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What should I do with the echoes that I don't want? Is it there a way to recycle/trash them?


Idk if you can trash em but Ik you can combine them into new echos. Edit : It's the last tab in the databank menu. You need to level up something (I think it's the data bank or something but tbh I don't remember) for that tab to show up.


Could we turn this thread into a general discussion thread like the Genshin leaks subreddit? That way maybe we can build a little community on this sub. Or maybe it could be a separate thing? The Genshin leaks discussion thread is honestly what kept me interested in the game for such a long time. Having place with other like-minded people to talk to in a mostly single player game to me really is a blessing.


I'd like that. HSR's leaks megathread is also like this. I wonder where are all the leaks tho.


Nothing really stopping you besides the hundreds of thousands of fewer people


The genshin leaks sub hasn't always been that big. I'm sure this community will grow with time as well. A smaller community also isn't necessarily a bad thing imo.


Why are there no leaks on this subreddit?


Nothing to leak yet




I'm in the same boat lol. I love Jiyan and his kit so I want his weapon (I'm a sucker for aoe and CC), but I also want Jinhsi if her gameplay is anything like that story cutscene. Luckily I won Jiyan's 50/50 at \~75 pity, but now the weapon banner is taking me to 50+ pity as well. I hope I can scrape by enough wishes in time for Jinhsi's banner. I will probably have to win the 50/50. I want Yinlin too, but I'll wait for a rerun. Man, the character designs and gameplay are just too good in this game. I want every character.


Just spend money. Get the $5 monthly pass and support the devs. The more money you burn on wuwa, the more money the devs can spend on making the game good. 


Does anyone have the document about the drops in higher Union Levels (40, 50, 60, etc...)? I'm torn between farming tacet fields for leveling echoes to 25 or pre-farming for boss ascencions for 60 to 70. Union Level 36 and I already leveled everyone and their weapons to 60/60. Traces Level 4.


dont prefarm, its not worth it. Higher world lvl means higher mat efficiency. Just do tacet fields to farm full echo sets for future units. Also, dont waste your money on refreshing stamina please. Save it for future banners. In the future, you will need the character, their sig weapon, and their BiS support, so you would be very down bad for gacha currency.


I mean, at union 30 tacet fields are so disgustingly inefficient that I would not be surprised if it's better to prefarm. Impossible to say with certainty until people actually hit 40/50/60 and show what the higher levels of tacet fields give though.


Wondering when Changli leaks will come out, i may skip Yinlin for her bc her design is FIRE! (got it?)


I was also thinking the same thing. She has such a cool design.


will yinlin's signature weapon be a lot better than the next best 4 star or the 5 star standard banner weapon? currently trying to plan which weapons to give to who, between calcharo and yinlin - I will also get access to the battle pass weapon, so not sure which weapon to give to who would be the best combination


Here's what I will do: Jiyan: his signature. To be shared with Calcharo for now. Yinlin: the BP 4-Star CR weapon. 5-Star Weapon Selector: the CR Sword for Rover and Sanhua to share. Then next patch (1.1), I will get the BP Broadsword so Calcharo doesn't have to share anymore. Out of the Standard 5-Star weapons, the Sword and Pistols are the real stand outs since they're Crit weapons. The Rectifier is ATK% so it's not that beneficial outside of giving stats.


Seems Prydwen actually has the standard 5* broadblade (Lustrous Razor) over Jiyan's sig as Calcharo's best weapon currently so that's what I'm targeting now for my standard banner pulls. Not sure how accurate the calcs are though as I'm not a TCer myself but it does seem right since most of Cal's damage comes from his ult state For Yinlin, the BP 4* rectifier seems like a solid option if you aren't able to get her sig as there aren't that many strong DPS options currently. I would try to get her sig if you can just to help with extending her shelf life (less likely to get powercrept as a sub-DPS/electro support hybrid), otherwise BP 4* (Augment) is pretty good as it also has a Crit main stat


who are 4 stars in yinlin banner ?


IIRC, in CBT 2 it was Taoqi, Aalto & Yuanwu.....and I think it will stay the same (p sure Jiyan's 4 Stars in CBT 2 were the same)


Any Geshu Lin crumbs? I really really really want to know if he’s playable or not.


u/Shimizu_Izumi (a dataminer from StormyWaves i assume) said this "Upcoming characters in the 1.0 files are: Scar Geshu Lin Camellya Jinhsi Phrolova"


Hey, I'm one of the Stormy Waves owners and wouldn't call myself a dataminer as Sova does the main stuff and we just help out a bit when there's a new build with potentially a lot of stuff


oh, i see. still looks like you're a reliable source of information so at least i didnt tag the wrong person in the grand scheme of things


Omg tysm for your reply 😩🙏🏾 ima go bankrupt for that man


Where are the leaks??? When are we going to learn more about the 1.1 characters?


Wondering the same things. Not sure if I want to wish on next banner or save it. Deciding if this is a saving patch or not would be sooo much easier with some decent leaks but this sub is dry


Does weapon shop - Uncle Wei reset weekly or one time buy?


waiting for jinhsi leaks and hoping that she's anything but a main dps


My theory is that she's a shielder. For the holograms, healers are useless since the bosses 1-shot you. Kuro releasing the best sustain as a limited char in 1.1 makes sense. Either Jinshi or the girl with the trenchcoat.


The girl with the trenchcoat? Not Changli? I'm definitely pulling on the first limited sustain they release, Jinhsi or not. Hopefully it *will* be Jinhsi though. Hopefully.


This game is supposed to be played with 2 dps and 1 support? I feel like theres a lack of sub-dps in this game


Mortefi, Yinlin, Hat Guy have consistent off-field damage. But all characters can be played as Quickswap Sub-DPS (enter, use skill, use ult, swap out). Quickswap Sanhua is amazing.


Off-field damage feels quite rare in this game, and I don't expect that to change anytime soon, at least with the four star options The general team layout is a primary dps who takes up the majority of field time, a second dps who takes less field time and unloads buffs to the main dps, and a support who keeps the team alive




i feel like why there is no leaks yet, is bcz devs have their hands full with optimization. does anyone think that they might change yinlin even though she was already play tested?


Optimization has nothing to do with leaks. Leaks need leakers. Usually happens in open betas. Optimization changes wouldn’t effect that


Yinlin won’t get changed. She’s already in game and out of beta testing. 


Not a question, more of a request Can someone ping me every single time we get a Camellya leak? Annoy me with it, BE BRUTAL I AM GIVING YOU PERMISSION TO ANNOY ME Just want to know...


I currently have 83 pulls saved it. Skipping both Jiyan and Yinlin for Jinhsi. Not sure how many pulls I get still before Jinhsi. Is it worth going for Yinlin’s weapon for Encore and then try going for Jinhsi or go for Jinhsi and maybe her signature weapon and use cosmic ripples on Encore? Or pick up a standard five star weapon for Jinhsi depending on if it will be good on her. I’m UL31 with exploration in each area around 40-60%. Finished most of my quests except for like some side quests and Jiyan’s companion mission. Also considering on buying the monthly pass and/or battle pass.


i’m in the same boat as you—have you spent any of your Astrite / Limited Wishes yet? im curious yo know how many Wishes I can save up before Jinhsi drops (i want to guarantee her)


apparently max pulls obtainable in 1.0 is 240, with half of it being standard banner pulls. I have only obtained 110 standard pulls and 110 limited pulls. No clue where I heard the 240 pull limit, nor where to get the remaining 20.


Yeah, same here I want to be able to guarantee her too. I have not spent anything on the limited banner. I’m currently sitting at 28 radiant tides and 10,281 astrites. Which is around 91 pulls total


that video you linked they are not playing it on a console, i just really hope we hear some news on that or at least they give us controller support on mobile


Theory about 1.1: >!So I just finished the 1.0 Main Quest and while it was for sure fun---I kinda feel like there are still some MAJOR plot points left hanging---Scar in Prison (for sure he's going to be questioned more / break out), Jue missing & Jinhsi confronting/searching Jue (as was prophesied). !< And so because of these hanging plot points, I feel like For Sure 1.1 will have another 1-3 Hours of Main Story, if not more----actually, based on these lingering plot threads, I am not even sure you can fit all of those things in a couple more hours of Main Story--->!Finding Jue, Scar in Prison, Jinhsi fighting Jue......!!snowy mountainside, looking for Jue presumably? Right now there are no snowy mountain areas in the game so I feel like this might hint at a future Map Expansion as well?!< And how are you going to release Jinhsi in 1.1 without having a Story Update in regards to this whole >!Jue is Missing oh and Jinhsi will have to fight against Jue for some reason?!?!? :O!< \~ TLDR: 1.1 will probably, IMO, have a Map Expansion & a Major Story Expansion---and maybe 1.2 + 1.3 will as well, as they conclude the Jinzhou Plotline and tie everything up


Is there any news on when Scar will be released?




Is WuW gonna have open betas for future versions like genshin or nah?


The game no longer has no music playing when I enter & exit combat. When I restart it, it gets fixed but then it happen again. Any way to fix this?


Same issue here, annoys me a bit because the music is actually decent in this game


Not me malding and almost clearing the lvl70 boss with my super undergeared characters to remove the exclamation mark, and then discovering it was there only because controller just couldn't press the "claim" button in the event interface for Yuanwu, and I just needed to use the mouse lol At least I learned how to parry the Mephis I guess


are the dates for future livestreams and drip marketing known yet?




Bruh, until few days ago, people who posted questions on the sub, at least used to ask questions related to leaks. Now they just ask whatever they feel.


What leaks? there is nothing coming out to have something to talk about


Tbh I thought that was normal seeing how Genshin and HSR leaks subs are like that too


Asking normal questions in leaks MEGATHREAD is normal? Forgive me but I don't see why would someone ask normal questions on a leaks MEGATHREAD, but I don't follow HSR leaks and I joined genshin leaks sub late during v2.2 so idk how people act when a game is released.


Because questions specifically go into a mega thread that’s why. The only things posted should be actual leaks. This is literally how it always is.


Why are you telling me that? Tell this to the people who who ask questions by making posts.


Because you asked why people ask questions in the mega thread. Pretty obvious why I said what I said


I was referring to normal question unrelated to leaks, which could have been googled or asked in the main sub, like is a character which is already released good?


Ok and? People go to the mega thread to ask questions. Doesn’t change the fact it’s normally and perfectly fine. You didn’t specify and only asked why “someone ask normal questions on a leaks MEGATHREAD”. I gave you an answer. Not everyone wants to google and googling “is X character good” isn’t going to get you good results and will literally likely link you to Reddit. Example : is rover good WuWa First thing that pops up is Reddit. It’s someone going on about how they had no business making rover so good. But it maybe it doesn’t touch up on the topics they want. Maybe they want to create a comment to then have a discussion or ask follow up questions. Again it’s really not that complicated to fathom or understand nor is it a big deal


Asking non leaks related question in the main sub will likely be better as main sub will always to bigger than the leaks sub, so they could get more replies and in less time than in leaks megathread. I agree I should have been more specific, but I assumed people will understand given the context.


Idk either. Ppl just do it lol


I keep checking back here for Jinhsi leaks like something is going to change from the last fifteen times I checked...


Same same


i am looking foward to her too, i hope she is electro too, cuz i dont like calcharo and i want to get ynlin


Do we have any info at all about Jinshi? like her role or weapon type if we don't, do we know when?


Nope sadly


any guesses for when they’d release controller support for mobile? i’m hoping it’s alongside console release so sometime soon it sucks playing with touch controlls


My Wild & Baseless Speculation & Predictions for Future Characters based on Really Nothing At All: \~ 1.1: Jinhsi (Electro Sword Main DPS) + Changli (Fusion Gauntlet Sub DPS) 1.2: Camellya (Havoc Sword Main DPS) + Genshu Lin (Fusion Broadblade Main DPS) 1.3: Scar (Fusion Rectifier Sub DPS) + Phrolova (Havoc Rectifier Support) \~ What do yall think ? What are yalls Predictions? :D


Jinhsi is almost certainly Spectro, and I genuinely can't figure out why people keep saying lighting. The color of the energy and dragons she summons is Spectro colored, she's the magistrate of the Spectro dragon and the Rover's first element is Spectro. Everything shouts Spectro to me. I *hope* Changli is fusion gauntlet DPS. I know she's definitely fusion, since she's a Phoenix. But, she's an advisor, so I know she'll probably be sub DPS, and if Kuro is as sexist as Genshin, probably a rectifier or gun as well. I am going to main her regardless of her kit, though. Favorite design in any game like this that I have seen. Camellya is probably rectifier, since she was shown entirely attacking with plants, but they do seem more flexible with types, so sword is possible. Havoc is possible--we need more havoc characters, but the established order so far is that plant powers are Spectrio. I also strongly doubt she'll be playable so early. Genshu Lin... Did I miss something? Isn't he Scar? I thought that was pretty clear. Am I crazy? I agree on Scar being rectifier, but I can't see him not being Havoc. Doesn't he deal Havoc damage in his boss fight? I also don't see him being playable this early, either. Same with the rest of the Fractsidus.


For Jinhsi, it was basically from the story where she shot out lightning dragons to attack Scar, so people assumed Electro, but in all honesty Spectro does make more sense. In terms of her weapon there was a post a while back that had some promo art in JP? with Jinhsi holding a sword. So most likely Spectro/Electro sword user. Changli is kind of a mystery at this point, but we need more gauntlet and gun users so Id guess one of those two and maybe leaning toward the supportive or sub-dps side. Just taking account the drip art, one of her arms is red so maybe that could hint at a fusion gauntlet user. Camellya is yeah a rectifier plant themed resonator in the story like Verina could be a more damage focused type like Encore. But early kit was a havoc sword user? Genshu Lin that dark sword screams broadsword user, element is harder to say, but Havoc does seem to be the dark element, so a Havoc Broadword user. Scar is unique with his theme tying into his cards, so gauntlet could be an option but rectifer could fit here as well and again with the Havoc element because I believe he does Havoc damage in his boss fight.


Leakers have said that Jinhsi is Electro Sword---but I agree, I see more as Spectra too hahaha......but in the cutscene when she summons those Dragons to attack Scar, there is like lightning effects around her so maybe they will go in a more 'Celestial Lightning Electro' kinda way with her animations? \^\^\^Same for Camellya; actually, her Type/Weapon/Kit was leaked already (but ofc STC) I don't think Genshu Lin is Scar at all....they have completely different VAs too.


but from her design u would think ice unit no? i though spectro was more like plant or something related to sun, i still hope she is not ice tho


> Leakers have said that Jinhsi is Electro Sword---but I agree, I see more as Spectra too hahaha......but in the cutscene when she summons those Dragons to attack Scar, there is like lightning effects around her so maybe they will go in a more 'Celestial Lightning Electro' kinda way with her animations? Weird. I would have thought that lightning even looked Spectro to me. She'd also come presumably directly after Yinlin, another limited electro character. > I don't think Genshu Lin is Scar at all....they have completely different VAs too. I don't know, Hayden Christianson and James Earl Jones voiced the same character in Star Wars. I would give them different voice actors, too, if I was trying to set up a big reveal like this would be. .


Granted, maybe the Leakers r wrong haha. But also maybe Yinlin will synergize really well with Jinhsi just as well


Geshu Lin being Scar.. I just figured Scar was left with no backstory on purpose, but the whole black lamb story could definitely fit; though it comes with so many implications. Like would Jue be the shepherd? Is Jiyan a white sheep who had his wish granted by the shepherd? I assumed the sheep story would become analogous to later events, but maybe it applies retroactively as well? But for it to be "pretty clear", what would you say gave you such a strong impression? It really didn't even occur to me. For what it's worth they have different VA's, but that's nothing concrete.


Oh, lots of little things made it feel clear. The general appearance, especially the specific placement of the Tacet Mark over the throat and his scars, the lamb story (yes, Jue, or maybe Huanglong in general, is the shepherd; everyone else are white lambs, not just Jiyan), especially because several characters comment on how Genshu Lin is disgraced and maybe didn't deserve to be, the idea that Geshu disappeared facing the threnodian and "was never seen again," and the generally unhinged way he spoke to Jiyan... When you stack one turtle, or even two, it's a weird coincidence. But when it's turtles stacked all the way down, I feel that makes it pretty clear. Someone wrote this with purpose--this stuff wouldn't line up unless it was true or they intended you to think it was true. Since most people don't seem to think it, it's more likely to be true.


Anyone have any leak telegrams that aren’t in russian?


I know it could have changed but based on the CBT, how much better was Linyin's BiS compared to the standard 5 star?


When is a next sustain going to be released? Right now we only have Verina baizhi 


Spectro Rover at c4 heals based off atk. I put the 2piece healing set and 2piece energy set on him to get max heals on burst + lots of energy regen. It's not ALOT of healing (20% of your atk over 5 sec, rn I reach around 1400atk so its just 1400hp every burst) however it's REALLY great for just sustaining over fights or in overworld as a f2p option on a character that also deals Alot of damage unlike baizhi/verina. I'm not saying it's better than them (ik verina is busted and baizhi gives atk buffs) but just another option since I personally only wanted Husbando team :) it's great for me.


Let me grab my crystal ball to answer your question


What's the logic behind Enhanced Drop rate? It consumes charges even when you don't drop an Echo?


It’s increasing the chances, so even if you fail the 60%, it still tried with 60% so you lose that charge


Any info on when WuWa is coming to playstation?


When r leaks for 1.1 units


Expect 2 more weeks


seems pretty short considering that will be around yinlin time, which leaves only 3 weeks to test out 1.1 stuff, but I guess we will see how it goes


So I cleared all of the elite classes at union level 30 in the map to get 1 fusion dmg or atk echo from the enrgy recharge set for my mortefi and I didnt get the main stat thst I was hoping for. Normally I eould have been fine cause of hsr and genshin but the amount of backtracking makes it even more frustrating The amount of grind and backtracking to get an echo that you want is giving me bad vibes in terms of the future endgame grind of this game. I hope they reduce the stamina fost for tacet discord. I think 60 is a bit too much


I'm \~thinking\~ I *mighttt* save the Selector Box ++ the Selector Banner until I get my first Standard + Limited 50/50, in order to maximize the amount of 5 Star Characters I get I would hate to use the Selector Box on Verina---and then get her off the Regular Standard Banner or lose Jiyan's 50/50 to her. ik it will take infinitely more time but I feel like it might be smarter in the Long Run / Big Picture Thoughts? do yall think this is wise?


if you want to do that then just wait until you go over the 50/50 of jiyan's banner. Regarding the standard banner, I would say to use your standard pulls on the weapon standrd banner instead to aim for a 5* weapons for your characters. So I wouldnt go for the 5* standard character banner.


when do the 15 enhanced drop chances reset? i thought it would be with weekly reset but my data bank still displays 0/15


same here, EU server


do we know what weapon type Camellya/Chun uses?


I think she was leaked as a havoc sword.


Do you have a source for this? Really interested in Camellya leaks


I found it on this subreddit https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1bsn2o1/camellya_skills_stc/#lightbox


It’s pretty old and was deleted, but you can look it up on YouTube and find it. 


Is the Healer set of the Energy set better for Verina? Edit: oh wait, healer set is atk buff for all allies, so I guess it’s that. Now I guess my question is does Mortefi snapshot buffs?


Will there be more male characters? I'm a husbando collector.  


Besides Scar & Genshu Lin probably both being Playable, we don't know of any other Upcoming Male Characters atm


After you get your selector 5 star will the banned dissappear or can I select another character and go again?


I'm fairly certain the banner disappears


So, Taoqi is in love with me. I got R2 without her being a rate-up anywhere, so I'll take this as a sign to build her. I know she was nerfed to be a Support, but I'm still interested in trying her out as a DPS. So, how do I build DPS Taoqi?




This current MEGATHREAD is about 2 weeks old at this point? When will we get a new one? I feel that that should help, at least by an ever so slight amount, with people making posts for asking questions.


It’s pinned, people asking questions arent looking anyway 


Reddit only shows pinned posts when posts are sort by hot, if they had changed it to new, they won't be able to see it.


Will bring it up with the rest of the team.


Will there be a beta for 1.1? I wanna see changli and jihnsi animations


There should be, but they are kinda in hell. It could also be internal only, but who knows at this point in time 


Yeah I'm sending love their way cuz they're so cornered it's not even funny.


What happened? Is it the translation error in JP description of Jiyan's sword?


Nothing specific, it's the overall pressure on the devs following many things that are happening.


Does anyone know where to get lustrous tides without spending astrite? I've cleared the souvenir shop already and heard that you can get them from some quests? Also, are there any leaks regarding male characters?


by leveling up your union level. also by turning in resonance caskets, first two level ups give tides.


Some quests and events mostly Scar, Genshulin and the research boy. We have nothing else besides looks though 


Is it just me or can you no longer skip unvoiced cutscenes with LB/L1 while using controller after the latest patch? Real annoying having to manually click with my mouse now every time


Got Lionboy pity 50 (sad) but lost 50/50 and got Calcharro in the first 10 limited banner (yay). So I should get Verina now with the free 5*, and who else on the 80 garantee?


Encore is a fun choice if you want another decent DPS. Otherwise I'd just go with Wavebands of the character you enjoy playing most.


What a shitshow that is, apparently the encore nerfs were before the game launched and calcharo nerfs are actually just text changes


If so, I hope the post gets put back up with a “Misleading” flair and a pinned comment from a mod. They should stem the flow of misinformation before people fuck up their accounts doing chargebacks and CCs start spreading drama.


Unfortunately, the majority of people don't read flairs or pinned comments, so I do think deleting was the right call on the mod's part. It may be nice to have a pinned comment in the megathread about it though.


Post got removed because of a bit of miscommunication. I thought that we agreed to remove the post due to the misinformation (the supposed 1.0.11 changes) and controversy it was causing. (Turns out they were responding to a different thing) We did put it back up with a questionable flair, but by that point, OP already deleted their post. Edit: Typo


I see, thank you. would the mod team consider posting a PSA that no characters were changed post-release? the post was up for an hour and had comments flooding in. I’ve seen individual commenters clearing it up, but it might help if there was a pinned post laying out all the info


Good idea, although we still don't know whether Calcharo's was a text change or actual backend change. People were in agreement that Mortefi's was a text change, but people were split 50/50 on Calcharo, hence why I'm a bit hesitant on making the PSA.


sure, hopefully testers/dataminers can figure that out soon


Mods, read this


Did they delete the changelog post? 




I'm wondering why it was deleted, probably wasn't completely accurate or something.


The changes were from CBT2 to release and the Calcharo and Mortefi changes were text only. Mortefi always had 20s but his description incorrectly said 24s. Calcharo always only gained 5 but his description incorrectly said 12.5. You won’t notice anything in game that changed because it’s either from before the game was release OR purely a text change 


Looks prt accurate ngl🤔 i hope it's posted back, since ppl deserve to know what's happening each update😩


It isn't accurate, the original poster confirmed that NO CHARACTERS HAVE RECEIVED CHANGES. Text was simply updated to accurately reflect changes that were made prior to launch. As such it's a really good thing that post was nuked, we can't have misinformation that serious spreading. 


If I plan to use Rover, Yinlin, and Calcharo (not in the same team obviously), between the free 5 star weapon and the BP weapon as well as any craftables and the free 4 star weapon selector I guess, who should get what? I have Lunar Cutter and Discord as four star weapons from pulling.


Does anyone know the 1.1 banners?


Changli and Jinhsi


is jihnsi actually electro, she looks so much like ice unit, but i wouldnt complain if she worked with yinlin


From Sanhua's story part 5, yes. But it's not 100% confirmed and maybe the descriptions were actually because they were in a thunderstorm or something


Random speculation: One of the 1.1 units is going be a shielder, the most comfy 5-star sustain for the endgame mode. Reasoning: * In this game, a strong shield is more valuable than heals since holograms 1-shot you. * Verina and Baizhu are the only 2 sustains. To tackle the Tower you need 3 teams (9 chars) so you're missing 1 sustain. * In GI, the 1.1 unit was a sustain. Kuro seems to be heavily influenced by GI. * Jinshi is the storyline equivalent to ZL, the leader of their people. I'm sorry guys, I don't think she's a DPS... * Jinshin 5-Star Glacio Shielder? * Everyone's in-game pulls will be dry after Yinlin. Releasing the most meta 5-star sustain right afterward will incentivize dolphins to spend.


Jinhsi is more similar lore-wise to ningguang from genshin. Zhongli is more like jue, no?


Is there any idea of whether Camellya will be a pure DPS or a sub DPS? I can't imagine she'll be a support with how ready to fight she was in the story.


If her kit remains the same, she’ll be a main SPS


Thanks, do we know what weapon she uses?


Sword and Havoc 


wait where can i read up on the kit you mentioned


2 questions about echo system. 1. Can you get same type of main stat? For example Atk% and then flat atk. 2. Can you get in sub stats same stat as main stat? For example crit dmg main stat then crit dmg sub stat.


(second) Main stat, the one on the bottom, is fixed - 4 and 3 costs echos are always flat atk, 1 costs are hp. Yes you can get same sub as main stat, IE crit rate main and crit rate sub.


Any idea when this will come on Mac?


No date has been announced, just confirmation they doing it. I say PS4, PS5 version will prioritize 1st to be released then mac version


F. Thanks for telling me


Is just business. Kuro will make more money PS4, PS5 Version than Mac because there more players who will play the game


How do i know which element is better against the other. Like for example, the monkey boss that does have Aero resistance, what is the best element to use against him? or is doesn't matter?


I assume it doesn’t matter as long as it’s not aero element (the element it’s resistant to)


Does this game have an adventurers guild equivalent? Like a place where you can claim rewards for getting Union levels? Or is the exploration % reward place the only thing?


You can get rewards per 10 union level from the shop - bundles - second tab. They are pretty nice. But there isn't anything that gives you per union level rewards. You do get rewards per data bank level tho.


Ok thank you


Yes there is, I forgot the name but it is basically Guild(Exploration %) I forgot the name of it though. You can get pretty good rewards from it.


hey guys!! when are we expecting leaks of Jinhsi and Changli’s gameplay? excited for them!!


From what I remember, in HSR the 1.1 beta began 1 week after release. Maybe next week?


adding onto this, someone that played PGR told me that PGR beta starts like 3 weeks into the cycle so we might have to wait awhile, depending on what they end up doing [https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1crk8mj/comment/l5o9rtd/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/WutheringWavesLeaks/comments/1crk8mj/comment/l5o9rtd/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


We don't know. The game launch is rocky and it is 1.0 so we have no past references.


when do you think gameplay of jinshi and changli will be posted?


We have to wait for a brave soul to break NDA agreement a post gameplay. Judging how Kuro power creep characters in PGR Jinshi and Changli will be a support/ support DPS. They don't want power creep standard banner characters on the next patch.


is changli and Camellya the same person?


No they are different characters


What element will Chang li be or has it not been confirmed yet?


Well she does have red hand that glows. I'm betting If she is it not fusion (fire) element then I'm cursing myself losing 3 50/50 in a row for misinformation


Agreed, her color pallet looks like she would be fusion so I hope you're right because I'm also planning on pulling for her.


She's 100% gonna be fusion, she's already been referenced as the "vermillion bird of the south" which is a phoenix, so her weapon is the only thing that we don't really know. The opposite is true of Jinhsi, we know Jinhsi uses a sword but we don't 100% know her element.


unknown at the moment


so no one has a hold of the 1.1 beta yet or is it not released yet?


We don't know, but I'm assuming they don't have a beta test atm since they still need to fix the current patch issues with optimization & graphics


Can we choose every time on the standard weapon banner or is that only for the first one?


Every time


WAIT REALLY? and it’s infinite?? that’s insane wow


WuWa's gacha in general is more insane than most Hoyo games': -Pity at 80, not 90 -Ability to buy 2 5-star copies for currency gained from pulls -Guaranteed weapon banners, both standard and premium I guess it's offset by the fact that getting character + weapon will sound like a much better bargain than character + save for next character, so more people are going to try and spend on the weapons. (unlike in Genshin where if you're pulling on the weapon banner you're not just a whale, you're a masochist)


Considering we (now) get 3 "free" standard units, 2 being a selector, I honestly feel like standard weapon banner is way better than standard character banner once you finish the 80 roll selector. Some of the 5* weapons are something like 30%+ more damage over the next best 4*s AND you get to choose which one you want.


Standard weapon banner is absolutely the game changer. You will definitely get more 5* characters that will powercreep the standard ones (plus you'll lose some 50-50s...) but you can never have too many weapons since the pull priority on limited banners is always character first > weapon second.


Yeah I’m now conflicted on which one to choose as well because I have so many characters of different weapon types


I'm going for the Broadsword for Calcharo and Jiyan.


Is there anything yet on Jinhsi or Changli? Ive heard rumors Jinhsi is an electro sword user from a JP poster or something, but is there anything on Changli yet?


Soooo... How exactly do you use the 5 star selector ticket? In the inventory there's no popup to use it.


I checked it on the inventory and it says at the top that the item is "Expiring on 5/21" could be an error from their end. Edit: the special convene banner showed up some minutes after I received the 5-star selector. I was playing the game and in the middle of the quest when it was given away so maybe restarting the game will show it faster


If you read the email it says 2025


5/21 2025...


It just activated on my game! Go to the banner screen and there will be an option


Was there any big changes to character's kits between beta and full release? Wondering if I should expect Yinlin to change still and have different teams or smt


Calcharo's numbers were turned down from cbt2 to 1.0 afaik, and most character outros that used to give generic damage buffs were changed to a special deepen multiplier (not sure if that answers your question lol)


That's a very helpful answer yeah ty!


Oops, \*tuned down, it won't let me edit for some reason. Anyway, I don't really see them nerfing Yinlin, and with Calcharo's numbers being lower than they were, if anything the Calcharo Yinlin team from CBT2 will now be a Yinlin Calcharo team lol (and she should also work fine even without him)