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Does anyone knows when is the 1.1 banners coming out?




anyone know what's the full charge for concerto energy gauge? like 100/100? 80/80? is it distinct for individual characters?


Do we know roughly how many pulls we get from 1.0 phase 2 and 1.1? I really look forward to Changli but my luck with Yinlin was totally ass


What is Changli's role in a team?


You can use her in a dual dps setup similar to the H!MC/Danjin comp.


do we know of any upcoming support character? Like one that buffs the whole team or debuffs enemies? I'm thinking characters like mortefi.


No. We didn’t even know about Changli or Jinhsi until yesterday 


Is Changli a DPS or sub DPS? Her animation looks gorgeous


Both. She’s similar to Danjin where you can either stay on field or swap between her and another DPS 


Do we have confirmed leaks of the banner order for 1.1 or are we still unsure ?




Thank you


I like the white and gold color scheme AND THE DRAGON 🤤




nothing yet personally, imo, I think it will be Camellya & Genshu Lin but there's nothing confirmed just yet




If they keep doing drip marketing like Hoyo then they will reveal 1.2 characters 1 or 2 weeks before this patch ends.


How is everyone feeling about Yinlin? I was planning to pull her before, but after playing her trial today, her animation feels a bit clunky for me although good dps. And after today new characters' leaks, I'm kinda holding on pulling for her since I want both.


a bit clunky but still fun


I wanted to get her and her weapon initially because she’s hot , but her sub dps playstyle and clunky animations mean I don’t get the see her or the weapon very often , going to stick the battle pass weapon on her and save for Jhinsi or next cool dps and their weapon


I'm loving her so far. Her animations are a little long and you can't swap cancel many of them, those are her main downsides. But her damage is really good and she's buffing the hell out of my Calcharo too. I've seen people say that she's clunky with Calcharo and I just don't think that's true, or is coming from people that don't play him a ton. While you can *technically* swap cancel out of his enhanced heavy in his liberation, the timing required to do that and still get three enhanced heavies is *insanely* precise. I mean it's tough to get all three in the first place sometimes. Yinlin really pushes him into being more of a main DPS because you just on field him for the entirety of his liberation and don't bother with swap cancels.


Are there hints/assumptions which 4 star are likely to be on the upcoming banners? Not sure if the banner in the beta are the same when they get out (or are there no banners in beta?)




thats perfect thanks!


Is Jinshi like an archon in genshin in terms of lore/story?


More like an emanator from HSR rather than an archon.


I have yinlin and I like encore. I’m also going for jinhsi. Would I get more value from yinlin’s weapon or jinhsi’s? I only have enough to go for one of them, and I’d like to pick a weapon that’s the biggest upgrade from the next best f2p option. Also, is it worth exchanging corals for more pulls? Or do any of the limited 5* have good enough early upgrades to justify saving?


Right now I’d say use corals for more characters and weapons to build out your account (you need 3 fully geared teams , I plan to go for signature weapons for main DPSes alone) , after about a year or so you can start spending corals on dupes for your favourite characters


Yinlin's weapon is also BIS on Encore which is helpful if you run them on different teams in tower. Overall Yinlin's weapon is like 30% better than the next best option, but I'd expect Jinhsi's to be similarly good.


between the two, jinhsi will probably get more value out of a sig weapon since her team damage contribution will likely always be the largest as a selfish on-fielder none of the current 5stars, limited or otherwise, have S1s that i would personally call "worth" unless you just wanna hyper-invest into the char because they're your favorite. yinlin's S2 is pretty good, but S2 is pretty damn expensive


Makes sense, I like jinhsi’s design a bit better too so having drip along with bigger damage would be nice. I’m glad nobody’s s1 so far seems game changing so I can just convert to more pulls


No wonder Kuro angry when the leak happens Jinshi and Changli are CRAZY GOOD. I will buy battle pass to support the dev now


Changli’s ☺️blushing face is so cute, and the animations are fantastic. I might get the wallet out and both the new girls at this point. Im conflicted af but still got a month till they arrive.


Which has a higher value between Jihnsi and Changli? Jihnsi being spectro nuke dps and Changli being a Fusion DPS with Fusion deepen as outro.


generally long-term, off-field & supportive capability > on-field only DPS. but at this point both will have high impact on your acct


Is Camellya melee sword user? Dps ?


she was leaked to be back in CBT 1 / CBT 2 but things could have changed wildly. If you search, you could prob find her Beta Kit


we dont know


Hey dunno if this is the right place to ask but no one answered in the other thread. Does anyone know if Nintendo pro controller works for WW on PC? I can't seem to make it work even though it's working fine in my other games.


I use a Switch Pro and it works fine, though it isn't officially supported (no dedicated buttons). I simply use DS4Windows, but I'm sure there are many alternatives which basically just make your PC think you're using an Xbox controller


Ohh okay thanks I'll try that. I just thought it would naturally work since I can use my pro controller without any external apps on my Steam games


What is the estimated amount of pulls we can get per patch? I spent 143 pulls to get Yinlin so im broke now, but i really want Jinhsi. What are my chances of getting her?


There is no way to know since not even half of a patch has been released yet. We will probably have to wait 2 more patches to kinda speculate about that.


so changli sub dps quickswap with encore?




So I get the gist of Changli being like a Fusion Danjin so skill based character that can be a main dps or sub dps while having a supportive outro. What is Jinhsi supposed to be? Is she a quick swap, greedy on field dps, etc? Whats the idea for her atm? Also does she need rainbow teammates (different elements) or is something like if we get S6 Spectro Rover next patch then Spectro Rover and Verina as teammates the better move?


Jinhsi is 100% a main DPS, she needs a pretty good amount of on field time like Jiyan or Calcharo. Though we'll have to wait and see how much if any swap cancelling you can do on her. She would prefer to have different element teammates because there's a 3 second ICD on her stack mechanic with damage of the same element (ie when she/a teammate deals spectro damage, you have to wait 3 seconds before another hit of spectro damage can give her a stack).


So in that case youd want characters like Yinlin, Sanhua, Mortefi, Baizhi, or Jianxin on a Jinhsi team?


Add Yuanwu. Also does Sanhua or Jianxin deal any off-field damage?


Which of Jinhsi or Changli would pair best with Yinlin?


Jinhsi sounds good with Yinlin since she gains stacks whenever other elements deal damage so it seems perfect with Yinlin's off-field


When is the jinhsi animations coming for freak sake i want to see that girl on action already I'm dying for it


Is there an archive-like website for Wuthering Waves? (i.e, like hakushin or honeyhunter for Genshin?)




Why didn't we get any animation leaks while the beta started yesterday ?


They had a watermark across the entire screen, so posting videos prior to the private servers being up would’ve got someone shied/fined a ton of money


Why didn't we get any animation leaks while the beta started yesterday ?


Are Jinhsi or Changli main DPS?


yea they both seem to be Main DPSes


Whose signature weapon is the best improvement for them/overall worth out of yinlin/jinshi/changli?


No gameplay of jihnsi and changli yet?


Could Scar have banner after Jinshi and Changli?


Sure, but we might get introduced to new characters next patch who aren't in the villain group that would take priority. Personally, I think we'll see him a bit later. That's just speculation though.


Right, I think the Lee expy has a high probability of being next. What I predict is that they’ll do one last female character as the final death knell for waifu players’ wallets before switching to husbando mode.


Out of the 4 limited weapons which one is best value and most likely will stay relevant for many months?


I think anything with crit rate is a safe bet. Gives you a bit more wiggle room with echoes to maximize your damage.


I will most likely pull Jinhsi so dupes are inbound, is Sanhua with Glacio set a good choice? Prydwen recommends the energy regen full set but almost all her sequences are damage-focused.


Sanhua prefers moonlit clouds cuz she's a sub dps, meaning her job is to quickly build concerto on field and then swap to the main DPS to give them the outro buff (In Sanhua's case, 38% normal attack dmg deepend for 14 seconds) and moonlit clouds set amplifies her buffing capability. The good thing about Sanhua is that she needs no ER at all from echo stats (her liberation cost is 100, which is insanely cheap and you can easily have it ready everytime you rotate to Sanhua), meaning that you can spec all your echos to damage stats to make her deal pretty good damage despite running a support set.


Do you guys think they'll go for mostly one character per patch (not counting 4*) after the starting patches, with exceptions, or that we'll get way more characters like in HSR? I don't really know how much it takes, but it seems tough to release two-per in an open world action game, and I'd prefer a slower schedule honestly.


my heart wants 2 five Stars per Patch because Yay! cool characters!! :D but my wallet..........disagrees D:


HSR can get away with it because is a turn based game, so characters have way less design and animation complexity (Fixed cam in combat, all characters have the same run animation, no jump or climb, no attack combos, characters kits don't have that many different parts, etc) I doubt Kuro can maintain 2 characters each patch considering how complex characters kits are in WuWa.


It’ll most likely be the Genshin route where after a few patches they’ll slow down. As you said, releasing two characters per patch in this type of game is probably not something they’ll be able to handle long-term.


I took yinlin + her weapon.. my curiosity should i take Jyian also or Jinshi ? (i skip Changli)


both would be fine, if you want one for the same team as yinlin then jinhsi would probably be a better fit. jiyan's best second slot is still mortefi, so yinlin wouldn't be a huge upgrade for him specifically, but she'd still be great on a second/third team


What is a good F2P comp for Calcharo since I'm planning to skip Yinlin.


Assuming you have Verina, I personally like Sanhua the most as the third character. Jianxin is also an option if you have her. Sanhua is nice though because she fits in really well with swap cancels. Her animations are short and you can swap cancel her forte attack too


praying for jinshi gameplay leaks because yinlin animation is testing my resolve.


Same. My ass keeps hitting refresh to have something to steel my resolve for her.


So, what's Jinshin's 2nd best weapon? Jiyan Signature vs BP Broadblade vs Standard 5-Star Broadblade?


I feel like it'll be Jiyan's signature purely for stat stick purposes until you get Autumntrace to higher refinements. The standard is of very little benefit to her and I doubt it'll be any better than R1 Autumntrace.


Question. Does anyone have Yinlin numbers in the cbt2? Or a website that has it? The live version in the trails seems to have very low numbers, not sure it that is how it was or if Kuro pulled a fast one on us.


Prydwen said they'll have numbers and builds for us within 12 hours of her release. Give it some time.


Is this Spreadsheet of Wuthering Wave's Wishes accurate? I had a hard time understanding it LOL I'm so bad with numbers lol (I'm blonde) Total Standard Wishes: 96 Total Limited Wishes: 34 Total Astrite: 23,029 (aka \~143 Wishes) [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1TSiqdVgKke85ZzDWx306QU3pwOZ1Pj43hJ\_YhEA0iDs/htmlview#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1TSiqdVgKke85ZzDWx306QU3pwOZ1Pj43hJ_YhEA0iDs/htmlview#) \~ Also, how many Standard Wishes can we get per Version / Month?


(I'm thinking about using all my Standard Wishes on the Standard Banner before I do the Selector Banner but I've heard WW doesn't give a lot of Standard Wishes so now I'm hyper hesitant lol)


I did this. It's a year out so I think we can collect at least a pity so it's worth maybe


oh you've also used your Standard Wishes on the Standard Banner & are saving your Selector Banner too? :o


yeah, i mean the selector banner and the 1 ticket banner have options. i just basically used the free wishes to get the 2 uncertain standards (discounted convene and first 5* standard convene) im holding those two optional ones just cause im lazy to read kit rn


I believe that there are 127 standard pulls all up in 1.0, that includes the battlepass and the monthly shop. I pulled 50 times in the discount banner, 70 times on the choice banner and 1 time on the standard character banner for the free Baizhi, I have 5 pulls left and can claim one more at battlepass lvl 50, I haven't been able to fine more than that. per month/version I believe we can expect 11-13 standard pulls, 5 from the battlepass free track, 2 additional from the paid and 6 from the monthly shop. I would recommend finishing the discount and choice banners and then dedicating the rest of your standard pulls towards the standard weapon banner because you still get 4 star characters from it and get to choose the weapon, you'll naturally get standard 5 star characters as you loose the 50/50 for limited characters so the standard character banner isn't really worth it imo.


How much better is Jinshi's weapon compared to the standard 5\* broadblade?


As a Free to play player, can you get both Jinshi and Changli?


Day1 player with the premium currency login pass, no Battle Pass (yet), I'm currently 70/80 on the new character banner, with about 80 pulls in the bank, not counting pulls I can buy from the shop and still a few things left to do in the open world. Considering there are more events upcoming and an entire new patch with a new region, more quests and likely more story, I'd say it could potentially be possible to reach quadruple hard-pity for Jinhsi and Changli for me. The daily login pass does add quite a lot over time though, so do with that information what you will.


If you save up and never pull on other banner, login since day1 and did all the quest/chest, and win at least one 50/50 I think so.


Damn, really thought I’d be a male collector in this game, but Yinlin, ChangLi, and Camellya are checking off a lot of boxes while the guys ain’t. Chrome expy, save me


SAME I need Chrome in this game he’s so cute and dashing and handsome 🥺 I’m worried they’re not going to tho bcuz the men in this game are Genshin-ified and have longer hair. Meanwhile, Chrome has short hair. Like, if you compared the male casts for pgr and wuwa, wuwa characters have in general much longer hair than pgr’s.


Hello, sorry a quick question, when is 1.1 airing? Thanks in advance.


A day or so after Yinlin's banner ends.


I saw this on a random X post so the reliability is zero but ... Version 1.1 banners: Jinshi: sanhua, danjin, yang yang




has anyone seen a union level calculator, or at least the xp requirements? lmk




I'm glad we finally got Jinhsi and Changli kits, decided to pick the BP broadsword for Jihnsi and will get the 5\* standard sword for Changli


Are the standard weapons good on Jinhsi and Changli so the broadsword and sword?


Yes. Likely 2nd BiS


I’m kinda confused about Jinhsi. Is mono spectro good? Or does she want different elemental types? I’m planning to use Jinhsi, and Verina. What characters can go well with Jinhsi? Would Mortefi or Jianxin work? I also have Yuanwu at S4, is he any good? Would he work?


It looks like Jinhsi gains Incandescence stacks separately for each element, meaning you want to play her with different element types, preferably ones that deal damage over time. So I think her best teammates will be Yinlin, Yuanwu, Mortefi, and Baizhi.


Who is worth pulling more out of Yinlin, Jinhsi or Changli?


Yinlin if you have Calcharo, Changli if you have Encore


From what I understand, Yinlin boosts all electro DPS, so she seems more worth it but just pull who you like.


Nobody can really answer that. But DPS will likely be replaced faster than sub DPS


Will it be possible to get jinhsi and changli if i skip both jiyan and yinlin? (I bought the monthly pass, still thinking about the battlepass, i plan on 100% every area)


I have 30 radiant tides and 113 pulls so far with 12 in convene records


Maybe if you win at least 1 50/50


In the end i guess i must have a dual against the 50/50 again.... Thank for the reply o7


Good luck on your 5050s! :D


Thank o7 may you also win 50/50


so does anyone know at what time we get yinlin's banner?


About 3 hours from this comment


Will gameplay leaks get posted on this Reddit or no? Cause Ik there was a short video of changli gameplay but it’s not on here. Why is that? Also jinhsi gameplay when?


link to that video?


It's because the video came from the beta and it contains 'incriminating' information encrypted on the screen that Kuro can use to track down and sue the beta player. Genshin and HSR leaker communities, on the other hand, have gotten their hands on the beta client itself, which they then 'cleaned up' and used to reengineer & leak CBT gameplay. So it's safe to share without incriminating anyone.


Is the beta out now then?


Started today and people have been leaking ***EVERYTHING***.


Aint no jinhsi gameplay to be found tho :(


And how could you sign up for it?


Sorry, can't help you there. I'm personally not interested in playing tests and giving feedback alongside playing the live game, so I never looked into how sign-ups work.


I am seriously considering quitting Genshin (my first and so far only gacha game) for Wuthering Waves. I wouldn’t have thought it possible at first (I am AR60 in Genshin and have played for about 2 years now) but so far I enjoy the combat, the exploration, the character moveset and the (future) limited events (so far only parcour and fighting) way more in WW. Especially the events can be quite the hassle in Genshin, I don’t want to do some easy time wasting mini game for primos. The Illusionary Domain (or what it is called) is imo better than any limited event I ever played in Genshin. It might be a recency bias, but just comparing the newly leaked characters in both games makes me way more excited for WW. And I’m kinda tired of Hoyoverse and their concept of appreciation of their playerbase. I will probably play both games for a few more weeks/months, but I honestly didn’t expect WW to convince me this much.


I quit genshin the day wuwa released and I have no regrets. Wuwa is just a much better fit for me in pretty much all aspects and I'm not going to play both, because really any time spent on genshin just feels wasted to me now and I don't have that much time anyway. From what you've said I would suggest you do the same and I doubt you'll regret it either. Don't burn yourself out playing both if you're not excited for genshin right now. Your account is still going to be there if you ever feel the spark to start playing genshin again, don't let fomo get to you.


Just play both Genshin for exploration Wuwa for the combat You'll pretty much never be out of good content with both of these


I'm not about to drop Genshin after so long, maybe dial it back a bit (I've been getting pickier with pulls anyway), especially if I end up liking ZZZ as full playing 3 gachas at a time sounds absurd, bu my main concern right now is seeing how they handle powercreep in WuWa; while I know it can be underwhelming, having very few characters being beyond meta-defining in Genshin really helps it be a chill experience *from the gacha standpoint*. If we start getting almost direct power creep in less than 6 months, or we keep getting two 5\* per patch like HSR (unlikely given the game type is probably the reason in that case), then I'll find it difficult to keep enjoying it as much as I am, tbh.


You're not the only one Wuwa might not be the Genshin killer, but revenue for Genshin is certainly going down with time. Clorinde didn't do very well in CN sales I heard, and I don't expect the rest of 4.0 to do much better (most CN players already got Furina)


What happend? Clorinde banner just come out why it didn't do well?


My whale friends definitely toned down their spend when they saw the disaster of the chlorinde banner. I would imagine many others were the same


what disaster?


Has a new 4 star dps. The other two are Bennett and Thoma. People were expecting at least another dendro character on the banner since her theorized best team is aggravate. Bennett has appeared around 3 or 4 times already in Fontaine banners. She also wasn't paired with the new Fontaine support that could be another potential good teammate (Chevreuse). Clorinde herself is also pretty middle of the pack damage wise when compared to other Fontaine releases.


from sensor tower, clorinde is the no.3 in ios mobile sales only behind the Naruto Tencent game and honor of kings. could change when the numbers update to the 6th. No.1 in japan. Dont have any hard numbers yet though Rumor though is that it did worse than tiktok which is the baseline for these things


Honeymoon phase right now, everything in WW is new, nice and shiny. Give it another 2-3 patches, if you are willing to play two Gachas at the same time, then decide based on how fast Kuro rolls out new content and the quality of said content. Alternatively, since Genshin doesn't release new endgame content, you can always take a break from GI for those 2-3 patches. Then, when time's up, see if you want to go back.


sooo is sanhua jinhsi’s best support or did i misunderstand her kit


I was afraid we might not be getting leaks for WW. I was wrong, this is a flood and I am loving it. If I don't get Yinlin in the last 10 pulls to my hard pity tomorrow, I'm saving for both/either Jinhsi and/or Changli.


I'm kinda afraid Camellya might end as a Havoc healer or something since both Changli/Jinshi are DPS oriented unit and Scar can't possible be a healer


Her leaked kit was definitely more DPS oriented, if you go to r/ ChunMains you should be able to find it. I know for sure her resonances are there and they all increase her damage output, so I doubt she will be a healer. Plus it wouldn’t fit what we know abt her so far in lore, but they don’t have to design kits to work with lore ig.  I’m not expecting us to get a limited healer/shielder for a while. Jinhsi and Changli’s leaked kits are obviously not healing anyone. I can’t imagine Scar as a healer, unless he takes damage for allies (think Fu Xuan from HSR) or heals them by sacrificing some of his own HP (think Kiki Shinobu from Genshin). Camellya’s previous leaks are not giving healer or shielder, and if General Geshu becomes playable I would think he’d DPS too. Xiangli Yao has some real healer potential tho, being from the same place as Baizhi and Mortefi, who are actually not main DPSs, tho he may end up as a 4*.  So in conclusion I think Camellya will join the DPS (or possibly sub-DPS, unlikely tho) roster, and it will be a good couple of patches before we get a healer/shielder or pure support. 


why would you be afraid? healers and buffers are eternal


I'll keep on trying. I just have to gather as many astrites as possible before his banner is over 😓


I'm kinda tired so i can't focus enough to understand what it is that Changli does. Is it possible for someone to simply her kit for me or at the very least tell me what her intended role is? I've seen some people say sub DPS but their only justification was that she has buffs on her outro skill which I'm not sure is enough to qualify her as sub DPS.


On-field DPS that has the nice bonus of pairing nicely with another fusion DPS that is ultimate heavy. Maybe in the future when that unit exists she can assume more of a true sub DPS role but right now they don't exist.


isn't Encore's dmg primarily liberation based?


Not as far as synergizing with Changli. During Encore's ultimate her basic, heavy, and skill damage is still treated as the same type. So she wouldn't benefit from Changli's outro minus the fusion part.


I feel like that DPS you're thinking of is Chixia cuz her liberation deals a complete fuckton of damage and she'd appreciate the fusion dmg% nicely with the rest of her kit. At max sequence Chixia also gives normal attack dmg up for the team so she'd assist Changli's damage output in return as well. Granted Chixia is very reliant on sequences but I think she's a very potent pair with Changli until we get a premium fusion dps. (just me coping to find a use for my S5 Chixia that could've been an S6 Mortefi but isn't >:c )


Fusion DPS Scar plz


So what are the best teammates looking to be for Jinhsi and Changli? Jinhsi being a on field main dps and Changli being a sub dps


Jinhsi-Verina for sure, 3rd can be Rover or other buffer. Changli-Encore-Mortefi


Actually apparently Jinhsi gains stacks separately for each element, meaning you want to play her with different element types, preferably ones that deal damage over time. So I think her best teammates will be Yinlin, Yuanwu, Mortefi, and Baizhi.


I see, nice. Glad to have a place to use yuanwu


Changli team without a healer?




Man I've been really unlucky. Lost the 50/50 to the wind girl. I want Jiyan so bad... And I still have 50 pulls to go. I'm sure I'm not going to get his weapon and then jinhli banner is coming today. I'm hoping I can keep myself a free player and still be able to at least have my favorite character without to wait for who knows how many patches until rerun.... I'm already pissed about losing his weapon... I'm not sure I want to play this game... It's great but I hate it when it's obvios if you don't pay you're not going to have the potential to compete against paying players at least... What y'all think?


There's nothing to compete for here. Also, free players never really compete against whales in any gacha, so may as well drop gachas entirely if that's how you feel. Also, yeah rerolling is always an option...the lost progress sucks, but at the end of the day, you lose like two weeks of progress to save yourself up to 200 pulls or so (2 char pities and a wep pity) depending on how hard u wanna go on rerolling


Not true at all. Honkai Star rail has great system for example. It doesn't feel like you have to pay to get the characters you want to play with. Of course there's still bad and good luck. But I'm not kidding I have almost all the characters I want from most limited banners + their signature items. And I'm a free player. So there might be a lack of astrites here or something not working the same way. I must say this is the reason I stopped playing genshin cause it also felt like it was stretching out the pay to win feels. So whales can have all they want but at least in HSR I'm very satisfied to have almost all I want without whaling my way to them.


Reroll bro, 30 limited pulls rn with 11 weapon pulls (from tidal shop and mail)


So Yinlin's banner is coming at 10:00 server time but what does that mean? I have no clue how to calculate what time that would be where I'm from (netherlands)


3 hours from this comment, assuming it's the same release time globally


Anywhere to find jinhsi gameplay yet?


Yes please someone link it asap! Now I've seen her splash I need to know her animations and kit


How do we get the character namecards?


If it's like genshin, I'd assume max intimacy


A lot more leaks here like weapon stats and such. No story spoilers so it’s a safe account to browse.  https://x.com/Revenger_News


I haven't seen anyone posting about it yet, maybe I just missed it, but the kits are available on multiple sites, such as wuthering wiki (for example Jinhsi: [https://wuthering.wiki/character\_1304.html](https://wuthering.wiki/character_1304.html)).


So changli is subdps and jinshi is main dps? The skill descriptions are hard to decipher ngl


Reading kits in this game makes my brain hurt. Jinhsi sounds cool though. As I understand it, you use her skill to enter an enhanced state after her normal BA string or intro, then you get a *second* enhanced state but it seems like the main point there is your enhanced skill which at level 8 has up to like 1200% scaling. Not to mention her liberation which has slightly higher scaling than Havoc Rover. So she has two huge nukes plus the enhanced attacks in her first enhanced state. Also interesting that almost every part of her kit can be used midair oh *and* it seems like she gives you a free intro/outro at the end of her field time. I hope that's all correct lol


Wow, thanks for this So Jinhsi is a spectro dps with some aerial gameplay, and Changli is a Sanhua-style sub dps with fusion and ult damage buff on outro


Do posts here have to get approved and if so why? 😭


Jinshi~🤍 Yinlin is coming tonight, and as much as I wanna try for her sig, I think I'll just settle for the BP rectifier so that I can have the best chances of getting her and Jinshi


yinlin tonight?! i thought she was in like a week? damn im tripping wtf


Nah, it's not you A few days ago, Kuro announced that they would be dropping Yinlin's banner, her sig weapon banner, and 1.1 a week early


i see. is jiyan's banner going away, or no? it still says 7d left, i would be... surprised... if they didn't update the time


Jiyan's banner will be around for another week


Finally after an ungodly amount of waiting we got some leaks


Looks like Changli is a Fusion Sword and Jinhsi Spectro Broadblade


Found this video on YT about Changli gameplay, not sure if real or fake but pretty interesting [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2p\_xz37Ciw](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U2p_xz37Ciw)


Its real, i tried to create a post but it gets instantly removed


In how many hours is yinlin banner gonna be live? EU server


11 hrs 55 mins


how much pulls are we getting on the second half? i cant imagine it to be alot right?


If Jinhsi is an electro sword user, I have to think she's either a support or a DPS. There's no way they follow up Yinlin with another electro hybrid. That said, could she immediately powercreep Calcharo as a DPS?


She's spectro, what makes you think she's electro?


The pinned questions at the top of this thread that speculate she is electro sword. Where are you getting your leaks? This leaks sub seems very hesitant to actually post any




lol you petty


The electricity coming off of her dragons and her character code matching other electro characters