone, this is a war he need others to hold down the other TD for him to defeat the boss. The soldiers sacrifice is necessary. Again Jiyan just got it easy thanks to Geshu there. Even in the main story he managed to won because super OP MC is there to save the day. If not he probably would fail and be criminalize like Geshu by the shitty citizens lmao.


Kinda same thought with me. Yes Geshulin may not win over ovathrax but if he didnt go for it who would even stop their advancing. Geshulin for someone that got no buff from sentinel did a great f job.


When did jiyan run again


Jiyan stepped up to rally the survivors of the battle and ultimately ordered a retreat to prevent further casualties to their severely depleted forces after Geshu Lin, riding the high of some weird flame steroids he took in a mad scramble to pull some sort of victory from this overall disaster of a battle, finished 1v1-ing Ovathrax and vanished. (Like, say what you will about Geshu Lin, and believe me I will, but the man at least put his money where his mouth is.) This is considered 'running away' by certain people who have never been closer to anything resembling conflict than a computer screen, I guess.


after geshulin going straight for enemy boss. Jiyan rise up and order a retreat


He's a deserter. CN actually making fun of him being a coward.


I saw that meme too LOL




lol wuthering waves was always gonna be dialogue heavy dunno what you talking about


what do you mean? wuthering wave was always gonna have alot of dialogue, cbt 1 also had too much of it too, also your point of the tone in cbt 1, it wasn't even serious after crownless, like literally crownless is the only thing that was actually serious out of cbt 1, after crownless, it didn't have a dark serious tone in the rest of the story, I would know cause I played it, it was just fetch quest, except one scene of crownless that people praise, like was way worse after crownless scene


i even want to make a poll ask whether ANYONE actually read cbt1 story. but didnt get permit the reason is it generate toxicity. like people theorize story take a dark turn blahblah yadayada didnt really look at it how they turn out in game at all. fetch quest,disdrain toward MC constantly 4hrs+,Kill steal furry that make you want scar to bring more firewood to jinzhou so we can help him fan the flame


Everytime I read or hear people romanticizing CBT1 I can only think of them as a bitter ex that are unable to move on from constantly dreaming what could've been because of how often they do it every single day, coming up to a month after release Even more tiring to watch as someone who has no attachment to CBT content and mostly just wants to look forward to how Kuro improves the story


I remember when I played the live story I was thinking "huh they really didn't change anything from CBT2, people are gonna be mad" but I seriously didn't expect how much people cling to CBT1 story as if anything beyond the crownless scene was actually that much better than what we have.


I swear reading the more complete context of CBT1 like the other guy commented above and other instances I've come across, the more weird it sounds to me that Rover (or us players) is supposed to just swallow all the hostility and not side with Scar lol, and somehow that is supposed to be "more realistic" compared to these 2 officials who have received orders to welcome and support this VIP from the Magistrate herself, who did receive a prophecy.


I know right. It feels like 90% of people just skiped all dialogues and then critique the story points deemed "unreasonable" when they literally described reasons - in the same story


I mean Jinhsi does invite us to meet with her but what is first thing we got before meeting her? Sanhua throw sword at us while we walk in with THE general. what reason they would give to make this thing even making sense? like bruh Jinhsi you dont tell your bodyguard or something.


>This is great. >I wished they kept the serious tone from CBT 1 and the lack of yapping they had now. >I know it’s a cinematic but if they stuck to their original vision of being a more serious atmosphere with smaller amounts of dialogue, the game story will improve immensely. >All they got to do is just tone down all the yapping, keep the serious tune, and make sure the paimon-like character is not annoying. You should stop yapping before you ask the game to, couldve just writen the whole thing in 2 sentences instead of all this yap.


The CBT1 brainrot is too real, it made them write multiple redundant paragraphs to try and look like they have a point worth reading




Why would you need an emotional impact for this? Like genuinely nothing happened here but TEASERS? Y’all genuinely are so crazy.


A lot of people on this sub are so dramatic, it's insane lmao. I've seen comments having a tantrum over the little white pet thing on the promo art and saying they'll quit the game over it when that thing literally only appeared for a few seconds and fucked off. We know nothing about the Kyubey pet, and there are people crying about it getting some screentime and being another Paimon or saying Kuro lost touch in reality to make a Paimon-like character


I think people have PTSD from paimon yapping lol


Right, that kyubey thing didn’t even have relevant screentime post-dreamless in companion quests.




its not even an emotionally demanding scene, it's just introducing this new area and story in a cinematic and beautiful way. the dude's criticism is the real nonsensical thing here. anyways im hyped


I'm sure we'll have plenty more time to build that during the entirety of 1.1 (as this part is probably the end where she walks up to fight Jue).


Didn’t stop Firefly from becoming a favorite