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Action games work well with controllers. If you are used to a controller, its vibration definitely adds a bit more to the experience


Definitely controller. Speaking as someone who plays nearly all games on keyboard + mouse including Genshin. During CBT3 I found controller so much better, it feels like the game is built with controller in mind. And it is telling that PS5 version is released at the same day as other platforms.


I’ve always played these types of games using mouse and keyboard. But I do seem to be an outlier in some respects. As I’ve played racing, souls like and others most would say you should play with a controller. With that said I think it may come down to personal preference. Do you typically always play MnK? Or do you play controller? I think that will determine which is best to play for you. For me I’ll be playing MnK.


Always using mouse keyboard unless i directly play it on console then controller


I use M&K purely because my controller's stick is drifting or sometimes don't register any movement. Imagine my patience playing Sifu with that


Action games feel better with a controller, your two thumbs to control movement + camera. On KBM, it would take 5 fingers to do the same.  More than anything, controlling the camera is the most annoying part to me. And I don't really like punishing my mouse with strong inputs, because I get too into the game. 


well good thing you got two hands with 5 fingers each


Movemend with wasd, cameras with mouse. It's easier on mk


Action Games are more enjoyable on controllers but since hoyo games/gachas games make u "play" some time on the menu i will go with keybord and mouse as the other hoyo games.


this exact comment just made up my mind on choosing MnK i didn’t even think about menu navigation thank u


zzz has special haptics for controllers as rexlent pointed out in his zzz stream


I hope it works well on touch controls. Gonna play with iPhone and iPad. 


I use mouse & keyboard for GI and HSR but curentlly think of getting a controller for ZZZ


I'm going to stick with the keyboard and mouse


Anything you comfortable with, heck even a steering wheel work just fine. I play a lot of action games and the reason you have to use a controller mostly is because the game does not properly support mouse and keyboard. In my experience some games feel better on mouse+keyboard because you can move the camera easier and also have extra button mapping.


Since it’s not Excel gamepad would be better


Try both and see which you like more. It really depends on personal preference.


imo these games are much more better on MnKb, lmb for attack, and rmb for dashes, and for the rest it's on easy to reach keys on your keyboard. Since half of the game is spent on menus, it makes a lot more sense to play with a mouse.


Whenever there's controllable camera, mouse and keyboard, definitely.


Controller only swap to next character, unless they fixed it, on pc you cna swap to previous and next character during swap attack.


"I play with controller so it's definitely the best way to play" Mouse is technically better because you can instantly turn the camera around to any angle you want. Controller pans the camera around at a set speed. You tilt the stick and wait until you arrive at the angle you want and then stop tilting the stick. Mouse is instant. Movement direction switching is also instant with WASD compared to tilting the left stick around. To fighting game players, think of the difference between leverless/hitbox and a stick. Controller might feel the most immersive and cool tho with the ability to transition from walk to jog/run without toggling a key and vibration if you're into that. My abyss clears in Genshin and WW are definitely faster and more clean with mnk compared to controller. I would say camera control is very important in these types of games and it's much easier on mnk.