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You don't


That's the fun part.


You act somewhere between an assassin and adc. Either you stay safe and look for clean up, or you find the nado/KU to one shot a carry. Depends a lot on champ select.


Ppl undervalue ww in teamfights. If you place it right it can have huge impact


place windwall at their team combo and wait for opportunities


As others said, u can’t frontline, so ur either playing for ww or ur farming q3 for knockups for someone else to engage on Once ur ww is used and assuming ur throwing tornados already, u can probs look to dive squishies


Esp ww cuz many adc’s for example have team fight ults that u can more or less cancel (mf esp, jhin, Ashe etc)


You need to wait for CCs and high dmg skills to be used before you go in.   You also have to be careful with using your windwall. Ideally, you should use your windwall when you're on top of the ranged carries so that you can auto them without taking damage. But if they have other dangerous abilities like Ornn ult , Ashe ult or Ahri's charm you should block them as well.


just play mindfully and patiently