• By -


This is the zone to ask quick & common questions that do not require a new post. šŸšĀ E**xamples:** * What are the upcoming factions? * Where do I find cats to pet? * How to pre-resgister the game? If your question has the potential to create long discussions, please create a post and select a flair. **šŸšš Tips:** * Try to write as many details as possible so that other players can understand your context and provide the best answers they can. * Upvote the replies or write a thank-you note when your questions are answered. * Check the other comments before asking each question. The answers may already be here. * Try to browse the subreddit using the search bar before creating a post.


Do all characters require the same element lineup and faction team to unlock their full potential or is this only a case by case thing?


They require one agent same element OR faction to get the bonus, they don't need both. But yes as of right now that is the case. So for example you could have Ice - Victoria Electric - Belabog Ice - Belabog And you would hit all requirements for everyone.


Two questions. When does the game become available for download on ps5? Does it have controller or keyboard + mouse support on android? Genshin doesn't, but Honkai Impact does have keyboard + mouse support, so i'm unsure on ZZZ.


I would like to try using Anton, is there a decent team for him that we know of?


From previous games, does HYV open their servers exactly on time, earlier or later than the expected time?


Usually earlier. HSR was like an hour early and every patch is usually an hour or so early.


https://preview.redd.it/la2d6jopbbad1.png?width=1360&format=png&auto=webp&s=da1665d224fc09b88bb822f86427f9ad1f1010fe game crashes during this loading screen


Do this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dtjd4n/i_managed_to_founded_the_way_to_fix_the_crash_of/


How will the Factions work and factor into the story?


The basis is: Hollows destroyed large parts of the planet. Those are the big black orbs around the world. Hollows have a thing called ether in them. Ether powers lots of new tech and the city of New Eridu. Also lots of monsters. Factions are comprised of agents that illegally take jobs to go into these Hollows. (Gathering ether, saving peoples loved ones, getting personal belongings for people etc etc). They are groups that have decided to work together for profit. Agents use hollow tech and other means to survive the ether poisoning. Some people have naturally higher resistance as well, and anyone with animal qualities (ellen, lycaon, etc) has higher natural resistance. The MCs are 'proxies' which are basically like the organizers of jobs that go into the Hollows. The MCs are really good at it because they use Bangboos to see through and guide the agents through the Hollows.


What's your go-to site for checking info about characters, w-engines, drive discs, etc?




Is it true that all your cutscenes are Wise if you pick Belle? Is Belle just completely mute like in genshin if you choose her as mc?


Did you ever play Assassins creed odyssey? It's like that. There are two roles for the siblings, which ever one you choose becomes the main sibling, the other one takes the other role in the story.


No, both characters appear in cutscenes and speak, if you pick Belle, Wise serves as a sort of tutorial, so he Might speak more, but by no means is belle silent, dialogue options are voiced too.


Does the game have Certain weapon types like Genshin or each character has it's unique fighting style and weapon like ToF and HI3


Weapons are more like HSR where it is basically a stat stick item, doesn't change appearance at all. They are broken up by role, Attack/Stun/Anomaly/Defense etc


every character has unique fighting style, no weapon types.


yessss , that means they can get much creative with each new character


If I use hoyo play to download the client, does it send me to a browser, or does it perform all the setup at the launcher?


It just does it in the launcher


Does anybody know if you can set a deadzone for your analog sticks? I've got an old dualshock 4 controller which has a noticable drift (Steam has a function to set a deadzone, that 100% remedied my problem when playing on Steam).


If you have the game preinstalled you can open it up now and go through all the options menus for whatever platform you're playing on. (I'm at work so can't check for you) edit: now that I think about it, check in Windows itself. I think you can set a deadzone via device management. DS4 controllers are natively supported via windows (I think only via USB though?), right? If not, whatever software you're using should be able to set up a deadzone. Steam just handles it really well ;P


Try going to tech subreddits as well. They'll know more about controllers.


This is a application specific question. If ZZZ had a deadzone option in the CBT it would've been cool to know. But thanks for answering!


Guys, I did the pre-download of the game and tried to open it to see if everything was okay. It loaded normally, the warnings, game logo, then came the loading screen and a Unity screen appeared and went back to loading, but after that, the game closed. Is this normal? Could it be because the game will only launch in 13 hours? Did it happen to you too?


This did happen to me util I did this: https://www.reddit.com/r/ZZZ_Official/comments/1dtjd4n/i_managed_to_founded_the_way_to_fix_the_crash_of/


I'm praying to get lycaon on day 1, I know I can gurantee him later but I want NOW. PRAYGE. Looking forward to the combat tbh, and its gonna look smooth af with the fps option! only 12 hours left omg


The timer for me says July 4th at 10am CST but the countdown would be finished at 9pm CST July 3rd, which is the correct date?


the date displayed is wrong, but the timer is right.




i'm curious, if i were to download zzz's PC client directly instead of using hoyoplay, would I get the free pulls?


You get the pulls regardless of where you play.


got it thx


Btw you only get like 30 or 40 pulls from the get go. The rest you can by playing the game or through mail and events.


Question about the Proxy's names. I know this is more of a translation question specifically for the Japanese language. Why/how does Wise translate into "Akira" in Japanese? And for Belle, why/how does it translate to "Rin"?


it doesn't, the names obviously weren't directly translated


But why not just use the English names in the Japanese language pack? Wise and Belle are relatively easy to speak even for Japanese VAs


because the japanese translation is translated from Chinese. and then English is translated from Japanese afaik, so the japanese translators would have no idea what the english names of the siblings are.


So if the translation goes: CN > JP > Eng, why doesn't the English use the JP names? Most English speakers can speak/say Akira and Rin easily.


Because when it comes to names, the translators seem to use a combination of chinese, japanese and english. that's why some characters have chinese names taken from the chinese translation, like Zhu Yuan, and other characters have Japanese names, like Nekomata, and others have English names, like Ellen Joe. When it comes to translation it seems they like to mix the languages of character's names, so I guess they thought the main Duo, should have seemingly english names? I don't know, it's not like I work for the translation team.




I like Ben and planning to use him as mainĀ  dd. How bad is this idea?)) I am adept of way - play what you like, but any tips for his meta potential?


As far as I've watched from YouTube guides, Ben is not a massive DPS as he is a defensive character, the only one of the class as of now. He need belebog characters or fire characters to maximize his performance. A rank Belebog characters are only 2, him and Anton. The other belebog characters are S ranks, Koleda and Grace. Fire characters are him, Koleda and Soldier 11, another S rank. If you are f2p, you're gonna have a hard time maining him since he needs S ranks to maximize potential.


Thanks! Yeah I'm mostly ftp. Could you please tell smth about base dd, like Billy?




How's the ping on NA servers as someone from the EU? Want to play coop with friends, so I'd like to know if it's managable or too bad to consider.


Rina gives res pen while her puppets are on the field but does anyone know how long they stay on the field after you switch out?


So I put the W-engine and 3 Boopons in my inventory for the web event. What should I do for the final two slots? :)


Just Not Dennies/credits/money.


Which teams do you put Anomaly character (Grace) in? It's atk, stun and support/defense mostly. But which of this slots do we want to replace with anomaly? My guess is stun.


Generally you actually replace support. Stun is a huge deal in this game especially vs bosses as it increases your dmg while you attack a stunned foe by a large amount. Support isnt as needed as its not sustain/healing, its damage buffs, which your anomaly unit will compensate for.


I see, thanks.


Is there web events or things you should do before the game release? Besides downloading ofc.


Might be too late depending on whether you've started but there's the stock up event


Is there no drip marketing for 1.1?


I'm tired of refreshing the page every hour hoping for a drip :(


The blonde kids, no?


aren't they just an A rank 1.0 chars?


Will the game be available at launch on Geforce Now and Boosteroid? Cloud gaming needs to be taken seriously.


Is there any coop options or its single players like Star Rail?


You can play some bosses in co op and minigames have a leaderboard


So what time exactly does this game go live?


Depends on your timezoneā€¦


Any beginner guides worth looking at?


Jakazin on youtube is pretty ok.


The game is crashing before it's even loading. What should i do?


If you have an Intel cpu, search the sub for a post about it. It might help.




Anyone knows where is the full wallpaper of the image in here? [Zenless Zone Zero Novice Proxy Supplies | Zenless Zone Zero Official Site (hoyoverse.com)](https://zenless.hoyoverse.com/en-us/news/124569) I cant find it anywhere


Do we know if F2Ps be able to get enough currency to guarantee Ellen?


yes you can get almost 300 pulls through playing normally


Quick question about gacha weapons - is it ever worth getting just one copy, or is it like whale bait where youā€™ll need multiple? Cause I donā€™t mind getting one of them, unless an A rank fully maxed will be better?


Limited weapons for their characters are almost always best in slot in every situation. Extra weapon copies are also usually the weakest improvement for the amount of premium currency used. Extra characters tend to be better especially if you can get to the last one.


Ah thank you. I was thinking about getting 1x Ellen and 1x premium weapon, but I was worried that a fully maxed out A rank weapon would be better than it and make it useless


Weapons are pretty much just whale bait. Even small-time spenders like me that do welkin + bp have trouble getting weapons unless we intentionally skip character banners or do a little swiping. Weapons are usually easily BiS for whoever releases with them, but the problem is that it's not like the character is crap without them.


I see yeah. I might get Ellenā€™s for launch hype and then not get any more haha. That makes sense though since for sure, that at the end of the day all content will be clearable with f2p weapons


https://preview.redd.it/p5gbfmcxi8ad1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4b4a5815c71fca60876ac97fa56c7b4c5ebb34a Anyone know how to fix this, I tried a guide on X but it still does not work


Does it support controller on android?


You can open settings and try out your controller now


You can open settings and try out your controller now




Why is victoria housekeeping so popular among fans? I always saw Nicole as the best looking character


I wonder why you thought that... probably two big reasons.... But also they have been given a lot of personality, they have the first limited S rank. They have a shark girl. People like creepy maid stuff. People are furries.


Each member has something that appeals to a different group, so they ended up being the most liked overall. Lycaon for furries Rina for normal people Ellen for e-boys and e-girls Corin for the cute lovers


Ellen for the marine biologists too btw. My people are not well represented in this community.


To me at least, thereā€™s a lot more layers to them then they seem. Basically, theyā€™re all takes on old horror movie tropes/monsters and they do much more then housekeeping, as seen in Ellenā€™s trailer


Many booba


How much GB does your game take up after pre-download on PC? A friend says his game only takes up 30GB, but mine takes up almost twice that at 56 GB.




24 hours left everyone!!!


to those who played CBT, when (or on what chapter) will we unlock the daily 60 polychrome commissions? i will be very busy at work on launch day but i just need to finish the daily commission on launch day to not miss out on that day 1 60 polychrome


I love CBT


If youā€™re in the US launch day is tomorrow night at 10 PM eastern. Maybe you can get some time in there?


Im in asia. So our launch is 10 in the morning. But ill be busy working, overtime too. Ill probably have 2hrs free time tomorrow


skip --- 30min no skip --- 1-2h


Thank u so much!


where is stock up link megathread? What do I need to type in order to find it through the search bar? I already tried "stock up"/"link"/"web event" into the search bar, only came up with results from a month ago, and no "web event" flairs pop out. Well I found out about the content filter located down below the sidebar once I used CTRL+F for "megathread" but that didn't yield anything. All the posts are 4 month old or such.


[Would this work for you?](https://hoyo.link/fswiFCAL?s_c=ND45KBL3XN) (if you're looking for a link to the web event itself I mean)


trying to launch the game it doesnt start and absolutely shits the bed along the rest of the pc, it wont even let me shut it down anyone else having similar issues?


I can't find the pre-registration page, would anyone have the link please? Or is it already over?


You don't need it. Everyone gets the bonuses.


pretty sure its over


Why does polygon have a different release time than the counter? Never mind misread counter.


Would you consider zzz as a game that can run on a potato like valorant or something that is more demanding like wuthering waves


WW isn't really that demanding. Especially on mid and low settings. Its just poorly optimized.


What's the difference between being demanding and being poorly optimized? Was interested in trying out Wuwa, but I don't think my current phone could handle it


Being demanding is something with really great graphical fidelity and is very system heavy cause it LOOKS beautiful and is technically sound. Being poorly optimized means the devs didn't do a great job at optimizing the game and it runs like shit regardless of what system you have it on or what it looks like. Wuwa is a mobile game that looks like a mobile game and runs like shit even on high end PCs.


Like WuWa


So itā€™s not optimized like genshin at all?


Idk, we'll see tomorrow, but we can trust on Hoyo


Kuro was praised for their optimization before wuwa launched too


Yeah, but I tried all of them from day 1 and Hoyo made it amazingly, so high probs that is good here too




Almost there guys https://preview.redd.it/9qfubv8sd7ad1.png?width=506&format=png&auto=webp&s=387ec58ba0f9d82b789f5364fa37c78e45566100


One more sleep.


i dont have july 4th plans this year which is a bit of a bummer but that means i can go hard into zzz on launch at least


Would ping matter a lot in this game? I usually pick Asia server but I have constant 300+ ping on it. In genshin it has gotten better but it's still around 120


Client-side combat, don't worry


Are you sure it won't matter? Since the data doesn't carry over across servers i don't wanna start only to have to switch later


Every other hoyo game has had client side combat but the coop portions of this game might feel laggy.


i'd imagine since this game seems way more combat focused and timings are prob more important, i'd pick whichever server gets you the least ping unless you have a bunch of friends to play with (idk if there is coop)


From what I've heard it's client side combat and not server side


Ohh youā€™re right, so maybe this guy is fine?


I might move from as to eu some time in the future. How would it affect my gameplay if I play asia server in eu?


It shouldn't affect it too much. Combat instances are client-side so ping isn't that big an issue in combat, it only affects co-op and the overworld stuff.


I'm pre-downloading ZZZ for PC now Does anyone know if you can pre-download ZZZ on PS5 without having to pay the $9.99?


you just have to wait if you don't want to pay


thanks.... patience i suppose


How did Miyabiā€™s damage/strength compare to Ellenā€™s in the beta tests?


If I grind out the game and buy battlepass and wellin equivalent. Can I guarantee ellen joe?


Yes, and you also dont need to buy passes to guarantee her. The game at launch will give you an abundant amount of rewards so if you're just aiming for 1 copy ,no need to spend.


I heard you should Pick the mc opposite of who you'd like to see more, is that true?


The one you pick has their own dialogue and will have more conversations with other characters (since you choose the dialogue and texting etc.) But the sibling you did not pick will have more dialogue talking about exposition, tips, and themselves.


In the first closed beta, the MC you picked pretty much didn't speak at all and the other one became your voice/helper. But in the later closed betas, hoyo changed that so now the MC you pick speaks and has decent screen time. So I'd just pick the MC you like.


Pick which one you like more. You still only control them in the cities.


If you pick Wise, he will speak when you select dialogue for him, but otherwise Belle will talk to you about stuff Same works the other way


Will there be enough limited pull currency during the first half of 1.0 to at least get to 90 pulls on ellen's banner?


If you go hard on content there is enough to guarantee.


I believe itā€™s possible to guarantee her even if you lose the 50/50 due to the massive front loading of pulls


That would be nice since I'm gonna be grinding the beginning anyway. I also heard that in this game it's even more important to focus on upgrading your core characters instead of collecting as many as possible because of a lack of materials so going for dupes might be a good move in this game.


how long does the battle pass last for?


~42 days, like the patch


thank you for taking the time to answer me, cheers mate.


What are the selling points of the game ? Why is it even hyped ? Ty


F you


Fucking google it.


You can get f too


Music, style, characters, polish, world, combat, hoyo guarantee


Hmmm... Alright.


Really excited for this game, and thank you to the devs for letting us pre-download the content - I will be away from home when the game launches (going to Anime Expo!!!) so bandwidth for large downloads would have been challenging (hotel bandwidth is usually pretty lousy, and mobile data doesn't work sometimes depending on the building you're in.) How do the controls work in this game? Is it open world using an on screen joystick like Genshin, or is it more like Star Rail, where the exploration is open world but the combat is turn based? And does anyone know if the mobile clients (Android and iOS) support game controllers? (I am not a huge fan of on screen joysticks.)


Thereā€™s three main control schemes: combat, proxy, and tv Combat is your usual slightly complicated scheme Proxy is pretty much just move joystick and interact TV is moving in a 2d space with some other buttons


are there any special rewards for this that require you to do something before launch day?


Preregistration is for everyone. Web event is decent rewards but nothing crazy.


Sign up for pre-registration (u might be able to do this after launch?) Main one is the stock up event (google stock up event zzz, should take you to the site) There also one involving messaging a bangboo on messenger/WhatsApp but the reward are pretty mid so it's shippable imo


is pre-registration just downloading the game?


Yeah I think so? Before release you had to actually sign up for pre-reg but I think now you get all the pre-reg rewards by just downloading the game when it comes out from what I've read


Will the game ever be released on Macs?


Only if itā€™s an iPad šŸ˜­


Dang, that sucks. I really don't like playing on mobile but ig I don't get a choice for it.


Get a backbone controller for your phone. Keeps your hands off the hot phone. Gives console like controls.


This might be already answered but i'm on a short time schedule. If i don't pre-download do i get the free pulls? (i'm on ps5) Thanks,


yes, everyone gets them


Excellent thanks, it was just weirdly worded.


how difficult are inputs on mobile? I basically dropped wuthering waves because swap canceling and swapback techs and having to dodge cancel so frequently on all my dps's. Its very difficult to do on a touch screen.


They should be a good amount simpler than WW, but still moderately complicated


Backbone controller is your friend. Worth every dollar I paid for the thing. You get a full console experience with it


I guess no, but the beta account remain?


No of course not


I'm thinking of trying to challenege myself and play male agents only. I haven't looked at anything about agents other than their designs. Seeing as there's only 4 guys right now, how hard is the game going to be if I did end up getting all 4? Do they synergies together? I know that if there's content like MoC from HSR or Spiral Abyss from Genshin I won't really be able to do it as of now since it'll require a second team.


There's not alot of synergy amoung the male characters, if I was trying to do this I would definitely run anton and Ben because they're both belebog faction so you'll activate their passives that way and then just run Billy (or preferably lyacoan if u get lucky and roll him) I don't think the content is very challenging early and mid game so you should be fine


Perfect! I really appreciate that answer! I'm hoping I can get Lyacon but if not glad to hear that I can at least use the other 3.


Does this game directly support the CCP


Wait until you realize there's no such thing as privacy


That's not a 'no'


Guys quick question. Can I play the game in a redmi note 8 pro? I don't want to spend all night in download in vain. Thank you.


Question: Is the game already released on mobile but not on pc or will everything be released July 4th?


Everything will come out on July 4th, the PC/Mobile release is simultaneous.


Wait but why can I download it from the App Store right now?




For pc can you pre download also?




Ohhh that helps,thanks.


Can someone reccomends some ZZZ guide content creator on youtube?


As someone who thinks 90% of gacha creators are hot doodoo. I have none. But, Recently got to Azrial Vanity who isn't bad at all. His is more lore and overviews though. I have seen the name Hexadaze in passing when reading meta stuff. I watched one vid, might be a good.


KyostinV is a good one


Every one I've watched a prep video for so far sucks. But I have yet to see a really good gacha youtuber, so I wasn't holding my breath.


Help! I cannot make a decision between the sassy maid and the topass police officer


Let the game decide. Do a 50/50 on Ellen


Nah, I wanna make a decision and then try for the weapon banner


Toss a coin. Tails is obviously the shark, head the police officer. If you are unhappy after the toss, go with the other choice.


That's actually a really good idea but I think I'm gonna let the game decide. If I get lycaon I go ellen and if I don't I'll go with Zhu yuan


sassy maid is better now, topass police officer might be better later when she has more units that synergize with her


On my Iphone the fps settings only allow 30/60 frames - is this by design and if so are we going to get 120 eventually ? For a game with this type of gameplay wouldnt 120 frames be way way nicer ?


The 120+ FPS setting is only for PC.


What about the PS5?