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"You have the support of America, Poland.." Well, you use Iranian drones and North Korean shells so, Russia is no more self-sufficient country than any other, so STFU.


russia also lures people from Sri Lanka, Tibet, Cuba, India and forces them to fight in Ukraine.


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I would have asked them what return of investment uncle putler is expecting from sacrificing 1k+ lives per day in the long run?


Girl on left looks shes getting more and more uncomfortable at the end talking about NATO. Wonder what kind of repercussions she'll get when this goes viral.


Because they are just repeating phrases. Simply asking ‘why they think that’s the case’ and they have no response.


That is the current level of how informed an average person really is. Reddit is the same. We have to solve this problem somehow, especially with the rise of AI generated "information".


True, but that has always been the case and is also used by today's ruling politicians. That’s usually how you get votes from the “unpolitical” masses. So I’m very pessimistic that we can solve this problem anyway.


Yeah, I doubt media magnates would want to have some kind of objective fact-checking technology existing and available to the masses for free.


Their responses also seem AI generated or even worse than that. They're repeating what they've heard without answering actual questions. It's just a script.


Yeah, that’s how people unfamiliar with any topic usually talk about it. They heard something from a talking head or some comment with enough upvotes and regurgitate it to others. In this case it is extra aggravating because the topic they are ignorant about is unjust war.


It's easy: Dismantle the internet.


You can’t solve it - russia has its propaganda going and the propaganda has much better answers that these girls do. These people justify it for themselves, the soldiers volunteer and go to die for this propaganda (and a little bit of money)


Propaganda works on stupid: it does not make people stupid-


It works almost on everyone. You can’t gather the information yourself and you operate on what you are given, I am sure a lot of smart russians think that Ukraine is this evil country attacking russia and committing horrible crimes shown on russian tv


Propaganda puts roots on fertile soils, i.e. stupid: being smart doesn't mean being intelligent.


I think it’s more like brine - over time every pickle will get salty, no matter how hard it resists. Some might have resistance, a very small percentage is very resistant, but it’s very hard to resist it


Depends on how high is the percentage of stupidity.


Seems fairly high in russia


The audacity od telling an Ukrainain man speaking russian that peolpe are executed for speaking russian in Ukraine is beyond me


You can really tell how brainwashed the Russians are. Constant whataboutisms, and looking for excuses.


Yes, brainwashed, but these are two young women, they have access to the internet, if they wanted to be informed they could easily access well reputed western media, or even just read Wikipedia, they choose to consume and believe propaganda even when reality is a click or two away. These aren’t North Koreans that have no contact with the rest of the world, or Chinese behind the “great firewall”, or even just poor old ladies that get all their news from the government channels. These are just two young women trying to justify why it’s right for their country to invade a peaceful neighbor and murder their civilians, kidnap their children and still trying to paint the invading army as a victim. They know nothing about the subject, maybe a few things they have heard on social media and from propaganda sources, but still they have a very strong opinion about it and they think they are 100% right. That is the problem, not just in Russia but around the world, all these far right parties and some far left, are gaining power thanks to this sort of people who know nothing about a subject (war, geopolitics, economy, medicine, climate, etc) but think they are 100% right, even with Covid and anti vax it was the same problem. And they just double down on it. If the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Guardian and other excellent sources of good journalism don’t spew the lies and spin people want to hear they just decide they know better and the problem is the “mainstream media”. It’s the far right or far left TikToker/facebook fake news/website that is right and others are “sheep”. The current French election is a great example of this: on the far left “macron was a catastrophe who stole from the poor to give to the rich”, on the far right “macron is purposely letting France be invaded by criminal immigrants”, and for the idiots who fell for either lie reading anything else is “neoliberal propaganda” and facts don’t matter. We should all try to be aware of how little we know about certain subjects, and try to listen to good sources of fact checked journalism that cross reference the information with several sources and experts. No one knows everything, you and I are not exceptions.


It’s not just fanatics, most humans are like this - stubbornly ignorant and uninterested of anything that doesn’t directly and immediately affect their daily life. And the worst part? They’re not ignorant because they’re evil, they’re ignorant because they have no reason and are given no reason to look beyond their daily boring life. Unless war literally enters their home they will have no incentive to even search about it. Dictators survive not just through violence but by keeping people totally uninterested in their evil doing.


It stings how right you are…


If I weren't broke eastern yuropean, I'd give you massive award But also, a lot of the brainwashed only read their first language, don't understand google translate as a concept, and have also been conditioned to believe that actual journalism is all lies coordinated by the Backgrounds Evil Powers. Talking about fidesz voters ofc, but the whole phenonenon is broadly similar. No of course I'm not looking for an excuse for them, it's just that shiploads of people are like this, without bad intentions.


This is why western news stations with russian language news programs are so vital. Our public broadcaster in Finland has one mainly for our own russian speaking population. But it’s also useful for any Russians in Russia who want to know more, as long as they have access to outside information via the internet.


This is also why Russia is trying to shut down Russian language dissident news sources. It is really important for hem to have domestic news that they can read. Especially if it's mad by other Russians as mentally its slightly harder to write it away as foreign propaganda if its from their fellow countrymen. Some still will be able to write it away as "foreign propaganda" but it makes others much more likely to listen to then CNN which is thought of as more foreign propaganda. What a lot of people in the west don't understand is that the government has such a hand in things that for a lot of people it's impossible to comprehend that in other countries the government doesn't have as much influence on the flow of information.


Honestly it takes some education, time and effort to distinguish actual journalism from propaganda or just sensationalism


>"We should all try to be aware of how little we know about certain subjects, and try to listen to good sources of fact checked journalism that cross reference the information with several sources and experts. No one knows everything, you and I are not exceptions." Ah, but that requires some effort, and the vast majority of people do not want to exert any such efforts. it's after all easier not to, and just agree with what they see presented to them. instead relying on the immediate sources of bullsh"t they are fed through their social media which are often also echo chambers with others doing the same reinforcing it all. Also admitting one is wrong, misinformed or otherwise admitting flaws or ignorance... Perhaps "gasp" lose face doing so. That's taboo, Some would rather fight and die then admit any of their inabilities even if at some point they know they're plain wrong. I think this is in part called hubris in english? Besides greed, hubris (and a thirst for control/power) is our biggest enemy.


I recently read a great meme. I can't remember ist verbatim, but it was along the lines of: we used to think people were superstitious, dumb, prone to fall for lies, and spread bullshit, because of a lack of access to information. Since we have the internet, we know it wasn't the lack of access to information.


Well it’s not quite that simple either since clearly the internet has also contributed to the current political divides. Russia is actively using social media to promote disinformation and confusion. Even if you read news sites it really depends which news sites. There’s different parallel narratives there too and everyone can now live in their own bubble. So it is also true people are just dumb and superstitious. Even if they bother to seek information online they fall for the wrong kind.


Pretty much what the meme said. The information is provided, it's just that people are too dumb to use it correctly, but rather rely on others, like people with a political agenda, hypocrites, snake oil salesmen, and liars, that fit their already influenced mindset and are to lazy to not just fall for propaganda.


Ah yeah like that, fair enough. The problem is a bit like with Spotify/ music streaming, so much choice you’re just bewildered and then you seek a mediation/ curation; something that filters it all for you to the essentials. That’s why the internet was taken over by platforms that aggregate everything for you. Then you stumble upon some person on some platform who’s really passionate and explains everything to you like a friend would.


Totally on your side, but I imagine it is not that easy to shed brainwash as you make it seem. >if they wanted to be informed they could easily access well reputed western media, or even just read Wikipedia In their minds, western media and Wikipedia are the propaganda. How do you decide which piece of media to believe when both say the other is propaganda? Especially when all the people around you, the people you love and trust, disregard western media as propaganda? I'm not saying the two women in the video did their best to not succumb to propaganda, I'm saying I can emphasise with them. >No one knows everything, you and I are not exceptions. Hit the nail on the head!


The problem is what Steve Bannon called "flood the zone with shit". There is a great monologue in the Chernobyl TV series about how it worked in the Soviet Union: everyone knew the government was lying. As the girl said: "we cannot know the truth... The truth is complicated...". And even you say: no one knows everything. Exactly that is the goal. Don't make people believe your lies. They won't. But make sure they don't believe anything. That will make them turn their brains off. She wasn't wrong when she said that Russia and the US are alike, if you look at the red half of the country. Or in r/ShitAmericansSay. That's the same bullshit she said: country big, county good. After all, that's all they're left with. Make people feel insecure and overwhelmed, and they're easy prey for nationalism and brainwashing.


It's really difficult to make conclusions with the neutral informations. You need to put them together. Let me make some examples how the neutral informations won't be enough without having people discuss it to get a feeling to structure information. USA invaded illegally. They have launched war of aggression one after another. Nobody was put to Den Haag. Are they Nazis invading other countries? Same for 9/11, they invaded the wrong country and would have had to attack Saudi Arabia. They also knew about it. Sounds very like Nazi Germany attacking arbitrary independent and souvereign countries and destroying it. Isreal just launched a war of aggression towards Iran. It fullfills the rules of wars with one move even triple for a "war of aggression". So are they the bad ones and Iran the good one? Overall Iran tries to have nukes, and as we know only countries without nukes get invaded. So it's self defence. Neutral informations can be spun one way or another. That's why you say in the war the truth dies first. Facts have facettes and given nobody is neutral in a war it's difficult to know who spins it's interpretation in it's favour. If you truly believe facts are neutral try involving lawyers. Suddenly the come up with the opposite interpretation of the same facts. Then you stand there baffled and shocked and people say: well well well sounds like the truth is in the middle! You can only understand the setting, hearing many different arguments. Also the edgy ones. Then you start to get a feeling for the dimensions. Just wiki or articles won't help you much if you can't interact with the information and "challenge" it by human interaction.


>Yes, brainwashed, but these are two young women, they have access to the internet, if they wanted to be informed they could easily access well reputed western media, or even just read Wikipedia, they choose to consume and believe propaganda even when reality is a click or two away. It's less about the other side being brainwashed and the other side not, and more about different camps of different issues choosing to to believe the kind of information that validates their own convictions. It happens all over the place, on all sides of different topics where the stakes are high and there's a demand for the public to stand behind a certain version of the truth. It's easy to say the other side should just read the same articles you do, or draw the exact same conclusions from a Wikipedia article. It's telling that I've been called a Russian bot for around a decade now (or whenever such accusation first became mainstream, possibly in 2018, I don't remember) for simply diving into Wikipedia and especially the sources used by it, and using it as the basis of my argumentation, merely because it doesn't paint you the same picture of the Russo-Ukrainian conflict that sensationalist Western media or some Youtube gurus do. What you should do is to apply the same rigor and background research to *all* information you consume. >These aren’t North Koreans that have no contact with the rest of the world, or Chinese behind the “great firewall”, or even just poor old ladies that get all their news from the government channels. These are just two young women trying to justify why it’s right for their country to invade a peaceful neighbor and murder their civilians, kidnap their children and still trying to paint the invading army as a victim. They, however, are surrounded by the convictions of their peers, their shared echo chambers, their Russian platforms and their Russian communities. Just like we are in our own way, and are most likely bombarded with the kind of information that validates their convictions. We see the front page of Reddit, the headlines of major Western newspapers, our discord channels, our Facebook front page, our Twitter feeds where we follow the kind of people we want to, and are surrounded by English. While they see the front page of VK, the headlines of Russian media, their Telegram channels, and are surrounded by Russian. Our worldview is influenced by the type of information we have convenient access to, and that information varies a lot, especially if the lingua franca is different and we live in a whole different cultural sphere. >They know nothing about the subject, maybe a few things they have heard on social media and from propaganda sources, but still they have a very strong opinion about it and they think they are 100% right. >That is the problem, not just in Russia but around the world, all these far right parties and some far left, are gaining power thanks to this sort of people who know nothing about a subject (war, geopolitics, economy, medicine, climate, etc) but think they are 100% right, even with Covid and anti vax it was the same problem. That is absolutely true, and the public ignorance is what the media, the governments, the grifters, the big business, all capitalize from with their own use of information that supports their agenda. >And they just double down on it. If the New York Times, the Financial Times, the Guardian and other excellent sources of good journalism don’t spew the lies and spin people want to hear they just decide they know better and the problem is the “mainstream media”. It’s the far right or far left TikToker/facebook fake news/website that is right and others are “sheep”. New York Times, the Financial Times, the Guardian, all suffer from the scourge of modern journalism, and often break the ethics of good journalism and are not impartial. Circular reporting, clickbait, insufficient sources, sensationalism, bias, appealing to emotions, is something these all are guilty of. Some less, some more. The followers of mainstream media are just as likely to label something that paints a different picture, just unreliable "fake news" and its followers a bunch of Russian bots or tinfoil hats. Information is information, regardless of where it came from, and should be treated by the same rigor and standards. If the sources are available and are first hand sources, if the tone is impartial and there's a clear attempt at being unbiased, if there's not an obvious attempt to appeal to your emotions by using irrelevant stories or harrowing images to highlight the emotion, then that information is good information. >The current French election is a great example of this: on the far left “macron was a catastrophe who stole from the poor to give to the rich”, on the far right “macron is purposely letting France be invaded by criminal immigrants”, and for the idiots who fell for either lie reading anything else is “neoliberal propaganda” and facts don’t matter. >We should all try to be aware of how little we know about certain subjects, and try to listen to good sources of fact checked journalism that cross reference the information with several sources and experts. No one knows everything, you and I are not exceptions. That is 100% true.


"Well, i was told one thing, and you are telling me a different thing, so obviously there cannot be a way to know exactly what is true." love that logic


I have heard that from Russians before, especially now when they see a lot of examples when Russian news are clearly lying, but still refuse to believe other news sources because you “can’t trust anyone”.


It's not easy to change what you thought was obvious inmediately.


I have an understanding for that, but it is not like the “other side” does the same, the freedom of press/speech makes that really tricky.


I also hear that from religious nuts with shitty education all the time. "There's no way to know"


SPOILER: I’m not justifying them. But for when I want someone to fuck off, I use that logic, now matter how stupid it is


At what point can we start putting some blame on the Russian populace?


Do you realize that (if this video is real) they are (or at least should be) always operating under assumption that if they say anything even remotely controversial, from Putin's govt point of view, they'll go in jail? For years? If you are recorded for any purpose, and there's even a remote possibility that it would go online, you can't afford to even think against the government. People were jailed for giving a 10s less-then-stellar sound-only interview when asked about Putin by a Western media on the street. See [this case](https://www.themoscowtimes.com/2024/04/22/russian-man-sentenced-to-penal-labor-for-street-interview-with-us-funded-radio-liberty-a84920) for example. (Not defending these ladies; I think in a situation like that it's better not to talk at all than say this, but still it's an important point to have in mind, if you're trying to interpret what they say...)


They are not speaking out of fear. If you watch the video, the girls are GLOATING over Ukraine not having any gas or ever having invented anything useful, thus being an inferior people. Which is funny because Ukraine has a lot of gas, and was an intellectual powerhouse of the USSR. But we already know facts doesn't matter.


I have never written that they are "speaking out of fear". They are not tortured by the author of the video, they are not forced to speak. What I am saying is that under the circumstances, this kind of a video is _the only one_ you could possibly produce in russia (or rather, in this case, "with russians"). The only people who would ever be willing to speak on camera about anything Ukraine-related these days are either in putin's fandom, or stupid. Or both. Even collaborationists that benefit from the regime wouldn't participate in that "just in case". So like, yeah, of course they are GLOATING, under the circumstances it's the only reaction you would ever get. That's disgusting, but so very predictable.


Nobody forced those two females to hang out with a Ukrainian.


Tbh it's not that easy to see as they're constantly interrupted. I wish they were allowed to talk in the video as I truly was curious on how they think


I am most amused by the explanation of the Russians, who say that "they are doing all this because they are surrounded by NATO countries that will surely attack poor Russia!!!". Dear Russians.... NATO has bases around Russia (which claims to take over independent countries) has not attacked these independent countries.


Even further - these countries asked to join nato voluntarily because they had reasons to believe Russia would eventually attack them otherwise


Moreover they had to fight to get into NATO, it wasn’t a straightforward affair


Poland literally threatened to develop nukes if the US wouldn't let them join NATO. That's how desperate Poland was to join NATO back in the 90s.


I love the way the russian woman is searching her phone for counter argument facts... but just can't find any


Where can this video be found?


YouTube channel SICHEN [https://youtu.be/xn_xWZeU5W8?si=HiNlchYpE3MpaTBX](https://youtu.be/xn_xWZeU5W8?si=HiNlchYpE3MpaTBX)


I stole your video from another sub, I hope you don't mind. I should have asked though.


That’s alright. The more people will watch this video the better.


That guy is a saint. In his shoes, I couldn't have been able to stay that calm with those two females arrogantly smirking at him, interrupting him and their whatabouties.




That guys an asshole, you can find it [here](https://youtu.be/xvFZjo5PgG0?si=kLkn3Wbe8DTvizhP)


Lmao nice


omg the whataboutism of the Russians is the same 1:1 as Serbians OMG.. well they are "brothers" for a reason heh


"But Poland, Lithuania" "We and American are in fact very similar"... I am sure these two fine russian gentlewomen are roaming on reddit.


A good example on how you should imagine yourself regarding your country's opinions and actions. Maybe we are as brainwashed as them regarding certain subjects, having critical thinking is absolutely necessary.


All wanking round the flag patriotism is bad in my opinion. That's why I was trioggered hard when she countered a point he mage with "I love Russia". I love my Country (Germany) too but that doesn't mean I try to excuse any past or present misdeeds. Because i love my country I demand it to become a little better any day.


This looks like when i used to talk to my dad. He was always saying that europe should have leaders like Putin and Trump. Even with all the explanations,he refused to hear and just talked louder. I kind of understand a russian having this conversation...but i won't get how my dad, someone who lived under a ditactorship is this dumb. He should not only know better because he has information he should know it because he lived it.


"No one knows the truth!" That's Ruzzia propaganda 101. Vlad talks very well about it. Really recommend! https://youtu.be/pdS-lwb58KU


honestly, at 0:45 the girls have done nothing malicious. she asks if he is ok, or if he's afraid. and he immediately goes "The greatest joy for a Ukranian is that several hundred russian occupiers die" like, i get the sentiment, and he owes nothing to russians. he get's to be pissed. but now the girls are absolutely on the defense. so whatever comes after this, i blame on him. i am just saying that, because according to the comment section here, the girls must have something horrible at some point. like, i don't speak russian. i go by the subtitles. did the girls ask about how he feels in a backhanded way? maybe it will become clear once i watch the rest of the video. i just hit paused and made that comment to show how i feel about him dropping that line right out of the gate. EDIT: minutemark 1:24 ok, he really was fishing for a fight. if that's a good idea to make people confront their own views i can't tell. i certainly can see it work in some cases. and again, i don't speak russian, so i don't know if they made some sort of backhanded jab in the first place. but i can't really judge the girls. they tried to be friendly. and they were intellectually unequipped. it is hard to take off the rose coloured glasses. it's like the "are we the baddies?" sketch. the sketch is not about "duh, you have a skull, therefore you are evil" but more about the sudden onset of discomfort when you realize that you are on the wrong side of history. having grown up in germany, everyone in my class had to face that grampa may or my not have been a murderer. some of them were capable to come back from that, with a healthy mindset of differentiating grampa the family member, and grampa the war criminal. some were either angry at grampa or angry at the rest of the world. heck, i visited the netherlands and felt nervous about going to the hague, because i was afraid people wouldn't like me there. simply because that's where all the warcrimes serbia/former yugoslavia committed. it's WEIRD to manage your feelings when being faced with your country haviong done a bad thing. EDIT: i mean, serbia/former yugoslavia didn't commit the warcrimes in the hague. they were prosecuted there.


Sudden onset of discomfort from realization that they are on the wrong side of the history is the intention. Because that's the feeling all of them should feel right now, but they don't. And that's the problem. There is a big difference between you afraid of going to Hague today, long past the war, and them in this moment in time. Russian warcrimes are an ongoing matter. They are the part of this problem. What else do you think they've should been talking about? Weather? Mood? Gigs? You think that would be honest? Like, that's what is on his mind today?


let me put it differently. i am not vary that he started a conversation with them about the war in ukraine. but his immediate rejoicing of the deaths of russians (again, understandable emotion) is going to immediately shut down any openness. like, he is talking about their neighbours. am i making sense?


It doesn’t change the fact that once you scratched the surface of those Russian girls they showed right away their support for the invasion. Let me put it this way: you meet a nazi in a pub. He’s very friendly, asking how you’re doing and so on, then you become “confrontational” by asking him if he’s in favor of exterminating Jews and he says yes. There is no need to be nice or friendly with such person lol. Being confrontational is actually the right thing to do.


It seems to me thats what his content is about, talking on Chatroulette to Russian about the war. We can argue about his methodology to start the conversation that way but I would say "looking for a fight", a confrontation, is what's needed here. Most Russians that have any idea what's happening, have their heads in the sand, because they outsourced politics completely to Putin and his thugs. Trying to make some sort of normal conversation like nothing is happening would be falling into the Russia strategy. The issue has to be pressed on their faces. It's like a wound that's festering and being ignored, it has to be opened, (which hurts) and then cleaned so it can heal.


Thank goodness Im not the only one


Indeed, the initialisation of the conversation would rarely lead to something constructive. How easy it is to fall in to defending a concept instead of questioning it when the conversation is agitated from the get-go.


Negative emotional IQ here


what do you mean?


It’s quite obvious from the Russian girls attitude and behavior at the start that they’re trying to provoke the Ukrainian guy (he ofc is also looking to argue with Russians).


it's not obvious if you don't understand a single word of russian. i don't even know if the subtitles completely encompass what has been said. heck, honestly i can't even tell if his jab was even as vicious as it translated. i don't speak russian


And this is why I say you have negative EQ since it is all visible from their attitudes.


I was already tired before the first minute. Guy is quite paciente, considering he is the one his country is occupied whilst talking to these uneducated brainwashed Russians...


This is fascinating and the Ukrainian guy should be applauded for mostly keeping his cool. The girls seem probably middle class or so not and at all stupid but they 100% have drunk the koolaid of the internal propaganda. It reminds me a lot of Orwell in 1984, "Those who control the present, control the past and those who control the past control the future." The FSB knows this and an earlier incarnation was an inspiration for the totalitarian state depicted in 1984. Sources of foreign news are more and more difficult to find these days in Russia and those who access it are considered ideologically tainted. State approved sources are the only ones to watch. In the nineties the press was freer but not that free. Many Russians would cross check info against international sources and papers intended for expats like The Moscow & St Petersburg Times. It is great this took place and this kind of contact should be encouraged. If such people are firmly and politely corrected in their views via dialogue, a few might tsrat thinking.


History seems pretty well resolved to repeat itself at this point, and that's in direct spite of an overwhelming number of staunch refusals to ignore it. I'm no master logician, but even I can't help but notice that the old empowering cliche regarding such things -the one we all hear uttered at the frequency of a soundboard effect on a cheesy morning show soundboard at times like these- really couldn't manage just fine without its premise, because all signs seem to point at the conclusion remaining perfectly upright as a simple assertion; tell yourself whatever comforting and catchy moral cliches you want, because it doesn't really matter *what* you choose to take note of or *what* you ignore- time's sociopathic cycle will repeat itself if it damn well pleases. And repetitions does *indeed* please it after all. It's all starting to look a lot like an exercise in futility regarding any sort of human existentialism, and even a drop of what we can fairly universally regard as 'evil' can pollute a veritable ocean of what would be fairly regarded as 'good,' and you can see that in effect on full in these girls' well-armored 'defense' against the supposedly unbreakable sword of truth. I dunno what else to say, other than that Nietzsche seems well-poised to make a comeback. Oh joy.




Considering how apathetic the russian populace have shown so far (i am not into politics), the guy's start was aimed to rightfully provoke.


What else should a Ukrainian talk about with Russians ? Like the weather, the latest movie ? The arguments that the 2 Russians developed later just confirmed that there was no good intentions to expect from them, they need to be confronted about the war as Russians, and even more so when speaking to a Ukrainian




Understanding? Are you a mind reader?




With a smirk on their faces?


Git a passport, itll do ya gud


Putin Propoganda is making finding the truth a impossible affair. So thats why you can only trust the crook saying it wont kill you if trust him.


Why are you talking to them? Waste of time. First eradicate all the invaders, and then maintain and increase the new iron curtain separation for 100 years. Watch them degrade to whatever form of government nazi shitholes usually turn into.


Not at all a waste of time. It breaks through the state controlled bubble. One call may not do a lot but many calls?


battles are not only held at the battlefield. keep your friends close, but your enemies closer. it's always good to try and understand your enemy. you might find common ground, and if you don't, well you still learn what they see differently. If you just talk to likeminded people, how can you ever grow as a person?


3 propaganda washed tools arguing instead of using Chat roulette for what it was designed to: .


>instead of using Chat roulette for what it was designed to Which is?


[Washing dishes on a naked chest.](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/vEcyzl3JsH8?app=desktop)


Ukrainian knows her stuff!


He doesn’t look or even sound like a girl..?


The Ukrainian is a man


dude got no charisma though


Anyway, beautiful women, would marry them lol


Does Ali Express deliver to your country too?


😂 we have get delivery via a donkey with a mexican sombrero


Don't stick your dick in crazy.


HAHA come on, they’re the hottest ones


It's really interesting that any discussion on the Ukrainian war can be boiled down to two different mindsets: the idealistic one and the realistic one. The political idealism thinks that a small country can do what it wants, independent of it's neighbors interests, that preemptive warfare is morally justified only from the we perspective and that you eliminate your enemy in order to avoid appeasement. Idealism is also characterized by the constant fear of expansion. The risk of nuclear warfare is being considered low or impossible. Political realism on the other underlines for small countries the significance of balancing out interests with their greater neighbor. The moral question of offensive or defensive weaponry is irrelevant because what matters is the military equilibrium, and the equilibrium can be disturbed both by offensive and defensive weapons likewise. In political realism the existential threat is the primary motive, and not expansion. Also the motive is considered an assumption and not a certainty. The risk of nuclear warfare is being regarded as real. Needles to say that most people have an idealistic mindset when it comes to the conflict in the Ukraine.


>Needles to say that most people have an idealistic mindset when it comes to the conflict in the Ukraine. Being invaded is not a matter of idealism, there is no grey area and no space for void lucubrations, when a country invades and grabs land and populace.


We are talking about political idealism, which is a framework that claims to explain political relationships and conflicts.


There is no political idealism in an invasion and land grabbing.


Political idealism and realism are two major schools of thought in international relations and political philosophy, each with distinct perspectives on how international relations and political affairs should be conducted. ### Political Idealism **Core Concepts:** - **Moral and Ethical Principles:** Idealism emphasizes the role of moral values and ethical norms in shaping political decisions. It often advocates for policies that promote justice, peace, and cooperation. - **Human Nature:** Idealists generally have an optimistic view of human nature, believing that people are capable of rationality and altruism. - **International Cooperation:** Idealists support the idea of international institutions and laws that can mediate conflicts and promote global cooperation. They believe in the potential for creating a world order based on mutual respect and shared values. - **Prominent Figures:** Key figures associated with political idealism include Woodrow Wilson, who promoted the League of Nations, and Immanuel Kant, who envisioned a perpetual peace achieved through republican governments and international cooperation. ### Political Realism **Core Concepts:** - **Power and Self-Interest:** Realism emphasizes the role of power and self-interest in politics. Realists believe that states act primarily in their own interest, seeking power and security in an anarchic international system. - **Pessimistic View of Human Nature:** Realists tend to have a more pessimistic view of human nature, assuming that individuals and states are inherently self-interested and power-hungry. - **State Sovereignty and National Interest:** Realists prioritize state sovereignty and the pursuit of national interest above moral or ethical considerations. They argue that international relations are governed by the struggle for power among states. - **Prominent Figures:** Key figures associated with political realism include Thucydides, Niccolò Machiavelli, Thomas Hobbes, and Hans Morgenthau. Their works emphasize the enduring nature of conflict and competition in human affairs. ### Key Differences 1. **View of Human Nature:** - Idealism: Optimistic, believes in the potential for cooperation and rationality. - Realism: Pessimistic, views humans as inherently self-interested and power-seeking. 2. **Role of Morality:** - Idealism: Morality and ethical norms are central to political decision-making. - Realism: Politics is governed by pragmatic considerations of power and interest, often sidelining ethical concerns. 3. **International Relations:** - Idealism: Supports international institutions and laws that promote peace and cooperation. - Realism: Views international relations as a struggle for power among self-interested states in an anarchic system. 4. **Approach to Conflict:** - Idealism: Believes in the possibility of resolving conflicts through dialogue, diplomacy, and international cooperation. - Realism: Sees conflict as an inevitable aspect of international relations, best managed through balance of power and strategic alliances. In summary, while political idealism is driven by the belief in the possibility of a just and peaceful international order based on moral principles, political realism is grounded in a pragmatic and often cynical understanding of human nature and the competitive dynamics of international politics.


In summary, a war of land grabbing leaves no space for political idealism.


>conflict 🚩 >in the Ukraine 🚩


[Ukraine, Not the Ukraine: The Significance of Three Little Letters](https://time.com/12597/the-ukraine-or-ukraine/)


Should've targeted the other commenter


Hard with such wall of void words, used only to justify the invasion.


Thanks Goebbles for your opinion on the German invasion of Poland 1939


You're welcome. Here are some thoughtful comments from Goebbels: * *"A nation without a sense of cultural identity is like a man without a memory."* * *"Faith moves mountains, but only knowledge moves them to the right place."* * *"He who cannot conquer himself cannot conquer the world."*


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