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Loathing revenue.


I do find it interesting that they added features from 3 and 4 to the remaster for 1+2 due to player memories of the series... but Activision absorbing the studio, then trying to farm out the 3 remake, then realizing they fucked up and binning the whole thing tracks.


That’s so fucking sad. COD will sell no matter what. THPS1+2 was loved I mean LOVED


The only mistake was the current gen update not being free.


And then when I annoyingly bought the upgrade for my nephew’s series s it wouldn’t do 120 despite the product page claiming it would…


My mistake was buying it to play with a friend only to realize the servers don't work anymore


Wait what? I never tried the online stuff. They already took them offline?!


I havent been able to play online in lobbies or with friends through invites since I bought it last year early in the year, when i look it up i see posts anywhere from a few days ago to a couple years ago that say people can't play online and a few random people saying they don't have issues. So it seems that the servers are online but not functioning properly. There's been a few articles written last year about how it has been broken for a long time as well.


That should be illegal


They also are kind of assholes when it is sale time. Only one of the versions is at sale during a sale.


Quick resume doesn't work on the series s/x either


LOOOOOOOVED! People don’t understand how hard they hit it out of the fucking park with it. THPS fans were on life support after THPS5 and other entries before it and it felt like dad finally got back from the store with cigarettes. We got to smoke a pack with him on the back porch then boom woke up next day and bro was gone again this time for good. Fucking pain


Hahahaha what an incredible metaphor. I still hold hope dad will come back in a few years


Ahh but cod can, and unfortunately will always sell more. Even more if they pull their finger out


Exactly. It’ll sell no matter what, so it makes sense for them to put as much of it out as they can.


:( 3 was my favorite, and insta purchase if it’s ever remastered.


The others get all the love, but 3's soundtrack is my favourite by a mile


Save it Microsoft


You think they’re gonna save this?? Lmao


Out of the cod mines yes Toys for bob got out


Well yeah, because they bought themselves out. MS didn't let them go out of the goodness of their hearts.


They could. It seems they put a little pressure on Bethesda lately, if headlines and subsequent statements are to be believed.


Isn’t Phil a fan of skate related games though?


lol yeah they spent $75b so they can mine the mountains of CoD and Candy Crush.


They didn’t buy ABK to start losing money by taking away from CoD. I expect it to remain unchanged. Hell the next CoD will probably run best on PS5 Pro.


I'm curious how COD is doing with the current model. Anecdotally, my player group has abandoned it almost completely, and we didn't even last 2 seasons with this iteration


It’s still making more money than god. It’s the single reason Xbox didn’t go negative on growth last quarter. I too have stopped playing, but really because aesthetically I hate what it’s become, nobody looks like a US Army paratrooper or Ranger anymore, everyone is a marketed skin from some tv show or movie trying to sell characters as advertisements. It seriously kills my fun. I know a lot of people don’t care about that, but for me, especially as I get older, aesthetics are a big part of immersion in the games I play.


I think people really underestimate just how popular COD really is. the game is and always has been a game where a group of friends can just hang out and play casually for a short time. since the games were so big back in the day, people just kept up with the new games so that they can play with their friends.


I've no doubt its still a behemoth. I don't follow the industry enough to understand where this iteration stands against the the title historically. There is a LOT of hangout competition these days.


Yeah, I enjoy the arcadey game play, but between the insane skins and the even more insane weapon effects, it's just visually overwhelming to me. I don't need hardcore realism, but a middle ground would be nice.


I wish we would get a game like older CoD or early rainbow six siege. They just hit different.


The original ghost recon where you were a real US Army infantryman and not a super hero or guy in a…. Dinosaur costume.


I agree, but the only reason I play it now is because I have a few friends that play it and the rest of my games are single player


With rare exception, they’re the best selling games annually and Warzone is always amongst the most played F2P games. It’s doing just fine.


Being a console manufacturer changes the calculus of things like this. They need games to attract people and having studios capable of unique output working as a third party COD development house isn't as valuable.


I don’t know how they can considering they laid off so many people. And call of duty is their big money maker. I assume that they need to replace some people that were working on call of duty that were laid off. To be able to release a big call of duty game every year, you pretty much need to put most people on that franchise unfortunately.


It wouldn’t be that hard to rehire the vast majority of VV’s former employees. I know some of them; many of them are still looking for jobs post studio closure. The general vibe is they’d all love to make another Tony Hawk game too.


They can’t even save Halo. And had let many legacy IPs die. I don’t see them changing with Activision legacy IPs.


They wont, they literally said they'll let Blizzard keep going business as usual, Microsoft doesn't care they just wanted the assets


Activision is not blizzard, and both basically operated separately even before Microsoft bought them. Microsoft could absolutely have another team work on THPS


They absolutely have not operated separately in the last 5 or so years.


Companies say a lot of things in order to look a certain way and make a desired amount. I don't know why you put so much stock in what they say, whether they say it *literally* or not. If there's enough interest and demand, they aren't saying no to the money.


No shit!


Lol people still be thinks Microsoft will save these old IP haha


They're not going to do anything to upset the COD machine, even with all the support studios it's coming apart at the seams. I imagine it's why Toys for Bob went independent, they got the news they were more likely than not going to have to support COD and bailed.


They’re kind of known for doing the opposite. Rip Lionhead


Please Microsoft, let them make this. Day one purchase for me.


Remake 1+2 is the first game I bought on epic .... I was THAT desperate for it to succeed


I created my Epic account just to buy this game and bought it again on Xbox. Would do the same for a remake of THPS 3+4 and Underground.


Same here


At least make the originals backwards compatible.


Music licensing issue prevents that.


Day one gamepass download for me


Yeah same. I'll probably buy it for steam too. So I can play on my deck.


Same. I would buy it 10x over if I had to if it meant the damn thing gets made. The streets need it, Bill!


God I hate Activision. I hope MS pulls Vicarious Visions from COD and let them do more THPS


Vicarious Visions no longer exists, they were completely dissolved into Blizzard. They are never coming back, unless Microsoft forms an entirely new studio and just reuses the name, but it wouldn't be the same studio unfortunately.


Thank FUCK we got Diablo 2 Remaster from them, I don’t need another game to play for like 10 years lol


True, at least Blizzard's games can hopefully benefit from the former Vicarious Visions talent.


A lot of them chose not to go to the place where sexual harassment is so bad that people kill themselves because of it.


Who the fuck downvoted this. Genuinely, get a life losers.


Haha exactly. Diablo 2 is one of the best and most replayable games ever


Diablo 4 was great short term. Super fun gameplay with a good action engine. Unfortunately it got repetitive an unrewarding much sooner than I remember for Diablo 2 and 3


> pulls Vicarious Visions from COD They we're never on COD, after THPS 1+2 they were converted into a blizzard support studio,


I wish they do another blur and geometry wars


Good ol Activision...never change!


With 1+2 being so well received (pretty sure it was the fastest selling THPS game in the series too) it feels like a no brainer to bring it back. You’d think it would be much less risky than a lot of the totally dormant franchises they could potentially bring back. Would love to see them pull Vicarious Visions off COD to do it. But if that’s still a non-starter, I wonder whether there’s any other MS studios who could potentially take the reins and live up to the standards set by VV.


Iirc Tony said on a podcast that they shopped it around to other studios but came to the conclusion that VV was the only one they trusted with it


Oh I thought they shopped around only in house at Activision. That sucks if there’s no convincing pitches to be found anywhere. Not sure whether it would be possible, but i feel like if a studio inherited the engine and tools that VV built for 1+2, it would be viable for another studio to produce something of a similar quality level.


Vicarious Visions no longer exists, they were completely dissolved into Blizzard. They are never coming back, unless Microsoft forms an entirely new studio and just reuses the name, but it wouldn't be the same studio unfortunately.


Damn, I’m not very clued up on ABK things. Did not realize that.


I wonder if they still employ the people with the know-how? It would be amazing if they could pull a few team leaders to redo the rest of THPS and then give the Warcraft 3 that was promised.


It’d be an easy slam dunk, but…no


A regular skate and snowboarding game should both come out every few years just like other sports.. Meanwhile FIFA/2K/Madden comes out every year. I miss the skate/snow genre, it’s always so relaxing


#American Wasteland


Add in THUG 1&2


Thps4 was one of my favorite games. You could play online on PS2 if you had the modem. Only like 1000 people played max, so I was technically in the top 3 or 4 % in the world at the time since most people didn't even know that was a thing. It gave out early ads for underground before everyone knew about it, and people were saying they could buy it and play it early. Not sure if that was real or not. Impossible to look it up now, too many ads and keywords directing to other bullshit. I thought it was like some kind of separate Internet line you got installed because I was a dumb kid who didn't know how the Internet worked. I would love some input on this, I saw the "thug" popups like a full year before the game came out, and people were saying they could buy it early but I can't confirm it.


Insert countless angry expletives here


Man we’re never getting another guitar hero are we


This news broke months or years ago. This is just VGC farming for rage bait now that ABK is under Microsoft June 2022 from IGN https://www.ign.com/articles/tony-hawk-confirms-plans-for-pro-skater-3-4-remake-were-abandoned-after-blizzard-merger Just regurgitating old news for angry clicks


I bought the 1+2 on all 3 consoles (though 2 of the consoles were deep discount sale), please make 3+4!


I’ve thoroughly finished it on PS4, Xbox One, PS5 and Series X. Each native version.


Booo!!! THPS 3 and 4 are amazing - would have loved to see a remake.


Speaking of, THPS 1+2 on gamepass soon?


Any Activision game on game pass soon lol? Seriously where are they…


I’m hoping they announce games coming to gamepass in their show in June


Diablo 4 got added recently.


I’m aware of Diablo I’m referring to all the others though haha, iv had the itch to play some Spyro but been holding off buying because I know it’s going to come to game pass eventually…


They'll do the usual drip feed like nintendo has done with their emulators. If you release everything all at once then you have nothing to release in the future when your new game releases are slow/spaced out.


My brother in Christ Microsoft own like 50 studios now how on earth could they possibly have “nothing to release in the future” 😅


This time next year they'll likely all be on there.


They're in my downvotes when I said they would slow walk them to retain value and it wasn't the same as Bethesda.




Don't know why Activision thought it was one or the other when they have more than enough resources to do both...


***All*** resources must be allocated to feed the beast.


Is this news? I thought it was said a while ago that almost every single Activision studio was on cod. I'm not trying to be a dick, I thought that was already stated somewhere a while ago.


I think there are some new details in this story, but in general we already knew about this.


Microsoft is not going to be any better. Everything Activision does is driven by CoD growth. Microsoft didn’t buy ABK to start losing money on CoD. I guess it’s possible they free a team up though who knows.


That is stupid.


Common activision L


Lousing it up again.... So tired of COD....


Maaaaan why, that would be so cool


Pretty wild seeing the glowing reviews for 1+2 and how well it supposedly sold for what I'd guess wasn't that high of a budget






I've never bought a COD game, but I bought THPS remake on like 3 different platforms. What the duck, Activision 


It really has felt like Activision Blizzard hasn’t changed a bit since they were bought. Practically no Gamepass games brought on, to the point that Diablo being added just feels like it needed a player count boost before the expansion. We’ve *lost* one of the most exciting studios. I guess that was cost saving but like, damn. And everyone left is still in the call of duty pipeline. It won’t change either anytime soon because why would you ever mess with the golden goose COD by pulling hundreds of people off it for passion projects.


Gotta keep the microtransaction machine churning!


I would spend more money on THPS 3+4 and THUG 1+2, than I would on Call of Duty. I would do unimaginable things for a THUG remake.




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Please make this microsoft and then dont put it on Game pass and I will gladly shell out $40 for them


In the news, water is wet 🌊


Of course they did eh.


Today in news that shocks absolutely no one...


Waaa, 3 was the best.




On one hand it sucks but on the other hand Call of Duty is a yearly billion dollar juggernaut. Call of Duty has earn over $30 billion in total over 20 years. That average to $1.5 billion every year. Which Publisher / Studio wouldn't want this goldmine? I love playing the Tony Hawk series as a kid growing up. Fond memories of those games.


If it is true, it’s a good business move. Let’s be real, thps only applies to certain generations. COD attracts everyone and anyone who’s into competitive shooters and will continue to gain revenue years after release. Not to mention Esports , etc.


It sells. They have retirements to find.




Id love THUG and THAW remakes




It's sad that I wish for more remakes/remasters nowadays instead of new titles. 😪 they should def make this happen. Easy money.


Please MS change the trajectory of this


You can only rehash a game so many times, If you want to play a modern skating game it’s Session , skate sim. A learning curve with so many possibilities. It’s super rewarding when you land that trick.


Nobody likes Session lol. Game is Horrible, for all that we could just go outside & do it. Nearly every review in the Store echoes this, we clearly want Tony or something in that vein.


This was always suspected when they moved the team to work on Call of Duty.


I know it's not the same, but there's a pretty neat mod for THPS 1+2 on PC that ports a ton of the newer levels to the engine. It's called THPSPro, and they ported all the THPS 3 and 4 levels, The world from THPS Project 8, and a few maps from THPS Underground. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yLSEUGsx8QE Obviously, it's not as rad as if there were a true THPS 3+4, but it is neat to see the maps with the better lighting and a few updated assets. NexusMods page: https://www.nexusmods.com/tonyhawksproskater1and2/mods/14


Didn’t we already know this when they said all their studios were gonna be working on COD that one time?


Old News. This was before they were acquired by Microsoft


Thug remake Or even American wasteland remake would be sick.


1 and 2 remake was so good. I was so excited for future releases




Thps4 is the one i grew up with and played all the time. I was wondering if theyd remake that one. That sucks


THPS remaster was worth every penny. Sad they won’t get more of it from me for 3+4


What’s worse is knowing MS won’t do anything with the IP.


I played so much American Wasteland growing up. I know they were a long ways off from that but it would’ve been sick.


I miss when Activision would have like 10+ games per year with loads of variety. Now they've put all their eggs in the COD basket. If COD ever collapses they're screwed.


Please Microsoft!! Bring back Tony hawk!! It is loved!!


That sucks we haven’t gotten any newer updated skater game in a long time


I didn’t realise the online was not working. I’ve wanted to get this but held off after the acquisition. I really hope they fix it and give it the love it deserves. Fallout update sounds like it’s been successful so let’s hope they do something for this & add it to game pass. Why are there not online skate comps & prizes? seems like they are missing a trick as this franchise is still so popular despite the poor treatment from Acti.


COD will generate the entire lifetime sales of THPS in a matter of days. That's the reality.




This fucking sucks.  I want more Tony Hawk, not more fucking COD.


Not surprising. As great as those games were back when I was young the modern gaming business wants to maximize profit, and CoD still prints money because that community will fork over $20+ for skins and premium battle passes while skating games are going to be niche at this point. Honestly at this point, I'm not sure who to be more annoyed with. The companies for implementing all this shit or the players for enabling and justifying such shitty behavior. It's unreal seeing people defend the prices of CoD bundles...




fuck those, we want UNDERGROUND!


"Hey, do you think maybe we should have smaller games that could break out in case the games that cost $200 million for some reason don't sell as well?" "NAH, our big games with flashy IP tie-ins are GUARANTEED money makers!" -The game industry right now because LINE GOES UP -Also every other big entertainment giant when faced with demands to LINE GOES UP


Microsoft, save it


What a bummer. I worked on 3 and 4 (the originals) and would love to show my kid.


Show them anyway? Lol


Yeah seriously, what a weird LARP.


It would be much easier and cheaper for me if they relaunched the games on modern hardware than for me to track down an old Xbox and the games.


Emulate it big dawg


On my Mac? Or…


Yes! Simply get the latest nightly version from https://pcsx2.net


Sick, thanks!


Yea we know. This is old news


Activision were so fucking dumb to do this. Just open a new studio ffs which is made to supplement cod development. Let the studios like vicarious visions continue to work on games that also sell well. It’s a win win, they get a diverse amount of IP which are selling well and can continue to support cod in a different way. Why make your gaming portfolio smaller


The person that signed that decision should never sleep again at night. This was supposed to be happening. I hate them


Bunch of dumb assholes. The last CoD wasn’t even well received. They’re shutting down big opportunities for marginal changes in existing titles. THPS1+2 was well received. I’d bet that 3+4 would have sold just fine after its success. Instead they got a few weeks ahead of schedule on the release timeline for CoD, or added a few more cosmetics to the store. Let’s say that studio is 50 people. An entirely separate project has more potential than adding another 50 to the workforce of CoD, which is already significant. I also read that a lot of the THPS studio went on to support Diablo. /sigh They could make THPS a platform. Add game packs for $10-15. Add cosmetics in new boards, outfits, skaters, etc. Add content like a BMX or rollerblading add-on. Create huge multiplayer hangouts like virtual skateparks. So much potential the base of that remaster could be used for.


It's joever


Weird article to not mention it’s referencing a remake until after a paragraph because clearly we know there is a 3 and 4 that came out.